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JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025: Download B Arch/ B Plan Syllabus PDF, Exam Pattern, Preparation Tips

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JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025: Download B Arch/ B Plan Syllabus PDF, Exam Pattern, Preparation Tips

The National Test Agency (NTA) has published the JEE Main B Arch Syllabus on its official website (jeemain.nta.nic.in). JEE Main B Arch Syllabus will help applicants to prepare for the JEE Main paper 2 which is conducted to provide admissions to B.Arch programs in reputed institutions. 

The syllabus of JEE Main B Arch will include factors like all the upcoming chapters/topics, detailed course details, required study materials, grading scheme and more. Along with the JEE Main B Arch Syllabus, candidates must check the JEE Main exam pattern 2025 to gain a better understanding of what to expect from the upcoming JEE Main 2025 exam. 

As per the NTA, JEE Main paper 2 will be conducted from 1st to 8th April, 2025. Kindly refer to the following to go through a detailed description of JEE Main B Arch Syllabus.


JEE Main Syllabus for All Courses

Important Topics for JEE Main 2025

JEE Main B Arch Syllabus Overview 2025

Refer to the following to check out a detailed overview of the JEE Main syllabus for B Arch.

JEE Main 2024 Overview



Name of the Examination

Joint Entrance Examination Main (JEE Main)

Conducting Body

National Testing Agency (NTA)

Level of examination

Undergraduate Exam at the National Level

Exam Frequency

Twice a year (January and April)

Exam Mode

Computed Based Test (CBT) for admissions to BE/ BTech/ BArch/ BPlan Pen and paper-based test (PBT) for Drawing section in BArch

Courses offered via entrance exam

BE/BTech, BArch, BPlan

Mode of Application


Exam duration

3 hours for BTech/ BArch/ BPlan

3.5 hours for BArch and B.Planning both

4 hours for PwD candidates

Papers and Total Marks

Paper-1: BE/BTech (300 marks)

Paper-2A: BArch (400 marks)

Paper-2B: BPlan (400 marks)

Total Questions

BE/BTech: 90

BArch: 82

BPlan: 105

Marking Scheme

+4 For Each Correct Response

-1 for Each Incorrect Response

No Marks for Unattempted Questions

Language/Medium of Exam

English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu

Colleges Accepting Exam Score

All NIT, IIITs, and CFTIs

Mode of exam

For BTech (Paper I): Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics For BArch (Paper II): Mathematics, Aptitude and Drawing For BPlanning (Paper III): Mathematics, Aptitude, and Planning

Official Website


JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025

The JEE Main B Arch Syllabus includes a total of three subjects including Mathematics, Drawing and General Aptitude. Students may refer to the following to check out each subject’s syllabus for JEE Main B Arch preparation.


JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025: General Aptitude

The aptitude section is specifically designed to test student’s cognitive abilities, skills, logical reasoning, verbal comprehension, problem-solving skills etc. The aptitude section includes a total of 2 units, check out the following table to learn more about the aptitude section of JEE main B Arch Syllabus 2025.

JEE Main BArch Syllabus 2024 General Aptitude


Topic Name

Part 1

Awareness of Persons, Objects, Places, Buildings, Materials, Textures related to Architecture and build-environment, Visualising different sides of three-dimensional objects, Visualising three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings, Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).

Part 2

Three-dimensional- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast. Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil, Transformation of forms in both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects, Creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms. Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urban landscape (public space, festivals, market, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc), landscape (riverfronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc) and rural life.


JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025: Mathematics

Mathematics is one of the most crucial sections of the JEE Main B Arch Exam. Students must have a smart preparation plan to cover all the topics of JEE Main B Arch Maths syllabus to ace the exam.

JEE Main BArch Syllabus- Mathematics



Sets, relations and functions

Sets, roster and set builder form of sets, Types of sets, subset, the proper and improper sets, Power set, universal set, union of sets, complement of sets, Demorgan's Law, Ordered pairs, cartesian product, Relation, number of relation, types of relation, Functions, image, and Pre-image, Types of functions, Composition of function, condition for composite function, the property of a composite function, The inverse of a function

Complex numbers and quadratic equations

Algebra of complex numbers, Modulus and argument of complex numbers, The complex conjugate of complex numbers and properties of complex numbers, Polar form representation and Euler form, Finding the square root of complex numbers and complex equations, De-moivre’s theorem, cube root and nth root of unity, Vector representation and rotation, The discriminant of quadratic equation, Nature of roots, the relation of coefficient and roots, Transformation of quadratic equations and condition of common roots.

Matrices and Determinants

Matrix and operation on matrices, Types of matrix, Transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix, Conjugate of matrix, hermitian and skew-hermitian matrix, Determinant of matrix, Minor and cofactor of an element of matrix/determinant, Adjoint and inverse of a matrix, Elementary row operations and use in finding the inverse of a matrix, System of linear equations and Cramer’s Rule, System of homogeneous linear equations

Permutations and Combinations

Fundamental Principle of Counting, Permutations as an Arrangement, Combinations as Selections, P (n,r) and C (n,r), Application of Permutation and Combination.

