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Secondary School Meaning: Check Definition, Meaning, Eligibility


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

The commencement of secondary education serves as the foundation for career-oriented education. Senior secondary school education is extremely important and significant. And parents and children are encouraged to hunt for the top senior secondary schools in Delhi as soon as they graduate from high school. Senior secondary schools provide higher academic level instruction in interest-specific programs. Senior secondary schools, for example, provide arts, commerce, and science programs to choose from. Richmondd Global School is a well-established and one of the greatest senior secondary schools in Delhi, where students learn about every opportunity that can help them construct a brighter future.

What are Secondary Schools?

After completing their basic education, children attend secondary school. Secondary education serves as a bridge between primary and secondary education. Primary education is intended to teach children the fundamentals of education. Secondary education takes place throughout adolescence; therefore, it is responsible for the growth and development of young children. Children's emotional, physical, and cerebral development is at its peak between the ages of 14 and 18. An institution that offers secondary education is referred to as a secondary school or a high school, and this term typically also refers to the building where this is done. Some secondary schools provide both levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED scale, or lower secondary education for students aged 11 to 14, and upper secondary education for students aged 14 to 18, but they can also be offered at distinct institutions. In India, secondary school or high school (grades 8–10), senior secondary school or intermediate college, or pre-university college (grades 11–12).

Secondary Schools

Read more about the Most Expensive School in India.

Two Levels of Education in Secondary Schools

Levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED 2011 education scale are equivalent to secondary education and are as follows-

Lower Secondary Education

Building on elementary school, the first level of secondary education usually has a more subject-focused curriculum. Students typically range in age from 11 to 16 years old.  

Secondary Schools

Upper Secondary Education

The second and final year of secondary school is for students between the ages of 16 and 18, and it serves as a preparation for postsecondary or adult education or as a means of imparting skills necessary for work. It typically offers a wider variety of academic options and streams.

Secondary Schools

Read more about the Acting Schools in Mumbai. 

Eligibility of Secondary Schools

Secondary School eligibility criteria are as follows-

  1. The student must have completed the fundamental years of study, which are Primary School.
  2. Primary school consists of the years before secondary school. 
  3. Students must complete the elementary school years.
  4. Age Limit: 14 to 16 years.

Admissions for Secondary Schools

Admission to secondary school is based on performance in elementary school. Students can enter secondary school after completing their elementary education. Some institutions conduct interviews with students before admitting them. 

Education Requirements for Secondary Schools 

There is no essential skill set to study at the secondary level. Students with the skillsets indicated below, on the other hand, tend to do better-

  1. Communication Abilities
  2. Critical Thinking Capabilities
  3. Digital Competence
  4. Leadership Qualities 
    Networking Capabilities
  5. Research Capabilities
  6. Technical Knowledge
  7. Time Management Abilities

Secondary School Syllabus

The following is the syllabus for secondary schools- 

  1. Arts
  2. Business Studies
  3. Design and Technology
  4. Languages
  5. Mathematics
  6. Personal Development
  7. Science
  8. Social Science
  9. Agriculture 

List of Top 17 Best Secondary Schools in Delhi

The following table gives details about the top best secondary schools in Delhi-

Name of the School 



Air Force BAL Bharti School 

Lodhi Road, New Delhi 


Amity International School 

Sector 44, Noida 


Army Public School

Ridge Road, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 

110 010

Bal Bharati Public School

Parwana Road, Pitampura, New Delhi


Cambridge School 

Sector 27, Noida


Delhi Public School

Mathura Road, New Delhi


Don Bosco School

Kalkaji, Alaknanda, New Delhi 

110 019

GD Goenka School

Sector B, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 

110 037

Gyan Bharati   

Saket, New Delhi 

110 017

Kulachi Hansraj Model Public School

Phase III, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi 


Modern School 

Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 


New Era Public School

H-17, Mayapuri Road, New Delhi


Ramjas School

R K Puram, Sector 4, New Delhi 


Salwan Public School

Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi 


Springdales School 

Upper Ridge Road, Junction Pusa Road, New Delhi


Tagore International School

Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 


The Heritage School

D 2, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 


Popular Secondary Schools in India

The following are some of the popular secondary schools in India-

  1. Ahmedabad International School, Ahmedabad
  2. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Kolkata
  3. Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, New Delhi
  4. Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram, New Delhi
  5. National Centre for Excellence, Bangalore
  6. Oxford English School, Bangalore

Secondary Schools

Careers and Jobs in Secondary Schools

Students can pursue a variety of degree programs after finishing their senior secondary school, ensuring them a secure and bright future. The many degrees include MBBSEngineeringCACSLawyerDesigner, and others, after which students may get employment in that sector.


