Home Articles What is Magnetic Flux? All you Should Know

What is Magnetic Flux? All you Should Know


Ridhima Jindal
Ridhima Jindal

Magnetic Flux - A Brief Definition

The total number of magnetic field lines passing through a given coil or area is referred to as the Magnetic Flux. It is a component of the magnetic field that flows through the coil. Magnetic flux is denoted by ΦB where B is a magnetic field and Weber (Wb) is its unit. The magnetic flux value is a vector quantity that depends on the magnetic field direction.

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Magnetic Flux Formula

The magnetic flux formula is as follows:


ΦB = B.A


B = Magnetic field,

A =  Surface area and

Θ =  Angle between the magnetic field and normal to the surface.

The Dimension of Magnetic Flux Density

  • When compared to the magnetic flux of the body, the magnetic flux density is a different measure.
  • The magnetic flux density is the quantity of magnetic flux per unit area considered perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flux.
  • There is a relationship between the flux density (B) and the magnetic field (H).

It can be written as follows:

B = μH

  • The magnetic flux density is measured in Webers per square metre. It is equivalent to Tesla (T).  
  • The magnetic flux density (B) is defined further below. 
  • It is the force exerted over a unit current per unit length on a wire held at an angle to the magnetic field.
  • The dimension of Tesla (T) = kgs−2A-1

B is a vector quantity.

B = F/I1


F = total force acting on the wire. 

I = current flowing through the wire 

l = length of wire 

[MT−2L0A−1] is the dimensional formula of magnetic flux density 

Dimensional Formula of Magnetic Flux

The dimensional formula of Magnetic Flux is given by,

[M1 L2 I-1 T-2]


M = Mass

I = Current

L = Length

T = Time

How to Find Dimensional Formula?

Magnetic Flux (ΦB) = B × A × Cos θ . . . . (1)

Magnetic Flux (ΦB) = B × A × Cos θ . . . . (1)


 B = Magnetic Field,

 A = Surface Area, and

 = The angle formed by the magnetic field and the normal to the surface

The area dimensional formula = [M0 L2 T0].

Since, Force = Electric Charge × Magnetic Field × Velocity

Therefore, Magnetic Field = Force × [Electric Charge × Velocity]-1 . . . . . (2)

-> The dimensional formula of velocity = [M0 L1 T-1] . . . . . . . (3)

Since, charge = current × time

∴ The dimensional formula of electric charge = [M0 L0 I1 T1] . . . . . (4)

And, Force = M × a = M × [M0 L1 T-2]

∴ The dimensional formula of force = [M1 L1 T-2] . . . . (5)

On substituting equation (3), (4) and (5) in equation (2) we get,

Magnetic Field = Force × [Charge × Velocity]-1

Or, B = [M1 L1 T-2] × [M0 L0 I1 T1]-1 × [M0 L1 T-1]-1

As a result, the Magnetic Field dimensional formula is [M1 T-2 I-1]...

On substituting equation (6) in equation (1) we get,

Magnetic Flux = B × A × Cos θ

Or, ΦB = [M1 T-2 I-1] × [M0 L2 T0] (Since, θ is Dimensionless Quantity)

ΦB = [M1 L2 T-2 I-1]

Therefore, Magnetic Flux is dimensionally represented as [M1 L2 T-2 I-1].

Magnetic Flux Unit and Dimension

To calculate the magnetic flux, we must first assume the field-line image of a magnet or a system of magnets.

A perpendicular uniform magnetic field (= 900) is applied to a rectangular plate with area 'A.'

The magnitude of the magnetic field is B, and it is a scalar product.

[M1 L2 T2 I1] = The SI unit and dimension of the magnetic flux.

In this dimension ,

M = mass 

L = length 

T = time 

I = electric current 

Weber is the SI-derived magnetic unit. It is also written in volt-second.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is magnetic flux in electric?

Magnetic flux is the amount of magnetic field that passes through a surface perpendicular to it. Changing magnetic flux generates an electromotive force, which causes electric current to flow through an electric circuit if it is near a wire.

What is meant by Lenz law?

In electromagnetism, Lenz law states that an induced electric current flows in the opposite direction of the change that caused it. Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz (1804-65), a Russian physicist, discovered this law in 1834.

What is magnetic flux, write its formula?

Magnetic flux is denoted by the symbol ΦB where, B = magnetic field and Weber (Wb) as it’s unit. The magnetic flux value is a vector quantity that depends on the magnetic field direction. The magnetic flux formula is, Φ B = B ⋅ A. Φ B = B A c o s

What is magnetic flux and emf?

The amount of magnetic field that passes through a specific area, calculated with = BA cos, where B is the magnetic field strength over an area A at an angle with the perpendicular to the area electromagnetic induction: the process of inducing an emf (vol

What is the SI Unit magnetic flux?

Weber (Wb) is the SI unit of magnetic flux.

What is magnetic flux example?

Magnetic flux is the total number of magnetic field lines passing through a coil or area. It is the component of the magnetic field that travels through the coil that is most prevalent. B stands for a magnetic field, and Weber stands for the unit of that

What is magnetic flux equal to?

The most basic definition of magnetic flux is B=ABdA. ΦB=∬AB⋅dA Φ B = ∬ A B ⋅ d A It is the sum of all magnetic fields that are flowing across microscopic dA elements.

What are the properties of magnetic flux?

The magnetic flux has the following characteristics: it forms a loop that is closed. The North Pole is always where it begins, and the South Pole is where it ends. These numbers never cross paths with one another. Magnetic lines that are perpendicular to

What is the difference between magnetic flux and magnetic field?

The main distinction between magnetic flux and magnetic field is that the magnetic field refers to the area around the magnet where the force felt by the charge moving around it. On the other hand, the flux is the term used to describe the strength or qua

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