MAH MCA CET syllabus 2025: Download Syllabus PDF, Important Topics, & Books

Maharashtra MCA Common Entrance Test

Exam Date
23rd March, 2025

Ridhima Jindal
Ridhima Jindal

Table of Content

The MAH MCA CET syllabus is prescribed by the Maharashtra State CET cell and is released on the official website. When preparing for the CET exam the students must carefully go through the syllabus to know the topics that are being asked in the exam, the subjects carrying the maximum weightage, and the topics carrying maximum questions. While the weightage of topics may vary, the maximum number of questions are asked from Logical Reasoning and Mathematics section.

Therefore, while preparing for the exam, the candidates must carefully examine each and every topics. MAH MCA CET Syllabus 2025 has sectional division with number of questions. In Mathematics and Statistics, Logical and Abstract Reasoning, from each of these sections 30 questions will be asked. English Comprehension and Verbal Ability and Computer Concepts 20 questions will be asked from each section.

Get the complete guide on the MAH MCA CET syllabus on this page, and get all your queries for syllabus answered here. This page also provides a detailed view on the recommended books and the preparation resources for the CET exam.

MAH MCA CET Syllabus PDF Download

The PDF version of the MCA CET syllabus has been provided on this page below. The candidates can download this file to know more about the syllabus including the marking scheme of the CET exam.

MCA CET Syllabus PDF Download

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MAH MCA CET Mathematics Syllabus

The topics covered in the MCA CET Mathematics section have been tabulated below for the reference of the candidates.




Fundamental operations in Algebra, Expansion, factorization, Quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, binomial theorem, permutations and combinations.

Coordinate Geometry

Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, equations of a line, midpoint, intersections etc., equations of a circle, distance formulae, pair of straight lines, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, simple geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling.

Differential Equations

Differential equations of the first order and their solutions, linear differential equations with constant coefficients, and homogenous linear differential equations.


Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles, height and distance, inverse function.

Probability and Statistics

Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, and measures of dispersions, skewness and kurtosis, random variable and distribution functions, mathematical expectations, Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions, curve fitting, and the principle of least squares, correlation and regression.


Ratios and proportions, problems on time-work, distance-speed, percentage, etc.

Basic Set Theory and Functions

Set, relations and mappings.


Areas, triangles and quadrilaterals, area and circumference of circles, volumes and surface areas of simple solids such as cubes, spheres, cylinders and cones.

MAH MCA CET Logical & Abstract Reasoning Syllabus

The topics covered in the MCA CET Logical & Abstract Reasoning section have been tabulated below for the reference of the candidates.

Important Topics

Seating Arrangements

Circular Arrangements

Blood Relations

Sets based on Grouping and Pattern

Mapping and Best Routes

Selection and Conditionals

MAH MCA CET Computer Concepts Syllabus

The topics covered in the MCA CET Computer Concepts section have been tabulated below for the reference of the candidates.



Computer Basics

Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Structure of instructions in CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, memory organization, backup devices.

Data Representation

Representation of characters, integers, and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, signed arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating-point representation of numbers, normalized floating-point representation, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.

Computer Architecture

Block structure of computers, communication between the processor and I / O devices, interrupts.

Computer Language

Assembly language and high-level language, Computer Programming in C

Operating Systems Basics


MAH MCA CET English Comprehension Syllabus

The topics covered in the MCA CET English Comprehension section have been tabulated below for the reference of the candidates.

Important Topics

Basic English Grammar



Summary writing

Synonyms and Antonyms

Ordering of Sentences

Para jumbles

Error Spotting

MCA CET Practice Question Papers

The difficulty level of the MAH MCA CET exam in comparison to other exams like CUET PG MCA, or the NIMCET exam is pretty easy. Since the number of topics covered are minimum candidates can easily prepare for the exam in 7-8 months. To understand the kind of questions asked in the exam and understand the MAH MCA CET exam pattern, candidates are advised to solve the practice papers, the links to which have been provided below. Candidates can download these files and practice the papers for free.


