Home Articles Provincial Civil Service(PCS) : Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam, Salary 2025

Provincial Civil Service(PCS) : Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam, Salary 2025


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

PCS Full Form

PCS is an abbreviation for Provincial Civil Service. PCS is a state-level civil service that falls under Group A and Group B of the executive arm of the government of Uttar Pradesh. This is a state civil service that employs a multi-tiered examination to choose its workers. The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is in charge of this (UPPSC). The PCS notification is also known as the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination. 

A PCS officer may have a variety of positions at the sub-divisional, district, divisional, and state levels, including revenue administration and law and order enforcement. The Provincial Civil Service (PCS), together with the Provincial Police Service (PPS) and the Provincial Forest Service (PFS), is one of three feeder services to the respective All-India Services.

Meaning in India in 2025

Provincial Civil Service is sometimes abbreviated as PCS. It is an administrative civil service within the executive department of the government of Uttar Pradesh state. It is often referred to as the feeder service for the Indian Administrative Service in that state. PCS officers are frequently posted as supplementary divisional commissioners of the state at the divisional level. Most divisions have two to three such positions, with the most prevalent being Additional Commissioner (Development), Additional Commissioner (Revenue), and Additional Commissioner (Executive). 

In the realm of civil services in India, the acronym PCS holds significant importance. PCS stands for Provincial Civil Service, a prestigious administrative service that plays a crucial role in the governance of Indian states. PCS, or Provincial Civil Service, refers to the administrative and managerial cadre of civil servants in various states and union territories of India. These officers are responsible for implementing policies, ensuring smooth governance, and maintaining law and order at the state level. The recruitment and structure of PCS officers are governed by respective state public service commissions.

Eligibility Criteria in 2025

The following information gives details about the eligibility requirements for pcs full form-


Candidates must be at least 21 years old and no older than 40 years old to apply for this position.

  1. Minimum Age- 21 years 
  2. Maximum Age- 40 years

NOTE: Age-Relaxation shall be granted in accordance with the guidelines of the relevant State Public Service Commission.

Qualifications in Education

Candidates with a bachelor's degree or equivalent certification from a recognized university are eligible to apply for this position. For PSC applicants, a bachelor's degree from a recognized university or any comparable qualification degree is required. Certain positions, however, require special requirements, as noted below-


Mandatory Qualification 

DIET (senior lecturer)

B.Ed and postgraduate degree 

Sub-registrar & assistant prosecuting officer

Graduated in law

Assistant labor commissioner

Graduation with economics, sociology, law, or commerce

Statistical officer

Post-graduation or equivalent with mathematics or agricultural statistics

Roles and Responsibilities in 2025

A PCS officer's normal tasks include the following when assigned to field posts such as sub-divisional magistrate, additional city magistrate, or city magistrate-

  1. Maintaining law and order by acting as revenue and criminal courts.
  2. Working as a sub-divisional magistrate, additional city magistrate, and additional divisional commissioner while acting as the government's agent in the field.
  3. Helping the state government collect the income.
  4. Policies of the state government are implemented at the grass-roots level in many domains where they are posted.
  5. Managing the administration and daily operations of the state government. It includes policy formulation and implementation in consultation with the minister-in-charge and the secretary of the relevant department.

PCS Application Form 

The PCS application form will be available on the UPPSC website. Before completing the application form, candidates must double-check all of the information provided in the announcement. Candidates must have their personal and academic information ready, as well as scanned documents, before filling out the application form. 


A fee of Rs 125 is required for general, EWS, and OBC category applicants to successfully submit the application form.

