Home Articles TN TRB Polytechnic Result 2023

TN TRB Polytechnic Result 2023


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

Recent Updates: TN TRB Polytechnic Result 2023 are announced on the offical website.

TN TRB Polytechnic Highlights

TN TRB Lecturer Result 2022

Name Of The Organization

Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TN TRB)

Name Of The Post(s)

Polytechnic Lecturer

Number Of Vacancies


Exam Date

8th to 13th December 2021

Date of Declaration Of Results



Government Exam (Sarkari)

Related Articles: Polytechnic Entrance Exam

Steps to Download TRB Polytechnic Results 2022

  1. Go to trb.tn.nic.in, the official website.
  2. The Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TN TRB) main page appears.
  3. You will see the most recent changes and links.
  4. Look for the link to the TRB Polytechnic Result 2022.
  5. Enter the information now, including "Register Number/Password."
  6. On the screen, the outcome will be seen.
  7. Review the result and download
  8. The direct URL is provided here for the benefit of the candidate. Visit the link to get the TN TRB Polytechnic Result 2022 right now.

Tamil Nadu TRB Polytechnic Exam Result 2022- Important Links

To Download TN TRB Polytechnic Result 2022

Click Here (Available Now)

TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer Eligibility

Here is the eligibility criteria regarding the TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment:

Age Limit: Candidate's Age should not be more than 57 Years.

Educational Qualification:

For Lecturer in Engineering subjects

Bachelor's Degree in appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology/Architecture with not less than sixty percent of marks or equivalent

For Lecturer in Non-Engineering subjects

First-class Master's degree in the appropriate branch of study

TRB Polytechnic Exam Pattern

  1. Since the TN TRB exam is written, it is an objective-type test.
  2. The exam will take three hours to complete in its entirety.
  3. The TN TRB Polytechnic exam will include 150 questions in total.
  4. There will be 140 questions in the main subject, and 100 of them will be worth one mark.
  5. Other 40 questions are of two marks each.
  6. The candidate's chosen subject will be the source of the primary subject questions.
  7. The remaining 10 questions will be general knowledge questions.
  8. The TN TRB examination will have 190 total marks, with each question carrying one mark.
  9. The sole language used for the exam will be English.

How to Prepare for TRB Polytechnic?

Candidates should consider the following preparation tips as they get ready for the TRB Polytechnic Exam:

  1. Give each subject an equal amount of time.
  2. Make a good routine and adhere to it every day.
  3. Solve sample papers and the exams from previous years
  4. Candidates must examine the curriculum and exam format before beginning their preparation in order to prevent misunderstanding.
  5. Prepare with quality books and study materials that are accessible on the market.
  6. Use the previous week to review.
  7. Exercise and meditate.
  8. Keep yourself well and don't panic.

TRB Polytechnic Cut Off Marks 2022

The board has not yet released the cut-off scores for the TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer exam. In the next few days, all candidates will receive the same update. Candidates can rely on the anticipated cut-off scores provided by various coaching centres and exam experts up until that point, though. To determine their chances of being selected for the exam, candidates can review the anticipated cut-off scores for the TN TRB Polytechnic 2022 examination and cross-check the tentative scores acquired from the answer key. Following table compiles the expected cut-off based on the results of the candidates this year:


TN TRB Cut Off Marks

(Not final)











Recruitment for TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturers in 2022

The authorities have yet to publish the TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer notice in Government Polytechnic Colleges (Engineering or Non-Engineering) on the website, trb.tn.nic.in. The TN TRB Teacher Recruitment Board only accepts online applications; all other modes of application are not accepted. The salary scale for a TN TRB Polytechnic lecturer is from Rs 56,000 to Rs 1,77,500. Government Polytechnic Colleges and Special Institutions have to fill a total of 1060 seats. (Engineering or Non-Engineering).

Following are the TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment subject wise vacancy:



Civil Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Electronics and Communication Engineering


Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Computer Engineering


Information Technology


Production Engineering


Textile Technology


Printing Technology










Modern Office Practice




Frequently Asked Questions

When will the TN TRB hall ticket be released?

Ans. The admit card will be released approximately 10-15 days before the written exam.

How can I prepare for the TRB Polytechnic Lecturer exam?

Ans. Make a Proper Timetable and follow it.

How can I apply for the TRB Polytechnic Lecturer exam?

Ans. Eligible and interested candidates can apply online for TRB TN Recruitment on the official website www.trb.tn.nic.in. You will find more details on the site itself.

What is the duration of the TRB Polytechnic Exam?

Ans. The exam will take three hours to complete in its entirety.

What is the age limit of TN TRB exam?

Ans. Candidate’s Age should not be more than 57 Years

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