Home Articles BTech CSE Syllabus: Year Wise, Semester Wise, Subjects, Books

BTech CSE Syllabus: Year Wise, Semester Wise, Subjects, Books


Chetna Verma
Chetna Verma

About BTech Syllabus

BTech CS full form is BTech Computer Science and is divided into 8 semesters i.e. 2 years. In this program, you will learn programming languages like Python, JavaScript, SQL, and more in this course. Operating systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Programming Languages, Microprocessors, Cryptography, and Network Security are a few of the main topics covered in the BTech CS program.  

 BTech CS elective subjects incudes Software reliability, VLSI design, artificial intelligence, data analytics, datamining, parallel algorithms, robotics. You can work in labs such as Web Technology Lab, Compiler Design Lab, Digital Electronics & Logic Design Lab, and Engineering Practices Lab in most colleges. 

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Each theory paper is worth 60 marks, and the internal evaluations are worth 40 marks. The institution will determine the subjects included and how the marks are distributed. Still, practical and internal assessment grades typically yield 50 and 25 points, respectively. 

BTech CSE subjects cover topics such as:

  • Operating systems
  • Theory of computation
  • Programming
  • Principles of programming languages
  • Data mining
  • Software engineering

Let's go through the following article to learn more about the BTech CSE syllabus, CSE first-year subjects, the syllabus for IITs, AKTU, VIT, and other important universities and institutes.

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Table of Contents

  1. BTech CSE Syllabus Year Wise     
    1.1 BTech CS Syllabus First Year     
    1.2 BTech CS Syllabus Second Year     
    1.3 BTech CS Syllabus Third Year     
    1.4 BTech CS Syllabus Fourth Year
  2. B Tech CSE Syllabus Semester Wise     
    2.1 B Tech CSE 1st Semester Syllabus     
    2.2 B Tech CSE 2nd Semester Syllabus     
    2.3 B Tech CSE 3rd Semester Syllabus     
    2.4 B Tech CSE 4th Semester Syllabus     
    2.5 B Tech CSE 5th Semester Syllabus     
    2.6 B Tech CSE 6th Semester Syllabus     
    2.7 B Tech CSE 7th Semester Syllabus     
    2.8 B Tech CSE 8th Semester Syllabus
  3. BTech Computer Science Subjects List     
    3.1 BTech CS Core Subjects     
    3.2 BTech CS Elective Subjects     
    3.3 BTech CS Lab Subjects
  4. What are the subjects in B.tech Computer Science?
  5. BTech Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus
  6. B Tech CSE Syllabus IPU
  7. B Tech CSE Syllabus PTU
  8. BTech CSE Syllabus AKTU
  9. B Tech CSE syllabus MAKAUT
  10. B Tech CSE Syllabus IIT Bombay
  11. BTech CSE Syllabus Amrita University
  12. B Tech CSE Syllabus VIT
  13. B Tech CSE Syllabus SRM University
  14. BTech CSE Entrance Exam Syllabus     
    13.1 JEE Main: Chemistry Syllabus     
    13.2 JEE Main: Physics Syllabus     
    13.3 JEE Main: Mathematics Syllabus
  15. BTech CSE Syllabus Books     
    14.1 BTech CSE First Year Books     
    14.2 BTech CSE Second Year Books     
    14.3 BTech CSE Third Year Books     
    14.3 BTech CSE Fourth Year Books
  16. Top Colleges Offering BTech Computer Science
  17. B Tech in Computer Science Salary

BTech CSE Syllabus Year Wise

Let's look at the BTech Computer Science Syllabus below - 


The B tech computer science syllabus is divided into a four-year undergraduate program that makes up a total of eight semesters. CSE program is the study of multiple computer languages like C, C++, Java, .net, DBMS, CSS, etc. Below is the year-wise syllabus for CSE:

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BTech Computer Science Syllabus 1st Year

BTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester IBTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester II
EnglishMathematics II
Applied PhysicsData Processing
Mathematics IDiscrete Structures
Computers and Information TechnologyLinear and Digital IC Applications
Engineering Drawing PracticeLogic Theory
Semiconductor Devices and CircuitsManagerial Economics and Accountancy
C & Data StructuresIC Application
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BTech Computer Science Syllabus 2nd Year

BTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester IIIBTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester IV
Computer OrganizationInterfacing Through Microprocessors
Electrical TechnologyData Communications
Probability and StatisticsOperations Research
Operating SystemsTheory of Computation
Object-Oriented ProgrammingSystem Programming
Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsPrinciples of Programming Languages

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BTech Computer Science Syllabus 3rd Year

BTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester VBTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester VI
Computer ArchitectureArtificial Intelligence
Neuro-FuzzyWireless Network
Data Structures and AlgorithmsImplementation of Programming Languages
Database Information SystemCompiler Design
Data MiningComputer Graphics
Computer NetworkInformation Storage Management

BTech Computer Science Syllabus 4th Year

BTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester VIIBTech Computer Science Subjects: Semester VIII
Software EngineeringSimulation and Modeling
Java ProgrammingMobile Computing
Distributed SystemsPattern Recognition
Image ProcessingFormal Languages and Automata Theory
Neural NetworksProject Management
Visual ProgrammingComputer Communication

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B Tech CSE Syllabus Semester Wise

BTech computer science refers to the study of computers and software, which have become an essential aspect of today's digital world. BTech in computer science is an undergraduate course for engineering students. Both theory and practical work are covered in the B Tech computer science course. The following is an explanation of the few key subjects of each semester:


B Tech CSE 1st Semester Syllabus

  • Mathematics 1: First-year mathematics covers quadratic, exponential, and linear functions. Through the comprehension of parallel and perpendicular lines, students are also taught how to identify a certain form of triangle or quadrilateral.
  • Computer and information technology: The use of technology to meet business needs is referred to as computer and information systems.
  • Engineering Drawing Practice: Engineering drawings are used to represent three-dimensional objects in two dimensions. It offers relevant information on size, shape, surface quality, composition, manufacturing method, etc.

B Tech CSE 2nd Semester Syllabus

  • Discrete Structures: Objects that are separated from one another are referred to as discrete objects. Examples include integers, rational numbers, homes, people, etc.
  • Linear and Digital IC Applications: Digital ICs are used in electronics projects and are frequently added as extras to the best Arduino starter kits.
  • Logic Theory: The field of mathematical logic known as logic theory is considered to be about where computer science and mathematical logic converge.

B Tech CSE 3rd Semester Syllabus

  • Electrical Technology: Information about devices, tools, systems, and technologies that conduct electrical charges and generate electricity is found in electrical technology.
  • Probability and statistics: These two areas of mathematics are concerned with the principles underlying random events, as well as their collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Operating Systems: An operating system is a program that a computer loads during startup and controls all other application programs inside the machine.

B Tech CSE 4th Semester Syllabus

  • Data Communications: The flow of data between two or more networked devices is referred to as data communication. Emails, calls, instant messages, etc. are some examples.
  • Operations Research: An analytical approach to problem-solving and decision-making, operations research benefits organizational management.
  • Theory of Computation: It is important to create a formal mathematical model of computing that accurately represents computers in the real world.

B Tech CSE 5th Semester Syllabus

  • Data Structures and Algorithms: An algorithm is a set of procedures that are used to solve a specific problem, whereas data structures are used to store and organize data.
  • Database Information System: A database is a structured collection of data that is electronically stored in a computer system.
  • Data Mining: Students are taught how to sort through sizable data sets and find patterns and relationships that may be used to address business problems through the process of data mining.

B Tech CSE 6th Semester Syllabus

  • Implementation of Programming Languages: Compilation and interpretation are the two main methods used to implement programming languages.
  • Compiler Design: It is the framework and collection of rules that a compiler uses to translate, analyze, and optimize programs.
  • Digital graphics: It describes the many methods used to make and alter images, as well as how a computer represents and manipulates image data.

B Tech CSE 7th Semester Syllabus

  • Java Programming: Java is a programming language and software platform that is used by billions of devices, such as gaming consoles, mobile phones, and laptop computers.
  • Distributed Systems: Distributed systems are a type of computing environment where different components are dispersed across a network of computers.
  • Image processing: is the process of applying various procedures to an image to improve it and extract usable information from it.

