CLAT Preparation Tips 2025 - Monthly study plan, Study Material, Tips, and Strategies

Common Law Admission Test

Counseling Registration End Date
29th May, 2025

Avantika Bhardwaj
Avantika Bhardwaj

Table of Content

For any law aspirant, achieving a high score in CLAT and getting to the top NLUs like NLSIU Bengaluru and NALSAR is a dream. Now to achieve this dream and convert it into reality it is crucial for the candidates to have a structured and well organized study plan, and utilize the best CLAT preparation Tips. CLAT preparation should involve covering the syllabus, solving sample papers, mock tests, and have a well curated sectional plan.

CLAT is undoubtedly the toughest law exam in India and requires a dedicated schedule. Ideally, the CLAT exam preparation should begin from Class 11th, and it is advised that the aspirants join a well reputed coaching institute. However, it is still not too late if you start the CLAT preparation in Class 12th. This still gives you ample time to prepare. But the candidates should not start the preparation at the end of their 12th standard, and should begin preparing from the start itself. The CLAT preparation in the most ideal scenario will take about one or one and a half year. In case you are familiar with the topics covered in CLAT, it may be possible to prepare in 7-9 months.

In this article, we bring to you a comprehensive, section-wise, and a detailed CLAT preparation schedule to aid with your preparation and kick start your journey to secure the best NLU. Furthermore, the article contains detailed information about the CLAT Exam pattern and Syllabus, which topics to pay more attention to, and other important factors of success. Read the full article to uncover the secrets of a successful CLAT aspirant.

CLAT 2025 Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Before beginning with the preparation plan and diving straight into the secret formula, it is important to understand the CLAT exam pattern and syllabus. This will give the you a detailed understanding about the topics covered, marking scheme, duration of the exam, and the overall level of the exam. 

CLAT Exam Pattern

The CLAT exam will be conducted on December 1, 2024, as an offline pen and paper based exam. Check the key highlights and details of the CLAT exam 2025 tabulated below for reference.


CLAT Exam Pattern Highlights

Exam mode


Exam duration

120 minutes (2 hours)

Test language


Type of questions

Comprehension-based MCQs

Exam subjects

5 (English Language, Current Affairs including General Knowledge, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Techniques)

Total questions


Maximum marks


Marking scheme

+1 for a correct answer

-0.25 for an incorrect answer

CLAT Syllabus 2025

The CLAT Syllabus consists of 5 major sections, namely English Language, Current Affairs and GK, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. Check section-wise highlights for CLAT syllabus below.

CLAT Sections

CLAT Syllabus Highlights

English Language

  • Proficiency will be tested based on questions related to comprehension passages and grammar
  • There will be passages of 450 words based on the contemporary, historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing
  • You will have to compare different viewpoints, draw out inferences and conclusions and also understand the meaning of words and phrases given in the passages

Current Affairs including General Knowledge

  • Proficiency will be tested based on your awareness about various aspects of static General Knowledge and Current Affairs
  • Important topics for GK are Arts & Culture and History
  • Important topics for Current Affairs are national and international events of last one year
  • There will be reading passages of 450 words based on news, journalistic sources and other non-fiction writings

Legal Reasoning

  • Proficiency will be tested based on your general awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues
  • Questions will be based on legal matters, public policy and moral philosophical enquiries
  • There will be reading passages of 450 words based on fact-based situations or legal, public policy and moral scenarios

Logical Reasoning

  • Important topics for the section are relationships, analogies, logical sequences and arguments
  • There will be reading passages of around 300 words
  • You need to critically analyse the arguments given in the passage, identify the pattern of reasoning and then conclude the arguments

Quantitative Techniques

  • The section will carry short sets of passages based on facts, graphs, propositions, pictorials, textuals or diagrammatic representation of numerical data
  • Important topics for the section are ratios and proportions, basic algebra, mensuration, and statistics

CLAT Preparation Guide - Basic Tips and Strategies

Now that we have covered the CLAT Exam Pattern and CLAT Syllabus, it is now time to kick start the CLAT Preparation. It is always advised to chart out a strategic plan for the preparation and not dive directly into a subject. It is crucial to know how you are going to progress in this plan, and what methods you are going to use to move forward with the syllabus. Read below the most basic yet the most effective preparation tips to cover the CLAT exam.