Conceptual Framework

Designing a school building requires so much more than just infrastructural considerations. The holistic approach to designing a school must take in many elements outside of the actual structure. The building and campus must house a myriad of other factors that include:

  • Curriculum requirements
  • Teaching approaches
  • Budget considerations
  • The educational and political framework
  • Community use of the facility
  • Site-related constraints
  • Design principles and philosophies

There is such diversity of the countries, their education system and hence corresponding priorities and standards. A well-designed school campus must correspond to the demands of students, teachers and support staff, administration, and other resources neccessary infrastructure such as storage, mechanical systems, etc. Estimation of classroom or special area numbers requires determination of expected enrollment and space needs per student.

For instance, in the UK, there are specific space standards for different types of classrooms. A standard classroom to hold 30 students is thought to be about 55 m² while a greater size is implied at 62 m². Art rooms are meant to take about 83 m² while more advanced work such as 3D textile activities require 104 m². Drama studios or advanced science labs are 90 m² to house 30 students. These standards show how educational facilities can be sized up; from a new secondary school of 1,200 students with a focus on practical subjects to a much larger institution designed for 1,850 students.


But how big should a comprehensive high school be? The researchers conclude that one would require such a school to be large enough to present a rich selection of classes for students but small enough to belong. Indeed, optimal academic achievement coincides with 150–250 students per grade level, and a school containing over 2,000 students is likely to suffer from both decreased achievement and community feel.

On the pro side of having smaller schools are the benefits in terms of shared experiences, bigger average academic success, and reduced inequality. On the con side, though, larger schools will most likely be supported on the idea of economies of scale such as shared facilities and a wider range of classes and activities. However, added administrative and transportation costs often offset these cost savings, especially in rural areas.

Large schools will generally have a more bureaucratic and hierarchical organization, with this meaning less interrelation between staff and more formalized roles for them. Practically all teachers in large schools experience isolation from their peer group. Smaller schools will have a higher rate of social connection and more general personal relationships between students and staff. Programs such as house systems have limited success in duplicating the benefits of the smaller school environment.

Engineering Specifications


A school building should meet the needs of students, teachers, support staff, administrators, and the community in keeping with relevant government guidelines and health standards. The barest minimum functional needs are classrooms, toilets, electricity, and storage for educational materials. Ideally, the second level of the school should provide adequately sized classrooms, rooms designated for special teaching purposes, a staff room, administrative offices, multipurpose rooms, hall, science and technology laboratories, appropriate equipment, a library, and computer and media rooms. Other amenities could include: a cafeteria; and storage for equipment. By reference to government standards, there is a minimum floor area and costs against which what is being spent can be measured so that comparisons are made at periodic intervals as less than the minimum or more than the minimum.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the distinction between senior secondary and secondary school?

Ans. Secondary school students are 14-15 years old and are in Class 9th/10th. Senior secondary students range in age from 15 to 18 years old and attend Class 11th/12th.

What subjects are taught in secondary school?

Ans. English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science are the typical courses taught at the secondary level.

Is Delhi a suitable place to study?

Ans. It has some of India's top schools as well as one of the most progressive educational systems.

Which is one of the greatest senior secondary school in Delhi?

Ans. Richmondd Global School is a well-established and one of the greatest senior secondary schools in Delhi, where students learn about every opportunity that can help them construct a brighter future.

What are the goals of secondary school?

Ans. Secondary education tries to instill in pupils the following values- Citizenship in the Democratic Party, Increased Vocational Efficiency, Personality Development, and Leadership Education.

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