Home Articles National Doctors' Day 1st July in India

National Doctors' Day 1st July in India


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

National Doctors' Day in India Overview 

India observes National Doctors' Day on July 1st each year. When there is a pandemic crisis, physicians are always the first to combat it for the general population. There have been numerous pandemic situations such as COVID-19, Plague, Flu, AIDS, Ebola, and others where doctors were the front liner for public safety and health. We name them DOCTORS, heroes of the country who do not fight at borders but labor tirelessly to save lives and improve life expectancy while putting their own lives in danger. Their impact on human health exceeds expectations.

National Doctors' Day 

Throughout India on July 1, National Doctors' Day is observed in honor of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, a physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal. Every year on July 1st, National Doctors' Day is marked in honor of Dr. Bidhan Roy, the former Chief Minister of Bengal, noted for his selfless contribution to mankind. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) observes the day to honor all physicians and healthcare professionals who have worked diligently to serve people while sacrificing their own lives.

Importance and Function of National Doctors' Day 

Doctors' have a vital role in society; they devote their lives to patients well-being, assisting in faster recovery from sickness or condition, and improving quality of life. They have a great understanding of medical science and commit their knowledge to treat patients medical ailments and extending their lives. In numerous cases, physicians have not quit despite being attacked by patients and their families. They continued to offer medical services to the general population. Nobody can ever forget their relentless efforts and contributions.

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History of National Doctors' Day in India  

In India, National Doctors' Day was originally marked on July 1, 1991, in honor of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, to honor his contributions to the field of medicine. July 1 is both his death and birth anniversaries, which fall on the same day. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (July 1, 1882–July 1, 1962) was a well-known physician, educator, independence fighter, social worker, and politician. He was also the chief minister of West Bengal for 14 years (1948–1962). On February 4, 1961, he received the highest Indian civilian honor, The Bharat Ratna. He gave his life to the people, treated countless individuals, and inspired millions. He was also the personal physician of the Mahatma Gandhis. In his honor, the B.C. Roy National Award was established in 1976 to honor outstanding individuals in the fields of health, science, public affairs, philosophy, arts, and literature.

Significance of National Doctors' Day 

In India, National Doctors' Day is observed to acknowledge and highlight the value of doctors' contributions to society. This also helps the general public understand the significance of doctors' role and obligations in patients treatment. During medical situations, we should all be appreciative of their efforts and assistance.

We must all give thanks to and appreciate our doctors' efforts in assisting the general public in overcoming medical emergencies and pandemic situations. No one can forget our medical professionals (doctors and nurses) contributions during the COVID-19 epidemic, and they are currently combating the coronavirus.

Know more about How to Become a Doctor? and Types of Doctor.

Dr. B.C. Roy's Biography 

Dr. B.C. Roy was born in Patna, Bihar on July 1, 1882. He received his medical degree in Calcutta and his MRCP and FRCS degrees in London. In 1911, he began his medical profession as a physician in India. He then became a faculty member at Calcutta Medical College before moving on to Campbell Medical School and finally Carmichael Medical College. He died on July 1, 1962. Since 1991, it has been observed as Doctors' Day throughout the country. He was a well-known physician and educator, as well as a freedom fighter. During the Civil Disobedience Movement, he joined Mahatma Gandhi. Later, he rose through the ranks of the Indian National Congress to become Chief Minister of West Bengal.

National Doctors' Day in India 

In India, National Doctors' Day is observed to recognize and honor the important duties and responsibilities of physicians. The yearly celebration of this awareness campaign also helps the general public become aware of the role, importance, and priceless care provided by doctors. Across the country, consultation workshops, free medical checkup camps, and general screening test camps are being held. Activities are also organized at the school and college levels to encourage young people to choose a career in medicine. Patients welcome their doctors with greeting cards, presents, bouquets, and so forth.

Read Article:- List of AIIMS in India.

How to Celebrate Doctor's Day?

Doctors' Day can be commemorated in a variety of ways. 

  1. The first thing a patient should do is let their doctor know how much they appreciate him or her. 
  2. One could also give red carnations to anyone in this field who they admire.
  3. Use this day to express gratitude to the doctor for delivering unwavering care, working long hours, and responding to late-night calls. 
  4. Aside from thanking the doctor, one may mark Doctors' Day by adopting the conventional route and laying a red carnation on the grave of a doctor who has died..  
  5. Another fun way to spend Doctors' Day is to conduct some research. 
  6. One may go further into what it's like to be a doctor, giving them a greater understanding of what these amazing professionals face on a daily basis. 

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5 Interesting Doctors' Facts

The following are some of the facts about doctors-

  1. Due to the popularity of the celebration, Hallmark has official greeting cards for Doctors' Day.
  2. Nearly half (47%) of graduating medical students in 2018 were female. Women physicians are on the rise.
  3. Physicians regularly marry fellow physicians or other members of the healthcare profession. 
  4. More than 60% of all physicians reported working overtime or close to 60 hours per week.
  5. A doctor comes from the Latin root word "docere," which means "to instruct."

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you express gratitude to a doctor?

Ans. To express your gratitude, purchase flowers, a greeting card, or gourmet treats for your doctor. You may, however, thank the doctors in your life without spending money by thanking them personally and urging everyone around you to do the same.

How do people mark Doctors’ Day?

Ans. There is no right or wrong way to commemorate Doctors’ Day, and fortunately, you have numerous options. If you want to go large, you may hold a celebration luncheon or a recognition ceremony, or you can simply send your local physicians a treat

What should you put in a Doctor’s Day card?

Ans. Write something touching that expresses your gratitude for your local doctor’s efforts. A simple "thank you" would put a smile on the face of any diligent doctor.

Why is National Doctors’ Day in India celebrated?

Ans. In India, National Doctors’ Day is observed to recognize and honor the important duties and responsibilities of physicians.

What is the significance of Doctors’ Day?

Ans. In India, National Doctors’ Day is observed to acknowledge and highlight the value of doctors’ contributions to society. This also helps the general public understand the significance of doctors’ roles and obligations in inpatient t

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