Home Articles Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Definition, Types, Tips to solve MCQs, Advantages, Disadvantages.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Definition, Types, Tips to solve MCQs, Advantages, Disadvantages.



Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Definition, Types, Tips to solve MCQs, Advantages, Disadvantages.

Frederik J. Kelly is known as the father of MCQs and the wordsmith of the Kansas Silent Reading Test. In 1914 he invented a system, where the subjectivity of evaluation was scooped out. He discovered that by eradicating subjectivity, he upgraded the efficiency of reading skills in students, which saved both time and effort.

The objective of MCQs was to reduce or remove subjectivity and increase efficiency in evaluating the reading capabilities of students.
In short, MCQs are a method of assessing intelligence, and they became an academic center only in the 20th century.

Even in present days, MCQs still remain to be a popular exam format used in several national tests, because they are easy to check and grade. Though, evaluators prefer open-ended as well as closed-ended questions in their exams as it allows them to examine the student’s thought process and also their  knowledge, judgement.

What are MCQs? 

MCQs are defined as questions in which one has to select the answer from a small number of options.
Problem-solving can be essential to distinguish between potential answers, hence one must practice certain calculations. Many MCQs tests are now c conducted online rather than offline :
Common types of questions include:

  • Questions which start with ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘where’ etc. They offer several possible answers to the student in order to select the right answer.
  • Questions that start with an incomplete positive or negative declaration. They offer several possible endings to students to choose from.
  • Questions which gives an instruction and begin with ‘state’, ‘calculate’ ‘give’ etc. They provide several possible results or outcomes to the students to select from.

10 Types of MCQs 

The 10 types of MCQs are listed down below:

  • Single select multiple choice questions 
  • Multi- select multiple choice questions
  • Downdrop menu multiple choice questions
  • Star rating multiple choice 
  • Text slider multiple choice questions
  • Numeric slider multiple choice questions 
  • Thumbs Up/Down multiple choice question
  • Matrix table multiple choice question
  • Rank order multiple choice question
  • Image/picture based multiple choice question

Single-select multiple choice questions

Single-select questions are such kinds of questions where the respondent can only pick one option among the pre-arranged options. Such kinds of questions are highly effective, to find out a user's first preference.

Multi-select multiple-choice

In this kind of MCQ, the respondents are open to choosing more than one option. Multi-select MCQs are divided into two categories:

  • Premuting multiple choice questions, in such questions the sections need to be permitted each time they appear.
  • Non-perm multiple choice questions are such questions where the order is static. The survey creator uses checkboxes for these questions and the respondents need to choose the most appropriate answers from the selection.

Dropdown menu multiple choice questions 

This type of MCQ dropdown, permits respondents to select an answer from a list of choices presented in the dropdown menu. Depending on the use case, the survey maker can design the option to let the respondent select one or multiple options.


Star Rating Multiple Choice Questions 

A star rating MCQs allows the user to rank attributes on a point scale represented by the stars.


Text Slider Multiple Choice Questions

A  text slider multiple choice question allows a respondent to answer on a message cale by dragging the slider. Such kind of questions saves  respondents time as there is no need to manually enter any text or number to answer the question.


Numeric slider multiple choice question.

This MCQ is similar to text slider MCQ, in Numeric slides multiple choice questions, the respondent can answer the question by choosing values by dragging the slide through the range.

Thumbs up/down multiple choice question.

Thumbs up/down is a popular question type, it is marked on the top in most surveys. Thumbs up/down helps respondents to make instant choices about what they like and dislike.

Matrix Table Multiple Choice Question.

Matrix Table MCQ are most applicable when a respondent combines multiple questions with the same answer. In other words , this MCQ is most effective when a respondent needs to ask multiple questions that should be rated on the same scale.


Rank Order Multiple Choice Question

Rank Order Multiple Choice Question allows respondents to order answer options as per their preference. This MCQ type allows them to reposition and rank multiple choice options in a specific order.

Image/Picture-based multiple choice question

Image/picture-based multiple choice questions are such questions that allow for  imaging of the answer options. Image/Picture are divided into two categories:

Single-select image question: In this MCQ, the respondents must select one image from the options offered.
Multi-select image: In this  MCQ, the respondents have to select multiple pictures from the offered options.

Tips to Solve MCQs Easily

Tips to solve MCQs easily are mentioned down below:

  •  Read the question carefully.
  •  Answer the question without looking at the options.
  •   Exclude the wrong options.
  •   Answer all the questions.
  •    Manage your time.

Advantages of MCQs

The Advantages of MCQs are enlisted down below:

  • They are quick and easy to solve.
  • Evaluators can ask additional questions.
  • MCQs are technology-friendly if one wants to take online tests.
  • They are easy to evaluate.
  • Data is qualitative in nature and helps in quantitative research.
  • MCQs do not require extra information for evaluation.

Disadvantages for MCQs

The Disadvantages of MCQs are listed down below:

  • They are easy to influence, e.g. if there are only two options available, a respondent may be encouraged to select an answer even if it does not associate with him or her.
  • The data collected is quantitative in nature and therefore not suitable for qualitative research.
  • Also, MCQs are time-consuming to layout.

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