Home Articles Anna University GPA Calculator: Online Easy and Quick GPA and CGPA Calculator

Anna University GPA Calculator: Online Easy and Quick GPA and CGPA Calculator


Sudeep Singh
Sudeep Singh
Anna University GPA Calculator: Online Easy and Quick GPA and CGPA Calculator

The Anna University GPA Calculator allows students to easily calculate their GPA and CGPA online for all semesters and departments, including EEE, ECE, CSE, IT, Mechanical, Civil, and more.

Students can obtain their accurate CGPA score using the Anna University CGPA calculator. Grade calculation is a crucial aspect that reflects academic performance and is used as a tool for university admissions. To calculate CGPA, you need your GPA score, which is determined by your subject grades and credit points.

You can also find detailed GPA information through Anna University GPA and CGPA calculators. Let's see how to calculate CGPA and details about Anna University's latest grading system.


What is GPA and CGPA?

At Anna University, GPA and CGPA are used to measure academic performance. GPA measures performance for a single semester by dividing total grade points by total credits. It helps students track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Formula to Calculate GPA

GPA = ∑ (credits gained * grade points) / total credits earned

On the other hand, the CGPA calculator measures overall performance across all semesters as a weighted average of GPAs, considering credits for each term. CGPA is important for university admissions, scholarships, awards, and job applications, as it indicates academic potential and work ethic.

Formula to Calculate CGPA

CGPA = ∑ (Sum of the product of (Grade points * Credit point) for each subject )/ (sum of the total credit points)

Features of Anna University GPA Calculator

  • Use our CGPA calculator for any semester and department.
  • The calculator does not require you to know the specific subjects or their credit points.
  •  Ensures precise calculation of your CGPA.
  • Get help and resolve your queries through our Facebook support.
  • Specifically designed for Anna University students.

Benefits of Anna University GPA Calculator

  • Trust the GPA Calculator for accurate results and reduced human error.
  • A strong GPA boosts job competitiveness by showing commitment and aptitude.
  • A high GPA opens doors to extracurricular activities, enhancing the college experience.
  • A good GPA increases scholarship chances from schools and organizations.
  • Save time and energy by avoiding manual GPA calculations.
  • A strong GPA is often required for higher education admissions.
  • Know your GPA to set effective academic goals and identify improvement areas.
  • Use GPA insights for informed decisions on future endeavors and course selection.

Formula Used for Anna University CGPA Calculations

GPA/CGPA = ni=1 CiGPi / ni=1 Ci


  • n: number of courses passed in the semester (GPA).
  • GPi: grade points for each course.
  • Ci: credits assigned to each course.

Anna University Grade System Regulation

Grades at Anna University are awarded based on the marks students score, which fall within a range of 0 to 100. The university has recently revised its grading system, with updated information available for regulations 2017 and 2021.

Grade LettersGrade PointsCorresponding Marks Range
O (Outstanding)1091-100
A+ (Excellent)981-90
A (Very Good)871-80
B+ (Good)761-70
B (Average)651-60
C (Satisfactory)5<50
RA (Re-Appearence)0-
SA (Shortage of Attendance)0-
W (Withdrawl)0-

The course assessment calculation is based on the overall number of marks earned. A student is considered to have passed a course if they receive one of the following grades: O, A+, A, B+, B, or C.

When results are announced, students receive Grade Sheets. These sheets provide detailed information on the college attended, the courses enrolled, and the corresponding grades. Additionally, the Grade Sheets include the semester GPA and the CGPA calculated for all courses taken from the first semester onwards.


Steps to Calculate CGPA Manually

While your scorecard shows your results, many students are unsure how to calculate their CGPA. To clarify, we have provided an example to explain the process step-by-step for a 6-semester undergraduate course.


Below are the semester-wise results of a student for the first two semesters. Using this data, we will calculate the total CGPA achieved so far. This method can be extended to estimate the CGPA for all semesters of the UG and PG programs.

Semester 1:

Subject 1O3
Subject 2A+3
Subject 3B+3


Semester 2:

Subject AA3
Subject BA+3
Subject CB3

… and so on for all remaining semesters.

Step 1: Calculate average grade points and total credits for semester1 and 2 separately.

Total Grade Point = Average Grade Point X Total Credits
Average grade point= sum of grade points / number of subjects

According to the Grade System given above, grade points for “O”=10, “A+”= 9, “A”= 8, “B+”= 7, “B”= 6, etc.

Step 2: Calculations

For Semester 1: 

SubjectsGradesGrade PointsCredits
Subject 1O103
Subject 2A+93
Subject 3B+73

Avg. Grade Point = sum of grade points / number of subjects

  • = 10+9+7 / 3
  • = 8.66

Total Credits= 3+3+3= 9

Total Grade Point (Semester 1) = Avg. Grade Point * Total Credits

  • =8.66 * 9
  • =77.94

For Semester 2: 

SubjectsGradesGrade PointsCredits
Subject AA83
Subject BA+93
Subject CB+73

Avg. Grade Point = sum of grade points / number of subjects

  • = 8+9+7 / 3
  • = 8

Total Credits= 3+3+3= 9

Total Grade Point (Semester 1) = Avg. Grade Point * Total Credits

  • =8 * 9
  • =72

Let's assume the Total Grade Point for the remaining Semester for the same credits.

  • For Semester 3: 87.99
  • For Semester 4: 81
  • For Semester 5: 84.94
  • For Semester 6: 90

Step 3: Calculation for the CGPA

Total CGPA = (Sum of Total Grade Points) / (Sum of Total Credits)

CGPA = (77.94 + 72 + 87.99 + 81 + 84.94 + 90) / (9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9)
           = 493.87 / 54
           = 9.14
Hence, the Final CGPA for the program is 9.14


Steps to Calculate GPA Manually

Students sometimes make mistakes while calculating their GPA. The Anna University GPA calculator has already simplified these calculations for the students. However, if you want to calculate it manually, here is the formula and step-by-step procedure to do so.


Let's assume the above-mentioned grade points for semester 1.

Semester 1:

Subject 1O3
Subject 2A+3
Subject 3B+3


For Semester 1: 

SubjectsGradesGrade PointsCredits
Subject 1O103
Subject 2A+93
Subject 3B+73

GPA = sum of the product of (Grade points * Credit Points) of all subject / sum of credits

  • = (10 * 3 + 9 * 3 + 7 * 3) / (3 + 3 + 3)
  • = 30 + 27 + 21 / 9
  • = 8.66

Conversion of CGPA to Percentage

Conversion of GPA and CGPA to percentage is simple. Multiply the GPA/ CGPA value obtained from the Anna University GPA Calculator with 10. The resultant value will be the percentage value obtained in the program/ course.

Percentage= CGPA * 10

For the Above Final CGPA of 9.14, the Percentage value will be:

  • = 9.14 * 10
  • = 91.4%

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