Home Articles IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2025

IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2025


Kitiyala Jamir
Kitiyala Jamir

The syllabus for IIT JAM Mathematics 2025 encompasses subjects such as integral calculus, linear algebra, and real variables. Formulated by the conducting body, this mathematics syllabus aligns with the standards of a graduate-level education. Those aspiring to pursue an M. Sc in Mathematics at IIT will find the article valuable, covering all necessary and crucial topics.

Before delving into the syllabus details, candidates should familiarize themselves with the paper's structure and marking scheme. This understanding will aid in assessing the syllabus comprehensively and preparing effectively. The examination comprises three sections—“A,” “B,” and “C”—with a total of 60 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) amounting to 100 marks.

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IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus

Every year, one of the participating institutes administers the IIT JAM exam.

The exam authority added a new subject, Economics, to the IIT JAM Syllabus in 2021. This will be continued in subsequent years of the exam. As a result, the IIT JAM subject list includes Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Statistics, Economics, and Geology. This article contains the entire IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus.

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What is the format of the IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus?

The IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus 2025 will consist of several topics such as sequences and series of real numbers, functions of two or three real variables, integral calculus, differential equations, vector calculus, group theory, linear algebra, and real analysis.

Can I download the IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus from IIT KGP website?

No. The exam is conducted by IITs on a rotational basis. IIT JAM 2025 will be conducted by IIT Delhi and hence you can check the details regarding the exam on the official website of IIT JAM Delhi which is - jam2025.iitd.ac.in.

Where can I find the official IIT JAM Mathematics syllabus?

You can find the updated IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus on the official website. The official website of IIT JAM 2025 is jam2025.iitd.ac.in since the exam will be conducted by IIT Delhi in 2025.

Weightage of IIT JAM Mathematics Topics

The following are the important topics, along with their weightage, based on previous year's paper analysis:



Real Analysis


Calculus of Single Variable


Linear Algebra


Calculus of Two Variables


Vector Calculus


Differential Equation


Abstract Algebra


Also Read:

IIT JAM Admit Card

IIT JAM Important Dates

IIT JAM Eligibility

IIT JAM Exam Pattern

Section Wise Break up of Marks and Questions


No. of Questions

Marks per Question

Total Marks

Negative Marking

Section A









Section B





Section C













IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus

The 10+2+3 level topics covered in the IIT JAM Mathematics 2023 syllabus include Sequence & Series, Function, Vector, Differential Equations, and so on. These are some of the most highly rated chapters in Mathematics.

The Mathematical Statistics (MS) test paper is divided into two sections.

  •  Mathematics accounts for 30% of the exam weightage.
  •  Statistics: The exam has a 70% weightage.

The topics covered in the IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus 2023 are listed below.



Sub- Topics

Unit - 1

Sequences and Series of Real Numbers

Real number sequences, sequence convergence, bounded and monotone sequences, real number sequence convergence criteria. There are also Cauchy sequences and sub-sequences, as well as the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. There are also series of real numbers, absolute convergence, tests of convergence for series of positive terms that include comparison tests, ratio tests, root tests, and the Leibniz test for alternating series convergence, among other things.

Unit - 2

Differential Equations

Bernoulli's equation, exact differential equations, integrating factors, orthogonal trajectories, homogeneous differential equations, variable separation method, linear differential equations of second order with constant coefficients, parameter variation method, Cauchy-Euler equation.

Unit - 3

Integral Calculus

Integration is defined as the inverse process of differentiation, as well as definite integrals and all the properties associated with the calculus fundamental theorem. Aside from that, there are double and triple integrals, information on changing the order of integration, the process of calculating surface areas and volumes using double integrals, and calculating volumes using triple integrals.

Unit - 4

Linear Algebra

Finite-dimensional vector spaces with linear vector independence, basis and dimension, and linear transformations, details on matrix representation and also range space with null space, concepts on rank-nullity theorem. It also covers Rank and inverse of a matrix, determinant and all the solutions of linear equation's systems. On the contrary there are consistency conditions along with eigenvalues, and also eigenvectors for matrices, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, etc in this section.