Exam Pattern

The test pattern of UPPSC PCS includes the sections, subjects, time length, and marking scheme of the exam. The preliminary stage comprises two multiple-choice question papers, while the main test has eight descriptive papers and the interview is conducted offline. The PCS Exam Pattern is highlighted below -

  1. Preliminary Exam
  2. Mains Exam
  3. Personal Interview

Compulsory Subject

The topics listed below will be required for PCS. One may learn more about these issues by reading the points listed below. These are the mandatory subjects-

  1. General Hindi
  2. Essay writing
  3. General Studies Paper 1
  4. General Studies Paper 2

Optional Subject

The candidates may learn more about these issues by reading the points listed below. The following is an optional subject-

  1. History
  2. English
  3. Hindi
  4. Science
  5. Hindi
  6. Geography
  7. General Science
  8. Economic and Social development
  9. Indian Politics and Governance
  10. General issues of environmental ecology


The test conducting authority has given the UPPSC PCS syllabus which is detailed in the official notice PDF. Along with the formal announcement, the UPPSC PCS syllabus has been issued. The curriculum for both the prelims and mains is included in the notice. The UPPSC Prelims exam contains two GS papers with questions on current events, international geography, general science, the economy, Indian polity, the Indian National Movement, general & mental aptitude, Hindi, and other topics. The main exam is descriptive in form, with eight exams totaling 1500 marks with questions from topics such as general Hindi, essays, general studies, and optional subjects.

Read more about the Upcoming Government Exams in India.

Salary and Job Profiles  

According to the 7th Pay Commission, the monthly remuneration of a Provincial Civil Service (PCS) officer is now between Rs. 15,600 and Rs. 67,000. Aside from a salary, the government provides PCS personnel with housing, automobiles, and a variety of additional benefits. The following explains the base salary and positions of pcs full form- 

Grade/level on pay matrix

Base Salary (INR)


Years of Service

Higher Administrative Grade

(Above Super time scale) 

(pay level 15)

INR 1.82 - 2.24 lakh

Special Secretary, 

Additional Divisional Commissioner, Chief Development Officer,

Municipal Commissioner,

Director of Directorates,

Managing Director of State PSUs, Vice Chairman of a Development Authority.

In the 27th year of service

Senior Administrative Grade

(Above Super time scale) (pay level 14)

INR 1.44 -  2.18 lakh 

In the 20th year of service

Super Time Scale

(pay level 13A)

INR 1.31 - 2.16 lakh

In the 16th year of service

Selection Grade

(pay level 13)

INR 1.18 - 2.14 lakh

Joint Secretary,

Additional District Magistrate,

City Magistrate,

Additional Municipal Commissioner, Additional Director In Directorates, Additional/Joint Managing Director In State Psus,

Secretary Of A Development Authority

In the 12th year of service

Junior Administrative Grade 

(pay level 12)

INR 78k - 1.91 lakh

In the 9th year of service

Senior Time Scale

(pay level 11)

INR 67k - 1.60 lakh

In the 5th year of service

Junior Time Scale

(pay level 10)

INR 56k - 1.32 lakh 

Deputy Secretary,

Sub-divisional Magistrate,

Additional City Magistrate,

Additional Sub-divisional Magistrate, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Officer On Special Duty In A Development Authority

In the Initial year of service

PCS Officers Recruitment

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is in charge of officer recruitment (UPPSC). The Combined State or Upper Subordinate Services Examination is the name given to the state Civil Services examination. This annual competitive test accounts for half of PCS recruiting. The other half of the seats are filled by promotion from lower-level services like the "Tehsildar cadre,' and these officers are known as "promoted PCS officers." The UPPSC conducts preliminary examinations at several locations around the state. Applicants who pass the preliminary test will be eligible for the main (written) exam. After passing the main exam, the applicant will be required to attend the interview stage, which is the final step for admittance into PCS services.

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Famous PCS Officers

The members of the service include as follows-

  1. Shrilal Shukla
  2. Hardeo Singh
  3. Shyam Singh Yadav
  4. Manoj Kumar Chauhan


The following table shows the difference between IAS and PCS Officers-




Full Form 

Indian Administrative Service

Provincial Civil Service

Roles and Responsibilities 

  1. Law and order must be maintained.
  2. Revenue collection and revenue-related court functions.
  3. To go to several locations to monitor policy implementation.
  4. Supervision of the use of public monies in accordance with financial propriety standards.
  5. Contribute at various levels to the policy formulation and decision-making processes.
  6. To manage the government's everyday operations in conjunction with the minister in charge of the relevant Ministry.
  1. To collect land revenue and to serve as revenue and criminal courts.
  2. To preserve peace and order and to put Union and State Government policies into action at the grassroots level.
  3. Handle the administration and everyday operations of the government, including policy creation and implementation.

