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NIPUN History, Overview, Eligibility, Programme Implementations, Benefits, Outcomes.



NIPUN History, Overview, Eligibility, Programme Implementations, Benefits, Outcomes.

History of NIPUN 

In 2020, the Ministry of Education launched the National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy under the policy of national education. The NIPUN Bharat Mission began on 5th July 2021. The aim of this mission was that every child acquires all rounder capabilities in foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) by Grade 3.

Overview of NIPUN

The National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy mission strategy is to achieve this goal by 2026-27. Where else their primary concern is to fulfill every child's basic learning requirements ( i.e., reading, writing and arithmetic at the foundation level).
The interest area of NIPUN is to retain all the students till their completion of their radical learning, update training modules and expand teacher capacity. 
Hence, all the State/UT government need to assemble an administration plan to accomplish universal foundational literacy and numeracy in all primary schools. Plus, they require stage-wise targets to be seasoned and observe the development of the same.

Eligible for NIPUN 

The eligibility criteria of NIPUN Bharat Mission Scheme is enlisted down below:

  • This scheme talks about children whose ages are between 3-9 years.
  • This scheme also prioritizes students' academics in preschool to 3rd standard. 
  • Students who are studying in 4th and 5th standard without a foundational talent will also gain support, guidance and study resources in order to  excel their academic proficiency skills.
  • Furthermore, it is important for all the govt, government-aided and private schools to obtain the aims of this mission. This will support to achieve the universal acquisition of FLN skills by 2026-27

Programme Implementation

  • The Department of School Education and Literacy is in charge of carrying out the programme.
  • Under the centrally supported Samagra Shiksha initiative, a five-tier implementation system will be established at the national, state, district, block, and school levels in all states and union territories.
  • Since the success of NIPUN Bharat is highly dependent on teachers, there will be a strong emphasis on teacher capacity building. NCERT is developing a unique package for foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) as part of the NISHTHA Scheme, which is the National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement.
  • In 2021, roughly twenty-five lakh teachers from pre-primary to primary grades will receive FLN training.


Benefits of the NIPUN Bharat Mission

Benefits of the NIPUN Bharat Mission is enlisted down below : 

  • The objective of the mission is established in the form of Targets for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) or Lakshya Soochi. 
  • Even though its main target is to obtain the desired learning results by Grade 3
  • In order to escalate awareness among parents, volunteers, the community etc., this scheme has progressed Lakshyas from Balvatika to Grade 3.
  • Primarily, the Lakshyas are established on the learning guidelines composed by NCERT and international research and ORF studies.


Outcomes of NIPUN

The expected outcomes of NIPUN implementation of the objectives/goals outcomes of the NIPUN Bharat Mission are enlisted below :

  • On prior bases, it will build up the Foundational skills of children and therefore the dropouts will be less.
  • Many students will be able to progress to the primary, upper primary and secondary stages.
  • Upraise the standard of education because of a productive and activity-based learning environment.
  • Utilization of special teaching and objective learning in order to make the learning sessions capitative and joyful.
  • Creating a training module that achieves to build physical and motor skills, social skills, emotional skills, numeracy, life skills etc.
  • Prolonging the reports of the advancement of every child.
  • Stimulate children to attain learning orderly to have a positive impression on their life decision, employment etc in the future.


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