Home Articles Assam Rifles Syllabus, Key Topics, and Exam Pattern 2024

Assam Rifles Syllabus, Key Topics, and Exam Pattern 2024



The Assam Rifles is a central paramilitary force that is responsible to maintain security at the border and also maintain law and order in Northeastern India. Every year they recruit suitable candidates for different posts across the unit. The Assam Rifles recruitment is conducted systematically and therefore seeking candidates need to be well aware of the syllabus and exam pattern of Assam Rifles.

All important Assam Rifles notifications (such as the Assam Rifles exam syllabus, exam pattern, application dates, and more) are released officially by the Office of the Directorate General Assam Rifles. Candidates can download the online syllabus PDF to know what subjects they need to cover in order to prepare for the exam. This will also make them familiar with the Assam Rifles Syllabus.

Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024: The Directorate General’s Office has published the Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024 for Technical and Tradesman posts and the Head Constable positions. Candidates can check the detailed syllabus in the following sections of this article.

Assam Rifles Exam Pattern 2024: The official announcement also stated the exam pattern for the open vacancies in Assam Rifles. The exam assessment will be conducted in four phases- written test, physical standard test/physical efficiency test, trade test, and medical examination.

Assam Rifles Highlights

Exam NameAssam Rifles Recruitment
Exam Conducted ByOffice of the Directorate General Assam Rifles
Name of open positions
  • Group B and C Technical and Tradesman
  • Head Constable
Exam ModeOffline
Selection ProcessWritten Test, Physical Test, Trade Skill Test, and Medical Test
Maximum Marks100
Negative MarkingNo negative marking
Official Websiteassamrifles.gov.in

Assam Rifles Exam Syllabus

Candidates are advised to go through the syllabus carefully and check the important subjects. Learn about the Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman Syllabus and the Assam Rifles Head Constable Syllabus here.

Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman Syllabus


Prepositions, Substitution, Transformation, Error Detection, Synonyms and Antonyms, Active and Passive Voice, Sentence Structure, Spelling Check, Sentence Completion, Idioms and Phrases, Joining Sentences, Sentence Enhancement, Completing the gaps, Error Correction

Reasoning Ability

Arithmetic, Decision-Making, Figural Series, Relationship Concepts, Analogies, Similarities and Differences Coding-Decoding, Directions, Arithmetical Reasoning, Analysis and Judgment, Space Visualization, Data sufficiency, verbal and figure classification, problem-solving skills, and visual memory

Numerical Ability

Streams and Boats, H.C.F. and L.C.M., Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, Pipes and Cylinders, Systems of Numbers, Profits and Losses, Age-related issues, average, time and distance, Percentage, Interpreting Data, Time and Work

General Awareness

Current Affairs, Matters of National and International Importance, History of India, Polity, Geography, Environment

Assam Rifles Head Constable Syllabus

English Language

Error-spotting, Transformation, Substitution of a single word, Sentence structure, Prepositions, Active and Passive voice, Passage completion, Correction of Errors, Antonyms and Synonyms, Completing Sentences, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Improvement, Paraphrasing, Spelling Test, and Sentence Joining

Reasoning Ability

Arithmetic, Decision-Making, Figural Series, Relationship Concepts, Analogies, Similarities and Differences Coding-Decoding, Directions, Arithmetical Reasoning, Analysis and Judgment, Space Visualization, Data sufficiency, verbal and figure classification, problem-solving skills, and visual memory

Quantitative Aptitude

Streams and Boats, H.C.F. and L.C.M., Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, Pipes and Cylinders, Systems of Numbers, Profits and Losses, Age Problems, Time and Distance, Percentage, Interpreting Data, Time and Work

General Awareness

Terminology, Abbreviations, Awards and Prizes, History, Geography, Sports, Festivals of India and the World, International Space Stations, United Nations, Indian Armed Forces, Continents and Sub-Continents, Indian towns, states, Union Territories, Institutions and research stations, Constitution of India, Indian news agencies and newspapers, the environment, religious communities, and principal languages, Books and Authors, National and International Days, Current Events, Inventions and Discoveries, The World of Plants and Animals, and International Organizations

The Assam Rifles Syllabus for Head Constable consists of several subjects that measure a candidate on multiple aspects - logical reasoning and problem-solving skills; awareness of current events; mathematical aptitude; vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills.