Create a study plan

The first step towards the CLAT preparation is to create an effective study plan. This study plan should cover the basics in terms of the topics you need to cover, the time you will devote to each topic and section, your strengths and weaknesses, and the total time that you will require to cover it all. You should make sure that this study plan is created at the very beginning of the preparation, and is in line with your school as well. In case you are preparing for CLAT as a school student, you must ensure that this study plan is well balanced with your school timings, syllabus, and exams. Initially, try to give 2-3 hours on a daily basis for CLAt, and once you start to get a hang of it, gradually increase the time. Ensure that the study plan so created is a long term plan.

Keep a task based approach

An important factor here is to note that the candidates should keep a task based approach rather than just a general approach. This simply means that instead of focusiing on the number of hours you study, focus on the tasks and break the bigger topics into smaller parts. This can include revising a topic, watching a video to understand the topic, or even just understanding the topics that are covered. This will help you to progress steadily and maintain focus.

Be specific

When planning your study sessions, avoid generalization. Be specific and to the point about what you wish to accomlish in that day. Break the section in subtopics for the day that you can cover. For example, if you want to study logical reasoning, rather than just mentioning logical reasoning in the schedule, mention the kind of questions that you want to cover in that day like blood relations, sequences, or passages. This will help you plan the study sessions effectively and you will be able to cover more in less time.

Refer good study material

The key to ace any competitive exam is to gather and get a hang of the best study material. Candidates must ensure to make the best use of the books and all the study material that is available online. You can leverage resources like LegalEdge. mark the relevant assignment numbers and the material you feel is relevant and ensure that you cover them effectively. However, avoid using too many sorces as it will only leave you confused. 

Solve Mocks and Sample Papers

The most effective technique to prepare and to get clarity on your preparation is to solve as many mock tests as possible and then score and time yourself. This will help you get a deep understanding of the exam pattern, questions carrying the most weightage, and the overall difficulty level of the exam. Solving sample papers will also help you gain and improve your speed and accuracy in solving the questions. 

Track the daily progress

It is advised that the students track their daily progress to have an understanding of how far they have reached in their preparation. This not only motivates you to do better, but also keeps you motivated to keep going and prepare with stronger dedication each day. Apart from tis, it can help you analyze how much time is required for a particular subject and how much time you are taking to solve each question. Since CLAT is a time based exam, it is crucial to develop the fast solving skills and gain the quick calculation approach.

Read Daily

To ace the CLAT exam it is a must to have a good command on your vocabulary, and be updated with the latest knowledge in the world of law and business. Therefore, it is advised to develop a reading habit from the very beginning by reading newspapers, journals, magazines, and novels. This will help you with the English Language section where you need to solve passages, and will be of great help to understand the General Knowledge section.

How to Prepare for CLAT without Coaching?

"How to prepare for CLAT 2024?" is an important question that keeps hovering in the minds of a lot of candidates. To help you ease this stress, we have curated below a few essential tips to help you navigate the CLAT exam on your own.

Study plan: Having a monthly and weekly study plan in place is extremely important to ensure consistent studies. However, the CLAT study plan should be such that it should have complete details on the subjects and topics to be studied every day. Along with that, the study plan should also include frequent breaks to ensure that you have some relaxing time.

CLAT question papers: Regular practice is the key to success for the CLAT 2024 exam. Therefore, do not shy away from practicing as many CLAT question papers and sample papers as you can. However, remember that after attempting a paper it is also must to analyse it well so that you can work on your weaker areas.

Revision: While preparing for a national-level entrance exam like CLAT, it is not only important to study but also retain what you study for a longer duration of time. And for that, regular revision is the key.

CLAT Preparation Strategy - Section-Wise

Once you have made yourself aware of the above tips, the next step is how to approach each section individually, and what are the tips that can help you in acing all the sections. Check below the sectional preparation tips for the CLAT exam and learn the most effective strategies to prepare. It is to be noted that CLAT is not an easy exam and should not be taken lightly.

CLAT Preparation Tips for English Language

The English language section is designed to assess the candidate's ability to comprehend, infer, and analyze the content at a grade 12 level. The questions are asked in MCQ format based on the passages. The CLAT English Language syllabus can be technical, scientific, or even hostoric events. However, prior knolwedge of a topic  is not required in this section. Below are a few key tips to perform well in this section.

