Home Articles Kashmir University Syllabus 2024: UG and PG Course Entrance Exam Syllabus, Direct Link to download

Kashmir University Syllabus 2024: UG and PG Course Entrance Exam Syllabus, Direct Link to download


Preeti Sharma
Preeti Sharma

Kashmir University Syllabus 2024: UG & PG Syllabus, Exam Pattern, How to download

Kashmir University Syllabus: For admission 2024 to Kashmir University, Kashmir University syllabus plays a crucial role in preparing for the entrance exam. The university releases the entrance exam syllabus on the Kashmir University official website ‘kashmiruniversity.net’. Aspiring candidates can access the syllabus by downloading it from the official website. To score qualifying marks, candidates should thoroughly go through the UG and PG entrance exam syllabus and devise a preparation strategy that gives them ample time to revise and be prepared for the entrance exam 2024-25.

Kashmir University Syllabus 2024

Mentioned below are the Kashmir University Syllabus for KU courses for University of Kashmir Admissions 2024




M.Sc Environmental Science-

Components of Environment

Ecology and Ecosystem Environmental

Chemistry Environmental

Geosciences Human,

Environment, Man-wildlife conflict Air and Noise Pollution

Water and Soil pollution

Natural Resources and Management

Biodiversity and Conservation

Green Technology

Solid waste management and Vermicomposting


Environment and Sustainable Development

Environmental Issues and Challenges

Environmental Education and Society

Environmental legislation and Policy

M.A. Education Year-

Educational Sociology & Culture

Social Change and Social System

Theories of Learning


Personality and Adjustment

Special Children/Guidance & Counselling

Statistics in Education

Adult Education, Women Education and Value Education

Secondary and Higher Education in India

Education in Post Independence Era

Education in British India

Education in Ancient India

Educational thought of the following

Idealism Vs Pragmatism as School/s of Philosophy

School of Arts, Languages and Literature







English Honours



English Grammatical Skills

Basic Knowledge of Linguistics

Current events of Regional, Importance

Current events of National and International Importance

History of Kashmir

Sociocultural and Political Profile of J&K

Knowledge of Kashmiri language

Basic knowledge of Kashmiri literature General science

Odd man out

Data interpretation Verbal reasoning Abstract reasoning Numerical reasoning

School of Business Studies



MBA (Executive)


English Language Comprehension

Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation

Logical Reasoning

General Awareness

School of Biological Sciences




Clinical Biochemistry




Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure Oxidation-reduction, Redox potential, coupled reactions, Elimination, Isomerization and rearrangements.

Dipole-dipole interactions, Hydrogen bonds, van der waals forces, concept of acids and bases. 

Electrophiles and nucleophiles. 

Chemical kinetics and catalysis; orders of reactions, concepts of activation energy and reaction rates, laws of photochemistry, photochemical reactions. 

Laws of thermodynamics

School of Law




General Knowledge

English including comprehension

Logical Reasoning

Legal Aptitude

Kashmir University Syllabus: Course-wise

Admissions to the University of Kashmir are entrance exam-based and the syllabus for each course is distinctive. Thus, Students preparing for the Kashmir University Entrance Examination should go through the University of Kashmir Syllabus course-wise mentioned below.

