BSc Zoology Syllabus 2025: Subjects, Year/Semester-wise, Books, & Top Colleges

BSc - Zoology, Duration - 3 Years

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The BSc Zoology full form is Bachelor of Science in Zoology. It is a 3-year undergraduate course. BSc Zoology is the branch of Biology that focuses on the study of all animals, their structure, physiology, behavior, classification, and distribution.

About BSc Zoology Syllabus

BSc Zoology syllabus includes topics on Cell Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Biomolecules, Animal Ecology, Physiology, and Biochemistry. BSc Zoology subjects include Animal Behavior, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Immunology, Biotechnology, and Environmental Science. 

Further Reading: MSc Zoology

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BSc Zoology Syllabus: Year-wise

BSc Zoology is divided into 6 Semesters which must be covered in 3 years. The syllabus of BSc Zoology will vary from college to college; however, a brief of the syllabus is given in the following tables:


BSc Zoology Syllabus 1st Year

In the first year of BSc Zoology, students are given a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts underlying zoological science which sets the stage for deeper exploration in subsequent years.

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1 

Semester – 2

Introduction to Zoology

Evolutionary Biology

Diversity of Non-Chordates


Diversity of Chordates

Developmental Biology

Animal Physiology

Environmental Science

Also Read: BSc Courses after 12th 

BSc Zoology Syllabus 2nd Year

In the second year of BSc Zoology, students advance their understanding of zoological concepts by delving deeper into various subjects such as physiological systems, including endocrine, reproductive, and immune systems, embryonic development, and organogenesis. 

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Animal Physiology and Endocrinology

Animal Behavior and Ethology

Invertebrate Zoology


Genetics and Molecular Biology

Biochemistry and Enzymology

Ecology and Environmental Biology


BSc Zoology Syllabus 3rd Year

In the third year of a BSc Zoology, students engage in advanced and specialized studies that refine their expertise in the field which often includes a research project or thesis.

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Comparative Anatomy and Embryology

Evolution and Animal Behavior

Animal Ecology and Wildlife Biology

Conservation Biology




Research Methodology and Dissertation

Further Reading: MSc Zoology Syllabus & Subjects

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester-wise

BSc Zoology has been divided into 6 semesters to give students a holistic understanding of Zoology and its broader ecological and evolutionary contexts. Given below is a detailed overview of the BSc Zoology Syllabus, semester-wise: 

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 1 

Given below is the BSc Zoology Syllabus for Semester 1: 

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 1



Introduction to Zoology

Overview of Zoology as a field, its history, branches, and fundamental concepts.

Diversity of Non-Chordates

This subject covers a wide range of invertebrate groups, including arthropods, mollusks, annelids, and more.

Diversity of Chordates

This subject delves into the diverse world of chordates, from the simple tunicates to the more complex vertebrates

Animal Physiology

Animal physiology focuses into the functioning of various organ systems in animals

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 2

Given below is the BSc Zoology Syllabus for Semester 2: 

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 2



Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology studies the processes that shape the diversity of life on Earth.


This subject examines the molecules that form the foundation of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Developmental Biology

Developmental biology investigates the processes by which organisms grow and develop from fertilized eggs to fully functional adults

Environmental Science

Environmental science introduces students to the interconnectedness of living organisms and their environment.

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 3

Given below is the BSc Zoology Syllabus for Semester 3:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 3



Animal Physiology and Endocrinology

This course delves into the intricate workings of animals' physiological systems, examining how they function to maintain homeostasis and adapt to their environments.

Invertebrate Zoology


This subject focuses into the anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecological roles of invertebrates.

Genetics and Molecular Biology


Genetics and Molecular Biology is all about the world of genetics, studying the principles of heredity, genetic variation, and the structure and function of DNA.

Ecology and Environmental Biology


Ecology explores the interactions between organisms and their environments, ranging from individuals to entire ecosystems.

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 4

Given below is the BSc Zoology Syllabus for Semester 4:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 4



Animal Behavior and Ethology

The intricate study of animal behavior, providing insights into how organisms interact with each other and their environments.


Exploration of parasitic organisms and their interactions with host organisms.

Biochemistry and Enzymology

Focuses on the molecular underpinnings of life, examining biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids.


The tools to analyze biological data, enabling them to draw meaningful conclusions from experiments and observations.

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 5

Given below is the BSc Zoology Syllabus for Semester 5:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 5



Comparative Anatomy and Embryology

The structural diversity of animals through comparative anatomy, analyzing similarities and variations across species.

Animal Ecology and Wildlife Biology

The interactions between animals and their environments, studying factors influencing distribution, behavior, and adaptations.


