Home Articles ITI Full Form: Admission Process, Eligibility Criteria, Entrance Exams, Courses, Fees, Top 10 Colleges, Job Profiles, and Salary 2024

ITI Full Form: Admission Process, Eligibility Criteria, Entrance Exams, Courses, Fees, Top 10 Colleges, Job Profiles, and Salary 2024


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

ITI Full Form

ITI Full Form: What is ITI Full Form?

ITI stands for Industrial Training Institute and is a government training agency that provides industry-related education to high school pupils. It was founded in 1950. At the same time, several trades are still available after the eighth grade. These institutes are specifically designed to provide technical information to students who have recently completed the 10th grade and are interested in getting some technical knowledge rather than pursuing further education. The Directorate-General for Employment and Training (DGET), the Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship, and the Government of the Union formed ITI to give training in several trades. There are various Industrial Training Institute, both governmental and private, around India that provide vocational training to students. The ITIs provide instruction in the following trades-

  1. Electrical
  2. Mechanical
  3. Computer Hardware
  4. Refrigeration 
  5. Air Conditioning
  6. Carpentry
  7. Plumbing
  8. Welding
  9. Fitter
  10. Teacher

Industrial Training Institute is the full form of ITI in education. ITIs are post-secondary institutions in India established by the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, and Union Government to give training in a variety of trades. Aspirants will take the All India Trade Test (AITT) once their training is completed. Qualified candidates will be granted a National Trade Certificate (NTC). The primary purpose of an ITI is to prepare its candidates for employment in the sector. To make this feasible, ITIs also offer apprenticeship courses.  

ITI Full Form: Some Facts about ITI

Industrial Training Institute courses are the finest for skill development.

In India, there are around 16,000 ITI institutes.

In India, there are over 100 ITI courses accessible.

ITI Full Form: Industrial Training Institute Details 

The Industrial Training Institute (ITI) was founded to offer technical training and information to the constantly increasing industrial sector. The courses offered by ITI institutions are aimed at teaching students trade skills. After completing the course, the student must complete one or more years of practical training in his trade in an industry. This practical training is critical because, without it, students would be unable to sit for the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) certificate.

The following table gives details of the Industrial Training Institute-



ITI Full Form

Industrial Training Institute

Duration of ITI

2 years

Official Website


ITI Qualification

Age 14 to 40 Years

35% Marks in the 10th Class

ITI Full Form: Objectives  

The goal of creating the Industrial Training Institute was to provide technical personnel to the rapidly expanding industrial sector. The courses offered by ITIs are intended to teach the skills of a trade. After completing the degree, students are obliged to complete one or two years of practical training in their trade in an industry. ITIs are government-run training companies that operate in major cities throughout India, including Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Assam, Kerala, and Madhya Pradesh.

ITI Full Form: Duration 

In India, the Industrial Training Institute provides 'trades' training programs. Every trade is based on a certain industry or set of abilities. The duration of ITI courses will range from 6 months to 2 years. The length of a course is determined by the kind and character of the course.

ITI Full Form: Types 

ITI courses are divided into two categories. They are as follows-

Engineering Trades

Engineering courses are trades that concentrate on technique. They focus on ideas in engineering, physics, math, and technology. Technical ITI courses are known as engineering ITI courses or trades. These courses require you to read math, physics, and other technical papers. This course will typically last two years.

Non-Engineering Trades

Non-engineering courses are often not of a technical nature. They focus on language skills, soft skills, and other industry-specific talents and knowledge. Non-engineering courses require a candidate to learn trades linked to daily living and management. The majority of courses in this category will last 6 months to a year.

ITI Full Form: Trades of ITI Full Form

It offers two types of trades, which are as follows-

M-Group Trades

G-Group Trades

ITI Full Form: Eligibility Criteria 

The eligibility criteria for each course vary. The following are some of the criteria for the Industrial Training Institute-

  1. The applicant must have graduated from a recognized high school or any other examination designated as the 10th standard.
  2. The candidate's overall grade point average should be at least 35%.
  3. During the entrance period, the candidate's age must be between 14 and 40 years old.

ITI Full Form: Admission Process 

The following is the process for admission to the Industrial Training Institute- 

  1. Both the government and reputable private organizations rely on merit-based admissions
  2. To select qualified students, such institutes conduct a written test
  3. Certain private institutes are thought to use a direct admissions process.

There are two ways to go into a technical school, which are as follows-

  1. Entrance tests for direct admittance (10th-grade base).
  2. Most private institutions accept 10th-grade students directly into this degree program. 
  3. In addition, the standard percentage is inadequate. 
  4. This subject is open to more than 40% of grade 10 students.

