Home Articles Oasis Scholarship Status Check

Oasis Scholarship Status Check



The last date of this year's Oasis scholarship program is 20 July 20, 2024. The backward-class welfare department, of the Government of West Bengal, provides the Oasis Scholarship to financially help students who belong to SC/ST and OBC communities, helping them to pursue their education.  Highlighting the before and after matric scholarship, the main target is to calculate the literacy levels within the SC/ST and OBCs. Interested candidates can submit their application for the Oasis scholarship on their official website.

Oasis Scholarship 2024-25

Oasis Scholarship is a liberal mission test created by the West Bengal Government for SC/ST and OBC groups of students who can’t afford or join of individuals who can’t afford or register in their respective courses.

The backward-class welfare department and tribal development department of Kolkata are inviting applications for the Online Oasis Scholarship 2024. SC/ST and OBC who have completed their 10th grade. Hence, candidates from 11th grade to postgraduate level with a family income of less than 2.5 lakh per annum can apply for this scholarship.
The West Bengal Government and The Backward Class Welfare Department offer different types of Oasis Scholarships, such as Pre-matric scholarships for SC and ST students and Oasis post-matric scholarships for SC/ST and OBC Category students.

Oasis Scholarship 2024-25 Last Date

The last date of this year's Oasis scholarship program is 20 July 20, 2024. The Government of West Bengal announced the official last date for the Oasis Scholarships application.

The final date announcement has led to a great advancement of several applicants. The Oasis Scholarship has been available for all the candidates who are pre or post-matric level students belonging to SC/ST/ OBC. Enrollment for this scholarship began on 15 June and its last date is 20 June.

Status Check of Oasis Scholarship 2024

The backward-class welfare department along with West Bengal’s equal efforts has launched an online portal for the Oasis Scholarship Status check, This means that every candidate who belongs to the SC/ST or OBC can check the status of their application online and keep track of its details.
The Oasis Scholarship status check requires a candidate visit to the official website www.oasis.gov.in, by clicking on the ‘Track n application’, filling in the asked credentials like Aadhar number, and then clicking on the Check status button.

Oasis Scholarship Status Check Amount

The educational scheme regulates the amount of the grant, the student’s education level, and whether the student lives within the campus or commutes.  The scholarship amount offered by the Osais Scholarship varies depending on the class the candidates want to enroll. Along with the class, group, marks, or percentage obtained, the financial group to which the students wish to apply is also a crucial point during the selection process.
Pre-matric Scholarship for SC/ST students gets an award equivalent to Rs 150/monthly for 10 months with an extraordinary grant of Rs 750 annually. Oasis Post matric scholarship for SC/ST students covers a maintenance charge of Rs 550/month. This same scholarship reward scheme applies to courses like medical, engineering, BSc, MPhil, PhD, and LLM students.  Class 11th and 12th students will be granted Rs 230 every month under this scholarship. This scholarship amount will be more for hostellers.

Scholarship Amount for SC/OB Students 

Name of the Scheme

Rate of Grant

Ceiling of Family Income

Quota if there be any



Shikshashree to SC

V-VIII – Rs 800/- P.A.

Rs. 2,50,000/-p.a.

No Quota

Once in a Year


Hostel Grant for S.C. Students Lodging

in School attached Hostel

Rs 1000/-p.m. Per Student

Rs. 36,000/-p.a.


10  Months in a Year


Ashram Hostel Grant for S.C  Students reading Classes I to X

Rs 1000/-p.m. Per Student +Rs 125/- p.m. for meeting  other Expenses

Rs. 36,000/-p.a.

Number of students that can be accommodated

12 Months


Post-Matric Scholarship to S.C.

Hosteller (Yearly) –2021-22 State Rate          GOI Rate

Gr. I   –  Rs. 13,500/-       Rs. 13,500/- Gr. II –  Rs. 12,000/-       Rs. 9,500/-

Gr. III – Rs. 12,000/-       Rs. 6,000/- Gr. IV – Rs. 12,000/-       Rs. 4,000/-

Day Scholar (Yearly) 2021-22

Rs. 7,000/- Rs. 6,500/-

Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 2,500/-

Rs. 2,50,000/- p.a.

No Quota

12 Months

M.C. + Fees subject to capping

Merit Scholarship (V-X) for S.C  Girls

V – VI-Rs100/- p.m.               VII – VIII-Rs 125/- p.m.

IX – X- Rs 150/- p.m.

Rs. 60,920 /-p.a.


12 Months


Merit Scholarship(IX-XII) for SC

Rs 400/-p.m.

Rs. 36,000/-p.a.


12 Months


Unclean Occupation from classes    I-X (GOI & State rate)

Hosteller (Yearly) – 2022-23

Rs. 8,000/-

Day  Scholar (Yearly) – 2022-23

Rs. 3500/-

No ceiling

No quota

10 months.

Pre-Matric(CS) Scholarship for students belonging to SC (IX & X)

Hosteller (Yearly) – 2022-23 State Rate                     GOI Rate

Rs. 10,000/-                  Rs. 7,000/-

Day Scholar (Yearly) – 2022-23

Rs. 3,500/-

Rs. 2,50,000/-p.a.

No quota

Per Annum

Pre-Matric Scholarship to O.B.C. Students

Hosteller & Day Scholar V to X – 4000/-(Per Annum)

Rs. 2,50,000/-p.a.

No Quota

Per Annum


Post-Matric Scholarship to O.B.C. Students (XI onwards ) G.O.I.& State Rate

Hosteller  & Day Scholar(Per Annum) Gr.A – 10000(A) + 10000 (T) = 20000/- Gr.B – 8000(A) + 5000 (T) = 13000/- Gr.C – 6000(A) + 2000 (T) = 8000/- Gr.D – – 5000(A) + 0(T) = 5000/-

(A)  – Academic Allowance  (T) – Tuition Fees

Rs. 2,50,000/-p.a.

No Quota

Per Annum



Eligibility for Oasis Scholarship 

The West Bengal government has set the Oasis scholarship eligibility, which states that the candidates must meet specific criteria to apply for the Oasis scholarship, the details are as follows:
Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST candidates must be students of 9th or 10th standard and a candidate’s family income should not exceed Rs 2 lakh per annum.
However, for the post-matric scholarship for SC/ST candidates, the candidates must be in senior secondary level and their family income should not be more than Rs 250,000 for OBC students the annual income should not exceed more than Rs 100,000.

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