Home Articles Father of English Poetry: Discover Why Geoffrey Chaucer is celebrated as the "Father of English Poetry?

Father of English Poetry: Discover Why Geoffrey Chaucer is celebrated as the "Father of English Poetry?


Suman Saurav
Suman Saurav

Geoffrey Chaucer is Considered as the Father of English Poetry. 

Geoffrey Chaucer is recognized and deemed as the Father of English Poetry. Geoffrey Chaucer is also called the father of English language. He has got illustrious fame and name with his work The Canterbury Tales. He was also a diplomat, civil servant, philosopher and author. He was the first and foremost writer to be buried in Poets' Corner, in Westminster Abbey. Chaucer also gained critical appreciation and fame owing to his inclination towards astronomy and writing scientific works like “A Treatise on the Astrolabe for his 10-year-old son Lewis”.  The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, The Legend of Good Women, and Troilus and Criseyde are some of most popular and widely acclaimed works of Chaucer. 

He is given deserved credit for providing legitimacy to the literary use of Middle English at a time when Anglo-Norman French and Latin were the dominant and accepted literary languages in England. Chaucer's contemporary, Thomas Hoccleve, praised him as "the firste fyndere of our fair langage" (i.e., the first person capable of finding lyrical matter in English).

Chaucer is consistently esteemed and venerated as the founder of the English vernacular tradition. His contribution to the English poetry can be understood as part of a larger historical movement in various parts of Europe toward the development of vernacular literature, following in the footsteps of Dante.

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Father of English Language


Why Geoffrey Chaucer is Considered as the Father of English Poetry?

Geoffrey Chaucer is consonantly respected as the "father of English literature" or the "father of English poetry,". This title throws light on his substantial contribution to the progress and foundational set-up of English poetry. He solidified English as a legitimate language for literature and scholarly work. Numbered below are the main reasons: 

  1. Pioneering Contributions to Conventional and Vernacular Literature: Geoffrey Chaucer was the first leading writer to use Middle English. It was the vernacular of his time. And he used it for his  works of literary pieces he produced. Before Chaucer came, almost all of the pieces of literature, specifically scholarly and poetic pieces were penned and produced in Latin or French. He contributed to the accessibility of poetry to a broader section of society and audience.  
  2. The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer's most popular work is "The Canterbury Tales,". It is respected as a masterpiece. It has got numerous accolades and considered as one of the foremost and outstanding works of English literature. It boasts of a number of stories recited by distinct characters. Almost all the stories are different when it comes to approaches, tone, message and insights.  The Canterbury Tales solidifies the great legacy and diverse aspects of the beauty of English language. Additionally, it also asserts Chaucer's  wisdom, aestheticism and wit. Chaucer was illustrious for innovation in literary styles and techniques. 
  3. Expansion of Poetic Forms: Chaucer's experimentation with meters, rhymes and iambic pentameter laid the foundation for English poetry and established him as the first and foremost propagandist in literary styles. Additionally, Chaucer was a role model for the next generation of poets encompassing William Shakespeare.  
  4. Establishment of English as the Standard Language: Through his literary virtuosity, Chaucer had a deep impact in standardizing the English language. He achieved this feat at a time when it was majorly regionalized. Moreover, English was varied significantly across many areas of England. His widespread readership aided to spread a more steady and orchestrated version of English.
  5. Poetic Innovation and Social Commentary: Chaucer's use of frame narrative in "The Canterbury Tales" was innovation re-defined. The structure of a pilgrimage, multiple storytellers, contributed for a varied range of stories and genres within one thumping narrative. Social commentary is one of the most important aspects of Chaucer's poetry. He gave insights into moral, social, religious and political issues through his poetry.  
  6. Character Development: Chaucer's use and demonstration of characters are byzantine, complicated and multifaceted. It also shows the diversity of society. His great sagacity and ability to create vivid, realistic characters helped in the cultivation of character-driven storytelling in English literature.
  7. Literary Influences: Classical and contemporary works from other languages had a great influence on Chaucer. It encompassed Latin, French, and Italian. He translated and adapted these influences into English, thereby enriching the English literary tradition.
  8. Use of Iambic Pentameter: Though Chaucer is not known for the invention of iambic pentameter, the way he used it in his works made it very popular.  Consequently, the meter became the preponderant poetic form in English literature. Undoubtedly, it was later solidified by poets like Shakespeare.
  9. Wide Range of Genres: Chaucer produced his works in a variety of genres. The genres encompassed romance, tragedy, comedy, and moral tales. This versatility demonstrated the capability of English to express a wide range of human experiences and emotions.
  10. Social Commentary: Chaucer's works often covered social and political commentary. They also highlighted the oddities and issues of his time. This added a layer of depth to his writing and showed that English could be used for serious and sophisticated discourse.
  11. Literary Influence: Chaucer's works had a long-lasting impact on future generations of writers. Many English writers, including Shakespeare, Spenser, and Milton, were influenced by Chaucer's themes, style, and use of the English poetry. Chaucer and his works had a deep influence on coming generation of writers and poets. He is offered credit for inspiring a generation of poets who followed him. For instance, John Lydgate and Thomas Hoccleve were profoundly influenced by Chaucer. 

