Home Articles pH Full Form: pH scale, Importance of pH, pH value, pH of Acid and Base

pH Full Form: pH scale, Importance of pH, pH value, pH of Acid and Base


pH Full Form: pH scale, Importance of pH, pH value, pH of Acid and Base

pH Full Form Overview 

The full form of pH is “potential of hydrogen”. The acidity or alkalinity of a solution can be identified from pH. The pH scale normally ranges from 0 to 14 with pure water being neutral having a pH of 7. Those solutions showing pH values less than 7 are acidic while those greater than 7 are basic.

pH Full Form

The full form of pH is the potential of hydrogen. The logarithmic measurement of the H+ ion concentration is called pH, that is why its meaning in other words is defined as strength or power of hydrogen.


The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution is termed as pH, which in turn measures the acidity or basicity of the solution. It is an indexing system that shows how acidic or basic a solution is. It explains whether a substance is a base and whether it is acid. The pH ranges from 14 to 0 on a pH scale. What is meant by pH?, is the question that is frequently asked in the examination. p means potential and H denotes hydrogen ion concentration, so these two terms together form one big word known as ‘p’ plus ‘H’. The proportion of hydrogen ions (H3O+) to hydroxide ions (OH-) is shown by pH+,which is a symbol of acidic solution and pOH- indicates a basic one. It measures a solution’s acidity and alkalinity.


The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Aqueous solutions at temperature 25 °C are acidic with a pH less than 7 and become basic/alkaline for values higher than 7. At the benchmark temperature of 25°C, pH 7 characterizes pure water solutions as they contain equal amounts of H3O+ and OH and is therefore called ‘neutral’. Thus, the term pH means Potential of Hydrogen which refers to hydrogen strength.

What is the pH Scale?

The potential of hydrogen (pH) in any solution is what the pH stands for. It was a Danish Biochemist S.P.L Sorensen who introduced the pH value. The pH value is always expressed in an aqueous solution equivalent to per liter. It was adopted as a method of measurement by the National Institute of Standard Technology where pH is defined as electromotive force. Defined as a cohesive force that acts on two electrodes which are in a solution. As per the scale, the pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.

Measuring the pH of Acid and Base

The solution’s pH scale runs from 0 to 14. The pH full form scale defines acidic solutions as those which have a pH value between 0 to 7 and also states that basic solutions are those which have a range of pH from greater than 7 going up till 14.

Solution Type

pH value


Anything falling in the range of 0 to 7


Anything falling in the range of 7 to 14


Equal to the value of 7

When the pH scale measures a solution’s pH full form or pH value to be 7, that solution is said to be neutral. For example, a highly acidic solution with pH(Phosphorus) value being equal to zero, it means such solutions stand at the extreme end in terms of low pH levels and are acidic. This is due to increase in acid concentration as acidity increases from 7 to 0, while there are strongly alkaline solutions which have a pH value of about 14. A base or an acid’s strength is determined by the number of OH- ions and H+ ions are produced in it. It is widely established that stronger acids are those that produce more H+ ions, and vice versa.

Check out pH formula.

How is pH Important for Us?

The Potential of Hydrogen is the pH Full Form. When the water’s pH drops below 7, it is referred to as acid rain. This in turn causes a decrease in river water’s pH which is another term for Potential of Hydrogen and this makes survival difficult for sea creatures. The lining of the stomach in humans secretes hydrochloric acid which helps break down food by activating certain enzymes, antacids are used to counteract and neutralize the stomach’s production of acid in the case of acidity reflux


The pH of human mouths is routinely lowered by the bacteria present there as a result of the breakdown of food particles. As a consequence, tooth decay and demineralisation occurs. As such, it is recommended that individuals brush their teeth and use mouthwash which acts by neutralizing the acid and promoting remineralization. Fluoride-containing paste supports for its repair and prevent the teeth from decaying.


Whenever a bee stings people, they usually feel a lot of pain because the insect uses formic acid, which is also called methanoic acid. Therefore, it is suggested to use baking soda or other weak bases on the skin which would help to de-activate the acid and balance out the pH.

Read More About Importance of pH in Everyday Life

pH Value

Usually, pH is read off from a gauge that indicates values ranging from 0 to 14. To use it, one has to place a sample of the solution on the gauge, which in turn shows its pH. After that, we can compare this number with others which tell us whether our solution is either acidic or basic.


The amount of OH and H ions determines a pH solution. PH value has many uses in medicine and the lab sector.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Full Form of pH?

The full form of ph is potential of hydrogen.

How is pH related to acidity and alkalinity?

Lower pH values indicate higher acidity (<7), while higher pH values indicate greater alkalinity (>7). pH serves as a measure of the balance between acid and base concentrations.

What does a pH value of 7 signify?

A pH value of 7 indicates neutrality (water), meaning the solution is neither acidic nor alkaline. It represents a balance between acid and base concentrations.

Who introduced the concept of pH value?

The pH value was introduced by Danish Biochemist S.P.L. Sorensen.

What is the importance of pH in everyday life?

pH is important in everyday life as it affects processes such as digestion in humans, the survival of aquatic life, and dental health.

What is the significance of pH in medicine and laboratories?

pH value is crucial in medicine and laboratories for various tests and preparations.

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