Students should also check Kashmir University results

Kashmir University Syllabus: Economics

Kashmir University Syllabus: Economics Entrance Exam


Unit Name

Syllabus Topics

IIntroduction to Microeconomics  Problems of scarcity and choice: scarcity, choice and opportunity cost; production possibility frontier; economic system. demand and supply: law of demand, determinants of demand, shift of demand curve versus movements along a demand curve, market demand, law of supply, determinants of supply, shift of supply curve versus movements along a supply curve, market supply, and market equilibrium. Applications of demand and supply: consumer surplus, producer surplus. Elasticity of demand: price, income and cross, degree of elasticity, determinants of price elasticity. 
IIConsumer TheoryUtility- concept, diminishing marginal utility, consumer choice: indifference curves, properties. Budget constraint, consumer’s equilibrium, derivation of demand curve from indifference curve, and budget constraint. 
IIIProduction and CostsProduction functions- properties; law of variable proportions, returns to scale, isoquant and iso-cost lines, cost-minimizing equilibrium condition – single product firm.   Costs: costs in the short run, costs in the long run, revenue concept and relation, revenue and profit maximization, minimizing losses, economies, and diseconomies of scale. 
IVMarket StructureAssumptions: Theory of a firm under perfect competition, demand, and revenue; equilibrium of the firm in the short run and long run; long-run industry supply curve: increasing, decreasing, and constant cost industries.
VImperfect CompetitionMarket Concept of imperfect competition; monopoly characteristics; short-run and long-run price and output decisions of a monopoly firm; concept of a supply curve under monopoly; comparison of perfect competition and monopoly; types of monopoly; economic and social cost of monopoly; price discrimination-concept. Monopolistic competition: characteristics; short-run and long-run price and output determinations under monopolistic competition. Oligopoly: concept and characteristics of oligopolistic markets; oligopoly models: Cournot, Chamberlin, and Kinked demand curve.
VIConsumer and Producer TheoryExternalities, marginal costs pricing, internalizing externalities; public goods, imperfect information, moral hazard, social choice, government inefficiency; market adjustment to changes in demand; efficiency of perfect competition; sources of market failure.
VIIIncome Distribution and Factor pricingDistribution-concept, marginal productivity theory of distribution; wages-modern theory of wages; Rent-Ricardian theory of rent; profit-innovation theory; interest- Keynesian theory.
VIIIInternational TradeTheories of absolute and comparative advantage, terms of trade-concept and types; sources of comparative advantage; trade barriers; free trade/protectionism.
IXIntroduction to MacroeconomicsMacroeconomics-concept; macroeconomic issues-an overview; concepts of GDP and national income; measurement of national income and related aggregates; nominal and real income; limitations of the GDP.
XDetermination of GDPActual and potential GDP; aggregate expenditure; consumption function; investment function; equilibrium GDP; concepts of MPS, APS, MPC, APC; autonomous expenditure; concept of multiplier. 
XINational Income Determination in an Open EconomyFiscal policy: impact of changes in government expenditure and taxes; net exports function; net exports and equilibrium of national income. 
XIIMoney in a Modern EconomyConcept of money in a modern economy; monetary aggregates; demand for money; quantity theory of money; liquidity preference and rate of interest; money supply and credit creation; monetary policy.
XIIIIS-LM AnalysisDerivations of the IS and LM functions; IS-LM and aggregate demand; shifts in the AD curve.
XIVGDP and Price Level in Short Run and Long RunAggregate demand and aggregate supply; multiplier analysis with AD curve and changes in price levels; aggregate supply in SR and LR.
XVInflation, Unemployment, and BoPInflation-concept and types; determinants of inflation, relationship between inflation and unemployment: Phillips curve in short run and long run; balance of payments: current account and capital account; market for foreign exchange; determination of exchange rate.

Kashmir University Syllabus: PG-English

Kashmir University Syllabus: Economics Entrance Exam


Syllabus Topics


Geoffrey Chaucer--- “Prologue to Canterbury Tales”  

John Donne --- “Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”,  “Batter My Heart”  

John Dryden---“MacFlecknoe”, “Absalom and Achitophel”  

John Milton--- Paradise Lost, Book I


Christopher Marlowe--- Tamburlaine, Part 1 William Shakespeare--- Twelfth Night

G.B.Shaw--- Pygmalion  

John Osborne--- Look Back in Anger 


William Wordsworth--- “Ode: Intimations of Immortality”  

John Keats---“Ode to a Nightingale”, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

Alfred Tennyson --- “Ulysses”,“Lady of Shallot”  

W B Yeats--- “Easter 1916”, “A Dialogue between Self and Soul”


Jane Austen--- Pride and Prejudice

Charles Dickens--- Oliver Twist

D H Lawrence--- Sons and Lovers  

Virginia Woolf--- Mrs Dalloway


Pablo Neruda--- “Tonight I can Write”, “The Way Spain Was”  

Derek Walcott--- “A Far Cry from Africa”, “Names”  

Kamala Das--- “My Grand Mother’s House”,“The Old Play House”  

Agha Shahid Ali---“Dacca Gauzes” 


