Home Articles Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements: Significance, 3 Rules, Applications, and Uses

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements: Significance, 3 Rules, Applications, and Uses


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements Overview

The common nomenclature for the arrangement of electrons in an atomic structure is called the electronic configuration. It is known as the configuration of electrons surrounding the nucleus at various energies. Every component has a different electronic setup. Determining the electronic configuration of an atom helps understand its structure, ability to bond, chemical properties, and magnetic properties.

What is Electronic Configuration?

The arrangement of electrons surrounding an atomic nucleus at various energies is referred to as an electronic configuration or electronic structure. The arrangement of electrons in various molecular orbitals determines a molecule's electrical configuration. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the molecule. A molecule's or molecular ion's electronic configuration can be used to calculate the number of electrons in bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

What is Electronic Configuration Notation?

The notation is used to describe the subshell's number of electrons. The shell number, the name of the subshell, and the overall number of electrons in the subshell are all printed in superscript. 

For Example: The electrical arrangement of oxygen may be expressed as 1s², 2s², 2p⁴.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

What are Elements?

A material whose atoms all have the same number of protons is said to constitute an element; alternatively, all the atoms of a certain element must contain the same number of protons. Chemical processes cannot degrade elements since they are the simplest chemical forms.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

Read more about the Electropositive Elements, Types of Hybridization, Nitride, and F Orbital Shape.

Example of Elements

Iron, copper, silver, gold, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are typical examples of elements.

Significance of Electronic Configuration 

The valence electrons of an atom are identified by electron configurations, which explain the chemical conductivity of components. The components (such as the s-block components, the p-block components, the d-block components, and the f-block components) are better off when divided into discrete squares. This makes it simpler to think about the component qualities as a whole. It is significant to note that the use of respectable gases might make the electrical setup easier to construct for components with greater nuclear numbers. Respectable gases can be used as a prefix to type in the electrical setup since they have filled the furthest shells.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements with 3 Rules for Filling Electrons in Orbitals

The following are three rules that need to be followed for filling electrons in orbitals of the Electronic Configuration of the First 30 Elements-

Aufbau's Principle

According to the Aufbau principle, electrons must completely fill the atomic orbitals of the lower energy level before moving on to an orbital associated with the higher energy level. Electrons inhabit orbitals as the energy level of those orbitals increases.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

Hund's Rule for Maximum Multiplicity

According to Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity, each subshell in an orbital must be occupied only once before it may be occupied twice. Additionally, in order to maximize the total spin, all electrons in singly occupied subshells must have the same spin.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

Pauli's Exclusion Principle

No two electrons may have identical values for all four quantum numbers, according to Pauli's exclusion principle. As a result, only two electrons with opposing spins may fit into each subshell of an orbital at a time.

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

An electrical configuration chart for the first 30 atomically numbered elements is provided in the table below-

Atomic Number

Name of the Element with Symbol

Electronic Configuration


Hydrogen (H)



Helium (He)



Lithium (Li)

[He] 2s


Beryllium (Be)

[He] 2s²


Boron (B)

[He] 2s²2p¹


Carbon (C)

[He] 2s²2p²


Nitrogen (N)

[He] 2s²2p³


Oxygen (O)

[He] 2s²2p⁴


Fluorine (F)

[He] 2s²2p⁵


Neon (Ne)

[He] 2s²2p⁶


Sodium (Na)

[Ne] 3s¹


Magnesium (Mg)

[Ne] 3s²


Aluminium (Al)

[Ne] 3s²3p¹


Silicon (Si)

[Ne] 3s²3p²


Phosphorus (P)

[Ne] 3s²3p³


Sulphur (S)

[Ne] 3s²3p⁴


Chlorine (Cl)

[Ne] 3s²3p⁵


Argon (Ar)

[Ne] 3s²3p⁶


Potassium (K)

[Ar] 4s¹


Calcium (Ca)

[Ar] 4s²


Scandium (Sc)

[Ar] 3d¹4s²


Titanium (Ti)

[Ar] 3d²4s²


Vanadium (V)

[Ar] 3d³4s²


Chromium (Cr)

[Ar] 3d⁵4s¹


Manganese (Mn)

[Ar] 3d⁵4s²


Iron (Fe)

[Ar] 3d⁶4s²


Cobalt (Co)

[Ar] 3d⁷4s²


Nickel (Ni)

[Ar] 3d⁸4s²


Copper (Cu)

[Ar] 3d¹⁰4s¹


Zinc (Zn)

[Ar] 3d¹⁰4s²

The ground state of each of the first 30 elements with the atomic numbers given above is represented by its electronic configuration. An excited state is any configuration that does not match the lowest energy state.

Read more about the First 20 Elements of the Periodic Table and Electrophilic Sustitution Reaction.

How to write an Electronic Configuration of Elements?

Therefore, we must first extract data from the periodic table, such as the atomic number, number of electrons, number of shells, etc., before creating an electrical configuration. To better comprehend the process of constructing an electronic configuration there's an example mentioned below-

Potassium has an atomic number of 19. Additionally, it possesses 19 electrons, 19 of which will be put in the s and p subshells.The electric setup looks like this-

1s², 2s², 2p⁶, 3s², and 4s¹

The 19 electrons in it may be grouped into the following shells-

When n is 1, the K shell has a value of two, the L shell of eight, the M shell of eight, and the N shell of one.

Applications for Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

The following are some of the uses for Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements include-

  1. Determining the valency of an element.
  2. Examine the atomic spectrum.
  3. Predicting the properties of a collection of atoms (atoms with comparable electron configurations typically have the same properties).

Facts on Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements

The following are some of the facts on the Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements-

  1. An element's electrical structure has a significant role in determining its atomic number.
  2. Atomic spectra can also be understood using the electrical setup.
  3. Both copper and chromium have an unusual electronic structure where the 3d- orbitals fill up before the 4s orbitals.
  4. Noble gases' inertness is caused by their full valence shells.
  5. Noble gases with fully occupied outermost electrons, including neon, argon, and helium, are the most stable.
  6. The energy levels of electrons are ranked from the lowest to the highest in progressive order.
  7. The valency of an element is defined by the electrical arrangement of its atoms, which in turn helps predict its reactivity.
  8. Where the electrons are positioned within an element is based on its electrical arrangement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who made the neutron?

Ans. James Chadwick, a scientist, attacked Beryllium with alpha particles from the radioactive disintegration of Polonium in a 1932 experiment.

How do you define electron configuration?

Ans. The placement of electrons at different energy levels surrounding an atomic nucleus is known as electronic configuration, also known as electronic structure. The earlier shell atomic model states that electrons may be found at several levels, ranging

How should the configuration of an element be expressed?

Ans. Write the energy level (the period) first, then the subshell that has to be filled, and finally the superscript, which is the number of electrons in that subshell. The atomic number Z is the total number of electrons.

Do all D-block components have transitional properties?

Ans. D-block elements are all transition elements, although not all d-block elements are transition elements.

How is chlorine 17 configured electronically?

Ans. The neutral atom chlorine (Z = 17) possesses 17 electrons. Consequently, its electrical arrangement at the ground state may be expressed as 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁵.

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