Home Articles Vernier Caliper: Uses, Application and Least Count

Vernier Caliper: Uses, Application and Least Count


Kasturi Talukdar
Kasturi Talukdar

Uses of Vernier Caliper Overview

What are the uses of Vernier Caliper? The invention of the Vernier Caliper is attributed to Pierre Vernier of France in the year 1631. This precision instrument was specifically designed to accurately measure linear dimensions. The Vernier Caliper consists of two scales, the primary scale and an auxiliary scale that is graduated in a unique manner. This auxiliary scale is moved parallel to the main scale and provides readings that are more precise, indicating fractions of a division on the main scale.

By employing mechanical interpolation, the Vernier Caliper enhances the accuracy of measurements taken between two graduations on a linear scale. This feature reduces estimation errors made by humans and increases the resolution of the measurement, resulting in more precise results. The Vernier Caliper finds extensive use in scientific laboratories and in manufacturing facilities for quality control measurements. The Vernier scale has 25 divisions, while the main scale has 24 divisions covering the same length.

What is Vernier Caliper

Vernier calipers are tools used to calculate precise linear measurements. It computes the straight linear distance between two points. It could be as simple as a compass with points pointing in or out. The caliper's tips are first adjusted to fit across the points to be measured, then the caliper is withdrawn and the distance between the tips is measured with a ruler.

A vernier caliper can also be used to measure the diameter of circular and cylindrical objects by placing the caliper's jaws on opposite sides of the circumference. A Vernier caliper is an extremely useful tool to have in your toolbox. Vernier calipers consist of a primary scale with a jaw at one end. The vernier scale is housed in another jaw that slides over the main scale. The zeros of the main scale and the Vernier scale should line up when the two jaws come into contact. If two zeros do not coincide, there will be a positive or negative zero error.

How to use a Vernier Caliper 

A vernier caliper is commonly used to measure the diameter of circular objects. The round jaws of the vernier caliper precisely fit the circumference of round objects. There are two scales on a vernier caliper: a fixed main scale and a movable vernier scale. 

The primary scale displays millimeter measurements. A vernier caliper, unlike ordinary scales, can precisely measure values up to 0.001 cm. For precise measurement, a vernier scale is used in conjunction with a vernier caliper.

Parts in a Vernier Caliper

  1. The Primary Scale:It is made out of a steel metallic strip that is graded in centimeters on one edge and inches on the other. It is equipped with both the inner and outer measuring jaws. When the 2 jaws inherit contact, the zeros of the focal scale and also the vernier should line up. There will be a positive or negative zero mistake if two zeros do not coincide.
  2. Vernier Scale:On the strip, a vernier scale slides. The retainer allows it to be fastened in any position. 0.9 cm is split into 10 equal pieces on the Vernier scale.
  3. Outer Measuring Jaws:The outside measuring jaws aid in taking an object's exterior dimension.
  4. Inner Measuring Jaws: The inner measuring jaws aid in taking an object's interior dimension.
  5. The Retainer:The retainer aids in keeping the item in the Vernier calipers' jaws.
  6. Depth Measuring Prong:The depth measuring prong aids in determining the depth of an item.

Uses of Vernier Caliper

Vernier calipers are mostly used to measure the distance between two opposing sides of a surface. We can precisely measure an object's interior and exterior dimensions, as well as its height. It has a resolution of one-tenth of a millimeter.

Uses of vernier calipers and its applications are listed below:

Uses of Vernier Caliper in Education Sector

  1. This sector is one of the most common applications for this device. It is used to investigate the expansion of materials because of temperature changes in order to determine their properties. 
  2. It is used to measure various pieces of equipment for them to fit properly. They are also useful for measuring regular and irregular-shaped items from the inside or outside.

Uses of Vernier Calipers in Science Labs

  1. In scientific laboratories, Vernier calipers are used for a wide range of tasks. To investigate the effect of temperature changes in various metals with varying chemical properties, for example. 
  2. Vernier calipers are also used to accurately measure things that require high accuracy, such as connecting two sections of two objects.

