Home Articles B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus: College-based, State-based, Exam Pattern, & Marking Scheme

B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus: College-based, State-based, Exam Pattern, & Marking Scheme


Adya Trivedi
Adya Trivedi

B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus: A Complete Guide

B.Ed Entrance Exam is the most important exam for those who want to pursue B.Ed degree which is the foundation of teaching career. The B.Ed Entrance Exam syllabus covers subjects like General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, Language Proficiency in English/Hindi, and and subject-specific knowledge also known as Pedagogy subjects like English, Sociology, Educational Psychology, and Child Development. These subjects evaluate the candidate's capacity for teaching and comprehending academic ideas.

Understanding and comprehensive planning of the B.Ed Entrance Exam syllabus is the key to prepare well and succeed. In this article we will take you through the complete syllabus, exam pattern and preparation tips to help you crack the exam.

B.Ed Entrance Exam is conducted by universities, colleges or education boards to assess the eligibility of candidates for B.Ed program. The exam tests various aspects like general knowledge, teaching aptitude, reasoning ability and language proficiency with focus on preparing future teachers.

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List of B.Ed Entrance Exams 2025

Different B.Ed. entrance exams are conducted by institutes and universities. Here is a complete guide to some of the popular B.Ed Entrance exams -

1. IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance Exam

Conducting Body: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) 
Syllabus: The IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance Exam syllabus includes General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and Language Proficiency (English and Hindi). 

Exam Pattern: The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

Time Duration: 2 hours

General KnowledgeCurrent Affairs, History, Geography, Politics, Science, Culture, and Environment
English LanguageTenses, Idioms/Phrases, Vocabulary, Synonyms/Antonyms, Reading Comprehension, One-Word Substitutions, Error Correction
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Synonyms/Antonyms, Passage, Proverb, Sentence Formation, Figures of Speech
Teaching AptitudeTeaching Methods, Pedagogical Approaches, Classroom Management, Communication Skills
Reasoning AbilityAnalogies, Logical Reasoning, Problem Solving, Series, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense
Educational PsychologyChild Development, Learning Theories, Motivation, Classroom Behavior, Educational Psychology in Teaching and Learning

Read - IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam

2. DU B.Ed. Entrance Exam

Conducting Body: University of Delhi (DU) 
Exam Pattern: Multiple-choice questions 
Time Duration: 2 hours 
Subjects: General Awareness, Teaching Aptitude, Reasoning, Language Proficiency, and Educational Psychology.

General KnowledgeNational/International Events, Politics, Science, History, Geography, Sports, and Current Affairs
English LanguageVocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Construction, Reading Comprehension, Synonyms/Antonyms, Idioms/Phrases
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Passage, Synonyms/Antonyms, Error Correction, Proverbs, Figures of Speech
Teaching AptitudePedagogical Knowledge, Communication Skills, Classroom Management, Approaches to Learning, Teaching Methodologies
Reasoning AbilitySeries, Analogies, Classification, Blood Relations, Directions, Puzzles, Coding-Decoding
Educational PsychologyStages of Development, Learning Theories, Motivation, Assessment and Evaluation

3. UP B.Ed. JEE 

Conducting Body: Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University, Ayodhya 
Syllabus: The exam covers General Knowledge, Language Proficiency (English/Hindi), Aptitude for Teaching, and General Mental Ability. Additionally, Science, Arts, and Commerce are included as subject-specific sections. 
Exam Pattern: Multiple-choice questions 
Time Duration: 3 hours (Two sections: Part A and Part B) 
Exam Date: Typically held in April-May (Check official website for precise dates)

General KnowledgeHistory, Sports, Politics, Geography, General Science, State Culture & Art, and Current Affairs
English LanguageTenses, Idioms and Phrases, Vocabulary, Synonyms/Antonyms, Reading Comprehension, One-Word Substitutions, and Error Correction
Hindi LanguageGrammar, prefix - suffix, passage, conjunction / conjunction, figure of speech, proverbs, synonyms, antonyms, rasa - verses
General AbilityClassification, Coding-Decoding, Puzzles, Direction, Ranking, Series, Relations, Percentage, Time & Distance, Average, Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, and Ratio & Proportion
ScienceClass 11th, 12th, and graduation syllabus
CommerceClass 11th, 12th, and graduation syllabus
ArtsClass 11th, 12th, and graduation syllabus
AgricultureGraduation syllabus

Also read - UP B.Ed Entrance Exam: Results (Out), Check Exam Dates, Syllabus, Exam Pattern


Conducting Body: Banaras Hindu University (BHU) 
Exam Pattern: Multiple-choice questions 
Time Duration: 2 hours

