Home Articles POLICE Full Form: Meaning, Duties, and More

POLICE Full Form: Meaning, Duties, and More


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar
POLICE Full Form: Meaning, Duties, and More

We all know how essential the job of the police is in dealing with crimes that occur in every region of the country; if anybody is first to deal with any type of crime, it is the police who safeguard the people. The police defend civilians against criminals in a variety of ways.

Police personnel keep the country safe and the legislation in place. The police are a security force that is always ready to safeguard the inhabitants of our nation, just as the army is to protect us from foreign foes. Similarly, it is the responsibility of the police to protect the general public from internal unethical activities and to prosecute every criminal case in the best interests of the country. In Hindi, police are referred to as Aarakshi or Aarakshak. The stars on the police officers' uniforms indicate which officers have certain positions in the police department.

The police force is one of the country's security forces. It is regarded as a critical component of the country's internal security. All employees of the Police Department are solely deployed for the country's internal security. Employees of the police department have been given the authority to punish anyone who breaches the laws of the country. It is tasked with looking after and sustaining the country's law and order. On the other hand, if a person is bothered by a criminal case or wishes to register a complaint, he/she can seek the assistance of the police and go to their local police station to file a report.

POLICE Full Form

POLICE Full Form

POLICE stands for "Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies." They are uniformed personnel who are in charge of maintaining law and order. They are a group of people who are there to enforce laws, prevent civil unrest, save lives, and punish offenders. Every location in India has a police station, which is led by the Station House Officer. It is a government position. Sub Inspectors, Assistant Sub Inspectors, and Constables work in every police station. Indian police officers wear "Khaki" uniforms.

Every year, a large number of candidates apply for the position of police officer, but only a small number of candidates pass the examination to become police officers. Candidates for that test must complete a number of steps. For this, the candidate must first pass the written exam, followed by the race. After this medical is completed. The individuals who pass all of these steps are then assigned to the position of police officer.

How to Become a Police?

The police force is a high-status occupation that commands societal respect. Many youngsters aspire to become police officers and serve their nation. So you may join the police force after completing your tenth grade, for which the state and federal governments issue application forms each year.

POLICE Full Form

POLICE Full Form: Duties 

The police are the ones who make us feel safe. Police employment entails a great deal of responsibility. The following are some of the duties of police-

  1. To stop criminal activity.
  2. To apprehend criminals.
  3. To conduct an investigation into the criminal's crimes.
  4. To safeguard the country's internal assets.
  5. To collect evidence in order to prosecute offenders.
  6. To ensure the ordinary man's safety.

Read more about IAS Full Form.

Central vs State Police Vacancy

Central Police Vacancy

SSC Delhi police chief constable vacancies are announced each year. This is a position in the federal government. The following details should be filled out in the form required-

  1. 12th pass (Science or Mathematics)
  2. The minimum age should be 18 years old and the Maximum age should be 27 years old. 

Note:- OBC and SC/ST are given a three-year and five-year relaxation, respectively, under the guidelines.

Exam Pattern of Central Police

A personality test consisting of 100 objective questions. The subjects are as follows- 

  1. General Awareness – 20 Questions 
  2. Mathematics – 25 Questions
  3. Reasoning – 20 Questions
  4. General Science – 25 Questions
  5. Computer - fundamentals - 10 questions

Note:- All questions are worth one point, and there is no negative grading as in previous SSC exams.

SSC Head Constable Syllabus of POLICE

The following table gives details about the syllabus for police-









  1. Non-Verbal Reasoning
  2. Equality
  3. Alphanumeric Series
  4. Number Series
  5. Critical Thinking
  6. Logical Reasoning
  7. Input Output
  8. Blood Relation
  9. Impotence
  10. Table
  11. Instruction/Ranking Test
  12. Venn Diagrams
  13. Seating Arrangements
  14. Coded Inequalities
  15. Data Sufficiency
  16. Coding and Decoding





General Science (Physics)

  1. Thermodynamics
  2. Newton's law of motion
  3. Gravity
  4. Motion
  5. Pressure
  6. Units of measurement
  7. Sound
  8. Heat and Temperature
  9. Electronics
  10. Magnetism
  11. Rules of OM
  12. Number System
  13. Fiber Optics, Mode of Communication




General Science  (Chemistry)

  1. Chemistry of everyday life
  2. Commonly used Chemicals
  3. Important Catalyst
  4. Reactions
  5. Commercial Applications of Chemicals
  6. Chemical and Physical Changes
  7. Definition-Based Questions
  8. Acid (sulfuric acid, HCl)
  9. Atomic Number
  10. Elements and their Symbols
  11. Electrochemistry



General Awareness

  1. environment around us
  2. Questions related to India and its neighboring countries
  3. Geography
  4. Indian Economy
  5. History
  6. Culture
  7. General Politics
  8. Indian Constitution






  1. Number Systems
  2. Percentage
  3. SI & CI
  4. Profit-Loss
  5. Discount
  6. Algebra
  7. Geometry
  8. Mensuration
  9. Time, Distance & Work
  10. Ratio and Proportion
  11. Averages
  12. Trigonometry
  13. Data Interpretation
  14. Sequence & Series
  15. Permutation & Combination
  16. Simplification


Computer Awareness

  1. Basic of Computers
  2. Shortcuts & Basic knowledge of MS Word
  3. word processing
  4. Excel
  5. Communications

Police Physical Exam

  1. 1600 meters of running
  2. long jump
  3. lengthy leap

Note:- Please keep in mind that after completing Phase 2, candidates' typing tests will be rescheduled. If a candidate passes typing as well, a merit list will be created, and if their name appears on it, they will be accepted. SSC Delhi Police Sub Inspector follows the same approach, except only graduates can apply. Its examination and physical examination are really challenging.