  • Develop a habit of reading regularly. This will help in improving your vocabulary and will also help in enhancing the Grammar skills which are crucial for this section. Jot down the new words or difficult words and understand their meanings, as it can help in the exam. You can also read magazines or novels to enhance your English skills.
  • Start conversing in English as often as you can with your peers. They are the best way to learn and also the most novel and hassle free way to enhance your spoken English.
  • Follow good books to practice Grammar, and for that, you need not buy any book. A simple class 10 Grammar book can do wonders. Solve the practice questions and papers as much as possible, and go through the rules thoroughly to avoid making any mistakes.
  • Solve as many sample and question papers, mock tests, and practice papers as possible. This is the best way to learn and improve.

How to Approach the Questions?

Find the most useful ways of approaching the questions in this section below.

  • A paragraph has usually one point followed by an argument. Try to identify the main point in the passage, and find the arguments which are in favor and arguments that are against.
  • Once done, try identifying the What, Why, When, Where, and Who of the questiions.
  • Pay close attention to the vocabulary questions. There are two kinds of questions being asked here - first will be the simple meaning of a word, and the second will be meaning of the word/phrase in the context of the passage. 
  • Pay attention to the wordings used, as a basic question may be presented as a complex one to confuse the test takers.

CLAT Preparation Books - English Language

Candidates may refer to the following books to prepare for the English section in the CLAT Exam.

CLAT Books for English


Оbjeсtive Generаl English

RS Аggаrwаl

The Рeаrsоn Guide tо the СLАT


Оbjeсtive Generаl English

SР Bаkshi

СLАT Guide

Tаtа MсGrаw-Hill

Wоrd Роwer Mаde Eаsy

Nоrmаn Lewis

CLAT Preparation Tips for Legal Reasoning

The Legal Reasoning section in CLAT is based on short passages of 450 words each, which are derived from real life circumstances or scenarios. They may or may not be legal issues, public policy, or moral questions. Though the prior legal experience is not necessary, a candidate will definitely benefit if they have some prior knowledge. Find the key tips to prepare for this scetion below.

  • Solve as many mocks, sample papers, practice papers, and previous year question papers as possible. This will help you in understanding what kind of questions are asked in the exam.
  • Have a thorugh understanding of the basic laws like the tort law, Indian Penal Code (IPC), and legal maxims. The exam is not to test your legal knowledge but your ability to apply it.
  • Read about all the important cases at least once a week to stay updated about the new ammendments and acts. 
  • Communicate with peers who may have studied law or are preparing for CLAT or any other law entrance exam. This can be beneficial in learning new things which you might have skipped.
  • Develop effective time mangement skills so that you can solve the questions faster in the exam, and not waste any unnecessary time.

How to Approach the Questions?

Below are a few ways which you may find useful in approaching the legal reasoning questions.

  • The sections consists of questions from news and law books, and passages that are specifically written for the exam. So it is important to read the passages, and identify the relevant facts and principles set in it.
  • Breaking down principles into smaller bits can be helpful in understanding the depth of the question.
  • Pay heavy attention to the small tweaks made in the facts as they can have a big impact on the overall story.
  • Do not apply any prior law knowledge you may have, as the questions are designed only to assess your ability of applying the knowledge. Answering questions with your own law assumptions may lead to errors.

CLAT Preparation Books - Legal Reasoning

The CLAT's legal aptitude section has questions based on legal ideas and conclusions, and important supreme court judgements and legal maxims. You can refer to the books mentioned below to help you prepare for this section.



Guide To CLAT & LLB Entrance Examination

Universal Publishing

Legаl Awareness and Legal Aptitude

АР Bhаrdwаj

LexisNexis Law Books


Bаre Асts оf Indiаn Соnstitutiоn


CLAT Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning

This scetion consists of brief section, which are roughly 300 words long each. Opinions on editorials from newspapers or magazines, and the moral philosophies available online are a few sources of the questions in this scetion. To attempt this section, check the below tips for preparation.

  • There is a possibility that the source of English, Legal, and Logical Reasoning may be the same. It is advised that you can devise a strategy to prepare for the sections simultaneously. However, this does not mean that the questions are also in the same manner.
  • Work on your analytical skills by rephrasing sentences, and alternatives of questions.
  • Treat the logical reasoning section distinct from the reading comprehension passages, arguments, and cocnlusion type questions.

How to Approach the Questions?

Below are a few ways which you may find useful in approaching the logical reasoning questions.

