NATA Exam Pattern 2025 - Marking Scheme, Section-wise Pattern, Total Marks, Duration

Re-exam Date
11th December, 2024

Avantika Bhardwaj
Avantika Bhardwaj

Table of Content

The NATA Exam Pattern is decided by the Council of ArchitectureNATA Exam Pattern gives complete details about the total number of questions in the test paper, allotment of time, nature of questions, section-wise weight that is given across to all sections.

NATA 2022 Exam Pattern 

Candidates can check the NATA exam pattern 2022 from the table given below:

Mode of Exam

Offline mode as a written test

Duration of Exam

3 hours

Language of Exam


Total Number of Questions

A total of 60 questions

Total Marks


Type of Questions

MCQs for Part A and Numerical for Part B.

Marking Scheme

 2 marks for every correct answer

Negative Marking

No negative marking


  • Mathematics
  • Drawing 
  • General Aptitude

Important features of NATA Exam Pattern are as follows:

  • NATA would be conducted in the offline mode during the first half for a time of 1 and a half hours.
  • Drawing test would be conducted over a duration of 1.5 hours.
  • Candidates would be admitted in Bachelor of Architecture once they clear NATA Examination.
  • In Mathematics and General Aptitude Test, 2 marks would be awarded for all correct answer options while 40 marks would be awarded for every correct response given in the drawing test.





MATHS (20 Q)

20 x2










200 marks

Mathematics and General Aptitude Test:

  • One option would be correct and the correct response would be yielding 2 marks. There would be no negative marking. 

Drawing Test:

The candidate would have to attempt two questions within a time span of 1.5 hours. The Drawing Aptitude test would be judged basing these factors:

  • Ability to sketch a given object and rendering the same in a visually appealing way
  • Visualizing and drawing the effects of light on the object, shadows that are cast on surroundings
  • Perspective drawing
  • Combination and composition of three-dimensional elements to form a building or structural form
  • Creation of visual harmony using colors in a given composition
  • Understanding scale and proportions
  • Drawing from memory by use of a pencil sketch.

Every answer in the Drawing section shall be examined by more than one examiner independently where the marks shall be averaged. The primary focus in scoring the drawing section weighs importantly on the candidate's sense of imagination. The sense of proportion and perspective is also evaluated strongly in a candidate.

Candidates for the NATA Examination are usually from the following backgrounds:

  • Qualified a recognized aptitude test or that equivalent to NATA.
  • Have been any of the below mentioned:
  • 10+2 or equivalent examination of Central/State Board with 50% aggregate and Mathematics as a compulsory subject
  • 10+3 Diploma recognized by the Central/State with 50% aggregate with Mathematics as a compulsory subject
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma passed/appearing after 10 years of schooling with 50% marks in aggregate and with Mathematics as a compulsory subject.

The allocation of examination center for NATA 2022 spread across State capitals and other selected cities subject to the availability of at least 250 students in general.

Within a week of taking the NATA Examination, the response sheet of all candidates for Part A would be uploaded along with the subject marks secured by the candidate. No review would be available for Part B or the drawing test. There would be no provision for post-publication scrutiny or review of any request once the results are published.

NATA 2022 Exam Pattern - Evaluating Factors

Candidates will be evaluated based on the following factors. The authorities are going to keep the following factors in mind while preparing the questions.

  • Candidates will be evaluated on their general knowledge and their capacity to apply it in various contexts in the abstract reasoning section consisting under the nata syllabus.
  • Nata syllabus also tests candidates' aptitudes for problem-solving will be examined under the Situational judgement section.
  • Candidates will be examined on their capacity to resolve straightforward numerical problems under numerical reasoning section.
  • Solving of discern patterns and facts through inductive reasoning should also be noted.
  • Verbal reasoning skills is also an important part of NATA 2022 syllabus.
  • Identifying patterns, relationships, sequences, and other logical constructs and Candidates ability to deduce facts from diagrams under the diagrammatic reasonings section will also be tested according to nata 2022 syllabus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do the authorities allow calculator during the examination?

No, all electronic devices including calculators, mobile phones, etc are prohibited inside the examination hall

What is the duration of NATA exam 2022

The duration of NATA exam 2022 is for three hours

Do they have any negative marking for incorrect answers

No, there will be no negative marking for unanswered or incorrect answers

How far in advance do I need to be there at the exam location

Candidates must arrive at least two and a half hours before the test begins. It is due to the process used to confirm candidates’ identities and collect biometric data prior to final seat allocation in the testing facility. Typically, it takes at le

Do they allow candidates to leave early if they have completed the exam

No, they don’t allow the candidates to leave early even if they have completed the exam early. They have to be seated till the exam timing gets over