While preparing for the JEE Main 2025, selecting the best books is also a struggle for many students. To help students find the Best Books for JEE Mains, we have provided a detailed description of all the required study materials below. The right book for JEE Exam Preparation will lead students to prepare in a more precise manner and obtain the best score.
As per the experts and previous year's toppers, NCERT Books are believed to be the best books for JEE Main and Advanced as well. NTA has released the JEE Main Exam Date 2025 on its official website and session 2 exams will take place from 1st April to 8th April 2025.
Since the JEE Main 2025 examinations are just around the corner, students must figure out the best books for JEE Main and start preparing for the exam ASAP. Candidates must choose the best book for chemistry, physics, and mathematics to score higher in all the sections of JEE Main 2025.
Candidates must also check the reviews, ratings, and teachers' feedback while choosing the best books for JEE Main. Kindly refer to the following to learn more about the Best Books for JEE Mains.
Best Books for JEE Main 2025
The JEE Main syllabus 2025 will be based on three major subjects comprising Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. The whole JEE Main paper will be designed out of the 11th and 12th Syllabus of NCERT and students must refer to the NCERT books as the primary resources of JEE Exam Preparation.
NCERT books are most helpful; however, it is not enough to crack the JEE Main. To learn about all the expert’s recommended and best books for JEE Main, kindly check the following.
JEE Main 2025 Best Books for Physics
The physics section in JEE Main will be majorly based on logical and conceptual questions. To ace the JEE Main Physics Section, candidates should have a basic understanding of mechanisms, physics laws, and principles. It is considered one of the most difficult sections of JEE Main 2025 and finding out the Best Book for JEE Main Physics should be done carefully to obtain higher marks.
Best Physics Book For JEE Main 2025:
Name of the book and author | Author |
NCERT Class 11 and 12 Textbooks | NCERT |
Concepts of physics (Vol. 1 and 2) | H.C Verma |
Fundamentals of Physics | Halliday,1 Resnick & Walker |
Understanding Physics: Set of books for • Electricity & Magnetism • Mechanics (Vol. 1 & 2) • Optics & Modern Physics • Waves & Thermodynamics | D C Pandey (Arihant Publications) |
Problems in General Physics | I.E Irodov |
Understanding physics | Freedman and Young |
Problems in physics | SS Krotov |
Problems and Solutions 2 of physics | Shashi Bhushan Tiwari |
Best Book for JEE Main - Chemistry
The Chemistry section is said to be one of the easiest and students can obtain higher marks through this section if they are well prepared. The list of Best Books for JEE Mains Chemistry Section includes Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R.C. Mukherjee, Organic Chemistry by O P Tandon, and many more. The following table contains the best books for the JEE Mains Chemistry Section.
Best Chemistry Book For JEE Main 2025:
Name of the book and author | Author |
NCERT Textbooks for classes 11 and 12 | NCERT |
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations | R.C. Mukherjee |
Organic Chemistry | O P Tandon |
Concept of Physical Chemistry | P Bahadur |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry | J D Lee |
Physical Chemistry | P.W. Atkins |
Organic Chemistry | Morrison & Boyd |
JEE Main 2025 Best Books for Mathematics
The mathematics section is also believed to be one of the toughest sections of the JEE Main and it includes lengthy calculations and equations. For the maths section, candidates must put extra effort into finding the best books for JEE Main. Check out the following table to go through some of the best JEE Main books for the maths section.
Best Books for JEE Mains - Mathematics:
Name of the book and author | Author |
NCERT Class 11 and 12 Textbooks | NCERT |
Objective Mathematics | R D Sharma |
Plane Trigonometry | S L Loney |
The Elements Of Coordinate Geometry | S L Loney |
Algebra | Dr S K Goyal (Arihant Publications) |
Play with Graphs | Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications) |
Differential Calculus | Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications) |
Integral Calculus | Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications) |
Complete Mathematics for JEE Main | TMH |
Best Books for JEE Mains Paper 2 (BArch and BPlan)
The JEE Main is conducted differently for BE/B.Tech and B.Arch/B.Plan programs. JEE Main paper 2 is specifically designed to accept students' admission applications for the BArch and BPlan courses. Students may check out the best JEE Main books for BArch and BPlan mentioned below.
Best Books for JEE Main Preparation of B.Arch and B.Plan:
Name of Book | Author/Publisher |
A Complete Self-Study Guide for B.Arch Entrance Examinations | P.K. Mishra |
NATA & B.Arch Full Package | NATA360 |
A Guide to B.Arch Entrance Exams with Solved Papers | GKP |
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Book | R S Agarwal |
B.Arch/B.Plan Aptitude Test for JEE Main | S C Garg |
Architecture Entrance Book | P K Mishra |
Things to Consider While Choosing the Best Books for JEE Main
Applicants are advised to choose the best books for JEE Mains wisely as their results will directly depend on their preparation level. Students must choose books that are easy to understand and comprise a comprehensive description of all the crucial concepts. There are a few points one should always consider while looking for the best books for JEE Main 2025, refer to the following to learn about the same.
- Talk to your teachers and experts and get their opinions on the best books
- Must check the reviews and feedback given by the users before buying any book
- Learn about your capabilities to understand book language and choose a book accordingly
- Do not refer to multiple books as it may create confusion
- Always choose the most relevant and common publishers for books
Important Chapters for JEE Mains 2025
Applicants need to cover the whole JEE Main syllabus to ace the examination; however, a few topics are said to be the most important and repeated concepts in the exam. Learning about the Important Chapters for JEE Main 2025 will help students plan their time management strategy accordingly. Candidates should be learning about the topics with the most weightage primarily. Students may refer to the following table to check subject-wise important topics for JEE Mains 2025.
Most Important Topics for JEE Main:
Mathematics | Physics | Chemistry |
Coordinate Geometry | Modern Physics | Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry |
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability | Heat | Periodic table and Representative Elements |
Integral Calculus | Thermodynamics | Thermodynamics And Gaseous State |
Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation | Optics | Atomic Structure |
Matrices and Determinants | Current Electricity | Chemical Bonding |
Statistics and Probability | Electrostatics | Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium |
Three Dimensional Geometry | Magnetics | |
Vector algebra |
How to Prepare for JEE Main 2025?
Candidates may check out the following pointers to learn about some of the most impactful JEE Main Preparation Tips.
I. Cover the Whole Syllabus:
Candidates should cover all the JEE Main syllabus within time and save some time for revision as well. Students must focus on the most important chapter of the JEE main 2025.
II. Proper Study Plan:
Students must plan a specific study schedule to prepare for the JEE Main 2025. Students must stick to the planned schedule to cover all the important topics. Students must also make a schedule as per their capabilities without risking their health.
III. Solve Question Papers:
Aspirants are advised to solve the previous year's question papers and sample question papers to gain a better understanding of the exam design and their speed.
IV. Take Mock Tests:
Taking mock tests can be the most impactful preparation strategy as it trains candidates to appear in the real examination. Mock tests will also help candidates analyze their preparation level to date.
V. Find Your Strengths and Weaknesses:
Candidates must figure out their strong and weak points while preparing for the JEE Main 2025. This will help them to know what topics they must focus on to be fully prepared for the JEE Main examination.