General English ComprehensionFill in the blanks, Antonyms, Synonyms, Idiom & Phrases, Spelling Errors, and One Word Substitution
General HindiSandhi / Samas, Rasa / Chhand / Alankar, Gadyansh, Vyakran, One word for many words, Prefix and suffix, Vyakran, Synonyms / Antonyms
Logical & Analytical ReasoningSyllogism, Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Conclusions, Statement and Arguments, Statement and Courses of Action, Deriving Conclusion, Assertion and Reason, Blood relations, Situation Reaction Tests, Cause and Effect, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Sequence of Words, Arrangements, Figure Classification, Number Ranking, Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Clocks & Calendars, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, and Embedded Figures
General AwarenessHistory and Polity, Geography, General Science, Awards and Honors, GK on Bihar, Current Affairs – National & International, Important Days and Dates, Books and Authors, Science – Inventions & Discoveries, and Sports
Teaching-Learning Environment in SchoolManagement of Physical Resources in School-Need and Effects, Students Related Issues such as Motivation, Teacher-Students relationship, discipline, and leadership, Teaching and learning process; Ideal teacher, Effective teaching, handling of students, classroom communication, Curricular and extracurricular activities such as Debate, Sports, Cultural activities, Management of Human Resources in School-Principal, Teachers and Non-Teaching staffs, and Physical Environment: Elements of Positive Learning Environment

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Conducting Body: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) 
Syllabus: The syllabus includes General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, Reasoning, and Language Proficiency (English/Hindi). Additionally, there may be questions on Educational Psychology, Child Development, and General Mental Ability. 
Exam Pattern: Objective-type questions 
Time Duration: 2 hours

General KnowledgeGeneral Science, Current Affairs, History, Geography, Politics, Culture, and Environment
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms/Antonyms, Sentence Correction, Reading Comprehension
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Passage, Vocabulary, Synonyms/Antonyms, Error Correction, Figures of Speech
Teaching AptitudeTeaching Methods, Pedagogical Approaches, Learning Strategies, Communication Skills, Student Behavior
Reasoning AbilityLogical Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Series, Analogies, Classification, Puzzle Solving
General Mental AbilityProblem Solving, Numerical Ability, Data Interpretation, Time and Distance, Average, Profit & Loss

Read - IPU CET 2025

6. HPU B.Ed.

Conducting Body: Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) 
Syllabus: The syllabus generally includes topics on General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Teaching Aptitude, and Language Proficiency (English/Hindi). Additional topics may include Psychology, Child Development, and Pedagogy. 
Exam Pattern: Objective-type questions 
Time Duration: 2 hours

General KnowledgeHistory, Politics, Geography, Sports, Current Affairs, Environmental Studies, Culture, and Science
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Correction, Idioms/Phrases, One-Word Substitutions, Reading Comprehension
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Passage, Synonyms/Antonyms, Proverb, Sentence Formation, Figures of Speech
Teaching AptitudePedagogical Knowledge, Teaching Strategies, Communication Skills, Educational Methods, Classroom Management
Reasoning AbilityLogical Reasoning, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Analogy, Direction Sense, Ranking
Educational PsychologyLearning Theories, Cognitive Development, Emotional Development, Motivation, Student Behavior

7. MAH B.Ed. CET

Conducting Body: State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra 
Syllabus: The exam includes sections on General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, Language Proficiency, and Educational Psychology. 
Exam Pattern: Multiple-choice questions 
Time Duration: 1.5 hours

General KnowledgeCurrent Affairs, National and International News, Politics, Science, History, Geography, Sports
English LanguageVocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Idioms/Phrases, Synonyms/Antonyms
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Passage, Synonyms/Antonyms, Proverb, Error Correction, Figures of Speech
Teaching AptitudeClassroom Management, Pedagogy, Effective Communication, Teaching Methods, Student Engagement
Reasoning AbilityCoding-Decoding, Analogies, Series, Blood Relations, Direction Sense, Logical Sequences
Educational PsychologyCognitive and Emotional Development, Learning Theories, Motivation, Assessment Techniques

Read - MAH B.Ed CET

8. Bihar B.Ed. CET

Conducting Body: Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU), Darbhanga 
Syllabus: The syllabus includes sections on General Knowledge, Teaching Aptitude, Reasoning, Language Proficiency, and Educational Psychology. 
Exam Pattern: Multiple-choice questions 
Time Duration: 2 hours