ITI Full Form: Entrance Exams 

The following table gives details about some of the top state government entrance tests for Industrial Training Industrial program admission-

Andhra Pradesh ITI Admissions 

Assam ITI Admissions

Bihar ITI Admissions

Chhattisgarh ITI Admissions

Delhi ITI Admissions

Gujarat ITI Admissions

Haryana ITI Admissions

Himachal ITI Admissions

Jharkhand ITI Admissions

Karnataka ITI Admissions

Kerala ITI Admissions

MP ITI Admissions

Maharashtra ITI Admissions

Manipur ITI Admissions

Odisha ITI Admission

Punjab ITI Admissions

Rajasthan ITI Admissions

UP ITI Admissions

Uttarakhand ITI Admissions

West Bengal ITI Admissions

ITI Full Form: Top 10 ITI Courses in India

Industrial Training Institutes offer 126 different courses. The following table gives details about the Industrial Training Institutes Courses with their duration and stream-

Course Name 



Tool & Die Maker Engineering










3 years 

Draftsman (Mechanical) Engineering








2 years

Draftsman (Civil) Engineering

Fitter Engineering

Turner Engineering

Information Technology & ESM Engineering

Refrigeration Engineering

Mech. Instrument Engineering

Electrician Engineering

Mechanic Motor Vehicle Engineering

Read more about ITI Courses.

ITI Full Form: ITI Course and Fees 2024

At private institutions, the typical price for Industrial Training Institutes ranges from INR 5k to INR 50k per year. At government institutions, the average price for Industrial Training Institutes is from INR 2k to INR 10k each year. Fees for ITI engineering trades normally range from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 9,000. ITI Non-Engineering trades cost between Rs. 3,950 to Rs. 7,000. ITI trade fees are charged differently by government and private ITIs. If students wish to use hostel housing, they must pay an additional fee. Several states provide full or partial fee waivers to students who meet specified conditions. Students may pay for the complete course in two installments.

ITI Full Form: Top 10 Popular ITIs in Delhi

The following are the most popular top 10 Industrial Training Institutes in Delhi-

  1. Ch. Brahm Parkash Industrial Training Institute, Jaffarpur.
  2. Directorate General of Employment and Training.
  3. Industrial Training Institute, Mori Gate, Gokhle Road.
  4. Industrial Training Institute, K Block, Jahangirpuri.
  5. Industrial Training Institute, Nand Nagari.
  6. Sarvodaya Industrial Training Institute, Durgapuri Extension, Shahdra.
  7. Sir C.V. Raman Industrial Training Institute, near Burari Crossing, Dheerpur.
  8. Industrial Training Institute, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh.
  9. Industrial Training Institute, D.S.I.D.C. Industrial Complex.
  10. Industrial Training Institute, Malviya Nagar.

Read more about the Best ITI Colleges.

ITI Full Form: Top 10 Popular ITI Institutes in India

The following are the most popular top 10 Industrial Training Institutes in India-

  1. Government ITI Patiala
  2. Industrial Training Institute Delhi
  3. Malwa Industrial Training Centre
  4. Baba Kharak Singh Baba Darshan Singh ITI
  5. Sandipani Private ITI. Bilaspur
  6. Government ITI, Narsipatnam
  7. Government Industrial Training Institute, Nagapattinam
  8. Buddha ITI, Gaya
  9. Women's Industrial Training Institute, Ahmednagar
  10. Srimati Techno Institute, Kolkata

There are 15,042 ITIs for CTS training, including 2738 government ITIs and 12,304 private ITIs

ITI Full Form FAQs
Q. What is the ITI full form?
A. Industrial Training Institute is the full form of ITI. It is a government training agency tasked with educating high school pupils about the business world. However, several trades are still applicable beyond the eighth grade.
Q. What is an ITI course?
A. ITI course is a program offered by Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). It is post-secondary educational institutions in India that offer instruction in a range of trades and abilities, is referred to as an ITI course. The purpose of these courses is to provide students who want to work in technical sectors with technical knowledge and practical skills.
Q. Can we do ITI after 12th?
A. Yes, you can do ITI after 12th. Students who wish to pursue specific engineering skills might choose to enroll in ITI courses after completing their 12th grade in the science stream.
Q. What is the ITI course salary?
A. ₹34,850 per month, with an average salary of ₹15,000 per month is the ITI course salary. 
Q. Can I join ITI after 10th?
A. Yes, you can join ITI  course after 10th provided that you have completed your 10th from a recognized board or institution. 

ITI Full Form: Benefits of ITI Courses 

Upon completion of this course, students may choose to pursue a variety of roles and opportunities.