  • Carefully identify the premises and conclusions in the passage
  • Thereafter, identify the overall theme or the main point being made in the passage
  • Identify the set of arguments made in the passage
  • Read each question carefully before attempting it

CLAT Preparation Books - Logical Reasoning

Candidates may refer to the following books to prepare for the Logical Reasoning section in the CLAT Exam.



А Mоdern Аррrоасh to Logical Reasoning

RS Аggаrwаl

Verbаl Reаsоning

RS Аggаrwаl

Аnаlytiсаl Reаsоning (English)

MK Раndey

Verbаl and Nоn-Verbаl Reаsоning

RS Аggаrwаl

А New Аррrоасh tо Verbаl аnd Аnаlytiсаl Reаsоning

Аrihаnt Рubliсаtiоns

501 Challenging Lоgiсаl Reаsоning Рrасtiсe Bооk


CLAT Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude

This part will feature a series of questions, as well as short sets of facts or propositions, graphs, or other textual, visual, or diagrammatic representations of quantitative data. Below are a few key tips to prepare for this section.

  • Learn the concepts by heart and try to avoid using calculators while practicing. It will help you build up on the mental math.
  • Practice as many questions as possible in Maths and do not leave any topic for the last minute.
  • Use good resources and take full advantage of the resources that are available online.
  • Learn shortcuts and tricks for easier calculations and use them to your advantage.
  • Maintain consistency in practice and revise regularly.

How to Approach the Questions?

Below are a few ways which you may find useful in approaching the Quantitative Aptitude questions.

  • Analyse the graphical information carefully before attempting a question; remember the questions in the section will be more logic-based rather than formulae-based
  • Keep your rough notes neat and handy so that you can refer them quickly if needed
  • Solve a lot of questions to deal with the facts and data in a passage.
  • It is a simpler portion in comparison, and one should attempt to get all of the answers accurate.

CLAT Preparation Books - Quantitative Aptitude

Candidates may refer to the following books to prepare for the Quantitative Aptitude section in the CLAT Exam.



Fаst Trасk Оbjeсtive Аrithmetiс

Аrihаnt Рubliсаtiоns

30 Dаys Wоnder fоr Mаths

S Сhаnd

Quаntitаtive Арtitude fоr Соmрetitive Exаminаtiоns


Quаntitаtive Арtitude

RS Аggаrwаl

CLAT Preparation Tips for GK and Current Affairs

The syllabus for the CLAT GK and current affairs section is not set. The questions can be asked from domestic or international news, any policies, or even political events. Therefore, to prepare for this section, there is no set strategy. However, below are a few key tips to help you navigate through this section.

  • Read as many newspapers as possible, and keep your updated with all the latest business and law related news. You can als read journals and other forms of media to update yourself.
  • Solve as many sample papers and mocks as possible. They will help you in knowing the kind of questions that are asked and the type of answers that are expected.
  • If something you find is significant to you, you can note it down or keep the newspaper or magazine cuttings for easy access. Focus only on the factual knowledge for this section.

How to Approach the Questions?

Below are a few ways which you may find useful in approaching the GK andCurrent Affairs questions.

  • Make sure of reading the entire passage before attempting the questions. While doing so, try to pick clues about the answers to the questions
  • Try to find out the main theme of the passage
  • Make sure of reading all the four given options before answering a particular question 
  • You may not be evaluated on vocabulary in this section, but you may be asked to explain the meaning of some sentences related to the passage's topic.

CLAT Preparation Books - GK and Current Affairs

Candidates may refer to the following books to prepare for the GK and Current affairs section in the CLAT Exam.



Generаl Knоwledge 

Tarun Goyal

Generаl Knоwledge 

Tarun Goyal

Generаl Knоwledge 

Tarun Goyal

Mаnоrаmа Yeаr Bооk

Mammen Mathew

Beginner's Strategy for CLAT Preparation

Before studying for any exam, you need to prepare yourself mentally. If you are a beginner and have no idea how to start preparing for the CLAT exam, refer to the below pointers that will help you kick-start your CLAT preparation.

Recognize Your Current Level: Start preparing in 11th or 12th grade. Before beginning, take a diagnostic test to understand your current aptitude. The CLAT exam tests your aptitude, mental ability, and comprehension, and not just knowledge.