Assam Rifles Exam Pattern

The Assam Rifles Recruitment selection process includes the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) along with the written test. Candidates who qualify for these parameters are called for the medical test (detailed medical examination - DME, and review medical examination -RME) and document verification. 

The Assam Rifles Exam Pattern is slightly different for the post of Head Constable and for the post of Technical and Tradesman staff. Candidates can check both exam patterns below.

Assam Rifles Head Constable Exam Pattern

SubjectsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
General Awareness2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Reasoning Ability2020
English Language2020
Computer Knowledge2020

All these sections of the paper contribute to a total of 100 marks. The total duration of the paper is 1 hour 40 minutes.

Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman Exam Pattern

SubjectsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
English Language2525
Reasoning Ability2525
Numerical Ability2525
General Awareness2525

The total duration of the paper is 2 hours. All four sections of the written exam paper combine to a total score of 100.

Assam Rifles Exam Pattern for Written Exam 2024

  • The Assam Rifles written exam will be conducted in offline mode.
  • The paper will consist of a total of 100 marks.
  • The questions will be objective type/ multiple choice questions.
  • Each right answer will be carrying 1 mark.
  • There is no negative marking.

However, before sitting for the written exam, the candidates need to pass the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Also, the minimum qualifying score for the General/EWS category applicants is 35%, while for the OBC/SC/ST category, it is 33%. The final decision will be based on where each candidate stands on the merit list with the number of openings for that specific position.

Assam Rifles Physical Standards Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test are the first steps in the Assam Rifles Selection Process 2024. Applying for the Assam Rifles recruitment process requires all eligible candidates to meet the physical standards. Check the following physical requirements in order to be considered for Assam Rifles 2024.

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test for Havildar and Rifleman

Categories/StateHeight (Male)Chests Measurement (Male)
For all candidates (except the categories mentioned below)170 cm80 cm85 cm

Candidates from the states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Leh, and Ladakh Divisions of Jammu and Kashmir States; additionally, candidates from the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, and Marathas

165 cm75 cm83 cm
Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes162.5 cm76 cm81 cm

Scheduled Tribe candidates from the northeastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura, as well as the districts afflicted by left-wing extremism

160 cm77 cm82 cm

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test for Naib Subedar (Bridge and Road, Electrical and Mechanic) and Warrant Officer (Draughtsman)

Categories/StateHeight (Male)Height (Female)Chests Measurement (Male)
For all candidates (except the categories mentioned below)170 cm157 cm80 cm85 cm

Candidates from the hill regions of Himachal Pradesh, Garhwal, Kumaon, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimies, Leh and Ladakh, Kashmir Valley, and North Eastern States (For the NE State, excluding riflewomen and female Safai tEde)

165 cm155 cm78 cm83 cm

Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes

162.5 cm150 cm76 cm81 cm

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test for Warrant Officer (PA)

Categories/StateHeight (Male)Height (Female)Chests Measurement (Male)
For all candidates (except the categories mentioned below)165 cm155 cm77 cm82 cm

Candidates from the hill regions of Himachal Pradesh, Garhwal, Kumaon, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimies, Leh and Ladakh, Kashmir Valley, and North Eastern States (For the NE State, excluding riflewomen and female Safai tEde)

162.5 cm150 cm77 cm82 cm

Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes

162.5 cm150 cm76 cm81 cm

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test for Naib Subedar (Religious Teacher)

Categories/StateHeight (Male)Chests Measurement (Male)
For all candidates (except the categories mentioned below)170 cm80 cm85 cm

Candidates from the states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Leh, and Ladakh Divisions of Jammu and Kashmir States, as well as candidates from the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, and Marathas

165 cm78 cm83 cm

Assam Rifles Physical Standard Test for Havildar (Clerk Only)

Categories/StateHeight (Male)Height (Female)Chests Measurement (Male)
For all candidates (except the categories mentioned below)165 cm155 cm77 cm82 cm

Candidates from Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, and Marathas and candidates belonging to states Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, HP, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Kashmir, Leh&Ladakh region of J&K states.