This course bridges the gap between Biological Science and Technology. 


Endocrinology focuses on the hormonal systems that govern growth, reproduction, and behavior in animals.

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 6

Given below is the BSc Zoology Syllabus for Semester 6:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Semester 6



Evolution and Animal Behavior

This course intertwines evolutionary principles with the study of animal behavior, investigating how natural selection shapes behaviors over generations.

Conservation Biology

Conservation biology addresses the urgent need to protect biodiversity and ecosystems.


Immunology examines the intricate defense mechanisms that protect animals from infections and diseases.

Research Methodology and Dissertation

Research Methodology equips students with essential research skills, including experimental design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Dissertation allows students to delve into a specific zoological topic, applying their skills to conduct independent research and contribute to the field's knowledge base.

Must Read: Who is the Father of Indian Zoology? 

BSc Zoology Entrance Exam Syllabus

BSc Zoology syllabus for Entrance Exam may vary slightly depending on the college or university. However, here are some common topics that are usually included in the syllabus:





Cell Structure and Function

Genetics and Evolution

Diversity in Living Organisms

Human Physiology

Plant Physiology

Reproduction and Development in Organisms

Ecology and Environment



Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

States of Matter

Chemical Thermodynamics

Chemical Equilibrium

Organic Chemistry (Basic principles and nomenclature)



Physical World and Measurement

Kinematics and Laws of Motion

Work, Energy, and Power

Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body


Properties of Bulk Matter


Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory



Sets, Relations, and Functions

Algebra (Polynomials, Quadratic Equations, etc.)

Co-ordinate Geometry


Statistics and Probability

Also Read: BSc Syllabus and Subjects

BSc Zoology Subjects

BSc Zoology focuses on the study of the complex world of animals and the living sciences. Students study essential disciplines of Zoology such as the mysteries of cells, genetics, evolution, and the intricate physiology of species. Given below is an overview of the BSc Zoology subjects: 


BSc Zoology Core Subjects: 

The core subjects in BSc Zoology form the foundation of the course. The subjects cover a wide range of fundamental biological concepts and principles such as:

  • Introduction to Zoology
  • Cell Biology
  • Genetics
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Animal Physiology
  • Invertebrate Zoology
  • Vertebrate Zoology
  • Ecology
  • Animal Behavior
  • Biostatistics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Conservation Biology
  • Taxonomy and Systematics
  • Developmental Biology
  • Immunology
  • Parasitology
  • Comparative Anatomy

BSc Zoology Elective Subjects: 

Elective subjects allow students to choose subjects as per their interests and career goals. These subjects offer specialized knowledge in specific areas of Zoology and are given below:

  • Marine Biology
  • Entomology (Study of Insects)
  • Ornithology (Study of Birds)
  • Mammalogy (Study of Mammals)
  • Herpetology (Study of Reptiles and Amphibians)
  • Wildlife Management
  • Animal Genetics
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Ethology (Study of Animal Behavior)
  • Paleontology
  • Animal Ecology
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Aquatic Biology
  • Endocrinology (Study of Hormones)
  • Animal Welfare and Ethics

Further Reading: BSc in India

BSc Zoology Subjects: 1st Year

BSc Zoology subjects may differ from one college to another. Nevertheless, given below is a list of potential subjects in BSc Zoology that students will study in the 1st Year:

BSc Zoology Subjects: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Cell Biology



Developmental Biology

Animal Diversity-I: Non-Chordates

Animal Diversity-II: Chordates



BSc Zoology Subjects: 2nd Year

Given below is an overview of the BSc Zoology Subjects in 2nd Year:

BSc Zoology Subjects: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4


Animal Ecology

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Environmental Biology

Physiology and Biochemistry of Invertebrates

Physiology and Biochemistry of Vertebrates

Animal Behavior




BSc Zoology Subjects: 3rd Year

Given below is an overview of the BSc Zoology Subjects in 2nd Year:

BSc Zoology Subjects: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Molecular Biology

Genetics and Genomics

Animal Biotechnology

Evolutionary Biology

Animal Physiology

Animal Development and Reproduction

Conservation Biology

Applied Zoology

Research Methodology

Dissertation or Project Work

Also Read: MSc in India

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Delhi University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Delhi University: 

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Biology-I (Introduction to Biology)

Biodiversity II: Chordata-I

Biodiversity I: Non-Chordata

Biodiversity III: Chordata-II


Chemistry -II

Technical Writing and Communication in English

Technical writing and Communication in English

Computational Skills

Computational Skills


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

              Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Animal Physiology and Functional Histology -I