R K Narayan--- Swami and Friends  

Anita Desai--- Clear Light of Day  

Chinua Achebe--- Arrow of God  

Salman Rushdie--- Midnight’s Children


Tennessee Williams--- The Glass Menagerie  

Mark Twain--- Adventures of Tom Sawyer  

Ernest Hemingway--- For Whom the Bell Tolls  

Emily Dickinson:  

“Hope is the Thing with Feathers”          

“Because I Could not Stop for Death”


William Wordsworth--- Preface to the Lyrical Ballads (1802)  

T S Eliot--- “Tradition and the Individual Talent”  

I A Richards-- Principles of Literary Criticism, Chapters 1,2 and 34  

Cleanth Brooks--- “The Heresy of Paraphrase” and “The Language of Paradox” (from The Well-Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry) 


George Bernard Shaw--- “How Wealth Accumulates and Men Decay”.  

Isaac Asimov--- “The Last Question”.  

A P J Abdul Kalam--- “Work Brings Solace”.  

Martin Luther King--- “I Have a Dream”.


Saadat Hasan Manto--- “The New Constitution”.

A K Ramanujan--- “Ecology”.  

Eunice D’Souza--- “Marriages are Made”.  

Munshi Premchand--- “Lottery”


Anton Chekov--- “The Bet”.  

Katherine Mansfield--- “The Garden Party”.  

Seamus Heaney --- “Digging”.  

Robert Frost--- “Mending Wall”. 


Laurence Housman--- The New Hangman  

J B Priestly--- Mother’s Day  

Margaret Atwood--- “This is a Photograph of Me”.  

W B Yeats--- “A Prayer for my Daughter”.


William Blake--- “The Chimney Sweeper”.  

W H Auden--- “The Unknown Citizen”.  

Helen Keller--- “The Story of My Life”.  

Pico Iyer--- “Why We Travel”. 


Agreement of Subject with Verb



Active Passive Voice 


Literary Terms  

Synonyms, Antonyms/ Word formation  

Suffix & Prefix/ Spelling errors  

Idioms & Phrases/ Punctuation 

Kashmir University Syllabus: PG-Islamic Studies

Kashmir University Syllabus: Islamic Studies Entrance Exam


Syllabus Topics


Topography of Arabia

Religious Beliefs and Practices of Jahiliyyah Arabia

Early Life of Prophet Muhammad  

The Sirah of Prophet: Da’wah, Hijrah, Pact of Hudaibiyyah and Ghuzwat 


The Institution of Khilafah

Consolidation of the State and Administration under the Pious Caliphs

Contribution of Prominent Ummayad caliphs: Muawiyah and Umar bin Abd al-Aziz

Administration of the Umayyads: Central and Judiciary 


Establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty

The Golden Age of the Abbasids: Al-Mansur and Al-Mamun

Bayt al-Hikmah and Translation Movement

Intellectual Contribution to the Development of Science and Medicine 


Establishment of Muslim Rule in Spain

Contribution of Abd al-Rahman-I and Abd al-Rahman-III

Intellectual Development in Muslim Spain: Astronomy and History

Contribution to the Development of Arts and Literature 


The Quran: Revelation and its Compilation

An Introduction to the Quran and its ‘Ulum:

a) Asbab-i-Nuzul

b) Muhkamat and Mutashabihat

Tafsir: Meaning, its Principles and Early Development

Hadith: Definition, Compilation, Types and Place in Islam 


Meaning and Importance of Fiqh

Sources of Fiqh

Early Development of Fiqh

Important Schools of Fiqh: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, Hanbali and Ja‘afr


Origin and Development of ‘Ilm al-Kalam

Important Schools of ‘Ilm al-Kalam – I: Jabariyyah and Qadariyyah

Important Schools of ‘Ilm al-Kalam – II: Muatazilah and Ashariyah

Contribution of some prominent philosophers: Al-Kindi and Al-Ghazzali 


Meaning and Origin of Tasawwuf

Development of Tasawwuf 

Sufis of Early Period (Life and Doctrines): Hasan Basri, Junaid Baghdadi and Rabia Basri

Sufis of Later Period (Life and Contribution): Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani and Khawja Muin al-Din Chisti


Advent of Islam in Kashmir

Socio-Religious Conditions During 12th – 14th Centuries

Establishment of Muslim Sultanate (1339-1470)