These reasons when taken into account establish Geoffrey Chaucer's substantial role in shaping the course of English literature.  In addition, solidifying the use of English as a respected and robust literary language.

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Father of English Poetry FAQs
Who is the father of English poetry?
The title "father of English poetry" is consistently awarded to Geoffrey Chaucer. Geoffrey Chaucer is considered one of the greatest English poets of the Middle Ages. Chaucer is illustrious for his work "The Canterbury Tales," a collection of stories written in Middle English. The work offers a interesting elaboration of English society in the 14th century. Chaucer's influence on English poetry and literature has been consequential and profoundly substantial. His masterpieces hold great relevance and significance today as well. 
Why Geoffrey Chaucer is Considered as the Father of English Poetry
Geoffrey Chaucer was the torchbearer when it comes to English poetry and English language as well. He was first and foremost who took litertaure forward with new inventions, discoveries and insights. 
Is Canterbury Tales worth reading?
Yes, the  Canterbury Tales is worth reading and deserved you time and literary attention. Canterbury Tales is difficult to read today but it was not difficul to read and understand during Chaucer's time. You need an old dictionary to read it because it was written a long ago. 

Q. Who  is known as the father of English poetry?

  • Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Bacon 
  • Charles Babbage 
  • Adam Smith

The answer is Geoffrey Chaucer as highlighted above. 

Explanation: Bacon is the father of English essay. Adam Smith is the father of Economics. Charles Babbage is the father of computer. 

Father of English Poetry: Chaucer's Notable Works

Though Chaucer is famous for Canterbury Tales, it does not mean his other works don't command attention and respect. Elaborated below in the table are the other great works of Geoffrey Chaucer and why you should read them as well. 

Chaucer's Notable Works

Why Read It?

 Troilus and Criseyde

It is a love story and tragic in tone and expression. Written against the landscape of Trojan War, It expresses the story of Troilus, a Trojan prince, and Criseyde, the daughter of a traitor. Their love story culminates in treachery, deception and pain. You should read it because it is one of the best emotional works of Chaucer. It offers insights and complexities pertaining to psychology and romance. 

The Book of the Duchess

It is one of the early written poems and considered a major work. An elegy written in the memory of Blanche of Lancaster, the first wife of John of Gaunt. The poem is famous for its dream vision form and narrative. You should read it because it is written in allegorical tone and offers new insights into death, mourning, courtly love tradition and emotions. 

The House of Fame

It is a dream vision poem.  It goes deep into the ephemeral of fame and reputation. The narrator, after falling asleep, is taken by an eagle to the House of Fame, where he observes how fame is distributed and manipulated. The poem is fascinating for its literary qualities. Its assessment on the fleeting aspect of popularity is a major perspective that Chaucer gives. It also throws light on Chaucer's thoughts on his own  aspirations of literature and the ever-changing nature of public perception. 

The Parliament of Fowls

 "The Parliament of Fowls" is a dream vision poem. It portrays a group of birds coming together to choose their mates on St. Valentine's Day. The poem is known for its satire and allegory. Additionally, it is important for its early association with the celebration of Valentine's Day. Its satirical take on social and political issues of Chaucer's time is a major highlight. It mingles complexities of love poetry with a assessment of society at that time. These things make it a insightful and solicitous read. 

The Legend of Good Women

"The Legend of Good Women" is a assemblage of stories about women from classical mythology and history.  The stories revolve around faithful women who were in love. It is depicted as a series of "legends" narrated by Chaucer as mortification for his depiction of women in previous works.

You should read it because the poem has attracted readership for its study of themes of love and fidelity from a female's point of view. It argues with a counterpoint to the male-dominated and pre-conceived notions of the time.

Is Shakespeare considered as “The Father Of The English Poetry?


William Shakespeare is hailed as the father of modern English Literature. Geoffrey Chaucer came before Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is often hailed as one of the greatest writers in the English language and is widely recognized for his profound impact on English literature. However, he is not usually deemed to as the "father of the English poetry" for reasons elaborated below:

The English Language was already on the track of development before Shakespeare's entered the arena.  Shakespeare wrote mainly during 16th and early17th centuries. At the time,  early Modern English was already cultivated and had become prominent in use and expression. 

Geoffrey Chaucer was a preponderant figure before Shakespeare. In the vast landscape of literature,  Chaucer had already set his foot before Shakespeare's arrival. 

William Shakespeare had a defined and restricted contribution in the foundational cultivation of English poetry. He took the burden of taking the literary traditional convention forward. 

Shakespeare's contributions were artistic and aesthetic in expression, contribution, development and popularity. He was not an inventor of the rudimentary of English poetry. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the first father of English poetry?

Geoffrey Chaucer is celebrated as the first "Father of English Poetry".

Who is the father of Indian English poetry?

Nissim Ezekiel is the father of Indian English poetry.

Who is the father of modern poetry in English?

TS Eliot is the father of modern poetry in English.

Who is the second father of English poetry?

Edmund Spenser is considered the "Poet's poet" and the "Second Father of English Poetry" after Chaucer.

Who was called the first English poet?

Cædmon (fl. 658–680) was called the first English poet.

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