Animal Physiology and Functional Histology-II

Mathematics and Statistics


Cell Biology - I

Cell Biology - II

Molecular Biology - 1

Molecular Biology - II


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

              Semester – 5

Semester – 6


Evolutionary Biology



Developmental Biology

Applied Zoology/Bioinformatics/ Environmental Management

Genetics & Genomics -I

Genetics & Genomics - II

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Mumbai University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Mumbai University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Wonders of Animal World

Population Ecology

Biodiversity and its conservation

Ecosystem 1

Laboratory safety and Units of Measurement

National Park and Sanctuaries 1

Animal Biotechnology 1

Nutrition and Health


Public Health and Hygiene 1

Common Human Diseases



BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

              Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Population Ecology

Origin and Evolution of Life

Ecosystem 1

Population genetics and evolution

National Park and Sanctuaries 1

Scientific attitude methodology, writing and ethics

Nutrition and Health

Cell Biology

Public health and Hygiene 1

Endomembrane system


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

              Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Any one of the following:       
Invertebrate - sepia       
Comparative chordate Anatomy - I       
Developmental Biology - I       
Histology and Endocrinology - I

Any one of the following:       
 Invertebrate – sepia - II       
Comparative chordate Anatomy - II       
Developmental Biology - II       
Histology and Endocrinology - II

Any one of the following:       
Physiology - I       
Physiology - II       
Homeostasis and Regulation- I       
Homeostasis and Regulation - II

Any one of the following:       
Hematology -I       
Hematology -II       
Immunology -I       
Immunology -II

Any one of the following:       
Molecular Biology - I       
Molecular Biology - II       
Toxicology - I       
Toxicology - II

Any one of the following:       
 Genetics and Evolution

Any one of the following:       
Environmental Science - I       
Environmental Science - II       
Epidemiology - I       
Biostatistics - I

Any one of the following:       
Environmental Science - II       
Environmental Biology - II       
Epidemiology - II       
Biostatistics - II

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Himachal Pradesh University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Himachal Pradesh University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Animal Diversity

Environmental Sciences

Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates

Any one of the following: English, Hindi


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Physiology and Biochemistry

Medical Diagnosis

Genetics and Evolutionary Biology 


Any one of the following: English, Hindi



BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6


Applied Zoology

Aquarium Fish Keeping

Animal Biotechnology

Research Methodology

Aquatic Biology

BSc Zoology Syllabus: University of Calcutta

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for University of Calcutta:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Non-Chordata – I (Protists to Pseudocoelomates)

Non-Chordata – II (All Coelomate Phyla)

Molecular Biology

Cell Biology


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4


Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate

Animal Physiology: Controlling & Co-ordinating System

Animal Physiology: Life sustaining system

Fundamentals of Biochemistry


Apiculture / Sericulture

Aquarium Fisheries/ Medical Diagnosis


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6


Developmental Biology

Principle of Genetics

Evolutionary Biology

Parasitology/Biology of Insect

Animal Biotechnology/Animal Cell Biotechnology

Endocrinology/Reproductive Biology

Animal Behaviour & Chronology/Fish & Fisheries

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Thiruvalluvar University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Thiruvalluvar University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Language I

Language II

English I

English II



Invertebrates and Chordata

Invertebrates and Chordata

Environmental Studies

Value Education


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Language III

Language IV

English III

English IV

Cell and Molecular Biology

Genetics and Biotechnology

Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology

Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology

Any one of the following:       
Public Health and Hygiene       
Single Cell Protein culture

Any one of the following:       
Biofertilizer production       

Any one of the following:       
Poultry Farming



BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Environmental Biology and Evolution

Developmental Biology and Immunology

Economic Zoology

Animal Physiology

Physiology, Developmental Biology, and Immunology

Physiology, Developmental Biology, and Immunology

Environmental Biology, Economic Zoology

Environmental Biology, Economic Zoology

Any one of the following: Biochemistry Applied Entomology

Any one of the following:       
Human Endocrinology

Any one of the following:       
Nanotechnology in Life Sciences       

Any one of the following:       
Vegetable Meat Culture


BSc Zoology Syllabus: Goa University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Goa University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Diversity of Lower Non-Chordates: Theory

Diversity of Higher Non-Chordate: Theory

Diversity of Lower Non-Chordates: Practical

Diversity of Higher Non-Chordate: Theory

Cell Biology: Theory

Genetics & Molecular Biology: Theory

Cell Biology: Practical

Genetics & Molecular Biology: Practical


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Diversity of Lower Chordates: Theory

