Computers are one of the most important inventions of mankind. They have made our complex tasks and lives easier. But we have come far from the first generation computers which were the Vaccum Tubes to the fifth generation i.e. Artificial Intelligence. Computers were made with the intention of simplifying calculations, but today it is used for advanced calculations of science and technology, communication, entertainment, education, gathering information and building other complex machines.
There are around 5 major generations of computers, these generations are listed below:
First Generation: Vacuum Tubes
Years of function:1940-1956
The first generation of computers was made using the Vaccum Tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. But this generation of computers had some issues: they were big, had high energy consumption and were able to carry out only one function at a time. They were based on the most basic programming language and the input was done via punched cards and paper tape and outputs came out on printouts.
Eg: ENIAC and UNIVAC computers
Second Generation: Transistors
Years of Function: 1956-1963
This variant of the computers was comparatively faster, smaller, more reliable as well as energy efficient. The languages used were COBOL and FORTRAN which were better than the previous languages. In these computers, magnetic core drums were used in place of magnetic drums. This was the time when new input and output devices were introduced like printers.
Eg: IBM 7090 and the PDP-1
Third generation: Integrated circuits
Year of active function: 1964-1971
This generation came with its own benefits. They were even more energy efficient, smaller in size and better speed. Keywords and monitors became common in this generation. Running multiple programs was made possible first time in this generation. Computers were finally made available to the general public, these systems included.
Eg: IBM 360 and the Honeywell 6000
Fourth generation: Microprocessors
Years of active function: 1971- 2010
The Fourth generation was unique because of the microprocessors, as the name suggest they were significantly smaller. Because of this personal computers became common. This era saw the advent of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the development of high-speed memory, and substantial developments in networking, all of which contributed to the creation of the Internet.
Eg: Altair 8800, the Apple II, and the IBM PC
Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence
Years of active function: 2010-Present
The fifth generation is focused on AI and Machine learning which made computers capable of learning from the functions performed on the computer. These computers are more mobile and energy-efficient, with advanced input/output devices such as touchscreens and speech recognition systems. Examples are current desktops, laptops, and cellphones, with noteworthy AI implementations like IBM's Watson and different smart assistants.
Conclusion: The Generation of computers and its evolution has left a massive impact on mankind. We continue to reap the benefits of this invention and it has made our lives more efficient, accessible and easy.