Home Articles SSF Full Form: Responsibilities, How to Apply & Selection Process

SSF Full Form: Responsibilities, How to Apply & Selection Process



SSF stands for Secretariat Security Force

SSF stands for Secretariat Security Force. It is a crucial part of the Indian Central Police Force. SSF protects the nation’s administrative core.  The SSF is given the responsibility of safeguarding the key administrative complexes and government installations across the country. Their primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of these essential areas, including government offices, ministers, and official residences.

The Functions and Responsibilities of SSF personnel are included below:

  • Physical Security: SSF personnel are expanded to various government sites to provide around-the-clock security. They do regular security checks, control access points and observe the sites to stop unauthorized entry or security breaches.
  • Vehicular Security: The Secretariat Security Force also controls the security of government vehicles, ensuring that they are not damaged or vandalized.
  • Crowd Control: During public events and assembling near government buildings, SSF plays the role in crowd control and maintaining order to stop any interference.
  • Emergence Response: In the event of emergencies or risks, SSF personnel are upskilled to respond swiftly and effectively.

The SSF plays a vital role in evaluating the smooth functioning of government mechanisms. SSF makes sure that the security of government sites and high-profile officials, SSF maintains the stability and continuity of governance. The SSF are determination towards their duties helps to maintain public trust in government institutions. Candidates who wish to join the central police can join through SSF GD Constable Recruitment.

SSF Jobs to Apply in 2025

Candidates need to submit all original documents on the application form so that their application does not get rejected. At the beginning of the application process, visit the official website and click on the SSF Application Link. 
Step 1: candidates must visit the official website for SSC 
Step 2: Candidates need to register a new account or sign in by using their credentials. 
Step 3: Go to the Career tab and click the “e-recruitment” link. 
Step 4: Candidates need to submit their personal information, their name, password, registration details, etc. 
Step 5: Once this step is completed, candidates must upload the required documents in proper SSC format, like JPEG, PDF etc. 
Step 6: Candidates must cross-check all the details before submitting. 
Step 7: Candidates must pay a Rs 100 online application fee to complete the SSC GD Constable SSF application process. 
Step 8: Pen down the application information and print hard copies in case for future reference.

Selection Process for SSC GD Constable

Applicants for other CAPFs must go through the regular selection process for the SSC GD Constable SSF. Before the training period starts, a final document verification step wraps up the three-part selection procedure.

  • Computer-Based Examination
  • Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Efficiency Test (PET) (PST)
  • Review Medical Examination/Detailed Medical Examination

Moreover, candidates who pass the PET/PST will be eligible to take the Detailed Medical Examination (DME). They must submit authentic certificates such as Matriculation Pass, Domicile/PRC, Valid NCC Certificate (if applicable), Caste Certificate, and other categorical certificates for each candidate. If candidates pass this round, they will move on to the SSC GD Certification Verification round before beginning SSC GD Constable SSF training. 
Additionally, individuals who pass the PST and PET will be qualified to take the DME or detailed medical examination. Each candidate must provide real certificates, including the candidate's caste certificate, residency/PRC, valid NCC certificate (if applicable), and matriculation pass. Before starting SSC GD Constable SSF training, applicants who pass this stage advance to the SSC GD Certification Verification phase.

SSC GD Constable SSF Salary & Job Description

 Candidates will apply in large numbers for the SSC GD Constable SSF Recruitment 2024, as they do every year. Furthermore, the position provides a secure job package with numerous allowances and insurance benefits for cadres. 

SSC GD Constable SSF Salary

Income Distribution


Basic SSC GD Pay

₹ 21,700

Grade Pay

₹ 2,000


₹ 1,224


₹ 2538


₹ 434

Total Earnings 

₹ 25,896

Total Deductions

₹ 2,369

Net Earnings (Monthly Salary after Deductions)

₹ 23,527

SSC GD Constable SSF Job Profile

Furthermore, in comparison to positions with the BSF, CISF, or CRPF, the SSC GD Constable SSF job profile is preferred. But the obligations involved are extremely serious, as follows:

  • A Chief Officer of Security with the equivalent of the position of Deputy Superintendent of Police is in charge of the SSF cadres.
  • However, even after getting a full-time job, the GD Constable SSF trainees are fully qualified to ensure security in secretariat facilities.
  • Moreover, they are in charge of upholding internal order and safeguarding the assets of the private secretariat.
  • Also, they establish rules for taking materials out of the Secretariat’s buildings and corridors. 

Roles and Responsibilities of SSF

The functions of SSF are listed below along with explanation: 

  • The SSF personnel are stationed at various government installations for the provision of security details on both day and night shifts. They conduct regular checks at government installations, control access points, and keep an eye on the grounds to prevent any unauthorized entry or security breach.
  • SSF also runs the vehicular security of government vehicles, so that they are not tampered with or misused.
  • This happens to be one of the prominent roles that SSF plays in the protection of high-ranking officials and VIPs offered close protection services so as to ensure the safety of these officials during their visits and travels.
  • In the public events and gathering in and around government buildings, crowd control and orderly conduct would be ensured by SSF, without any form of disturbance.
  • In case of emergencies and security threats, SSF personnel are given proper training to act promptly and efficiently. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is the Secretariat security force in India?

The SSF is the Ministry of Home Affairs' Secretariat Security Force. However, SSF is in charge of the security of Central Secretariat buildings in the capital city of Delhi. Furthermore, it is a full-time uniform service based in Delhi.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for SSC GD Constable SSF?

There are no separate eligibility criteria for Ground Duty Constables in the SSF division; candidates must meet the general criteria that apply to all other Central Armed Police Forces.

What is an SSC GD Constable SSF Cadre's job profile?

An SSF GD Constable rank cadre is in charge of several internal security arrangements and the protection of Secretariat division officials. Furthermore, they carry out the duties the Chief Security Officer delegated to them.

What is SSF salary?

Average annual salary in S S F is INR 5.5 lakhs .

What documents are necessary for the SSC GD Constable SSF Medical Test round?

Candidates must bring original certificates such as a 10th-grade diploma, a Domicile/Permanent Residence Certificate, a valid NCC certificate, and, in some cases, a Caste Certificate.

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