Home Articles Best Books for UPSC Preparation in 2025

Best Books for UPSC Preparation in 2025


Suman Saurav
Suman Saurav
Best Books for UPSC Preparation in 2025

Clearing UPSC is the aspiration and goal of every UPSC aspirant. Aspirants work hard for years and study in a dedicated manner to clear UPSC, one of the most challenging exams in the world. This article throws light on most suggested books that must be in your list if you are targeting to appear for UPSC in 2025. 

Important Dates for 2025 that you must keep in mind: 

  • UPSC 2025 exam notification: 22 January 2025
  • UPSC 2025 exam application form (Acceptance dates):  22 January 2025 to 11 February 2025
  • UPSC 2025 admit card: To be declared
  • UPSC 2025 Civil Services Prelims exam: 25 May 2025
  • UPSC 2025 Civil Services Mains exam:  From 22 August 2025 (Five days)

Getting ready for the UPSC Civil Services Exam takes more than just putting in long hours; it requires a smart approach. The exam covers a wide range of subjects, from history and geography to politics and economics. Having the right study materials can make or break your chances of success. Picking the best books isn't just about going for well-known titles—it's about finding ones that offer in-depth knowledge easy-to-understand explanations, and information that matches what the exam asks for. A good book can guide you through your studies making tough topics easier to grasp and helping you analyze on what's important.

In this article, we've put together a list of top-notch books to help you prepare for the UPSC exam. We've chosen books that cover all the main subjects you need to know. These books have helped many students pass one of India's hardest tests, whether they're just beginning their studies or doing their final review. Are you ready to take your preparation to the next level? Let's take a look at the key resources that will help you achieve your goals.

Must Read: UPSC English Optional Syllabus

Best books for IAS Preparation

Before we go into best books for UPSC Preparation, it is important to know that UPSC exam includes 3 phases:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Interview

There are different study materials for each stage, be it Prelims and Mains. However, many books are used for both the exams.

Best books for UPSC Prelims

UPSC Prelims is the first step in the demanding UPSC Exam ladder.  This exam encompasses GS 1 and CSAT. Both of them are of objective type. There is negative marking as well for wrong answers. 


Suggested Books   

Why It's Suggested  by Many

How to Approach for Great Results


- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
- NCERT XI (Ancient & Medieval)
- NCERT XII (Modern Indian History)

  • Bipan Chandra has everything explained that UPSC asks. 
  • Nitin Singhania offers short notes for quick revision for facts, dates and events. Additionally, the syllabus of  Art and Culture for UPSC also gets covered. 
  • NCERT books are great for clearing basic concepts and prepare a solid foundation especially for beginners. 
  • Give emphasis on timelines in Bipan Chandra. 
  • Familiarize with terms related to culture and arts for clarity. 
  • Read NCERT books for revision and associate with other bulky books. 


- Certificate Physical Geography by G.C. Leong
- NCERT VI–X (Old Syllabus)
- NCERT XI, XII (New Syllabus)
- World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)

 G.C. Leong makes it simple to understand concepts in Geography. 

NCERTs are great for beginners with little to no knowledge.

Atlas is very effective to understand things visually. 

Prepare short notes from G.C. Leong and memorize important areas like drainage system, rivers etc. 

Use Atlas for chart locations and build associations for better retention. 

Indian Polity    

- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth

M. Laxmikanth has made it easy for anyone from any background to understand Indian Constitution and Polity. Its language is well praised for lucidity and clarity. 

NCERTs provide easy-to-understand basics.

For Laxmikanth, chapters like Fundamental Rights and DPSP are of consequence. Revise as much as you can.  Practice questions regularly to know your progress. 


- Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania

-Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
- Economic Development & Policies in India by Jain & Ohri

Nitin Singhania covers topics in a short and relevant way. 

Ramesh Singh covers topics in great detail. Explanations are comprehensive. 


 NCERs are of great assistance if you don't have a background in Economics or you have not studied earlier. 

Begin with NCERT if you are new to Economics. 

Associate current happenings and economic trends with the content in Nitin Singhania book. 

Clear doubts relating to economic terms from Ramesh Singh as it has detailed elaborations. 

International Relations

- NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics)
- Current Affairs

NCERT gives an overview of international politics, relationships between nations and norms and standard for diplomacy. 

Current Affairs are most important when it comes to IR because IR is quite dynamic. 

Build IR concepts and topics with current events of international affairs. 

Create visual images to understand the foreign policy of India. Give special focus on relationship with neighboring countries. 


- Tata McGraw Hill CSAT Manual
- Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal

Builds a great foundation for logical reasoning and comprehension parts comprehensively. 

Practice, Practice in a exam-like environment to solidify time management skills. 

Solved Papers

- IAS General Studies Prelims Solved Papers by Vishal Publications

Offers you an idea into paper patterns and difficulty levels.

Get a through analysis of trends. Focus more on areas that are repeated. 

Most Recommended Books For UPSC Mains

Main Exam is one of the most crucial phases in tiring UPSC timeline. Only “Prelims qualified candidates” are eligible to take the Mains exam. There are 9 theory papers. Among 9 papers, two are optional subject papers. The table below presents the best books for UPSC preparation for Mains. 