Development of Arts, Education and Literature During the Sultanate Period (1339-1586) 


Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani: Life and Role

Shaykh Nurud Din Noorani: Life and Teachings

Shaykh Yaqub Sarfi: Life and Works

Influence of Iran and Central Asia on Kashmir Society (1339-1586) 


Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and his Movement 

Hasan al-Banna and his Movement  

Islamic Revolution in Iran 

Tanzimat and Young Turks Movement in Turkey 


Muslim response to Modern Challenges: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Nadwatul Ulama

New Educational Developments: Darul Ulum Deoband and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Modern Reformist Thinkers – I: Jamal al-Din Afghani

Modern Reformist Thinkers – I: Muhammad Iqbal 


Main Political Teachings in the Qur’an  

Medieval Islamic Political Thought: Al-Farabi and Al-Mawardi 

Essential Principles of Economy in Islam 

Interest-Free Banking in Islam: Concept and Principles 


Islamic Sociology: An Introduction

Development of early Islamic Sociological Thought

Islamic Psychology: Introduction and Principles

Contemporary Relevance of Islamic Sociology 


Concept of Universe: A Study of Relevant Quranic Verses

Contribution of Medieval Muslim Scholars to the Field of Sciences: Al-Khawarzimi and Jabir ibn Hayyan

Contribution of Contemporary Muslim Scholars to the Field of Sciences: Abdul Qadir Khan and APJ Abdul Kalam

Scientific Pursuit in Muslim Centers: Islamic World Academy of Science (IAS) and Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE) 

Kashmir University Syllabus: LLM

Kashmir University Syllabus: LLM Entrance Exam


Syllabus Topic

IConstitutional Law
IIIInternational Law
IVFamily Law
VInterpretation of Statutes
VIIndian Penal Code
VIILaw of Torts
VIIICompany Law
IXEnvironmental Law
XLabour Laws
XILaw of Contract
XIITransfer of Property Act 

Note: The test will have 60 questions, each worth 1 mark, for a total of 60 marks. You must answer all 60 questions. You will have 70 minutes to complete the test.

Students aiming for Kashmir University must read University of Kashmir Admit Card

Kashmir University Syllabus: How to download?

  • Visit the Kashmir University official website
  • Click on the ‘Schools’ tab
  • Select the school associated with your desired course.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the course
  • Click on the ‘Syllabi’ tab
  • Download the Entrance Exam and Course Syllabus

Kashmir University Entrance Exam Pattern

The KU entrance test has 60 multiple-choice questions with a maximum score of 60 marks. It covers the subject's syllabus. For detailed course syllabi and past entrance papers, check the official website (kashmiruniversity.net). If the program/course can accommodate all eligible applicants, there won't be an entrance exam. For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted as negative marks. To prepare effectively, candidates should understand the question types, sections, mode, duration, marking scheme, total marks, and the number of questions in the 2024 Kashmir University entrance exam.

Kashmir University Syllabus: Direct Link to Download

Kashmir University Course

Kashmir University Entrance Exam Syllabus 

MA/M.Sc GeographyPDF
Public AdministrationPDF
Political SciencePDF


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I download syllabus of Kashmir University?

Students can download Kashmir University Syllabus from the Kashmir University Official Website. --> Click on the ‘Schools’ tab --> Select the school associated with your desired course. --> From the drop-down menu, select the course --> Click on the

From where to download kashmir university syllabus pg?

You can download Kashmir University Syllabus PG courses from kashmiruniversity.net.

How can I complete my Kashmir University syllabus for entrance exam?

Here are key points to keep in mind to complete Kashmir University syllabus for entrance exam: Go through the syllabus thoroughly and create a time table, allocating specific time to the topics, Also, go through previous year papers.

What is the exam pattern of Kashmir University Entrance Exam?

KU entrance test has 60 multiple-choice questions with a maximum score of 60 marks. It covers the subject's syllabus. For detailed Kashmir University course syllabus and past entrance papers, check the official website (kashmiruniversity.net).

What is Kashmir University Syllabus for Law entrance exam?

LLM Syllabus is divided into 15 units. Topics covered in Kashmir University Syllabus for Law entrance exam are Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence, International Law, Family Law, Interpretation of Statutes.....

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