Set a Target College and Score: Decide which law school you want to attend based on your current level, location, affordability, and interest in law. Determine the score you need for your chosen college and focus on achieving that.

Gather Resources: List and gather all the available study materials, including books, videos, previous years' papers, practice questions, and topper notes. Supplement coaching institute materials with self-study books.

Create a Timetable: Devote 3-4 hours daily for CLAT preparation, including ample breaks. Keep weekends free for extracurricular activities. Study and revise at the same time each day to build a routine.

Join a Coaching Institute: Many students benefit from structured coaching programs that offer curated content, access to teachers, practice sessions, and mock tests. Coaching provides discipline and a structured approach to preparation.

Maximize Preparation: ​

  • Preview content before class.
  • Participate actively in class.
  • Solve and review in-class exercises and practice questions.
  • Take topic-wise tests after completing a topic and analyze your performance.

Mock Tests: Take at least 50 mock tests in real exam conditions. Analyze your results to identify weaknesses and improve. Discuss your mistakes with mentors to enhance your understanding.

Read Newspapers: Regularly read newspapers like The Hindu, The Telegraph, Indian Express, and Times of India to improve current affairs knowledge and reading comprehension.

Mistakes to Avoid in CLAT Preparation

Considering the students' benefit, we have gathered some points and tips that should be avoided while preparing for the CLAT exam. Check the detailed points below.

Insufficient Practice: You should avoid neglecting practice, as it's vital for improving your knowledge and time management skills, which are essential for CLAT. Make it a priority to solve as many problems as possible within a specific time frame.

Ignoring Negative Marking: Avoid guesswork to prevent losing marks for correct answers. Consider the 0.25-mark deduction for each incorrect answer during mock tests, as it significantly impacts your ranking.

Spending Excessive Time on Single Questions: Efficient time management is crucial. Avoid spending too much time on a single question. Stay composed and aim to answer quickly using effective time management techniques.

Starting with Difficult Questions: Prioritize simpler questions first to save time for tougher ones. Reading through questions initially helps you distinguish between difficult and simple ones.

Overloading Study Sources: Focus on practicing from limited but useful study sources rather than overwhelming yourself with numerous sources. It saves time and prevents confusion.

Not Following Study Schedule: Maintain consistency by adhering to a proper study schedule. Regular practice according to a set timetable improves study efficiency.

Lacking In-depth Understanding of Concepts: Avoid the mistake of not developing a deep understanding of each topic before practicing related questions. Thoroughly read and comprehend each topic to avoid negative markings due to incorrect answers.

Neglecting Current Affairs: Make sure to regularly read newspapers and periodicals as the Current Affairs section has no fixed syllabus. Incorporating daily newspaper reading helps in effectively answering current affairs-based questions, contributing as bonus marks in the exam.

CLAT Last Month Preparation Tips and Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern: To prepare for the CLAT exam, it is crucial to understand the CLAT exam pattern. Candidates must solve 120 questions in 140 minutes. This means that each question needs to be solved in less than a minute. It is advised to practice accordingly, and not take more than a minute for any question.

Revise Regularly: It is important to revise the topics studied regularly, as candidates might forget what they studied some time ago. Candidates should, therefore, revise the important topics so that they can remember the concepts during the exam.

Stress on the important topics: Looking at the past year papers it is not difficult to understand the topics and sections that carry the maximum weightage. Candidates therefore should stress on those topics more, as it is important to qualify the sectional cutoff to be eligible to participate in the CLAT Counselling process.

Avoid New Topics: During the last minute and month, it is better to avoid going for new topics which you have not touched before. Instead, revise what you already know as it is not possible to retain materials learned right before the exam. Since it is not possible to answer all 140 questions in the paper, it makes no sense in trying to cover all possible topics for CLAT Preparation.

Practice mock exams: Previous year question papers and mock tests are helpful to revise all topics in the test. So, solve as many test papers as possible within the total time of the exam; do not take more than 2 hours on each paper.

What Books are Recommended for CLAT Examination 2025?

We have mentioned some recommended books that students can consider to ace their preparation.