Unit - 5

Functions of Two or Three Real Variables

Limit, continuity, partial derivatives, total derivatives, maxima and minima are all included in this unit. 

Unit - 6

Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces

Linear independence of vectors, basis, dimension, linear transformations, matrix representation, range space, null space, rank-nullity theorem are all covered in this unit.

Unit - 7


Systems of linear equations, rank, nullity, rank-nullity theorem, inverse, determinant, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors are all covered in this unit.

Unit - 8


Cyclic groups, abelian groups, non-abelian groups, permutation groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, Lagrange's theorem for finite groups, group homomorphisms.

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IIT JAM Admit Card

IIT JAM Important Dates

IIT JAM Eligibility

IIT JAM Exam Pattern

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus



Sub topics



Experiments at Random. Sample Space and Event Algebra (Event Space). Probability is defined using relative frequency and axiomatically. Probability function properties. Probability function addition theorem (inclusion-exclusion principle). Probability based on geometry. Boole's and Bonferroni's inequalities. Multiplication rule and conditional probability. Total probability theorem and Bayes' theorem. Events are pairwise and mutually independent.

Unit - 2

Univariate Distributions

Random variables are defined as follows. A random variable's cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.). Random variables, both discrete and continuous. A random variable's probability mass function (p.m.f.) and probability density function (p.d.f.). Distribution (c.d.f., p.m.f., p.d.f.) of a random variable function using variable transformation and Jacobian method. Moments and mathematical expectation. A probability distribution's mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, quantiles, quadriles, coefficient of variation, and measures of skewness and kurtosis. The properties and uniqueness of the moment generating function (m.g.f.). The applications of Markov and Chebyshev inequalities.

Unit - 3

Standard Univariate Distributions

Degenerate, Bernoulli, Binomial, Negative binomial, Geometric, Poisson, Hypergeometric, Uniform, Exponential, Double exponential, Gamma, Beta (of the first and second types), Normal, and Cauchy distributions, as well as their properties, interrelationships, and limiting (approximation) cases.

Unit - 4

Multivariate Distributions

  • Random vector definition. A random vector's joint and marginal c.d.f.s. Random vectors of the discrete and continuous types. Joint and marginal p.m.f., joint and marginal p.d.f.. Conditional c.d.f., conditional p.m.f. and conditional p.d.f.. Independence of random variables. Variable transformation and the Jacobian method are used to distribute functions of random vectors.
  • The mathematical expectation of random vector functions. 
  • Covariance and correlation are examples of joint moments. The properties of the joint moment generating function. The distinctiveness of joint m.g.f. and its applications. Conditional expectations, conditional moments, and conditional variance. Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Gamma, and Normal Distributions' additive properties using their m.g.f.

Unit - 5

Standard Multivariate Distributions

The multinomial distribution and its properties (moments, correlation, marginal distributions, additive property) are a generalization of the binomial distribution and its properties. The bivariate normal distribution, as well as its marginal and conditional distributions, and their related properties.

Unit - 6

Limit Theorems

The interrelationships of probability and distribution convergence. The Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem are used in applications (i.i.d. case).

Unit - 7


  • Unbiasedness. Sufficiency of a statistic. Factorization Theorem. Complete statistic. Estimator consistency and efficiency are important considerations. Uniformly Minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE). RaoTheorems of Blackwell and Lehmann-Scheffe and their applications. The Cramer-Rao inequity and UMVUEs.
  • Estimation methods include the method of moments, the method of maximum likelihood, and the invariance of maximum likelihood estimators. Estimation of least squares and its applications in simple linear regression models. The confidence intervals and the confidence coefficient. Confidence intervals for univariate normal, two independent normal, and exponential distribution parameters.

