Home Articles ISRO Scientist Salary 2025: Pay Scale, Perks & Allowances and In-Hand Salary Per Month

ISRO Scientist Salary 2025: Pay Scale, Perks & Allowances and In-Hand Salary Per Month


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

ISRO Scientist Salary

Latest Update: According to the 7th Pay Commission, the ISRO Scientist/Engineer Salary - SC is Rs. 84,360 per month, including additional benefits and allowances. 

What is ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)?

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) caught the world's attention with the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3 at the Moon's south pole and the launch of its first Solar Mission, Aditya L-1. Behind these accomplishments are determined and passionate scientists and engineers who are working to drive India's space program to new heights. To hire energetic engineering graduates from reputable universities and other institutions for the following engineering field, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) conducts recruitment for the job of Scientist/Engineer "SC."  One of the most well-known occupations for engineers is working at ISRO. To fully grasp the benefits of being chosen for the position listed under the ISRO Scientist opening, candidates may study about the various perks and benefits they are qualified for in depth in addition to the ISRO Scientist pay.

The Indian Space Research Organization is known as ISRO. The Government of India's official space agency is called ISRO. The ISRO's main office is in Bengaluru, Karnataka. After Vikram Sarabhai emphasized the significance of space research in India, Jawaharlal Nehru founded ISRO in 1962 as the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR). ISRO finally replaced INCOSPAR in 1969. Since its establishment in 1962, ISRO has been governed by the Department of Atomic Energy.

ISRO Scientist Salary 2025: Highlights

The table below shows the important highlights of ISRO Scientist salary 2025:



Exam Conducting Authority

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Examination Name

ISRO Scientist Engineer Exam

Post Name

Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’

Application Mode


ISRO Scientist Engineer Selection Process

  • Written Test
  • Interview
  • Document Verification

ISRO Scientist Salary 2025

Level 10 as per 7th Pay Commission, INR 56,100 Per Month (approximately)

ISRO Official Website


ISRO Scientist Salary With Profile

ISRO will announce the official information for the recruitment of Scientists for multiple departments. On the ISRO website, there will be an application form for the same. Candidates may register for the test on the official website if they want to work with the Indian Space Research Organization. Candidates are encouraged to apply for this position in large part because of the comfortable ISRO Scientist salary. Although the specifics of the ISRO Scientist salary have not yet been made public, based on the recruiting procedure from the previous year, candidates who land the job may expect to make a base salary of between INR 15,600 and INR 39,100 per month for the positions of Scientists or Engineers.

ISRO Scientist Profile

ISRO Scientist Salary

Scientist/ Engineer- SD

INR 15,600 - INR 39,100

Scientist/ Engineer- SE

INR 15,600 - INR 39,100

Scientist/ Engineer- SF

INR 37,400 - INR 67,000

Scientist/ Engineer- SG

INR 37,400 - INR 67,000

Scientist/ Engineer- H

INR 37,400 - INR 67,000

Outstanding Scientist

INR 67,000 -INR 79,000

Distinguished Scientist

INR 75,500 -INR 80,000

Different Fields of ISRO Scientists

For its numerous projects and missions, like the launch of satellites or planet observation, ISRO employs scientists or engineers from a variety of scientific disciplines to manage research, development, application, and implementation. The following is a list of possible careers for ISRO scientists:

  1. Electrical Technology and Space
  2. Mechanical
  3. Computer Science
  4. Civil
  5. Air Cooling and Refrigeration
  6. Architecture

Job Profile of ISRO Scientists

Depending on the individual's stream, the ISRO scientist position provides an intriguing employment profile in contrast to other government positions. Depending on the position sought for and the stream, many job profiles exist for scientists.


ISRO Scientist Post

ISRO Scientist Profile



Process development & qualification of space-qualified materials for spacecraft

Optical thin films process and material development, design and development of multilayer optical coatings


Opto Electronics

Design, development of electro-optical devices and their characterization.

Optoelectronic devices, MOEMS and infrared detectors.

Development of THz detectors for space applications. MOEMS sensors for micro-satellites.

Development of un-cooled IR detectors for passive and active detection systems



Resource Management, Financial & Personnel Management functions, Systems Engineering & Project Management.


Electrical and Electronics

Fabrication and testing avionics systems Development of Test & Evaluation systems for spacecraft hardware

Installation, Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance of Environmental Test Systems for spacecraft & sub-system testing



Installation, Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance of Environmental Test Systems for spacecraft & sub system testing.

Operation & Maintenance high speed specialized data acquisition & control systems



Development of Control algorithms & Computer Simulation

Navigation Guidance and Control for various missions Robotics related developments



Construction and maintenance of its infrastructure.

remote sensing , GIS and mapping of urban planning, water shed management, digitization of land records, catchment areas, land use etc.