B Tech CSE 8th Semester Syllabus

  • Mobile computing: It is a technical discipline that deals with the creation, testing, and assessment of mobile apps.
  • Pattern recognition: It is the capacity to spot configurations of traits or data that provide details about a particular system or data set.
  • Automata theory and formal languages: In automata theory, a formal language is a collection of symbol strings selected from a finite alphabet. It may be predetermined either by a set of rules or by a language generator.

BTech Computer Science Subjects List

BTech CSE subjects consist of core and elective subjects. Here is a detailed description of some of the important BTech computer science subjects:


BTech Computer Science Core Subjects

  1. Operating system: This is the program that loads initially and controls all of the other computer applications.
  2. Design and Analysis of Algorithm: In the field of computer science and IT, the design and analysis of algorithms are crucial for creating an algorithm that can address a variety of issues.
  3. Programming Languages: All computer programs and software are written using a sort of written language called a programming language. The programming languages Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, and C# are a few examples.
  4. Microprocessor: A microprocessor is a tiny electronic gadget that has the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry required to carry out the tasks of a central processing unit in a digital computer.
  5. Computer software: It is a collection of instructions, data, or programs used to run computers and carry out particular activities.
  6. Database Management System (DBMS): A DBMS is an electronic data storage system. Users benefit from the ability to manipulate data in a database using a variety of actions.
  7. Mobile communications: Mobile communications such as texting and emailing from a cell phone, are a type of technical communication that allows a user of a mobile device to connect with someone in a distant place.
  8. Network Security and Cryptography: Using cryptography to protect wireless network traffic and data transmission is known as network security and cryptography. Layers of security are used in a network security system, which has several parts, including networking monitoring and security software.
  9. Performance Evaluation: To ascertain whether a computer system is operating at its best capacity, its resources, and outputs are analyzed as part of a performance evaluation process.

BTech Computer Science Elective Subjects

  1. Software Reliability: Along with functionality, usability, performance, serviceability, maintainability, and documentation, software reliability is a crucial component of software quality. Due to the great level of complexity in software, it is difficult to accomplish.
  2. Designing VLSI: The process of building an integrated circuit from thousands of transistors onto a single chip is known as large-scale integration.
  3. Artificial intelligence: It is the term used to describe how machines simulate human cognitive processes. It encompasses speech recognition, natural language processing, expert systems, and more.
  4. Data analytics: It is the process of looking at data sets to identify trends and make inferences about the information they contain. The use of specialist hardware and software is required to do this activity.
  5. Data mining: It is the process of sifting through huge data sets to find trends and connections that may be used to analyze data to assist and solve business challenges.
  6. Parallel algorithms: This type of algorithm can carry out numerous operations simultaneously on various processing units before combining them to obtain the desired outcome.
  7. Robotics: This field deals with the creation, design, production, and use of robots. Making intelligent machines that can help people in several ways is the goal of this field.
  8. Cloud computing: The provision of computing services that make use of servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence to provide quicker innovation, adaptable resources, and scale economies.

BTech Computer Science Lab Subjects

  1. Computer programming lab: The goal of the programming lab is to offer a setting for education and a better comprehension of the fundamental ideas and procedures in computer programming.
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms Lab: This lab offers hands-on instruction in a variety of data structures and a grasp of how various algorithms are used to solve problems.
  3. Engineering Practices Lab: It covers the design, operation, and application of various working tools, machinery, and equipment as well as the process of creating a product from scratch.
  4. Communication Skills Lab: The Communication Skills Lab is where students can enhance their speaking and listening skills while learning a language with the aid of an instructor and a system.
  5. Digital Electronics & Logic Design Lab: Undergraduate students will be able to understand the principles and methods used in digital electronic circuits and systems in this lab.
  6. Networking Lab: Students can learn the fundamentals of networking in this lab. It has strong server and client connections that facilitate the study of networking concepts and protocols.
  7. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab: Students learn the fundamentals of programming as well as the basic operation of microprocessors and microcontrollers in the lab. It establishes the framework for planning, evaluating, and putting engineering and programming issues into practice.
  8. Compiler Design Lab: In addition to providing knowledge of various compiler-generating tools, the Compiler Design Lab offers a thorough understanding of how programming language syntax and semantics are used in translation into machine equivalents.
  9. Web Technology Lab: This lab helps students learn how to create and implement both static and dynamic websites. Students should be able to create dynamic websites with a strong sense of aesthetics.