162.5 cm150 cm77 cm82 cm

Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes

162.5 cm150 cm76 cm81 cm

Assam Rifles Physical Efficiency Test

Candidates who wish to apply for the Assam Rifles recruitment need to appear for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). The parameters of the same are different for male and female candidates. Applicants must complete the following distances within the given time frame to qualify the round.

State/RegionMale CandidatesFemale Candidates
All India (except Ladakh)5 km running to be completed within 24 minutes1.6 km running to be completed within 8.30 minutes
Ladakh1.6 km running to be completed within 6.30 minutes800 m running to be completed within 4 minutes

Assam Rifles Trade Test (Skill Test)

The Assam Rifles Trade Test or the Skill Test is also a qualifying test for the final selection of the candidate. The trade tests (skill tests) for technical and craftsmen staff, including clerks and personal assistants, are held before the Detailed Medical Exam (DME). The trade test will not contain any grades but a pass/fail rating.

Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024 Textbooks

The Assam Rifles syllabus needs to be covered properly in order to comprehend every subject included in the curriculum. The following list of textbooks might be useful for the same:

SubjectName of the Book
General AwarenessGeneral Knowledge Book for Competitive Exams by Manohar Panday
English LanguageObjective General English by SP Bakshi
Quantitative AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Aggarwal
Reasoning AbilityGeneral Intelligence and Reasoning by R.N. Thakur

Assam Rifles Syllabus Preparation Tips

Candidates should prepare for those subjects first that are crucial for the exam and follow the Assam Rifles curriculum PDF closely. Here are a few preparation tips for the candidates:

  • Carefully review the Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024 and make a list of the chapters that are crucial to know for the test.
  • View the Assam Rifles Exam Pattern 2024 to gain insight into the format, grading system, and further prerequisites.
  • To cover fundamental ideas and important subjects, pick the Assam Rifles books and resources that are highly recommended.
  • Learn formulas and other quick tips to easily and quickly calculate the numerical aptitude section.
  • Try solving the Assam Rifle Previous Year Question Papers to get an idea of the questions.

The Assam Rifles offers a very demanding career for the recruited candidates. Those who wish to apply for the Assam Rifles recruitment may do so via their official website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the selection process for the Assam Rifles 2024?

The Assam Rifles selection process involves four stages which includes the Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test (PST/PET), the Written Exam, the Trade Test (or Skill Test), and the Detailed Medical Exam (DME) and Review Medical Exam (RME).

What is the exam pattern for Assam Rifles?

The Assam Rifles exam pattern consists of 100 objective type questions with 1 mark each. Every right answer will fetch the candidate 1 mark. There is no negative marking in this paper.

What is the salary of Assam Rifles constable per month?

The salary of an Assam Rifle constable ranges between Rs.18,000 to Rs. 69,100 depending on the rank of the employee.

Is there a negative marking in the Assam Rifles written exam?

There is no negative marking scheme in the Assam Rifles written exam. The question paper consists of a total of 100 marks and 100 questions.

What are the subjects under the Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024?

The Assam Rifles Syllabus precisely consists of 4 major subjects - General Awareness, English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Ability. The syllabus is further divided into sub topics under these subjects.

How to Download Assam Rifles Syllabus 2024?

Candidates can visit the official website of Assam Rifles and download the syllabus PDF from the 'syllabus' section.

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