General KnowledgeGeneral Science, Current Affairs, History, Geography, Politics, Environment, State Culture, and Sports
English LanguageTenses, Idioms/Phrases, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Synonyms/Antonyms, One-Word Substitutions, Error Correction
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms/Antonyms, Sentence Correction, Idioms/Phrases, Proverb, Figures of Speech
Teaching AptitudePedagogical Knowledge, Teaching Methods, Classroom Management, Communication Skills, Educational Psychology
Reasoning AbilityAnalogies, Number Series, Letter Series, Logical Reasoning, Problem Solving, Direction Sense, Classification
General Mental AbilityPercentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Time & Distance, Ratio & Proportion, Data Interpretation, Numerical Ability
ScienceClass 11th, 12th, and Graduation syllabus (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
CommerceClass 11th, 12th, and Graduation syllabus (Accounting, Business Studies, Economics)
ArtsClass 11th, 12th, and Graduation syllabus (History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology)

9. Odisha B.Ed. Entrance Exam

Conducting Body: Directorate of Teacher Education and SCERT, Odisha 
Syllabus: The syllabus comprises sections on General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Language Proficiency, Educational Psychology, and Teaching Aptitude. 
Exam Pattern: Objective-type questions 
Time Duration: 2 hours

General KnowledgeGeneral Science, Current Affairs, History, Geography, Politics, Environment, Sports, and Indian Culture
English LanguageVocabulary, Tenses, Sentence Construction, Synonyms/Antonyms, One-Word Substitution, Reading Comprehension
Hindi LanguageGrammar, Passage, Synonyms/Antonyms, Proverbs, Figures of Speech, Sentence Formation
Teaching AptitudePedagogical Knowledge, Classroom Management, Teaching Strategies, Learning Processes, Communication Skills
Reasoning AbilityCoding-Decoding, Analogy, Number Series, Puzzles, Directions, Blood Relations, Logical Reasoning
Educational PsychologyStages of Child Development, Learning Theories, Motivation, Assessment & Evaluation, Classroom Behavior

B.Ed Entrance Exam Pattern

The following table shows the structure of BEd entrance exam, breaking down each section with topics and corresponding marks -

ParticularsTopicNumber of QuestionsMarks
Part-I: General English Comprehension- Reading Comprehension2525
 - Correction of Sentences, Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Spelling  
 - Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms  
 - Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound, and Complex); Voices; Direct and Indirect Speech  
Part-II: Proficiency in Telugu- Proficiency in Telugu2525
Part-III: General Mental Ability- Logical & Analytical Reasoning5050
 - Verbal & Abstract Reasoning  

B.Ed Top Entrance Exams 2025

Most colleges and universities use entrance exams to determine admission for B.Ed students. Candidates must attempt questions from two or three sections in the format of the widely used B.Ed entrance exams. The language proficiency is assessed in the first section, and the candidates' domain knowledge and reasoning skills are assessed in the subsequent sections. Aspirants should think about taking some of the following well-known B.Ed entrance exams:

Name of the ExamExam Dates
CUET 2025May '25 - Jun '25 (Tentative)
MAH B.Ed CET 2025May '25 (Tentative)
IGNOU B.Ed 2025Jan '25 (Tentative)
IPU CET 2025Apr '25 - May '25 (Tentative)
JMI Entrance Exam 2025Apr '25 (Tentative)

Frequently Asked Questions

How to prepare for a BEd entrance exam?

candidates need to familiarize themselves with the exam pattern, syllabus, and previous years' question papers of the respective BEd entrance exam that they are appearing.

What is the syllabus of the DU B.Ed. entrance exam?

The DU B.Ed. Entrance Exam syllabus covers General Knowledge, Reasoning Ability, Teaching Aptitude, and Language Proficiency (English/Hindi), along with questions on Educational Psychology and Pedagogy. It tests candidates' understanding of education, cur

What is the syllabus for UP B Ed entrance exam?

The syllabus for UP B Ed entrance exam for Paper 1 is General Knowledge as well as a language paper English/Hindi. In contrast, paper 2 is General Ability and the subject paper is Arts/Commerce/Science/Agriculture.

What is the total marks of B Ed entrance exam?

The total marks for the UP B. Ed JEE exam are 200. Each paper has a duration of 180 minutes (3 hours).

Is BEd exam hard or easy?

The B.Ed. exam can be challenging as it tests a broad range of subjects. However, with consistent preparation and understanding of the syllabus, it can be manageable for dedicated candidates.

How to pass a BEd exam?

To pass the B.Ed. exam, focus on understanding key concepts in teaching methods, educational psychology, and general knowledge. Regular practice, time management, and solving previous years' papers will enhance your chances of success.

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