Unit - 8

Testing of Hypotheses

Type-I and Type-II errors, null and alternative hypotheses (simple and composite). A critical region. The level of significance, the size and power of a test, and the p-value. Uniformly powerful critical regions and powerful (MP) tests. Uniformly most powerful (UMP) tests are performed. Pearson, Neyman Lemma (without proof) and its applications to the development of MP and UMP tests for single parameter parametric families. Likelihood ratio tests for univariate normal distribution parameters.

Unit - 9 


Sampling Distributions


Random sample, parameter, and statistic definitions. A statistic's sampling distribution.

  • Order Statistics: Define and distribute the rth order statistic (d.f. and p.d.f. for i.i.d. case for continuous distributions). Distribution of smallest and largest order statistics (c.d.f., p.m.f., p.d.f) (i.i.d. case for discrete as well as continuous distributions).
  • Central Chi-square distribution: Using m.g.f., define and derive the p.d.f. of the central 2 distribution with n degrees of freedom (d.f.). Properties of the central 2 distribution, including additive properties and the limiting form of the central 2 distribution.
  • Central Student's t-distribution: Definition and derivation of the p.d.f. of the Central Student's t-distribution with n d.f., Properties and limiting form of the Central Student's t-distribution.

Definition and derivation of p.d.f. of Snedecor's Central F-distribution with (m, n) d.f. The properties of the Central F-distribution, as well as the distribution of the reciprocal of the F-distribution. The relationship between the t, F, and 2 distributions.

Books for IIT JAM  Mathematics Syllabus



Recommended Books


Books for Linear Algebra


  • Chapter 0 of Serge Lang's Introduction Linear Algebra
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang
  • Linear Algebra: A geometric Approach by S Kumaresan
  • Linear Algebra by Hoffman & Kunze
  • Algebra by Artin
  • Topics in Algebra by Herstein
  • Linear Algebra Done Right by Axler



Books for Abstract Algebra


  • Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian
  • SAGE Math (computation software)
  • Abstract Algebra by Dummit and Foote



Books for Real Analysis


  • Introduction to Real Analysis by Bartle Sherbet
  • Problems in Real Analysis by Kaczor
  • A basic course in Real Analysis by Kumar & Kumaresan
  • Analysis 1 & 2 by Terence Tao
  • Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin



Books for Vector Calculus and Differential Equation


  • Calculus, Early Transcendentals by James Stewart
  • Basic Multivariable Calculus by Marsden, Tromba, and Weinstein.
  • Calculus Vol 1 and 2 by Apostle
  • Calculus on Manifolds by Spivak

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IIT JAM Exam Centres

IIT JAM Accepting Colleges

IIT JAM Counselling

IIT JAM Selection Procedure

Preparation for IIT JAM Mathematics

  • Candidate should make a list of all topics and identify the specific sections in which they are weak, as well as focus on those topics.
  • Each day, the candidate must answer all of the questions from at least two chapters.
  • All candidates must create a timetable to complete all sections of the IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematics and adhere to it on a regular basis.
  • To improve speed and confidence, the candidate should solve all of the previous year's questions.
  • Giving mock tests as many times as possible per week will help the candidate know their abilities or understand where they can improve.
  • Last but not least, practice is the best way to ace the exam and achieve the highest possible score, particularly in Mathematics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the areas that I need to practice from Group Theory under IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematics?

You can practice Abelian and non-abelian groups in the section Group Theory, as well as details on permutation groups and Lagrange’s Theorem only for finite groups, and you must have a basic understanding of quotient groups.

Do I need to concentrate only on the important topics from IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematics?

It is best to practice all sections of the syllabus for high marks, so you should focus on all topics in Mathematics as this is the scoring subject.

Where can I download the IIT JAM 2023 syllabus?

The syllabus for the IIT JAM 2023 exam is available on the exam’s official website as well as on this page. On this page, candidates can also download the IIT JAM 2023 syllabus in PDF format for each subject.

How to know about any updates or changes in the IIT JAM syllabus 2023?IIT JAM syllabus?

Candidates can view the updated JAM exam syllabus 2023 as well as the JAM 2023 application form on the official website of IIT Roorkee.

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