Author/ Publisher


Wiley's ExamXpert A Simpler Approach to Logical Reasoning

Amandeep Rajgotra, Pratik Pradhan

INR 375

Wiley's ExamXpert Legal Awareness & Legal Reasoning (LA & LR)

Amandeep Rajgotra, Danish Hasnain

INR 512

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination

R.S. Aggarwal

INR 597

Maths 30 Days Wonder

KJS Khurana, Rajeev Markanday, S Chand

INR 356

Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Dinesh Khattar

INR 399

A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning

R.S. Aggarwal

INR 609

Analytical Reasoning

M. K. Pandey

INR 306

A Modern Approach To Logical Reasoning

R.S. Aggarwal

INR 225

Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning For the CLAT and LL.B. Entrance Examinations

A.P. Bhardwaj

INR 347

Universal's Guide to CLAT & LLB

Manish Arora

INR 699

Manorma Year Book 2024 Edition

Sonia Gandhi, Om Biria, Nitin Gadkari, S. Somnath, Amitabh Kant

NR 320

General Knowledge 2025 Edition

Tarun Goyal Classes

INR 191

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

INR 150

Objective General English

S.P. Bakshi

INR 250

Please note that all the prices are written as of July 6, 2024

Top 10 Colleges through CLAT

The following are the Top 10 Law Colleges that accept the CLAT exam


CLAT College

Average Placement Package

NLSIU Bangalore

17 LPA

NALSAR Hyderabad

16 LPA

WBNUJS Kolkata

15 LPA

NLU Jodhpur

15 LPA

NLIU Bhopal

16 LPA

GNLU Gandhinagar

11 LPA

HNLU Raipur

6-7 LPA



RMLNLU Lucknow


CNLU Patna


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Frequently Asked Questions

How should I start preparing for CLAT?

For any law aspirant, achieving a high score in CLAT and getting to the top NLUs like NLSIU Bengaluru and NALSAR is a dream. Now to achieve this dream and convert it into reality it is crucial for the candidates to have a structured and well organized stu

How to clear CLAT in first attempt?

To clear the CLAT exam in the first attempt, the candidates must be first familiar with the CLAT exam pattern and syllabus. After knowing that the candidates should create a well defined study plan to cover all the topics and chapters. Along with this the

Can I crack CLAT by self study?

Yes, it is possible to crack CLAT without coaching if you are well prepared with a suitable study plan and expert advice. Our experts have put together detailed tips and tricks to prepare for CLAT without coaching, which will help all legal aspirants in t

Is CLAT hard to crack?

In the initial level it is not easy but a regular practice can make it easy for you to pass the CLAT Exam. If you are going to sit for CLAT exam then it is very much important to know about the CLAT Exam pattern, syllabus, questions type. There are five i

Can a poor student crack CLAT?

Yes, with consistent effort, a good study plan, and the right resources, an average student can succeed in the CLAT exam.

Which subject is the hardest in CLAT?

The most challenging part of the CLAT exam is the ’Quantitative Techniques’ section. In other words, the section dealing with Mathematics or numerical ability is the hardest. Candidates score one mark for each correct answer they provide. Howe

What is the top marks of CLAT?

The highest UG CLAT marks were 121 out of 150, and the top LLM score was 94. Expected CLAT cutoffs for 2024: 95-100 for general, 80-85 for SC/ST/OBC. New pattern cutoffs for 2024: 80-90 for general, 70-80 for SC/ST/OBC. To get a higher rank, students need

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CLAT 2025 Cutoff (Soon) - Expected Cutoff, Category-wise, Previous Year Trend, Opening and Closing Rank

11th December, 2024

The CLAT Cutoff 2025 will be released by the NLUs by December 15, 2024. Meanwhile, candidates can check the analysis of CLAT Cutoff 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 and the expected CLAT 2025 Cutoff.

CLAT Exam Analysis 2025 (OUT) - Difficulty Level, Good Attempts, Expected Cutoff

01st December, 2024

Aiming at providing a detailed account of the CLAT Exam Review, the questions and solutions and the performance review of each section, as well as the overall performance of the candidates.

CLAT 2025 Eligibility (UG/PG) - Qualifications, Minimum Marks Required, Age Limit

08th August, 2024

The eligibility criteria for the CLAT Exam determine whether a candidate is qualified to participate in the examination. The general outline of CLAT Eligibility states that candidates must have completed their 10+2 education for undergraduate (UG) programs, or hold a graduate degree in any LLB course for postgraduate (PG) programs.

Legal Reasoning for CLAT 2025 Exam

28th October, 2024

The legal reasoning section of any law entrance exam is specifically designed to assess a candidate's research aptitude and problem-solving ability.

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