Home Articles Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z: Shortcut keys for MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Windows, Mac and Linux

Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z: Shortcut keys for MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Windows, Mac and Linux


Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z: Shortcut keys for MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Windows, Mac and Linux


Keyboard shortcuts form an anonymous pearl in the world of digital productivity; they provide a fast and effective way to sail through tasks with ease. In this modern world, with time running fast, learning shortcuts saves priceless time and increases productivity in general. Now let's take a ride into the world of keyboard shortcuts from A to Z.

Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Copy- Ctrl+C, Cut: Ctrl+X, and Paste: Ctrl+V
  • Undo- Ctrl+Z and Redo: Ctrl+Y
  • Select All- Ctrl+A, Find: Ctrl+F, and Replace: Ctrl+H

Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Switching between tabs and windows: Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, Alt+Tab
  • Open and close applications: Ctrl+N, Ctrl+W
  • Moving and arranging windows: Windows key+Arrow keys

Productivity Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Creating new documents or emails: Ctrl+N, Ctrl+Shift+N
  • Text Formatting- Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U
  • Manage files and folders- Ctrl + D, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + Shift + D

Universal Shortcut Keys


Windows Shortcut

Mac Shortcut


Ctrl + C

Cmd + C


Ctrl + V

Cmd + V


Ctrl + X

Cmd + X


Ctrl + Z

Cmd + Z


Ctrl + Y

Cmd + Y

Select All

Ctrl + A

Cmd + A


Ctrl + S

Cmd + S


Ctrl + P

Cmd + P


Ctrl + F

Cmd + F

Switch Applications

Alt + Tab

Cmd + Tab

Close Application

Alt + F4

Cmd + Q

Windows-Specific Shortcut Keys


Windows Shortcut

Open or close the Start menu


Display and hide the desktop

Win + D

Open File Explorer

Win + E

Lock your PC

Win + L

Open Settings

Win + I

Take a screenshot (Snip & Sketch)

Win + Shift + S

Web Browser Shortcut Keys


Windows Shortcut

Mac Shortcut

Open a new tab

Ctrl + T

Cmd + T

Close the current tab

Ctrl + W

Cmd + W

Reopen the last closed tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Cmd + Shift + T

Select the URL bar to type a web address

Ctrl + L

Cmd + L

Bookmark the current web page

Ctrl + D

Cmd + D

Move to the next tab

Ctrl + Tab

Cmd + Option + Right Arrow

Formatting Shortcut Keys


Windows Shortcut

Mac Shortcut

Bold the selected text

Ctrl + B

Cmd + B

Italicize the selected text

Ctrl + I

Cmd + I

Underline the selected text

Ctrl + U

Cmd + U

Increase the font size

Ctrl + Shift + >

Cmd + Shift + >

Decrease the font size

Ctrl + Shift + <

Cmd + Shift + <

Keyboard Shortcut Keys List for Microsoft Windows

Key Combination


Ctrl + Key

Adjusts widths of all columns automatically in Windows Explorer.

Alt + Enter

Opens the properties tab for the selected icon or program.

Alt + Print Screen

Takes a screenshot of the current page.

Ctrl + Alt + Del

Reboots or opens Windows Task Manager.

Ctrl + Esc

Activates the Start menu.


Opens the located window (applies to Windows 95 to XP).


Refreshes the contents of the Windows system.


Finds items on the system's desktop.

Alt + Esc

Switches between desktop applications on the taskbar.


Renames the selected icon.

Alt + Shift + Tab

Switches back between ongoing applications.

Alt + Tab

Moves between open programs.

Shift + Delete

Deletes programs or files permanently.

Alt + F4

Closes the ongoing program.

Ctrl + F4

Swiftly closes a document or file that's currently open.

Keyboard Shortcut Keys for MS Excel

Shortcut Keys


Alt + Shift + F1

Insert a new worksheet.

Shift + F3

Open the MS Excel formula window.

Shift + F5

Open the search box.


Create a chart in MS Excel.

Ctrl + Shift + ;

Enter the current time.

Ctrl + ;

Enter the current date.

Ctrl + K

Insert a link.

Ctrl + F

Open find and replace options in MS Excel.

Ctrl + G

Open go-to options.

Ctrl + B

Bold highlighted selection.


Edit the selected cell.


Go to a specific cell.


Check the spelling of the selected text.

Ctrl + I

Italicize the highlighted selection.

Ctrl + Space

Select the entire column.

Shift + Space

Select the entire row.

Ctrl + W

Close the document.

Ctrl + H

Open find and replace options.

Ctrl + U

Underline highlighted text.

Ctrl + Y

Underline highlighted text.

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last deleted action.

Ctrl + F9

Minimize a current window in MS Excel.

Ctrl + F10

Maximize the currently selected window in MS Excel.

Ctrl + Tab

Move between two or more open MS Excel files.

Alt + =

Initiate the formula to add all of the above cells.

Ctrl +

Insert the value in the current cell from the above cell.

Ctrl + (Right arrow)

Jump to the next section of the text.

Ctrl + O

Open options in MS Excel.

Ctrl + N

Open the document in MS Excel.

Ctrl + P

Open the print dialog box in MS Excel.

All Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z List MS Word

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + X

Cut the selected text.

Ctrl + I

Italicize the highlighted selection.

Ctrl + K

Insert a link.

Ctrl + N

Open a new document.

Ctrl + O

Open existing files in MS Word.

Ctrl + P

Open the print window.

Ctrl + F

Open the find box.

Ctrl + G

Find and replace text.

Ctrl + J

Justify the alignment of the paragraph.

Ctrl + U

Underline highlighted text.

Ctrl + V

Paste copied content.

Ctrl + [

Decrease the selected font size by 1.

Ctrl + Shift + *

View or hide non printing characters.

Ctrl + D

Open font options.

Ctrl + Shift + F

Change the font.

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increase the selected font size by 1.

Ctrl + ]

Increase the selected font size by 1.

Ctrl + B

Bold highlighted selection.

Ctrl + C

Copy selected text.

Ctrl + (Left arrow)

Move one word to the left.

Ctrl + (Right arrow)

Move one word to the right.

Ctrl + Del

Delete the whole word to the right of the cursor.

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete the whole word to the left of the cursor.

Ctrl + End

Move the cursor to the end of the document.

Ctrl + Home

Move the cursor to the start of the document.

Ctrl + Space

Reset highlighted text to the default font.

Ctrl + (Up arrow)

Move to the start of the line.

Ctrl + (Down arrow)

Move to the end of the line.

Alt + Shift + D

Insert the current date.

Alt + Shift + T

Insert the current time.

Ctrl + 5

Give 1.5 line spacing.

Shift + Insert

Paste copied content.


Check the spelling of the selected text.


Open the "Save As" command.

Ctrl + S

Save the program file.

Shift + F12

Save the program file.

Ctrl + W

Close the document.

Ctrl + 1

Give a single space in your lines.

Ctrl + 2

Give double space in your lines.

Shortcut Keys of Computer List Chart Powerpoint

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + Shift + <

Reduce the font size of the selected text by one size.

Ctrl + G

Group things together.

Ctrl + M

Create a new slide just after your chosen slide.

Ctrl + D

Create a duplicate of your current slide.


Exit the ongoing slide show and return to the earlier live view.

Ctrl + K

Enter a hyperlink.

Ctrl + Shift + >

Maximize the font size of the selected text by one size.


Start the presentation from the initial slide.

Ctrl + N

In a different PowerPoint software window, create a new, blank slide.

Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z


Shortcut Keys



Alt + Tab

Switch between open applications.


Alt + F4

Close the active window.


Ctrl + A

Select all content in a document or window.


Ctrl + B

Bold selected text.


Ctrl + C

Copy selected text or item.


Ctrl + Shift + C

Copy formatting in some applications (e.g., Microsoft Word).


Ctrl + D

Bookmark the current page in browsers.


Windows Key + D

Show or hide the desktop.


Ctrl + E

Center align text in some applications (e.g., Microsoft Word).


Windows Key + E

Open File Explorer.


Ctrl + F

Open the Find dialog.


Alt + F

Open the File menu.


Ctrl + G

Go to a specific page or line in some applications (e.g., Microsoft Word).


Ctrl + H

Open the Find and Replace dialog.


Ctrl + I

Italicize selected text.


Ctrl + Shift + I

Open developer tools in some browsers.


Ctrl + J

Justify text alignment (in some applications) or open the Downloads page in browsers.


Ctrl + K

Insert a hyperlink.


Ctrl + L

Align text to the left.


Ctrl + Shift + L

Create a bulleted list.


Ctrl + M

Indent a paragraph.


Alt + M

Open the Mail app (on some systems).


Ctrl + N

Open a new window or document.


Windows Key + N

Open notifications (on some systems).


Ctrl + O

Open a file.


Ctrl + P

Print the current page or document.


Ctrl + Q

Quit the application (specific to some applications).


Ctrl + R

Refresh the current page.


Windows Key + R

Open the Run dialog box.


Ctrl + S

Save the current document.


Alt + S

Send an email (in many email clients).


Ctrl + T

Open a new tab in browsers.


Windows Key + T

Cycle through the taskbar.


Ctrl + U

Underline selected text.


Ctrl + Shift + U

Open the Unicode input tool (in some systems).


Ctrl + V

Paste copied text or item.


Ctrl + W

Close the current window or tab.


Windows Key + W

Open the Widgets menu (on some systems).


Ctrl + X

Cut selected text or item.


Ctrl + Y

Redo an action.


Ctrl + Z

Undo an action.


In a nutshell, mastering keyboard shortcuts is the major secret to pushing efficiency and productivity while performing digital tasks. Start working with these shortcuts daily and feel the new levels of productivity.





Frequently Asked Questions

What are keyboard shortcuts?

Combinations of keys that perform specific commands quickly.

How can I remember all these shortcuts?

Start with a few and gradually add more as you get comfortable.

Do these shortcuts work on all operating systems?

Many are universal, but some vary by OS.

Can I customize keyboard shortcuts?

Yes, many applications and operating systems allow customization.

Are there application-specific shortcuts?

Yes, many applications have unique shortcuts.

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