What are the subjects in B Tech Computer Science?

Here is a list of the most important subjects in B tech Computer Science:


  • Applied Mathematics
  • Engineering Physics
  • Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Basics of Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Computer Science and Programming in Python
  • Java Programming 
  • Foundation of Computer Systems
  • Data Structures
  • Computer Organization & Architecture
  • Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
  • Analysis and Design of Algorithms
  • Database Management Systems
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Theory of Computation
  • Operating Systems
  • Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning
  • Computer Networks
  • Compiler Design
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Software Engineering
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  • Neural Network
  • Cloud Computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Machine Learning

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BTech Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus

Know about the b tech computer science syllabus for various universities and colleges in India:

B Tech CSE Syllabus IPU

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the IPU University:

 Semester 1 Semester 2
Manufacturing ProcessesApplied Physics II
Applied Physics IApplied Mathematics II
Applied Mathematics IElectronic Devices
Human Values and Professional Ethics-IIntroduction to Programming
Fundamentals of ComputingEngineering Mechanics
Applied ChemistryCommunication skills and Environmental skills
Semester 3Semester 4
Applied Mathematics IIIApplied Mathematics IV
Foundation of Computer ScienceComputer Organization and Architecture
Switching Theory and Logic DesignTheory of Computation
Circuits and SystemsDatabase Management Systems
Computer Graphics and MultimediaObject Oriented Programming
Data StructureCommunication Systems
 Semester 5Semester 6 
Algorithms Design and AnalysisCompiler Design
Software EngineeringOperating Systems
Java ProgrammingComputer Networks
Industrial ManagementWeb Technology
Digital CommunicationArtificial Intelligence
Communication Skills for ProfessionalsMicroprocessor and Microcontroller
Semester 7 Semester 8
Information SecurityMobile Computing
Software Testing and Quality AssuranceMachine Learning
Software Testing and Quality AssuranceHuman Values and Professional Ethics-II

B Tech CSE Syllabus PTU

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the PTU University:

 Semester I Semester II
Semiconductor PhysicsChemistry-I
Basic Electrical EngineeringProgramming for Problem Solving
Engineering Graphics & DesignWorkshop / Manufacturing Practices
Mentoring and Professional DevelopmentEnglish
-Mentoring and Professional Development
 Semester IIISemester IV
Digital ElectronicsDiscrete Mathematics
Data Structure & AlgorithmsComputer Organization & Architecture
Object Oriented ProgrammingOperating Systems
Mathematics-IIIDesign & Analysis of Algorithms
Foundation Course in Humanities (Development of Societies/Philosophy)Universal Human Values
IT WorkshopEnvironmental Sciences
Summer Institutional Training-
Semester VSemester VI
Database Management SystemsCompiler Design
Formal Language & Automata TheoryArtificial Intelligence
Software EngineeringElective-III
Computer NetworksElective-IV
Elective-IOpen Elective-I
 Semester VIISemester VIII
Elective-VSocial Network Analysis
Elective-VICyber Attacks
Open Elective-IIDeep Learning
Open Elective- IIIProject-III
Machine Learning-

BTech CSE Syllabus AKTU

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the AKTU University:

 Semester ISemester II
EnglishMathematics II
Applied PhysicsData Processing
Mathematics IDiscrete Structures
Computers and Information TechnologyLinear and Digital IC Applications
Engineering Drawing PracticeLogic Theory
Semiconductor Devices and CircuitsManagerial Economics and Accountancy
C & Data StructuresIC Application
Semester III Semester IV
Engineering Science Course/Maths IVMaths IV/Eng. Science Course
Technical Communication/Universal Human ValuesUniversal Human Values/ Technical Communication
Data StructureOperating Systems
Computer Organization and ArchitectureTheory of Automata and Formal Languages
Discrete Structures & Theory of LogicMicroprocessor
Semester VSemester VI
Integrated Circuit DesignDigital Communication
Digital Signal ProcessingControl System
Database Management SystemDesign and Analysis of Algorithm
Department Elective-IDepartment Elective–III
Department Elective-IIOpen Elective-I
Semester VIISemester VIII
Departmental Elective-IVOpen Elective-III
Departmental Elective-VOpen Elective-IV
Open Elective-IIProject 1

B Tech CSE syllabus MAKAUT

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the MAKAUT University:

Semester ISemester II
Physics-I (Gr-A)/ Chemistry-I(Gr-B)Physics-I (Gr-B)/ Chemistry-I (Gr-A)
Mathematics –IA*/ Mathematics –IB *Mathematics –IIA# / Mathematics –IIB #
Basic Electrical EngineeringProgramming for Problem Solving
 Semester IIISemester IV
Analog and Digital ElectronicsDiscrete Mathematics
Data Structure & AlgorithmsComputer Architecture
Computer OrganizationFormal Language & Automata Theory
Mathematics-III (Differential Calculus)Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Economics for Engineers (Humanities-II)Management 1 (Organizational Behavior)
-Environmental Sciences
Semester V Semester VI
Compiler DesignDatabase Management Systems
Operating SystemsComputer Networks
Object Oriented Programming(Elective-II) Advanced Algorithms/ Distributed Systems/Software Engineering/ Image Processing
Introduction to Industrial Management (Humanities III)(Elective-III) Parallel and Distributed Algorithms/ Data Mining/Human-Computer Interaction/Pattern Recognition
(Elective-I) Theory of Computation/Artificial Intelligence/ Advanced Computer(Open Elective-) Numerical Methods/ Human Resource Development and Organizational Behavior
Architecture/ Computer GraphicsConstitution of India/ Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition
Semester VII Semester VIII
(Elective-IV) Quantum Computing/ Cloud Computing/ Digital Signal Processing/Multi-agent Intelligent Systems/Machine learning(Elective-VI) Signals and Networks/Cryptography & Network Security/ Speech and Natural Language Processing/ Web and Internet Technology/Internet of Things
(Elective-V) Neural Networks and Deep Learning/Soft Computing/ Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks/Information Theory and Coding/Cyber SecurityOpen Elective-III Big Data Analysis/Cyber Law and Ethics/ Mobile Computing/Robotics/Soft Skill & Interpersonal Communication
(Open Elective-II) Operations Research/Multimedia Systems/Introduction to Philosophical Thoughts(Open Elective-IV) E-Commerce and ERP/Micro-electronics and VLSI Design/Economic Policies in India

B Tech CSE Syllabus IIT Bombay

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the IIT Bombay:

Semester ISemester II
CalculusLinear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations
Chemistry IModern Physics
Introduction to computer programmingData Analysis and Interpretation
EconomicsAbstractions and Paradigms in Programming
Chemistry LabPhysics Lab
Workshop PracticeAbstractions and Paradigms in Programming Lab
-Engineering Graphics and Drawing
Semester IIISemester IV
Numerical AnalysisEnvironmental Studies
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic CircuitsAutomata Theory and Logic
Discrete StructuresDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
Data Structures and AlgorithmsLogic Design
Experimentation and Measurement LabSoftware Systems Lab
Data Structures and Algorithms LabLogic Design Lab
Semester V Semester VI
Literature/Philosophy/Psychology/SociologyArtificial Intelligence
Computer ArchitectureImplementation of Programming Languages
Operating SystemsComputer Networks
Database and Information SystemsArtificial Intelligence Lab
Database and Information Systems LabImplementation of Programming Languages Lab
Computer Architecture LabComputer Networks Lab
Operating Systems Lab-
Semester VIISemester VIII
Elective 1Elective 4
Elective 2Elective 5
Elective 3Elective 6
Institute Elective 1Institute Elective 2

BTech CSE Syllabus Amrita University

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the Amrita University:

Semester I Semester II
Technical CommunicationDiscrete Mathematics
Single Variable CalculusLinear Algebra
Multivariable CalculusEngineering Physics – A
Matrix AlgebraComputer Programming
Problem Solving and Algorithmic ThinkingElectrical and Electronics Engineering
Engineering Graphics – CADElectrical and Electronics Engineering Practice
Computer Systems EssentialsUser Interface Design
Computer Hardware EssentialsFundamentals of Data Structures
Cultural Education – IManufacturing Practice
Semester III Semester IV
Numerical MethodsProbability and Random Processes
Optimization TechniquesData Structures and Algorithms
Digital Electronics and SystemsTheory of Computation
Advanced ProgrammingComputer Organization and Architecture
Program ReasoningOperating Systems
Database Management SystemAmrita Value Program
Object Oriented ParadigmFree Elective I
Digital Electronics and Systems LabSoft Skills I
Amrita Value ProgramDisaster Management
 Semester VSemester VI
Machine LearningSoftware Engineering
Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsPrinciples of Programming Languages
Computer NetworksDistributed Systems
Foundations of Data ScienceComputer Security
Embedded SystemsProfessional Elective II
Professional Elective IProfessional Elective III
Soft Skills IISoft Skills III
Environmental Science-
Semester VIISemester VIII
Compiler DesignProject – Phase – 2
Professional Elective IV-
Professional Elective V-
Professional Elective VI-
Free Elective II-
Project – Phase – 1-
Indian Constitution-

B Tech CSE Syllabus VIT 

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the VIT University:

Problem Solving and Programming Image Processing

Calculus for Engineers

Engineering Physics

Environmental Science

Effective English

Ethics and Values

Introduction to Soft Skills

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Image Processing

Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing

Mobile Programming

Object Oriented Software Development

Digital Logic and Design

Network and Communication

Java Programming

Computer Architecture and Organization

Theory of Computation and Compiler Design

Data Structures and Algorithms

Database Management Systems

Operating Systems

Microprocessor and Interfacing

Software Engineering

Cyber Security

Digital Forensics


High-Performance Computing

B Tech CSE Syllabus SRM University

Here is the detailed semester-wise BTech computer science syllabus as followed by the SRM University:

Semester 1Semester 2
Soft Skills IEnglish
Value EducationSoft Skills
Programming Using MAT LABAdvanced Calculus and Complex Analysis
Calculus And Solid GeometryMaterial Science
Biology For EngineersPrinciples Of Environmental Science
Basic Civil EngineeringBasic Mechanical Engineering
Basic Electrical EngineeringBasic Electronics Engineering
Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting LabEngineering Graphics
-Programming Language Design and C Programming


Semester 3Semester 4 
German Language Phase I /French Language Phase I/Japanese Language Phase I/Korean Language Phase I /Chinese Language Phase IGerman Language Phase Ii/French Language Phase Ii/Japanese Language Phase Ii/Korean Language Phase Ii / Chinese Language Phase Ii
AptitudeElectron Devices
Electric CircuitsData Structures & Algorithm Design
Object Oriented ProgrammingComputer Organization & Architecture
Microprocessor & Interfacing Object-Oriented Analysis and DesignComputer Skills
Object-Oriented Programming LabData Structures & Algorithms Lab
Microprocessor & Interfacing LabComputer Networks Lab


Semester 7Semester 6
Aptitude IIIAptitude IV
Discrete MathematicsStatistical And Numerical Methods
Communication TheoryControl System Engineering
Operating SystemsSoftware Engineering
Theory Of ComputationSystem Software & Compiler
Database Management SystemsDesign
Industrial TrainingMinor Project
Operating Systems LabOpen Elective Ii, Open Elective Ili
Database Management Systems LabSystem Software & Compiler Design


Semester 7Semester 8
Management For EngineersMajor Project / Practice School
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems-
Web Technology-
Industrial Training-
Dep. Elective Iv, Dep. Elective V-
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Lab-
Web Technology Lab-

BTech CSE Entrance Exam Syllabus

Here is the detailed syllabus for B tech computer science entrance exams:

