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Language Across the Curriculum


Suman Saurav
Suman Saurav

Language Across the Curriculum

Language Across the Curriculum is an approach in education that focuses to integrate learning of language with subject matter learning across multiple disciplines. The disciplines and subjects can be different as well. The concept of Language Across the Curriculum finds its basis on the fact that language is not just a subject to be studied in separation. Rather, language is important for overall understanding and learning of the subject matter. Some of the major highlights of the concept are tabulated below: 

Principal Points of LAC


Use of language in multiple disciplines

Linguistic skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking are used in all subjects. They also find application in various disciplines. Language is not restricted to literature or language classes only. 

Improvement in Learning

Students can use language as a helpful tool for learning various subjects. In this way, they can better relate and associate with the content. Student engagement also increases when the concept is applied. For example, documenting a research report in a science class or discussing political events in a civics class helps in better understanding of language along with facts, figures and content.

Critical Thinking Skills and Improved Communication

Language Across the Curriculum fosters critical thinking and analytical skills across all disciplines and subjects. It helps in understanding topics and subjects better and allows for new insights and perspectives in different contexts. 

Teaching in Collaboration

Collaboration among teachers is a major feature of LAC. Teachers integrate language learning with their specific subject content. This approach can improve educational experience. 

Curriculum Design

The curriculum is created to encompass language goals along with content goals. For example, a science lesson might include objectives pertaining to understanding and using scientific terminology properly.

Assistance for Multilingual Students

LAC is very helpful for those students who are finding their expertise in second language. It offers them with more avenues to cultivate linguistic skills in various contexts. 

Role of Language Across the Curriculum

"Language across the curriculum" (LAC) is an educational approach.  It concentrates on the significance of language in learning all subjects. Here are the crucial aspects and roles of LAC:

1.Integration of Language Skills

Read: Read and understand texts in all subjects to know subject vocabulary and concepts.

  • Write: Write across subjects to articulate, analyse and present.
  • Talk: Discuss, present and group work in all subjects to develop speaking.
  • Listen: Listen actively in lectures, discussions and peer presentations.

2. Enhancement of Cognitive Development

  • Language is brain stuff. By teaching language across the curriculum students develop critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills.
  • Students learn to question, to reason and to evaluate. That’s what language does.

3.Subject Literacy

  • Each subject has its own language, terminology, genres and discourse structures. LAC helps students become literate in the language of each subject so they can understand and communicate effectively in that subject.
  • For example scientific reports, historical essays and mathematical proofs require different language skills and conventions.

4. Better Grades

  • Students who are language strong can understand and engage with content in all subjects so get better grades.
  • LAC helps fill the gaps for students who struggle with language so they can access the curriculum more fully.

5. Multilingual and EAL Learners

  • LAC is especially helpful for students learning in a second language. It provides language support across all subjects so they can develop proficiency in the language of instruction and the content.
  • Teachers can use visual aids, scaffolding and language rich environments to support these learners.

6. Whole School Learning

  • Language is a tool for thinking, learning and communication. Integrating it across the curriculum means students see the connections between knowledge and skills.
  • This helps students transfer skills and knowledge between subjects and overall learning.

7. Teacher Collaboration and CPD

  • LAC requires teachers from different subjects to work together to create a language rich curriculum.
  • CPD can help teachers understand the role of language in their subject and how to support language development.

Language Across the Curriculum (LAC) Strategies

  • Collaborative Planning: Teachers from different subjects plan together to plan lessons that include language learning objectives.
  • Cross-Curricular Projects: Projects that require students to use language in different subjects will help students see language across the curriculum.
  • Language Objectives: Include language objectives in lesson plans with content objectives.
  • Technology: Digital tools and resources can support language learning across subjects in interactive and fun ways.
  • Scaffolding and Differentiation: Provide support structures for students at different language levels so all students can access and benefit from the curriculum.

By emphasizing language across the curriculum, educators can create a more inclusive, effective, and comprehensive educational experience for all students.

Basic Tenets of Language Across the Curriculum

The basic tenets of LAC are written below:

Language is not just restricted to language of arts or English classes. Language has a substantial consequence in all subject areas like math, science, history, and art. It's all about integration of language with content.

Consider language as a potent tool for learning. It assists students associate with and make sense of what they're studying. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are all of the essence to comprehension and mastering any subject.

It motivates students to actively use language in various ways . Through discussions, debates, presentations, writing, and other forms of communication. It's all about getting them involved and productive interaction with the material.

Here, it focuses on both the process and the end result. The way students learn through language - by discussing, questioning, and reasoning - is just as important as the final outcome, whether it's an essay, report, or presentation.

So, by combining language and content, we create a learning experience that's engaging, meaningful, and effective.

Critical Thinking and Communication. Effective communication and critical thinking complement each other. When students use language, they can analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information, which helps them cultivate higher-order thinking skills.

Collaborative Learning.  Lot of stress is put on group work and peer interactions.  It motivates students to learn from each other and use language in real, meaningful situations.

Literacy Across Disciplines.  Different subjects have their own unique ways of reading, writing, and thinking (like scientific literacy or mathematical literacy). Our approach, known as LAC, helps students understand and master these specific skills for each subject.

Teacher's Role. No matter what subject they teach, all teachers are considered language teachers. They set a good example by using language effectively and provide opportunities for students to use language in different ways.

Student-Centered Learning. It considers students' linguistic backgrounds and capabilities.  We acclimatize our instruction to meet their individual needs. It values the diversity in linguistic resources that students bring to the classroom.

Perpetual Development. Linguistic development is an continuous process. It takes place  at all phases and stages of education. It's not just something we focus on during early education.  We polish and cultivate language skills throughout our academic life.

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