Digital Signal Processing

Design of microprocessor based onboard systems High speed data compression

Design, development and testing of digital circuits FPGA& ASIC development and testing Analog & Mixed Signal SIC Development & Testing



Design and analysis of satellite structures and related Mechanical components, • Design and analysis of spacecraft mechanisms and study of kinematics • Structural dynamics (theory & experimental) including smart structures, Advanced Composites • Reliability and Quality Assurance of mechanical designs and systems

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The ISRO Scientist Salary 2025 includes various allowances, there are a few deductions for the gross salary structure, such as Income Tax, Canteen, and Medical Facilities, among others.

The table below explains the ISRO Scientist Engineer Salary 2025 deductions for aspirants to have a clearer understanding:

ISRO Scientist Salary 2025 Deductions


Deductions (in INR)

Income Tax

INR 3,000 to INR 6,000 per month

National Pension System (NPS): 10% of Basic Pay

INR 5,610 per month

Canteen Facility

INR 300 per month

Medical Facility

INR 200 per month


INR 300 per month


INR 400 per month

Total ISRO Salary Deductions

INR 12,000 per month (approximately)

Note: Aspirants recruited as SCs in the Indian Space Research Organization can expect an ISRO Scientist Engineer Salary per month of approximately INR 72,360.

ISRO Scientist Salary After 7th Pay Commission

The pay and benefits for ISRO scientists have been updated thanks to the 7th Pay Commission. Scientists at ISRO now receive a monthly base salary of INR 15,600 with a grade pay of INR 6,600. As a result of a rise in their grade pay, an ISRO scientist's highest monthly income has also been raised to INR 80,000.

Following the 7th pay commission, the ISRO Scientist Salary are listed below-

ISRO Scientist Profile

ISRO Scientitst Salary

Grade Pay

Scientist/ Engineer- SD

INR 15,600 - INR 39,100

INR 6,600

Scientist/ Engineer- SE 

INR 15,600 - INR 39,100

INR 7,600

Scientist/ Engineer- SF 

INR 37,400 - INR 67,000

INR 8,700

Scientist/ Engineer- SG (Medical Officer-SG)

INR 37,400 - INR 67,000

INR 8,900

Scientist/ Engineer- H 

INR 37,400 - INR 67,000

INR 10,000

Outstanding Scientist (Additional Secretary, DOS)

INR 67,000 - INR 79,000


Distinguished Scientist

INR 75,500 - INR 80,000


Secretary, DOS, Member (Finance)

INR 80,000



The ISRO scientist salary comprises a variety of benefits and allowances; some are provided on a monthly basis while others are given annually. Additionally, some of the benefits are still available to ISRO scientists after their employment has ended.

The allowances granted to ISRO scientists are-

  1. Dearness Allowance
  2. Travel Allowance
  3. Provident Fund
  4. Performance Related incentive scheme
  5. Pension
  6. House Rent Allowance
  7. Medical facilities for employees, as well as dependents

The allowances for an ISRO scientist have undergone fresh revisions after the implementation of the 7th pay commission. The updated modifications made following the seventh pay commission are listed below:

  1. Each month, employees receive a 113 percent Dearness Allowance (DA).
  2. The HRA stipend varies by city class. The HRA, or House Rent Allowance, ranges from 10% to 30% of the base salary.
  3. The TA, or transportation allowance, ranges from 400 to 3,200 rupees.
  4. Also permitted is the dearness allowance (DA) for the transportation allowance.

Also read more about How to Become a Scientist in India.

ISRO Scientist Salary Slip

Salary slip of employees is released by ISRO every month. Salary slip keeps the employees informed about deductions and allowances. This salary slip serves various functions. If an employees want personal or home loans, this salary slip becomes important

ISRO Scientist Probation Period 

  • Probation period is of fixed duration for selected candidates.
  • The period may be extended but it solely depends on the recruiting agency. 
  • If the candidate does not perform satisfactorily during probation period, his service is terminated. 

ISRO Scientist Career Growth and Promotion

  1. At least 4 years as scientist-C, with at least 3 ‘Outstanding/A+' performance reviews (called APAR- Annual Performance Appraisal Reviews) at the end of every year.
  2. Successful completion of the technical interview that you will be called for after you have completed the 1st criteria.
  3. Depending on your performance in interview, you will either be given a promotion immediately or with a six months delay. In some cases, if they are not at all satisfied with you interview performance, they will call you again after 1 year for the interview and then based on that interview, decide whether to give you immediate promotion or with a 6 months delay.
  4. For next promotion, you need 4 years of working experience again. This criteria is important if you go for higher education leave for 2 years, which is not counted in your working experience even though you might get a salary from ISRO during that time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an ISRO scientist earn?

Ans. An ISRO scientist earns a basic pay of INR 56,100 along with other allowances.

What are the allowances that ISRO Scientist receives?

Ans. The various allowances that ISRO Scientist receives are: Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance, Pension, Medical Facilities, Provident Fund.

Are there transfers in ISRO for scientists?

Ans. Yes, there are transfers in ISRO for scientists i.e., ISRO Scientist is a transferable job.

Are jobs provided by ISRO permanent jobs?

Ans. The new employee must successfully complete the probationary period of 2 years and after that the job is permanent.

What is the full form of ISRO?

Ans. Indian Space Research Organization.

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