The TANCET 2025 Percentile Predictor by CollegeSearch helps you estimate your TANCET percentile based on your category and score. Follow these simple steps to check your percentile:
Select Your Category: Choose your category (General, BC, MBC, SC/ST, etc.).
Input Your TANCET Score: Enter your estimated or actual TANCET score.
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TANCET Percentile Predictor
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Please note that this result is based on the estimated score that you have entered. Your actual result may vary.
TANCET Passing Mark 2025
Anna University does not predefine any passing criteria for the TANCET exam. All candidates who take the exam are eligible to participate in the Tamil Nadu MBA admissions process. However, candidates who fail the document verification process are marked ineligible for admission. Admissions are based on the TANCET cutoff scores, which are determined by participating colleges. Having a TANCET rank does not guarantee admission to MBA programs in Tamil Nadu.
TANCET Scoring and Percentile Calculation
How is TANCET Actual Marks Calculated? Anna University calculates the actual marks using the following marking scheme:
+1 mark for each correct answer.
-1/4 marks for each incorrect answer.
-1/4 marks for choosing multiple options.
The formula to calculate actual marks is: TANCET Actual Marks = Number of correct responses - (1/4 × Number of incorrect responses)
How to Calculate TANCET Percentile? The TANCET percentile score reflects a candidate's performance relative to others and is calculated as follows: TANCET Percentile Score = (Y/N) × 100
Y = Number of candidates with a score lower than the candidate.
N = Total number of candidates who appeared for the exam.
Example: If Priya scored 63 marks in TANCET MBA, and 30,000 candidates took the exam:
18,000 candidates scored less than Priya.
Percentile = (18,000 / 30,000) × 100 = 60%
TANCET 2025 Expected Cutoffs and Tie-Breaking Criteria
Expected Cutoff Percentiles for Top Colleges
College Name
Expected Percentile
University Departments of Anna University, Chennai - CEG
99.40 - 99.80
PSG College of Technology
99.10 - 99.35
University of Madras
97 - 98.80
Bharathiar University
93.50 - 95
Velammal Engineering College
84 - 92
Loyola Institute of Technology
80 - 85
SRM Easwari Engineering College
75 - 82
Ethiraj College for Women
90 - 92
Note: These cutoffs are approximate and subject to change based on factors such as the number of test-takers and exam difficulty.
TANCET Tie-Breaking Criteria
In case two or more candidates achieve the same percentile:
The candidate with a higher average percentage from the first year to the (N-1) semester of their qualifying degree is given priority.
If the tie persists, the older candidate (based on the date of birth in the SSLC certificate) is preferred.
Following these criteria, ranks are assigned before the TANCET counseling process.
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