Uses of Vernier Calipers for Medical Applications

  1. Vernier calipers are used in the medical industry because the dimensions of medical equipment must be measured with the greatest precision for medical usage. 
  2. The medical and surgical industries rely heavily on this equipment because the size of tools has been measured to be optimal for surgery. 
  3. Accuracy and precision are important here because every instrument is very sensitive to even minor changes and must be measured precisely in order to work in a highly complex environment.

Uses of Vernier Calipers in Steel Sector

  1. When producing or inspecting the dimensions of a by-product, the use of a vernier caliper is strongly advised to ensure the necessary requirements are met. It is used to calculate the length, breadth, and even height of various objects. 
  2. It is useful for measuring holes, the width of pipes, the circumference of metal beads, and so on. The Vernier caliper is an indispensable tool in the steel industry. It is used to determine the interior and exterior dimensions of steel-made items. It is also used to calculate the thickness of various steel items.

Uses of Vernier Calipers in Aerospace Sector

  1. The aviation industry depends on absolute precision; even minor changes in the size of an object can be disastrous. The use of this gadget here ensures that safety criteria are met, as well as precision in the use of small parts, which aid in flying. 
  2. The aerospace aviation industry unquestionably requires extremely high accuracy. Even minor changes in the dimensions of an object can cause significant damage to it and its surroundings. To address such system damage, several types of vernier calipers with high precision readings, such as digital dial calipers, are used.

Other Uses of Vernier Caliper

  1. Measuring length:Vernier calipers are used to measure the length of objects with great precision. This is useful in many different applications, such as in manufacturing where precise measurements are required for the production of parts and components.
  2. Measuring width and thickness: Vernier calipers can also be used to measure the width and thickness of objects. This is useful in applications where precise measurements are required, such as in the manufacturing of electronic components or in the measurement of sheet metal.
  3. Measuring inside and outside diameters: Vernier calipers are also used to measure the inside and outside diameters of objects. This is useful in applications where precise measurements of the diameter of objects are required, such as in the production of bearings or other mechanical components.
  4. Checking the depth of holes: Vernier calipers can also be used to measure the depth of holes in objects. This is useful in applications where it is important to know the depth of a hole, such as in the production of threaded holes for bolts.
  5. Checking the thickness of materials:Vernier calipers can also be used to check the thickness of materials such as paper, plastic, and metal sheets. This is useful in applications where precise measurements of the thickness of materials are required, such as in the production of packaging materials.

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Uses of Vernier Caliper: Zero Error

In the context of measuring instruments, Zero Error refers to a reading or indication that occurs when the measuring instrument is not perfectly calibrated, and the measurement scale does not read zero even when no quantity is being measured. The zero error of the vernier caliper is calculated as:

Actual reading = Main scale + Vernier scale – (Zero error)

The two categories of Zero Error in a Vernier Caliper are:

  1. Positive zero error:When the jaws of the vernier caliper are closed and the reading is positive and away from the actual reading of 0.00 mm. For instance, if the reading is 0.08 mm, then the zero error is +0.08 mm.
  2. Negative zero error:When the jaws of the vernier caliper are closed and the reading is negative and away from the actual reading of 0.00 mm. For instance, if the reading is 0.10 mm, then the zero error is -0.10 mm.

Uses of Vernier Caliper: Range & Least Count

A vernier caliper's maximum capacity is determined by the difference between the largest and smallest measurement readings. Typically, it is the entire length of the vernier caliper's primary scale. The standard range of vernier calipers is 300 mm. However, lower range vernier calipers are also available on the market.

Range of Vernier Calipers

A vernier caliper's maximum capacity is determined by the difference between its largest and smallest measurement reading. It is the length of the vernier caliper's main scale. Vernier calipers typically have a range of 300 mm. Vernier calipers with smaller ranges are also available.

