Home Articles IGNOU Contact Number: Helpline No., Whom to Contact, IGNOU RC Contact Details, Student Corner

IGNOU Contact Number: Helpline No., Whom to Contact, IGNOU RC Contact Details, Student Corner


Nisha Gupta
Nisha Gupta

IGNOU Contact Number -It goes without saying that the most prominent university needs to have excellent student learning support and a helpline to assist students who have enrolled in IGNOU University for their studies. Many candidates are confused about the IGNOU Helpline Number and have many questions about who to contact when to contact them, and where to send their questions. Here is the answer to all of your questions.

IGNOU Contact Number Or Helpline Number

Having an IGNOU contact number is extremely helpful. To get a response, you must locate and call the appropriate department's phone number based on your inquiry.

Students are advised not to direct their questions to unrelated departments, but rather to the one department that is responsible for answering their questions.

IGNOU Working Hours and Timings

Only during working hours, such as from Monday through Friday between 10 AM and 6 PM, are candidates required to call a number. The number might be busy due to the high volume of student responses, so keep calling to speak with the relevant department. In order for you to continue your studies worry-free, the IGNOU executive will attempt to address your question during a phone call.

IGNOU Contact Numbers For Different Departments

Here is a table that shows IGNOU contact numbers for different departments:

S.No.Division/UnitTelephone Nos. (With Std Code 011)
1IGNOU Telephone Exchange29571000
2Student Service Centre (SSC)Student Enquiry Numbers: 29572513, 29572514
3Material Production & Distribution Division (MPDD)To get Study Materials: 29572008, 29572012, 29572013. 
Additional Numbers: 29534521, 29572002
4STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION (SED)Certificate Programmes: 29572208
  Diploma Programmes: 29572208
  Bachelors Programmes (BA/B.Sc./B.Com): 29572211
  Masters Programmes & Bachelors (B.Ed, BTS, BHM, BCA, BSW, BLIS, BSCHOT, BSCN, BTME): 29572212
  Issuance of Degree Certificate: 29572224, 29535438
  Issue of Transcript and verification of Degree Certificate: 29571524
  Assignment Marks: 29571319
  Project Marks: 29571321, 29571324
  Practical Marks: 29572212
  Verification of educational certificates: 29572210
  Examination Form, Hall Ticket & Entrance Test: 29572209, 29572202, 29532088
  May I Help You: 29572218
5Student Registration DivisionOnline Admission (CSRC): 29571528
  Admission Enquiry: 29571301, 29571302, 29532686 (Fax)
6Regional Services Division29572412, 29532118
7Research Unit(Admission/Enquiry for MPHIL/PHD): 29534229, 29534326, 29571984, 29571985, 29571986

IGNOU Contact Numbers For Regional Centers

Here is a table that shows IGNOU contact numbers for different regional centers:

S.No.Regional CentrePrimary Student Information / Enquiry Telephone Number (with STD code)
2AHMEDABAD02717-242976, 02717-241580
3AIZWAL0389-2391692, 0389-2395260
4ALIGARH0571-2700120, 0571-2701365
5BANGALORE080-26654747, 080-26657376
6BHAGALPUR0641-2610055, 0641-2610077
7BHOPAL0755-2578455, 0755-2578454, 0755-2578452
8BHUBANESHWAR0674-2971071, 0674-2301352
10CHANDIGARH0172-2590277, 0172-2590208
11CHENNAI044-26618438, 26618039
12COCHIN0484-2340203, 0484-2348189
15DELHI 1011-26990083, 011-26990082
16DELHI 2011-23392374, 011-23392376, 011-23392377
17DELHI 3011-25088939, 011-25088944
18DEOGHAR8986646561, 8986613424
19GANGTOK03592-231102, 03592-270923
20GUWAHATI0361-2343785, 0361-2343771
23ITANAGAR0360-2247538, 0360-2351705
24JABALPUR0761-2600411, 0761-2609896
25JAIPUR0141-2785730, 0141-2396427, 0141-2781079, 0141-2396526
26JAMMU0191-2546529, 0191-2579572
27JODHPUR0291-2751424, 0291-2755424
28JOHART0376-2301116, 0376-2301115
30KHANNA01628-229993, 01628-237361
32KOLKATA033-23349850, 033-23592719
35MADURAI0452-2380733, 0452-2380775
36MUMBAI022-25923159, 022-25925540
37NAGPUR0712-2536999, 0712-2537999
38NOIDA0120-2405012, 0120-2405014
40PATNA0612-2219541, 0612-2219539
41PORT BLAIR03192-242888, 03192-230111
42PUNE020-25671867, 020-25651124, 020-25671864
43RAGHUNATHGANJ03483-271555, 03483-271666
44RAIPUR0771-2971322, 0771-2283285
46RANCHI0651-2244688, 0651-2244699
47SAHARSA06478-219015, 06478-219018
48SHILLONG0364-2551010, 0364-2550102, 0364-2550088
51SRINAGAR0194-2311258, 0194-2311251
52TRIVANDRUM0471-2344113, 0471-2344120, 0471-2344132
53VARANASI0542-2368622, 0542-2369629
54VATAKARA0496-2525281, 0496-2516055
55VIJAYAWADA0866-2565253, 0866-2565959
56VISAKHAPATNAM0891-2511200, 0891-2511300

For Project related queries you can contact through E-mail: projects@ignou.ac.in, sureshchugh@ignou.ac.inPhone: 011-29532294

All the students must use these contact details in order to know more information about their college admissions, TEE results, and Revaluation results. If you wish to know more about IGNOU you can visit their official website.

IGNOU Location 

IGNOU Address

The Registrar

Student Registration Division (SRD)

Block - 3

Maidan Garhi,

New Delhi - 110068, India

Phone No.011-29571301, 29571528
Fax No.011-29532686
Office HoursMonday to Friday, 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to call IGNOU?

Monday through Friday between 10 AM and 6 PM

Is IGNOU toll-free number available?

011-29532294 Intercom No. 1313/1320/1321 E-mail: projects@ignou.ac.in; sureshchugh@ignou.ac.in

Can you provide IGNOU Delhi Contact details?

For Delhi, you can use these contact numbers. 011-26990083, 011-26990082, 011-23392374, 011-23392376 and 011-23392377

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