JEE Main: Chemistry Syllabus

Section A: Physical Chemistry

Some Basic Concepts in ChemistryStates of Matter
Atomic StructureChemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Chemical ThermodynamicsSolutions
EquilibriumRedox Reactions and Electrochemistry
Chemical KineticsSurface Chemistry

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals
HydrogenBlock Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)
Environmental ChemistryCoordination Compounds
d-and-f Block ElementsP-Block Elements

Section C: Organic Chemistry

Purification and Characterization of Organic CompoundsSome Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
HydrocarbonsOrganic Compounds Containing Halogens
Organic Compounds Containing OxygenOrganic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Chemistry In Everyday LifePrinciples Related to Practical Chemistry

JEE Main: Physics Syllabus

Section A: Theory

Physics and MeasurementKinematics
Laws of MotionWork, Energy, and Power
Rotational MotionGravitation
Properties of Solids and LiquidsThermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of GasesOscillations and Waves
ElectrostaticsCurrent Electricity
Magnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Electromagnetic WavesOptics
Dual Nature of Matter and RadiationAtoms and Nuclei
Electronic DevicesCommunication Systems

Section B: Practical

JEE Main: Mathematics Syllabus

Sets, Relations, and FunctionsComplex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
Matrices and DeterminantsPermutations and Combinations
Mathematical InductionBinomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications
Sequences and SeriesLimit Continuity, and Differentiability
Integral CalculusDifferential Equations
Coordinate GeometryThree Dimensional Geometry
Vectorial AlgebraStatistics and Probability
TrigonometryMathematical Reasoning

BTech CSE Syllabus Books

BTech CSE First Year Books

Name of the BookAuthor's Name
Mathematical MethodsP.B.Bhaskara Rao, S.K.V.S. Rama Chary, M.Bhujanga Rao
Applied PhysicsP.K.Palanisamy
Computer ArchitectureHennessey and Patterson
Data StructuresThomas Cormen
Textbook of Engineering ChemistryC.P. Murthy, C.V. Agarwal, A. Naidu
C Programming & Data StructuresE. Balagurusamy, TMH
Engineering DrawingN.D. Bhat, Charotar

BTech CSE Second Year Books

Name of the BookAuthor's Name 
Data structure using CG.S.Baluja
Computer OrganizationMorriss Mano
Electronic engineeringAlexander
Discrete mathematicsS.CHAND
Software engineeringKK. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh
Operating systems ConceptsAvi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne

BTech CSE Third-Year Books

Name of the BookAuthor's Name
Computer Graphics: Principles and PracticeJames D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John Hughes
Fundamentals of Computer GraphicsPeter Shirley
Compiler DesignAnany V. Levitin
Artificial IntelligencePatrick Henry Winston
Internet and Web TechnologiesRaj Kamal

BTech CSE Fourth Year Books

Name of the BookAuthor's Name
Cloud Computing: A Practical ApproachAnthony T.Velte. Toby J.VeFte, Robert Elsenpeter. Tata McGraw Hill
Digital Image ProcessingWilliam k. Prati -John Wiley edition
Embedded SystemsRaj Kamal, TMH
Enterprise Cloud ComputingGautam Shroff
JAVA Enterprise Design Patterns Vol – IIIMark Grand, Wiley Dream TECH
Unix for programmers and users, 3rd EditionGraham Glass, King Ables, Pearson

Top Colleges Offering BTech Computer Science

Here is a list of the top colleges that offer BTech Computer Science courses in India:

Name of the College

Course Fees


Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai

INR 9,00,450


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

INR 8,76,186


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

INR 6,28,120


Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

INR 10,65,980


Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

INR 11,40,000


Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

INR 9,95,600

INR 17.53 LPA

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati

INR 10,29,850

INR 14.6 LPA

B Tech in Computer Science Salary

BTech graduates can find several job opportunities in private as well as public organizations with good salary packages. This section discusses the lowest, average, and highest salaries for B Tech degree holders.

The table below mentions the salary breakdown for b tech graduates:

Starting SalaryINR 3 LPA – INR 4 LPA
Average SalaryINR 6 LPA – INR 12 LPA
Highest SalaryINR 18 LPA – INR 45 LPA+

Frequently Asked Questions

Which are the subjects in B Tech CSE 1st year?