PDF Links

Mathematics and Statistics

Click Here

Logical and Abstract Reasoning

Click Here

English Comprehension and Verbal Ability

Click Here

Computer Concepts

Click Here

MAH MCA CET Recommended Books

The following books can be followed by candidates to prepare for MAH MCA CET2025 in addition to the practice papers.

Book Name


Mathematics for MCA Entrance Examination

Amit Choudhary and Neelam Choudhary

A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning

R.S. Aggarwal

Verbal Ability

Wren and Martin

MCA-CET Maharashtra

Chandresh Aggarwal

MCA Entrance Exam Guide

Rph Editorial Board

Computer Fundamentals

P. K. Sinha

Object-Oriented Programming with C++


Java: The Complete Reference

Herbert Schildt

Operating System Concepts


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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I check the syllabus of MAH MCA CET?

The authorities have released the MAH MCA CET syllabus online at No other mode will be used to release the MAH MCA CET syllabus. The list of subjects, units and topics for the entrance examination are released through the syllabus of MAH MCA CET.

Do I have to study the entire MAH MCA CET syllabus?

Yes. The candidates are advised to study the entire MAH MCA CET syllabus so that they are well-prepared for the examination. Since the question paper will be based on the official syllabus, the candidates will be able to know the topics that they have to prepare which will help them secure good marks in the exam. Candidates can identify important topics and give them more importance, however, all topics should be prepared well.

What is the difficulty level of MAH MCA CET exam?

The overall difficulty level of the MAH MCA CET exam is expected to be similar to the graduration level examination. Students can crack MAH MCA CET with preparation along with their graduation. As the MAH MCA CET exam is conducted to assess a candidate’s skills in computer concepts, math problem-solving, analytics, and language proficiency, students are required to solve mock tests from the previous year mock tests and enhance their problem-solving skills in all subjects asked in the exam.

What is the syllabus of MAH MCA CET exam?

The syllabus of MAH MCA CET exam consists of four subjects which are Computer concepts, English language, Mathematics & statistics and Logical reasoning. The topics included in Computer concepts is similar to what students study in their BCA/BSc IT or BTech computer Science subjects and thus this subject can be easily covered by studying the course books. The other three subjects will include questions from undergraduate level and thus can be covered by studying NCERT textbooks or any other book from the market like R.D. Sharma.

How can I crack MAH MCA CET?

Students can easily crack MAH MCA CET exam if they make a study plan and follow a strategy. The first step to clear MAH MCA CET is to understand the syllabus and exam pattern clearly. Check which topics are asked in the exam and what are the types of questions. Identify the MAH MCA CET topics that are similar to BCA subjects and start studying them along with the college. The second advice is to make a time table for the study. Ideally, 2-3 hours of study is sufficient for MAH MCA CET. Students should choose a time which suits them best. It is important that they give at least 3 hours daily specifically for MAH MCA CET preparation. Selecting the right study materials/books is also very important for MAH MCA CET preparation. It is advised that students begin their preparation by studying the books of BCA thoroughly and then advance to additional books. The most important advice in clearing the MAH MCA CET is not to over-burden yourself with the preparation.

Is one month sufficient for MAH MCA CET preparation?

One month is not sufficient for MAH MCA CET preparation if a student has not started preparing or have not studied earlier for the exam. As the syllabus of MAH MCA CET is vast, studying all the topics and remembering them takes a lot of effort. However, graduation students can get a decent score in MAH MCA CET if time after the final exam is devoted exclusively for the MAH MCA CET preparation. Since most topics of MAH MCA CET and BCA are similar, students need to revise all the topics and solve previous year MAH MCA CET question papers. Start solving MAH MCA CET mock test papers at last 3-4 days before the exam to make yourself comfortable with the exam.

What would be the major topics of MAH MCA CET Maths section?

Maths section will cover the maximum topics of high school mathematics up to the 12th standard. Algebra, Co-ordinate Geometry, Differential Equations, Trigonometry, Probability & Statistics, Arithmetic, Basic Set Theory, Functions, Mensurations are some of the major topics of MAH MCA CET maths section.

It is necessary to answer all the questions in the exam?

No. It is not necessary to answer all the questions in the exam. Candidates can leave questions unattempted and 0 marks will be awarded to the same.

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