GUJCET 2025 Percentile Predictor

Easily predict your GUJCET 2025 percentile with the CollegeSearch GUJCET 2025 Percentile Predictor tool!

Just follow these simple steps:

Enter Your Marks: Provide your estimated marks for GUJCET 2025.
Click the Predict Percentile button: Instantly view your predicted percentile based on your input.

This tool, powered by CollegeSearch, helps you assess your performance and understand your chances of admission to top colleges in Gujarat.

GUJCET Percentile Predictor

Please enter your Score
Please choose your Subject
Please choose your Category

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It's between 00 and 00

Please note that this result is based on the estimated score that you have entered. Your actual result may vary.

The GUJCET percentile predictor is a tool developed and powered by CollegeSearch that helps the candidates predict their percentile after the exam based on their category, score, and gender. Students must follow a simple procedure explained below.

  • Enter Score: As a first step, the candidates must enter their GUJCET exam score for the particular academic session
  • Select Subjects: In the next step, the candidates must select their subjects - PCB or PCM
  • Select Category: In the last and final step, the candidates need to enter their category as in General, SC, ST, OBC, EWC, or PwD
  • Click on CTA: Once all the details are duly filled, the candidates simply need to hit the GUJCET percentile predictor button in the end to get instant results.

While the percentile predictor can help the candidates get an estimate about the percentage that they might get in the exam, it must be kept in mind that this is just an estimation of the value and not the actual percentile. The actual percentile and GUJCET result may vary.

Why should you use our GUJCET Percentile Predictor?

The percentile predictor can prove to be an effective tool for the students not only because of its major capability to assess the percentile, but also because it can help the students understand the colleges that they can apply to and then prepare accordingly for the admission process. This will provide them an edge over other candidates and might help them get through their preferred college or college of choice.

GUJCET Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

As per the GUJCET exam pattern, the exam is taken based on 4 subjects - Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics or Biology. Each paper has 40 questions and 1 mark is given for each correct answer. 0.25 marks are deducted for wrong answers in the exam. The total marks of the exam are therefore 120 and the paper must be solved in 180 minutes or 3 hours.

Admission Factors Beyond GUJCET Score

Admission to the IIMs is not solely based on the GUJCET percentile. Other important factors include:

Previous Academic Performance: Consistent and high academic performance can enhance the candidate’s overall profile.

Work Experience: Relevant and quality work experience carries weight, particularly for executive programs.

Gender and Academic Diversity: Colleges emphasize a diverse cohort to enrich the peer learning environment.

Extracurricular Achievements and Social Services: These factors may also contribute to the final composite score, depending on the institute.