BTech Computer Science subjects 1st year include topics like Computers and Information Technology, Data Processing, Linear and Digital ICs Applications, Managerial Economics and Accountancy, Computers and Information Technology, IC Application, etc.

What is the syllabus for BTech computer Science?

BTech computer science syllabus covers focusses on computer engineering and applications covering topics like Applied Physics, Data Processing, Electrical Technology, System Programming, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data structures and Algorithms, S

What all is included in B Tech CSE Syllabus Semester Wise?

B Tech CSE Syllabus Semester Wise begins with the introduction to mathematics structures, computer and information technology, engineering drawing practise in the first year. The second year focusses on Discrete Structures, Linear and Digital ICs Applicat

Is BTech Computer Science hard?

When asking whether computer science engineering is difficult, one must keep in mind that it is typically simpler than other engineering specialties. However, computer science does require a lot of work to complete because it involves intricate mathematic

What are the 6 subjects in BTech?

BTech syllabus includes subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Mechanics, Electrical Technology, Programming, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Data Structures, etc.

What are the subjects in CSE 4 years?

The major CSE subjects covers topics such as Operating System, Programming Languages, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Computer Software, Microprocessor, Database Management System, Cryptography and Network Security, Mobile Communications, etc.

Which subjects are included in BTech CSE Syllabus AKTU?

BTech CSE Syllabus AKTU covers core subjects such as Applied Physics, Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, C & Data Structures, Data Processing, Operating Systems, Microprocessor, Database Management System, Digital Communication, Control System, followed

What all is covered in BTech CSE Syllabus IIT Bombay?

The BTech CSE syllabus IIT Bombay begins with the Introduction to computer programming, followed by study of CSE subjects such as Data Analysis and Interpretation, Numerical Analysis, Discrete Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Databa

Which is the best BTech CSE course?

The best courses after BTech CSE are: 1. MTech in Computer Science. 2. MTech in Information Technology. 3. Masters in Cyber Security and Cyber Laws. 4. MBA in Information Technology. 5. Masters in Data Analytics. 6. PhD in Computer Science. 7. M Phil in

What all is covered in computer science engineering syllabus 1st semester?

The 1st semester of CSE syllabus is about the fundamentals such as Applied Physics, Mathematics I, Computers and Information Technology, Engineering Drawing Practice, Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, C & Data Structures, and English.

Which are the important books for BTech 1st year CSE syllabus?

BTech 1st year CSE syllabus books are Applied Physics by P.K.Palanisamy, Computer Architecture by Hennessey and Patterson, Data Structures by Thomas Cormen, C Programming & Data Structures by E. Balagurusamy, TMH, etc.

How can I study for BTech CSE 2nd year?

BTech CSE 2nd year syllabus books can be used to prepare for the examinations. Some of the best books are Data structure using C by G.S.Baluja, Computer organisation by Morriss Mano, Electronic engineering by Alex Xender, Discrete mathematics by S.Chand,

Which are the subjects covered in B.tech syllabus 2nd year?

Btech syllabus 2nd year includes topics such as Computer Organization, Electrical Technology, Probability and Statistics, Operating Systems, Interfacing Through Microprocessors, Operations Research, Theory of Computation, and more.

What is the salary after b tech computer science?

B tech in computer science salary can range between INR 0.2 LPA to INR 25 LPA. The average B Tech computer science salary is INR 3.1 LPA.

What is B Tech syllabus?

B Tech syllabus refers to the curriculum or set of subjects that are covered in the Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) program

What are the core subjects included in B Tech syllabus?

The core subjects included in B Tech syllabus include mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer programming, engineering mechanics, electronics, electrical circuits, thermodynamics, and engineering design.

Are there any elective subjects in B Tech syllabus?

Yes, B Tech syllabus often includes elective subjects such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, or chemical engineering.

What are some common topics covered in the computer programming subject of B Tech syllabus?

Computer programming topics covered in B Tech syllabus may include programming languages like C, C++, Java, data structures, algorithms, database management systems, software engineering, and web development.

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