Machine operator
Fitter- 2 years
Mechanical- 2 years
Surveyor- 2 years
IT- 2 years
Tool & Die Maker Engineering-3 years
Draughtsman (Mechanical) Engineering-2 years
Diesel Mechanic Engineering-1 year
Pump Operator-1 year
Motor Driving-cum-Mechanic Engineering-1 year
Turner Engineering-2 year
Draughtsman (Civil) Engineering-2 year
Dress Making-1 year
Manufacture Foot Wear-1 year
Information Technology & E.S.M. Engineering-2 year
Secretarial Practice-1 year
Machinist Engineering-1 year
Hair & Skin Care-1 year
Refrigeration Engineering-2 year
Fruit & Vegetable Processing-1 year
Mech. Instrument Engineering-2 year
Bleaching & Dyeing Calico Print-1 year
Vessel Navigator
Cabin or Room Attendant
Computer-Aided Embroidery And Designing
Corporate House Keeping
Counselling Skills
Creche Management
Driver Cum Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle)
Data Entry Operator
Domestic House Keeping
Event Management Assistant
Front Office Assistant
Hospital Waste Management
Institution House Keeping
Vessel Navigator
Weaving Technician
Cabin or Room Attendant
Computer-Aided Embroidery And Designing
Corporate Housekeeping
Counselling Skills
Creche Management
Driver Cum Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle)
Data Entry Operator
Architectural Draughtsmanship
Resource Person
Foods and Vegetable Processing
Information Technology
Art terms
Basic safety and shop floor safety
Travel & Tourism
Domestic Housekeeping
Painter General
Radiology Technician
Spinning Technician
Textile Mechatronics
Textile Wet Processing Technician
Tool & Die Maker (Dies & Moulds)
Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures)
Event Management Assistant
Front Office Assistant
Hospital Waste Management
Institution Housekeeping
Insurance Agent
Library & Information Science
Medical Transcription
Network Technician
Old Age Care Assistant
Paralegal Assistant or Munshi
Preparatory School Management (Assistant)
Fashion Design and Technology
Finance Executive
Fire Technology
Floriculture and Landscaping
Footwear Maker
Basic Cosmetology
Health Safety and Environment
Spa Therapy
Tourist Guide
Baker & Confectioner
Cane Willow and Bamboo Worker
Catering and Hospitality Assistant
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
Craftsman Food Production (General)
Craftsman Food Production (Vegetarian)
Cutting and Sewing
Desktop Publishing Operator
Digital Photographer
Dress Making
Surface Ornamentation Techniques (Embroidery)
Health Sanitary Inspector
Hospital Housekeeping
Human Resource Executive
Leather Goods Maker
Litho Offset Machine Minder
Marketing Executive
Multimedia Animation and Special Effects
Office Assistant cum Computer Operator
Plate Maker cum Impositor
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables
Process Cameraman
Secretarial Practice (English)
Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (English)
Stenographer & Secretarial oratory Equipment Technician
Web Designing and Computer Graphics

ITI Full Form: ITI Job Profiles 

After finishing the ITI course, candidates can find work in the following industries-

  1. Electricity Department
  2. Defence
  3. Multinational Companies
  4. Railway Department

On-campus placements are also available to students. Many students choose apprenticeships to improve their earning potential. There are additional opportunities for ITI students to work abroad. Yet, such occupations require 1 or 2 years of experience.

ITI Full Form: Salary 2024 

Industrial Training Institute candidates are paid a minimum salary of INR 15k to INR 20k by the government sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the full form of ITI?

Ans. ITI is an abbreviation for Industrial Training Institute.

When do ITI college admissions start?

Ans. Every year in August, ITI institutions conduct admissions. Every year, a new session begins on August 1st, and the admission procedure begins before the start of the new session. In government institutions, admission is determined on merit (based on

What are the professional options after completing the ITI course?

Ans. Those who have completed the ITI course and obtained the NCVT certificate can seek positions in both the public and commercial sectors. They are eligible to apply for numerous positions in the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. They can also work in p

Can a student obtain lateral admission to a polytechnic diploma engineering program following ITI?

Ans. Applicants having National Trade Certificates and two years of ITI experience are eligible for a polytechnic diploma in engineering.

Which applicants are eligible to apply for admission to ITI college institutes?

Ans. Any applicants pursuing technical education who have completed the 10th and 8th grades are eligible to apply for admission to ITI colleges.

Is it possible to pursue ITI after completing the 12th grade?

ITI provides a range of courses, each with its own specific eligibility criteria. Online courses are not available for ITI, given its emphasis on practical skills that necessitate hands-on experience. The fundamental eligibility for ITI is completion of t

Which ITI offers the highest salary?

The top 5 highest-earning ITI jobs, along with their reported salaries, are as follows: ITI Fitter: ₹19.0 lakhs per year, ITI Electrician: ₹17.0 lakhs per year, ITI Welder: ₹17.0 lakhs per year, ITI: ₹15.0 lakhs per year.

What will the starting salary of ITI be?

he average monthly salary for an ITI Fitter in India is ₹42,000. Additionally, the average supplementary cash compensation for an ITI Fitter in India is ₹24,000, ranging from ₹8,096 to ₹51,000.

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