  1. Vernier Reading:Smallest measurable distance that can be captured by a vernier caliper is called a vernier reading. It is also called the "Resolution" of a vernier caliper. Vernier calipers normally have a resolution of 0.001 inches, and resolution or smallest measurable distance of a metric vernier caliper ranges from 0.02 mm to 0.05 mm. Vernier reading is provided at the end of a Vernier scale.
  2. Tolerance:Tolerance (also called instrument error) is accuracy of the readings of a Vernier caliper. Vernier calipers help in calculation of low tolerance measurement readings. Low tolerance measurement readings provide accurate results because probability of error is minimum. Tolerance of the Vernier calipers is about +/- 0.03mm (+- 0.0015 in).

Least Count

The smallest count or reading obtained with the instrument can be computed as follows:

Least Count = One Main Scale Division – One Vernier Scale Division


Least Count = One main Scale Division/No. of Divisions in Vernier Scale

Uses of Vernier Caliper: Things to Remember

Applications of vernier calipers:

  1. We can measure the length of a rod, the diameter of a sphere, and the outer diameter of a hollow cylinder with the vernier's outer jaws.
  2. The inner jaw can be used to measure interior dimensions such as pipe inner diameter, seals, and washers. 
  3. The depth or length of the bottle or beaker can be measured by using the stem.
  4. Measurement of workpiece thickness. 
  5. To measure shaft diameter, keyway dimensions, shaft length.
  6. For measurement of Slots, undercut groves.
  7. The vernier caliper operates on the concept that when two scales or divisions of slightly different sizes are used, the difference between them is utilized to improve the measurement accuracy.


  1. Amplification is done through design and it doesn't rely on the parts that wear over time.
  2. Interpolation is not possible in reading, let alone required.
  3. Zero setting adjustment is easy.
  4. There is no theoretical limit to the scale range.


  1. The main disadvantages occur in the instruments on which verniers are used.
  2. The reliability of reading usually depends upon the observer.
  3. No way to adjust for any errors other than zero settings.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Vernier Caliper and how does it work?

A Vernier caliper is a precision measuring tool used to measure internal and external distances accurately. It works by using two sets of jaws - one for measuring internal distances and the other for external distances. The Vernier scale on the caliper al

What are the parts of a Vernier caliper?

The main parts of a Vernier caliper are the main scale, Vernier scale, jaws, depth gauge, locking screw, and sliding ruler. The main scale is fixed and provides the primary reference for measuring distances. The Vernier scale slides along the main scale a

What is the accuracy of a Vernier caliper?

The accuracy of a Vernier caliper can vary depending on the model and make. However, most Vernier calipers have an accuracy of +/- 0.02 mm or better.

What are the different types of Vernier calipers?

There are two main types of Vernier calipers - analog and digital. Analog Vernier calipers use a scale and Vernier for measuring distances while digital Vernier calipers use a digital readout for displaying measurements.

How do I use a Vernier caliper?

To use a Vernier caliper, first, open the jaws of the caliper and place the object to be measured between them. Then, close the jaws gently and take a reading of the measurement from the Vernier scale. For more detailed instructions, refer to the user man

How do I read a Vernier caliper?

To read a Vernier caliper, read the main scale first, which will give you a whole number measurement. Then, read the Vernier scale to get the precise measurement. The number on the Vernier scale that lines up with a number on the main scale is the measure

What is the maximum distance that can be measured with a Vernier caliper?

The maximum distance that can be measured with a Vernier caliper can vary depending on the size of the caliper. Most Vernier calipers have a maximum measurement range of 150mm to 300mm.

What are the advantages of using a Vernier caliper?

Vernier calipers offer a high degree of accuracy, precision, and versatility, making them ideal for measuring a wide range of objects. They are also easy to use and relatively affordable.

Can a Vernier caliper be calibrated?

Yes, Vernier calipers can be calibrated to ensure that they are accurate and provide consistent readings. Most calibrations are done using precision blocks or gauge blocks.

List 3 basic uses of a caliper

Vernier calipers are used to measure the distance between objects. They are used to measure the dimensions of an object. They can measure both internal and external dimensions accurately. They are used to measure exact linear measurements in various field

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