TSICET Exam Pattern: TS ICET exam 2025 is an online computer-based-test (CBT) which will be conducted across 16 cities across the state of Telangana. The exam date is set for 8th and 9th June. The TS ICET question paper consists of 200 MCQ type questions from Analytical (section A), Mathematical (Section B), and Communication Abilities (Section C), and are to be answered within a duration of 150 minutes (2.5 hrs).
While the question paper for section A and section B are set in English and Telugu/Urdu, the TSICET question paper for section C is only set in English. Analysing the past trends, the overall difficulty level of the TSICET exam is considered to be between moderate and difficult. So to score well in the exam, the candidates must prepare well and understand the TSICET syllabus and exam pattern carefully.
There is no negative marking in the TSICET exam and each correct answer will fetch the student 1 mark. Therefore, it is advised to solve all the questions to increase the chances of achieving a higher score. If the candidates start preparing for the exam right now, they can easily cover the syllabus till May/June. To score well it is good to solve the TSICET previous year question papers, TS ICET mock tests, and even sample papers. Read all about the TSICET exam pattern on this page.
Are you eligible to give the TSICET exam? Click here to verify your eligibility status.
TSICET Exam Pattern - Basic Highlights
Given below are the major highlights for TSICET 2025 exam. This will help the applicants in understanding the exam better.
Particulars | Details |
Type of Questions | Objective i.e. MCQs |
Number of Choices in Answer | 4 |
Total questions | 200 |
Exam language | English and Telugu/ Urdu (Section A and B) |
Duration of Exam | 2.5 hours (150 minutes) |
TSICET Exam Pattern - Sectional Analysis
In this section the students can check the section wise analysis for all the 3 sections individually. While each section contains sub-sections, it is crucial to understand the number of questions and the marks that each section carries. Tabulated below is the breakup of the 200 MCQ questions, and the exam total is also 200 marks.
Section A: Analytical Ability
The analytical ability section is divided into 2 sub-sections - Data Sufficiency and Problem Solving. Check the breakup for the section given below.
Particulars/Sub-Sections | No. of Questions | Marks |
Section Total | 75 | 75 |
Data Sufficiency | 20 | 20 |
Problem-Solving | 55 | 55 |
Section B: Mathematical Ability
The mathematical ability section has 3 sub-sections - Arithmetic, Algebra & Geometry, and Statistics. Check the breakup for the section given below.
Particulars/Sub-Sections | No. of Questions | Marks |
Section Total | 75 | 75 |
Arithmetical Ability | 35 | 35 |
Algebraical Ability and Geometrical Ability | 30 | 30 |
Statistical Ability | 10 | 10 |
Section C: Communication Ability
the communication ability section has 4 further sections - Vocabulary, Computer & Business Terminology, Functional Grammar, and Reading Comprehension. Check the breakup for the section given below.
Particulars/Sub-Sections | No. of Questions | Marks |
Section Total | 50 | 50 |
Vocabulary | 10 | 10 |
Business and Computer Terminology | 10 | 10 |
Functional Grammar | 15 | 15 |
Reading Comprehension | 15 | 15 |
TSICET 2025 Marking Scheme
For this session, the following marking scheme criteria will be followed.
Particular | Mark(s) |
Total Question | Total Marks | 200 | 200 |
Marks per Question | 1 mark |
Correct Answer | 1 mark |
Incorrect Answer | 0 mark |
Unattempted Question | 0 mark |
Note: As there is no provision for negative marking, it is advisable to attempt all the questions.
TSICET 2025 Normalization of Marks
All applicants are placed on a comparable scale throughout all sessions with the normalizing process. This method may result in a little lower rating for the easy session and a marginally higher mark for the hard session globally. This is directly based on how well each session's average performance goes. These adjustments are anticipated to be extremely slight because great care is made to prepare papers of similar difficulty. Normalized scores uphold the candidates' qualifications while honoring their real performance. According to Normalization procedure:

- SASD: Sum of Average (A) and Standard Deviation (SD) of the subject of a session in which the candidate appeared
- GASD: Sum of Average (A) and Standard Deviation (SD) of all the candidates across all sessions of the subject put together
- STA: Average mark of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the subject of a session in which the candidate appeared
- GTA: Average mark of the top 0.1% of all the candidates across all the sessions of the subject put together
TSICET Important Links to read:
- What is TSICET exam?
- TS ICET Syllabus PDF Download
- TSICET hall ticket
- TSICET 2025 exam date out. Check the schedule here
TSICET Exam Pattern - Score Chart
A common question with users is - "What is a good score in the TSICET exam?”. The score range here can be divided into 4 major categories - Very good, average, good, low. Now, to understand what scores fall in this category, refer to the table below.
TSICET 2025 Rank | TSICET 2025 Marks | Remarks |
1-100 | 200-150 | Very Good |
101-500 | 149-120 | Good |
500-10000 | 119-80 | Average |
10000 and Above | 79 or less | Low |
TSICET 2025 Marks vs Rank Analysis
TSICET 2025 marks vs rank analysis is an essential tool in determining what is a good score for MBA or MCA curriculums.
TSICET 2025 Marks | TSICET 2025 Rank |
160 or above | 1 to 10 |
159-150 | 11 to 100 |
149-140 | 101 to 200 |
139-130 | 201 to 350 |
129-120 | 351 to 500 |
119-110 | 501 to 1000 |
109-100 | 1001 to 1500 |
99-95 | 1501 to 2600 |
94-90 | 2601 to 4000 |
89-85 | 4001 to 6500 |
84-80 | 6501 to 10750 |
79-75 | 10751 to 16000 |
74-70 | 16001 to 24000 |
69-65 | 24001 to 32500 |
64-60 | 32501 to 43000 |
59-55 | 43001 to 53500 |
54-50 | 53500 or above |
TS ICET Exam Preparation Tips
Given below are a few effective tips and strategies to prepare for the upcoming TSICET exam.
- Candidates should plan and follow the best exam techniques and pick the right study materials and books to achieve their spot in the TS ICET Counselling round.
- Candidates must be thorough with the TS ICET Syllabus and Exam Pattern before starting the preparation. Give equal importance to the topics that have more marks weightage to enhance their selection chances.
- The next TS ICET preparation tip is to make a strict timetable and allot more time to the topics in which you are weak and require more attention.
- Try to start the preparation at least 3-4 months prior to the entrance exam dates.
- Attempt mock tests and solve previous year's question papers to improve your preparation level and confidence.
- Revise all the topics thoroughly before the exam to remember the details for a longer period.
TSICET 2025 Preparation Books
The books which can be taken as reference books by candidates appearing for TSICET 2025 are given below.
Subject | Book Name | Author/ Publisher |
Analytical Ability | A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning | R.S. Aggarwal |
Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency | Ananta Ashisha | |
Shortcuts in Reasoning | Disha Experts | |
Mathematical Ability | The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation | Nishit Sinha |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT Common Admission Test | Arun Sharma | |
The Pearson Guide To Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning For The CAT 1st Edition (Paperback) | Nishit K. | |
Communication Ability | Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension | Arun Sharma |
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning | R.S. Agarwal |