Suggested Books  

Main Highlight

History, Indian Heritage & Culture

GS Paper 1

- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
- India after Independence by Bipan Chandra
- History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
- Ancient India by R.S Sharma

These books are comprehensively written with insights that help in answer writing. 


GS Paper 1

- Geography of India by Majid Husain
- World Geography by Majid Husain
- World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography by G.C. Leong
- Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT Class 11)

Majid Hussain becomes more important if Geography is your optional. It also has detailed elaborations that offer content for answer writing. 

G.C. Leong is useful for terminologies and their explanations are there in Majid Hussain. 

Polity & International Relations

GS Paper 2

- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
- Introduction to the Constitution of India by D.D. Basu
- International Relations by Pushpesh Pant

While Laxmikant is easy to understand, DD Basu is more dense, complex but worth the time. Languuage in DD Basu establishes its reputation as a great book for UPSC Mains. 


GS Paper 3

- Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania
- Environment and Disaster Management by Tata McGraw Hill
- Challenges to Internal Security of India by Ashok Kumar

Lucid details of Indian economy concepts, environmental concerns, and internal security challenges.


GS Paper 4

- Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Main Examination by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chaudary

Gives insights  into ethical dilemmas, case studies, and moral principles relevant to civil services.

Solved Papers

All Papers 

- IAS General Studies Prelims Solved Papers by Vishal Publications

Offers pragmatic and actual demands of the exam-style questions with explanations for better preparation.

Other Important Study Materials for UPSC Preparation

Besides the books recommended above, these study materials tabulated below have a great significance and relevance for the exam. 


Study Material   

Significance for UPSC    

How to Approach

Government Reports

- 2nd ARC Report
- Finance Commission Report
- Annual reports by central ministries

In-depth knowledge about how government functions, its administrations and policy decisions. 

Gather relevant points and supplement it in the answer writing for Mains Exam. 

Economic Insights  

Economic Survey (Latest)
- Budget (Latest)

Quintessential for analyzing India’s economic policies, trends, and fiscal priorities. 

For analysis in Main exam, utilize Economic Survey. Budget holds great significance for Prelims as well as current affairs. 

Current Affairs   

-The Hindu Newspaper
- Yojana Magazine
- Press Information Bureau Releases
- Current Affairs

Keeps you acquainted with recent happenings of national and international importance, government initiatives and significant problems.

Read newspaper on a daily basis and make it a habit. Link political, social, economic events with concepts from stand books. use PIB for authentic policy updates; follow monthly compilations.

Strategic Planning    

- NITI Aayog Action Agenda

Important material for long-term development strategies. 

Make references for case studies in essays and value-addition in GS papers.

General Awareness  

  - Current Affairs

Focuses on changing aspects of the UPSC syllabus.    

Combine with static topics for a holistic understanding. 

Role of Online Study Materials for UPSC

The penetration of digital age, smartphones, tabs have made the online accessibility of materials easy. Many aspirants download e-books for all subjects. Since physical books are many and bulky as well, it becomes difficult to carry them wherever aspirants want. Aspirants can download standard pdfs and study them while traveling and so on. It helps them to stay consistent and focused as well in their journey. Always remember, consistency is a great key to unlock UPSC success. And these online materials are a great assistance. 

These e-books have gained popularity because technology allows candidates to find the information they need in seconds without reading every detail on a topic. Candidates can download free PDF versions of NCERT books monthly magazines, and other key resources from the internet for UPSC preparation.

Read more: Toughest Exams In India

What Next?

As you have got an idea of the standard books, you must be wondering how to go about studying them in a scrutinized way. Below are some points you must consider to be on the safer side.

  • The UPSC syllabus covers a lot of subjects, and it requires at least a year to grasp. This means you can't afford to spend time on books that don't meet the mark or even worse, contain wrong or unverified facts. 
  • If you do, you'll have to undo what you've learned, which can be tricky. 
  • Studying from the suggested sources allows you to take notes straight from them, if you need to. Many books offer information tailored to the IAS exam. Take Laxmikanth's book on Indian Polity, for example. If you're taking the UPSC exam, you need to read this book. Many questions seem to come straight from its pages. 
  • Also many books, including the one we just talked about present information in a 'notes' format. This makes them ready-made for IAS preparation. 
  • You don't have to spend time trying to create notes. There are lots of well-written books packed with useful information. But you need to decide if they're useful for the UPSC exam or not. They might be great for academics and researchers, but not for the UPSC exam.



Frequently Asked Questions

Which book is best to prepare for IAS?

Each subject has standard books for UPSC that most aspirants follow. For example, Indian Polity by Laxmikant is the most recommended book for Polity. For each subject, refer to the article above.

Which books did Srushti Deshmukh study?

Srushti Deshmukh is UPSC topper with rank 5 in UPSC Exam. For Culture, she studies Nitin Singhania. For Geography, GC Leong. For Polity, Lakshmikanth and DD Basu. For Economy, Ramesh Singh.

How many books to study for UPSC?

There are 15 to 20 books that are consistently recommended by most of the toppers.

Can I skip NCERT for UPSC?

It is not recomended to avoid NCERTs as they are the building blocks. You can skim through them if you also have a solid foundation in arts subjects.

Which stream is best for IAS?

Arts and Humanities stream are always great for IAS Preparation. However, anyone with any background can prepare and crack it.

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