Mathematical Induction

Principle of Mathematical Induction and its Simple Application, Principle of Mathematical Induction.

Binomial Theorem and its simple applications

Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Index, Pascal’s Triangle, General Term, Middle Term, Properties and Application of Binomial Theorem.

Sequence and Series

Sequences, Arithmetic and Geometric Progression, Arithmetic and Geometric Mean, Harmonic Progression, Sum up to n terms, Arithmetic-geometric series.

Limit, Continuity and differentiability

Limits of a function, Properties of limits, Limits of polynomials and rational functions, Continuity of a function at a point, Discontinuity, Continuity of Composite Functions, Differentiability, Algebra of derivatives, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem (Lagrange).

Integral Calculus

Introduction, integration as the inverse function of differentiation, Indefinite integral and properties of indefinite integral, Comparison between definite and Indefinite integral, Methods of integration, Integration by substitution, Integration using trigonometric identities, integration by partial fractions, integration by parts, Integrals of some particular function, Integrals of some special types, Definite integral and its properties, The fundamental theorem of calculus, Evaluations of definite integral by substitution.

Differential equations

Order and Degree of a Differential equation, General and Particular solution, Formation of differential equations, Methods of solving different types of differential equations.

Coordinate Geometry

Directrix, Latus Rectum, Slope and gradient, Focus and Eccentricity, Angle between two intersecting lines, their intersection points, parallel lines and collinear lines are the important terms of Coordinate Geometry.

Three dimensional Geometry

Coordinate of a point in space, distance formula, Direction cosine and Direction ratio, The angle between two intersecting lines, Skew lines and the shortest distance between two lines, Equation of line and plane, The intersection of line and plane.

Vector Algebra

Vector (Position Vector, Direction cosine), Types of vector, Vector Algebra, Detection Formula, Product of two vectors (Scalar and Vector product).

Statistics and Probability

Independent Events, Dependent Events, Conditional probability, Random variables, etc.


Trigonometry Function and their Identities, Trigonometry Equation, Inverse Trigonometry.

Mathematical Reasoning

Statements and types of statements, Basic logical connectives, conjunction, and disjunction, Negation, Conditional statements, The Contrapositive of conditional statements, the converse of conditional statements, Biconditional statements, Quantifiers, Validity of statements.


JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025: Drawing

The Drawing section is designed to test a student's creative mind and conceptual understanding. Refer to the following table to check out the JEE Main B Arch syllabus of the drawing section.




Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of unbanscape (public speaking, market, festivals, street scene, monuments, recreational, spaces etc.), landscape (riverfronts, jungles, gardens, trees, plants, etc.) and rural life.

JEE Main B Arch Paper Design 2025

Along with JEE Main B Arch Syllabus, candidates must check out the JEE Main paper 2 design which is conducted to grant admissions to the B Arch program. Refer to the following table to check out the same.


Exam Design


30 Questions (20 MCQs + 10 Numerical Value Based)


Total Marks - 100

Aptitude Test 

50 Questions 


Total Marks - 100

Drawing Test

2 Questions 


Total Marks - 100

How to Prepare for JEE Main BArch Paper?

Aspiring candidates must also adapt some more impactful preparation strategies other than learning about JEE Main B Arch Syllabus. Some of the most effective preparation tips for JEE Main 2025 are provided below, kindly refer to the same to ace the examination.

  • Students must have a smart strategy plan which includes proper schedule and time management. Students must also stick to their preparation schedule to cover the whole JEE Main B Arch Syllabus and ace the examination.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Candidates must explore their weak areas and work on them accordingly. Students may also plan a time investment plan after identifying their strong and weak areas.
  • Along with analyzing JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025, candidates must practice previous year question papers. This will also help them figure out the most repeated and crucial questions.
  • Candidates are advised to focus on their health as well. Students must allow themselves some time to take a break between studying and maintain their health.
  • Students should also attempt mock tests to check their preparation level. Attempting mock tests will also prepare students to keep a track of their time.

Also Check:

JEE Main Reduced Syllabus 2025

Download JEE Main 2025 Memory Based Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is the JEE Main 2025 BArch syllabus out?
Ans. Yes, the NTA has released JEE Main B Arch Syllabus 2025 on its official website.
Q. Is it necessary to join a test series for JEE Main BArch preparation?
Ans. It is not necessary to join a test series; however, joining a test series will always help students prepare well for the upcoming examination.
Q. Is the JEE Main BArch syllabus reduced?
Ans. No, the NTA has not updated the JEE Main B Arch syllabus. The syllabus is same as per the previous years.
Q. How can I access the detailed syllabus for JEE Main B Arch?
Ans. Candidates may refer to the official website of the JEE Main (jeemain.nta.nic.in) and download the JEE Main B Arch Syllabus PDF.
Q. Has NTA released JEE Main previous year question papers?
Ans. Yes, NTA has provided aspiring students with JEE Main previous year question papers on its official website.

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