Home Articles Scope of Organization Behavior: Meaning, Scope (3 Levels and Key Components), and Conclusion

Scope of Organization Behavior: Meaning, Scope (3 Levels and Key Components), and Conclusion


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

Organization Behavior Overview

Organizational Behavior (OB) research is both fascinating and hard. It is about individuals and groups of people working together in groups. When situational elements interact, the study becomes more difficult. The study of organizational behavior is concerned with an individual's anticipated conduct inside an organization. These qualities include issue selling, taking the initiative, constructive change-oriented communication, inventiveness, and proactive socializing.

No two persons are likely to behave in the same manner in a given job setting. It is the capacity of management to predict an individual's expected behavior. In human conduct, there are no absolutes. Because the human component contributes to productivity, studying human behavior is vital. As a result, the investigation must be given top priority.

Scope of Organisational Behaviour Overview

The range of organizational behavior is as follows-

  1. The OB field does not rely on inferences based on gut impressions but rather aims to acquire knowledge about a problem in a scientific manner under controlled settings. It uses information and analyses the results so that an individual's and a group's behavior may be canalized as desired.
  2. Many psychologists, social scientists, and academics have conducted studies on various aspects of organizational behavior. Employee performance and work happiness are important factors in achieving individual and organizational goals.
  3. Organizations have been established to meet the needs of the people and must be growth-oriented in today's competitive environment. This is attainable if productivity is assured in terms of the quantity of product to be produced while maintaining zero mistake quality. Employee absence and turnover have a negative impact on production.
  4. An absent employee is frequently unable to contribute to the organization's productivity and growth. Employee turnover, on the other hand, raises production costs. Job happiness is an important aspect of evaluating an individual's success at work. Satisfied employees are productive employees who help the development of acceptable work culture in a business.
  5. Organizations are made up of multiple persons who work alone or collaboratively in teams, and the number of such teams constitutes a department, and the number of such departments constitutes an organization. It is a formal framework in which all departments must work together to achieve the organizational goal.
  6. As a result, it is critical that all employees have a good attitude toward their jobs. They must work in a pleasant environment and achieve their objectives. Managers must also cultivate a suitable work culture. The delegation of some powers to subordinates, the division of work, and effective communication are all examples of delegation of authority.
  7. Benchmarking, re-engineering, job re-design, and empowerment are all critical components in ensuring that an organization runs like a well-oiled machine. This is true not only for industrial companies but also for service and social groups.

Organization Behavior and 3 Levels

The scope of OB incorporates three principles, they are as-




Individual Behavior 

It is the investigation of a person's personality, learning, attitudes, motivation, and work satisfaction. In this research, we engage with individuals to learn about them and form opinions about them.

The personal interview phase is used to connect with candidates and assess their talents in addition to those shown in their resumes.

Inter-Individual Behavior

It is the study of communication between employees and their subordinates, understanding people's leadership skills, group dynamics, group disputes, power, and politics.

A meeting to settle on a list of new board members is an example.

Group Behaviour

Group behavior is the study of the creation, structure, and functioning of organizations. In a nutshell, it is the way a group acts.

For instance, strikes, rallies, etc.

Also to know more about the Scope of Sociology, Organizational Behavior, and the Scope of Microbiology.

Scope of Organisational Behaviour Key Components

The following are the key components of organizational behavior- 

  1. Skill Development:- Organizational behavior is directly concerned with generic skills. In today's work environment, skills connected to organizational behavior are gaining traction. Soft skills such as leadership, business expertise, and communication have become increasingly important in the entire operation of a corporation. For example, CIOs (Chief Information Officers) nowadays collaborate with information technology experts to gain a better understanding of the company, communicate effectively with colleagues and connect with other departments.
  2. Personal Development through Understanding Human Behavior:- According to Robert P. Vecchio, people study organizational behavior to gain the sense of success that comes from knowing about the behavior and attitudes of others. This finally leads to increased self-awareness and understanding. For example, when people study the elements that motivate others, they also learn about the factors that motivate them.
  3. Increased Organizational and Individual Effectiveness:- Organizational efficiency is improved by identifying elements such as employee motivation, communication barriers, and personality traits that support or hinder successful performance. For example, an individual who understands conflict resolution, interpersonal communication, and collaboration would be more beneficial to the company.
  4. Sharpening and Refining Common Sense:- Common sense without an understanding of OB is insufficient for workforce management. Employees can be motivated to work better if they are rewarded based on their performance, according to common sense. However, the study of organizational behavior indicates that rewards should be offered seldom and not on a daily basis. For example, some favor loud assessments, but others may prefer admiration depending on the outcome's quality.
  5.  Social Environment:- The relationship with other organizations in society that impact each other is referred to as the social environment. OB investigates the impact and interplay of many social settings and disciplines.
  6. Attitudes and Scenario:- The control system regulates the two primary aspects of specific motivation, namely worker attitudes, and situation variables. All three of these factors-control, attitudes, and situations-influence each other, and a small change in one may alter the motivational pattern and working setting. 
  7. Philosophy and Objectives:- The environment of an organization is created by the ideology and goals of management and employees. An organization's purpose is to generate more for the benefit of society, i.e., workers, investors, and the general public, and to meet their demands to the greatest extent possible in a suitable manner. OB seeks to align human motivations with organizational goals.
  8.  Control System:- Control is required to achieve the greatest results. It combines formal organizations, informal organizations, and social contexts, and this blending is only feasible through communication, group processes, successful interaction, behavioral characteristics, and so on.
  9. Multidiscipline Approach:- It effectively employs psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science, economics, history, and other disciplines. All of these social disciplines make significant contributions to the theory and practice of organizational behavior.
  10. Organizations, both official and informal:- Formal and informal organizations can attain philosophy and aims. A formal organization understands and carefully implements the organization's ideology and purpose. Informal organizations, on the other hand, are diametrically opposed to official organizations and are not strictly implemented.

Organizational Behaviour Conclusion

Our beliefs and personalities explain our choices and the conditions in which we feel at ease. Personality influences our conduct, but the circumstances in which behavior happens should not be overlooked. Perception is our interpretation of our surroundings. It has a significant impact on our behavior, yet numerous systemic biases tint our vision and cause misconceptions. Rapid technical improvements, social awareness, and cultural mixing are anticipated to cause a significant transformation in the way corporations to work in the future years. Organization Behavior studies attempt to improve an organization's ability to deal with these difficulties and create an atmosphere that benefits both the firm and its employees.

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