Also read more about- Salary of a Police Officer 2024.

State Police Vacancy

Every year, vacancies come out for different posts in the state government and police like-  

  1. Constable
  2. Head Constable
  3. Sub Inspector, etc. 

The following table gives details about the different qualifications that are required to fill out different forms-





Head Constable


Sub Inspector



Higher Posts

The following table gives age and height criteria for different categories-


Minimum Age 

Maximum Age 













Written exams are classified into two types: subjective and objective. The subjective state is present in PCS tests but not in other police positions.

Read more about the Upcoming Government Exams in India.

State Police Constable Syllabus

The following table gives details about the syllabus for police-







  1. Note & writing a summary of a passage
  2. Comprehension of unseen factual/imaginative passages
  3. Grammatical items and structures
  4. Free Composition on familiar/contemporary issues
  5. Reading of essays/informative pieces
  6. Reading poems for enjoyment and understanding
  7. Various registers of English
  8. Precis of a given passage
  9. Translation from the mother tongue into English reading of tales/short plays/short stories.





General Knowledge

  1. Current Events
  2. National and International Importance
  3. History
  4. Politics
  5. Constitution
  6. Play
  7. Art and Culture
  8. Geography
  9. Economics
  10. Everyday Science
  11. Scientific Research
  12. National/International Organization/Institute etc.







  1. Physics Work, Energy, and Power
  2. The motion of the System of Particles & Rigid Body
  3. Physical World & Measurement
  4. Kinematics,
  5. Laws of Motion
  6. Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Matter
  7. Optics
  8. Atoms & Nuclei
  9. Communication Systems
  10. Properties of Bulk Matter
  11. Gravity
  12. Heat & Thermodynamics
  13. Electrostatics
  14. Alternating Currents

Physical Exam of Police

Some states require a physical exam before taking the written test, while others do not. The physical portion of the state police test is worth 100 points, with a minimum of 30% required. The distance is 1600 meters. The following time is used to assign grades-

  1. 5 minutes - 50 points
  2. 5 minutes 30 markers - 20 to 40 seconds
  3. 5 minutes and 40 seconds to 6 minutes - 20 points

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List of Police Departments

The following gives details about the list of POLICE full form with their Departments-

  1. ACP: Assistant Commissioner of Police
  2. ADG: Additional Director General 
  3. ASI: Assistant Sub-Inspector
  4. ASP: Assistant Superintendent of Police 
  5. BSF: Border Security Force
  6. CBI: Central Bureau of Investigation
  7. CID: Criminal Investigation Department
  8. CISF: Central Industrial Security Force
  9. CO: Circle Officer
  10. CPO: Central Police Organisation 
  11. CRPF: Central Reserve Police Force 
  12. DCP: Deputy Commissioner of Police 
  13. DGP: Director General of Police
  14. DIG: Deputy Inspector General
  15. DSP: Deputy Superintendent of Police
  16. FIR: First Information Report
  17. IG: Inspector General of Police 
  18. IPS: Indian Police Service
  19. ITBP: Indo-Tibetan Border Police
  20. NSG: National Security Guard
  21. PET: Physical Endurance Test
  22. PI: Police Inspector
  23. PSC: Public Service Commission
  24. PST: Physical Standard Test
  25. SI: Sub-Inspector
  26. SP: Superintendent of Police
  27. SSB: Sashastra Seema Bal
  28. SSP: Senior Superintendent of Police 

Role of STARS on the Police Officers Shoulders

A image detailing is shown below: 

POLICE Full Form

The police officers' positions are indicated by the star on their shoulders.

⭐: Constable 

⭐⭐: Sub Inspector

⭐⭐⭐: Inspector

NOTE:- ACP and DSP both have three stars on their shoulders.

Benefits of Joining the Police

A police job is a high-status occupation. The police force is provided with the following services-

  1. House to live
  2. Promotion over time 
  3. A good salary package 
  4. Car for official work 
  5. Life insurance

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary responsibilities of the police?

The primary job of the police is to preserve social order and investigate crimes. Aside from that, the police are responsible for providing assistance in emergency circumstances.

What is the POLICE full form?

POLICE stands for Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies.

What are the perks of Police?

The police force is provided with the following services, which are- house to live in, promotion over time, a good salary package, a car for official work, and life insurance.

Which federal ministry oversees the police department?

The police department is part of the state government home department. The state government appoints police officers.

What do the stars in Police mean?

Constable - 1 star, Sub Inspector - 2 stars, Inspector - 3 Stars

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