KUCET Exam 2025 - Registration, Eligibility, Admit Card, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

Kakatiya University Common Entrance Test

Avantika Bhardwaj
Avantika Bhardwaj

Table of Content

On behalf of the State Government of Telangana, Kakatiya University, Warangal will soon release the details of the 2023 Kakatiya University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test, better known as KU PGCET. For the academic year 2023–2024, Kakatiya University and Satavahana University (SU) are accepting applications from candidates who wish to enrol in their campus-based, constituent, or connected postgraduate programmes in science, the arts, or commerce. Candidates who meet the requirements may apply online at the official website, http://www.kudoa.in.

KUCET 2023 Details


PG Entrance

Level of Exam


Examination Name

KUCET 2023

Conducting Authority

Kakatiya University, Warangal

Issue of Notice



Degree or its equivalent

Examination conducted on


Official Website


KUCET 2023 Application Fee & Payment

1. Candidates for the General category must pay an application fee of Rs. 400, while those for the SC, ST, and PH categories must pay Rs. 300.
2. The charge may be paid through a payment gateway (Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking) or at any TS Online / AP Online Center in AP or Telangana.
3. A separate registration fee must be paid for each test if an applicant plans to take more than one.

KUCET 2023 Eligibilty Criteria


1. The candidate must be Indian.
2. The candidate must be a resident of Telangana exclusively and must meet the conditions for local and non-local status as outlined in the Telangana State Educational Institutions Act 1974, as later amended.
3. The candidate who is not an Indian national must adhere to the norms of the relevant universities.


  1. Candidates are only allowed to take the entrance exam if they have previously passed their qualifying degree examination or if they have taken or will take the final year examination in 2023. Candidates who passed the 2023 advanced supplemental test are eligible, but they must present their pass certificate while applying for admission.
  2. Applicants for the 5-year Integrated M.Sc. programmes must have passed or have registered for the final year Intermediate examination (MPC / BPC) in 2023.
  3. The official website contains the eligibility requirements for the various courses and tests to be held. Candidates must first choose an eligible course before applying.
Age Limit
Age restrictions do not apply to KUCET (Self Financing). The maximum age to be eligible for a fee reimbursement, however, is 30 years old for EBC, minorities, and disabled people and 34 years old for SC, ST, and BC.

KUCET 2023 Dates

Starting date for Fee Payment

2nd week / April / 2023

Last date for Fee Payment

2nd week / May / 2023

Starting date for Submission of online application

2nd week / April / 2023

Last date for Submission of online application

2nd week / May / 2023

Downloading of Hall ticket

3rd week /May / 2023

Date of Examinations

4th week / May / 2023

Announcement of Answer Key

2nd week / May / 2023

Announcement of Results

2nd week / May/ 2023

KUCET Eligibility

Candidates should have passed any Graduation (10+2+3 pattern) of a recognized University with 45% of aggregate marks or any other examination recognized as equivalent by the Universities concerned. 44.5% or more shall be rounded off and treated as 45%.

KUCET Admit Card

Admit card can be downloaded from official website of Kakaktiya University.

Probably starting in the third week of May, the organising body will make it possible to access the official website and download the entrance exam admit cards online. The candidate should carefully review all the entries on the admit card, which contains the candidate's name, father's name, category, subcategory, portrait, signature, date of birth, and language of the question paper. Tickets for events won't be mailed.

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