Home Articles Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY Scheme): Empowering India

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY Scheme): Empowering India


Suman Saurav
Suman Saurav
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana is a leading scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and is implemented by National Skill Development Corporation. The prime objective of this Skill Certification scheme is to enable the Indian youth to take up industry relevant skill training so that they can secure a better livelihood.

The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) administered Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) was launched in 2015 by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. Training for the country's youth has been the goal of the Indian Government to make them obtain meaningful, industry-relevant skills. Government welfare schemes form a large part of the Social Justice and Indian Polity sections of the UPSC Syllabus for General Studies paper 2.

Objectives of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

The PMKVY scheme targets specific objectives:

  • Providing industry relevant skills to unemployed youth and school dropouts.
  • Award of certification to verify skills earned; improves chances of employment.
  • Facilitate employment opportunities across sectors and geographies.
  • Through entrepreneur training, encourage self-employment.

Empowering India Through Skills

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has launched the third phase of its flagship scheme — Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY 3.0) on 15 January 2021, aiming to empower country's youth and continue the journey of Skill India Mission in building India as the skill capital of the world. PMKVY 3.0 encouraged and promoted skill development throughout the country to address industry needs, meet market demands and impart skills in services and in new-age job roles that have become crucial with the advent of COVID-19 pandemic. Building on the learning from PMKVY 1.0 and PMKVY 2.0, PMKVY 3.0 was rolled out in a more decentralized manner with the State/UTs and Districts having greater onus and support. Under the guidance of State Skill Development Missions (SSDM), District Skill Committees (DSCs) would play an important role in addressing the gap in skills and assessing the demand at the district level. The new scheme will be more trainee and learner-centric, addressing the ambitions of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Note: The PMKVY 3.0 officially ended in March 2022, with training extended into 2022-23 due to Covid-related delays. Both PMKVY 2.0 and 3.0 have been closed, and no training is currently ongoing under the scheme.

PMKVY 4.0: The Next Phase

New PMKVY 4.0 version focuses on these issues through:

  • Online training programs or digital modules enhancing accessibility.
  • Artificial Intelligence-Powered Job Matching: Using artificial intelligence to match candidate skills against industry needs.
  • Stronger Industry Partnerships: Collaboration with industries for the creation of job-ready candidates.
  • Green Skills: Training for emerging green jobs, with attention to sustainable practices.

Key Features of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

The 5 important characteristics of the scheme are numbered below:

  1.  PMKVY targets beneficiaries between 15 and 45 years of age, including school dropouts, unemployed youth, and those looking for skill upgradation.
  2.  This program recognizes and certifies the skills of individuals, especially those working in unorganized sectors such as construction or tailoring, to formalize their expertise.
  3. Courses under PMKVY are aligned with the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), ensuring relevance to high-demand sectors such as IT, healthcare, and manufacturing.
  4.  Financial rewards are given to certified trainees. This will help remove barriers to participation and motivate engagement.
  5. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and the Differently Abled: SC, ST, and persons with disabilities are specially provided for to ensure that everyone gets equal access and opportunities.

Components of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

Under PMKVY, all training and assessment charges are being paid by the Government in full. The pay-outs are given to the Training Providers (TPs) in keeping with common norms. The scheme is being implemented at both the Centre and the State levels with a 50:50 division of funds and targets along with more intense involvement of DSC.



Short Term Training

The STT component under the PMKVY Training Centre is meant to be delivered to candidates who are school/college dropouts or unemployed candidates of Indian nationality. Training under the NSQF along with soft skills, entrepreneurship, financial, and digital literacy will be delivered at TCs. The assessment successfully completed by the candidate is provided placement assistance by the training providers.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a component of skill certification to empower Indian youth with industry relevant skill certification so that they can better themselves for a good livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can get registered, assessed, and certified under the RPL component of PMKVY. It focuses mainly on the unregulated sectors.

Special Projects

The Special Projects of the PMKVY seeks the development of a vehicle, which will allow trainings conducted in special areas and/or premises of Government bodies, corporates or industry bodies. As well as, that have special job roles not available or defined under the Qualification Packs(NOS) / National Occupational Standards QPs. Special Projects of sorts require some deviation with guidelines for short-term trainings under PMKVY. A proposing stakeholder can either be institutions of Central or State Government(s), autonomous body/statutory body or any other equivalent body or a corporate that wants to provide training to candidates.

Kaushal and Rozgar Mela

Biannually for the placement of those having completed the training of PMKVY and been certified.
Helps to fill in the job seeker and the job provider nexus by providing specialized placement services for certified candidates.

Placement and Monitoring Guidelines

Job placement for programme trained and certified candidates in focus
Training quality is continually ensured through SDMS while the training process

Role of Training Partners (TPs)

Placement opportunities for candidates after the completion of training.
Delivering training at levels below 5 NSQF to enhance employability.
Support to develop entrepreneurship skills in order to foster self-employment.

Awareness Building

Promotes the scheme through mass communication campaigns to facilitate youth participation.
Uses television, radio, and digital platforms to create awareness.

These components together tend to bridge the skill gap in India, induce self-reliance, and align workers with industry demands.

Target Audience, Eligibility Criteria, and Geographic Scope

The details are tabulated below:


Short Term

 Training Special Projects 

Recognition of
Prior Learning 


Candidates looking for fresh skilling, re-skill/upskill, out of-education candidates, School/college dropouts or unemployed youth of Indian

Marginalized, vulnerable groups,
etc. requiring special attention or job-roles with focus on future skills'

Candidates with prior learning experience or
skills and willing to get assessed and certified.


Indian nationals possessing valid Aadhaar and fulfilling eligibility criteria of respective job role. In case of RPL, prior experience will be required in the job role for which RPL certification is being sought and as specified in the job role.

Age Group 

15 – 45 years 

15 – 45 years 

18– 59 years

Geographical Coverage

Special attention to aspirational, backward, border, tribal and Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts, including skilling requirements for other countries.

How to Enroll in PMKVY: A Step-by-Step Guide

Applying for the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is easy and accessible to potential applicants. Here is how to apply:

  • Visit the official portal of PMKVY or training centers to get detailed information of the scheme.
  • Check your eligibility based on the criteria drawn up for different courses under this scheme.
  • Select a suitable skill training course that one finds an interest in among the ones listed under PMKVY.
  • Find a nearest training center affiliated under PMKVY through their official portal or helpline.
  • Contact the training center and enquire about enrollment process, required documents and training schedule.
  • Collect the needed documents, which may be identity proof, address proof, and passport size photograph.
  • Fill up the registration form at the training centre or online if possible and submit the needed documents attached with the application form at the training center.
  • Regularly attend the skill training sessions and participate in active practical and theoretical learning.
  • Upon successful completion of the training, appear for the assessment to earn certification and access placement assistance.

By following the above steps, people can easily join PMKVY and take the first step toward a skilled and successful future.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PMKVY scheme?

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship's (MSDE) main program, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), is carried out by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). Enabling Indian youngsters to pursue industry-relevant skill tr

Is PMKVY a free course?

Yes, training is free of cost according to the scheme making skill development accessible to a larger number of people.

What are the benefits of PMKVY for students?

The program provides unemployed youngsters and school or college dropouts with free, industry-related skills training to prepare them for the workforce. Candidates can seek for jobs and make a living by using the program's legitimate certification and Ski

Who can apply for PMKVY?

Candidates of Indian nationality who have dropped out of school or college or are unemployed are anticipated to benefit from the STT component taught in PMKVY Training Centers (TC).

What is the duration of PMKVY courses?

The duration of any course under depends on the Job role (180 hr-540 hr).

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