Appointed By 

President of India 

Governor of Uttar Pradesh.


  1. Chief Development Officer/SDO/SDM/Joint Collector.
  2. Deputy Commissioner/District Magistrate/District Collector.
  3. Commissioner for Divisions
  4. Revenue Board Member
  5. Chairman of the Revenue Board
  1. Assistant Collector
  2. Sub-District Magistrate
  3. Extra City Magistrate
  4. Magistrate of the City
  5. Extra District Magistrate
  6. Extra divisional commissioner


  1. The Civil Services Examination.
  2. By promoting State Civil Service officials to the IAS.
  3. Through the appointment of non-state civil servants.
  4. Approximately 66% are appointed through direct recruiting, with the remainder serving as promotion quotas.
  1. Recruitment by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission.
  2. Promotions from the Lower Provincial Civil Service of Uttar Pradesh to PCS Officers.
  3. The majority of such officers are hired through direct recruitment, with the remainder hired through promotions.


An IAS officer's base monthly remuneration begins at Rs. 56,100 (TA, DA, and HRA are additional) and can rise to Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary.

According to the 7th Pay Commission, an entry-level wage for a PCS officer is Rs.56100-132000 (Pay Level 10).

Career Progression

PCS officers begin their careers at the sub-divisional level and can rise to become district magistrates, commissioners, or heads of departments depending on their experience, performance, and seniority. The career progression offers opportunities for specialization and leadership roles in diverse fields of administration.

Importance of PCS

PCS officers are pivotal in the decentralized governance structure of India, ensuring effective administration and delivery of public services at the grassroots level. They act as a bridge between the state government and the local populace, addressing grievances, implementing policies, and fostering development.

PCS Full form in Hindi

PCS Full form in Hindi is "प्रांतीय सिविल सेवा" (Provincial Civil Services). 


Frequently Asked Questions

Do the UPSC and PCS syllabuses cover the same topics?

Ans. While IAS officers can gain control of central deputation, state PCS officers are mostly limited to state deputation. There is also a distinction between the IAS and PCS syllabuses in that, whilst state PCS examinations have a unique state-specific s

What is the difference between IAS and PCS?

Ans. The primary difference between IAS and PCS is the jurisdiction and government agency for which they work. The IAS is directly controlled by the Central Government, whereas the PCS is controlled by the State Government.

What exactly does PCS eligibility entail?

Ans. Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent certification from an accredited university.

Is the PCS test more difficult than the IAS exam?

Ans. In comparison to IAS, PCS is a simple test.

What jobs are available under the PCS position?

Ans. PCS officers frequently hold numerous jobs at the sub-divisional, district, divisional, and state levels, including revenue administration, establishing new circumstances in the state, and most essentially, maintaining law and order. As a result, a P

What are the fundamental academic requirements for becoming a PCS officer?

Ans. You will not be qualified to appear in the PCS examinations as a 12th-pass student since the minimum educational requirement necessary for the same is a bachelor’s degree course in any field from any recognized university or any other similar q

What is the number of papers in the PCS exams?

Ans. The PCS main final exam is subjective in nature and consists of a total of eight papers. The test covers General Hindi Paper, Essay Paper, General Studies Paper (4), and Optional Paper (2). Students should thoroughly study each topic by understanding

After passing the State Level Examination, what is the salary scale for a PCS Officer?

Ans. Candidates qualified for PCS level employment earn between Rs 9,300 - 34,800 (Grade Pay Rs 4200) and Rs 15,600 - 39,100. (Grade Pay 5400).

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