Diversity of Higher Chordates: Theory

Diversity of Lower Chordates: Practical

Diversity of Higher Chordates: Practical

Animal Physiology: Theory

Ecology & Animal Behaviour: Theory

Animal Physiology: Practical

Ecology & Animal Behaviour: Practical


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates

Developmental Biology

Human Physiology & Biochemistry


Applied Genetics & Evolution

Environmental Biology & Toxicology

Basic Animal Biotechnology

Animal Biotechnology Applications


a. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates

b. Human Physiology & Biochemistry


a. Developmental Biology

b. Endocrinology


a. Applied Genetics & Evolution

b. Basic Animal Biotechnology


a. Environmental Biology & Toxicology

b. Animal Biotechnology Applications

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Uttarakhand Open University 

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Uttarakhand Open University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2


Genetics, Taxonomy and Evolution

Cell and Molecular Biology

Laboratory Course I


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4


Developmental Biology and Economic Zoology

Environmental Biology & Animal Behavior

Laboratory Course II


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Physiology and Biochemistry

Biostatistics and Instrumentation techniques

Microbiology, Immunology and Toxicology

Laboratory Course III

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Periyar University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Periyar University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2


Tamil 2

Professional English

Professional English 2



Invertebrates & Chordata

Invertebrates & Chordata

Chemistry / Botany 

Chemistry / Botany 

Practical: Chemistry / Botany

Practical: Chemistry / Botany


Environmental Studies


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Tamil 3

Tamil 4

Professional English 3

Professional English 4

Cell Biology


Practical: Cell Biology, Genetics, Vermiculture & Vermicomposting & Aquaculture

Practical: Cell Biology, Genetics, Vermiculture & Vermicomposting & Aquaculture

Chemistry / Botany 

Chemistry / Botany 

Practical: Chemistry / Botany

Practical: Chemistry / Botany

Vermiculture & Vermicomposting


Human health & Hygiene

Wildlife Management


Internship Program: Dairy farm, Fish farm / Breeding, Poultry farm, Medical Lab, Natural Ecosystem, Natural History, Museum, Sericulture farmhouse, Apiculture farms, Vermifarm


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6

Animal Physiology

Environmental Biology

Developmental Biology

Evolutionary Biology

Immunology & Microbiology

Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Computer Applications

Medical Laboratory Techniques


Poultry Science


Clinical Nutrition

Dairy Science

Practical – III & IV

Practical: Animal Physiology, Developmental Biology, Immunology & Microbiology, Poultry Science, & MLT.


Practical: Environmental Biology, Evolutionary, Biology, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Computer Applications, Sericulture & Apiculture

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Pondicherry University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Pondicherry University

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

English 1

English 2

Biodiversity of Invertebrates

Biodiversity of Chordates and Vertebrates

Biodiversity of Invertebrates - Practical

Biodiversity of Chordates and Vertebrates - Practical

Basic Zoology

Animals and Human Welfare

Basic Zoology - Practical

Animals and Human Welfare - Practical


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

English 3

English 4 

Animal Physiology

Developmental Biology

Animal Physiology - Practical

Developmental Biology - Practical


Vector Biology

Microbiology - Practical

Vector Biology - Practical


Clinical Labor


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6


Aquatic Biology and Culture Techniques


Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology



Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Technology

Poultry and Dairy Science



Cell and Molecular Biology

Evolution and Conservation Biology



Biochemistry and Intermediary Metabolism

Genetics and Biotechnology




Biostatistics and Bioinformatics



Public Health and Hygiene

Value-Added Products of Animals

BSc Zoology Syllabus: Kumaon University

Given below is the BSc Zoology syllabus for Kumaon University:

BSc Zoology Syllabus: 1st Year

Semester – 1

Semester – 2

Lower Non- Chordata (Protozoa- Helminths)

Molecular Biology, Elementary biotechnology, and biological techniques

Higher Non - Chordata (Annelida- Echinodermata)

Taxonomy, Evolution and Elementary Paleontology

Elements of Cell Biology, Evolution, and Ecology


Lower Non - Chordata (Protozoa- Helminths)- practical

Molecular Biology, Elementary biotechnology, and biological techniques - Practical

Higher Non- Chordata (Annelida- Echinodermata) - Practical

Taxonomy, Evolution and Elementary Paleontology - Practical

Elements of Cell Biology, Evolution, and Ecology - Practical

Genetics - Practical


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 2nd Year

Semester – 3

Semester – 4

Lower Chordata

Developmental Biology

Higher Chordata

Applied Zoology

Ecology and Environmental Biology

Elementary Entomology and Applied ichthyology

Lower Chordata - Practical

Developmental Biology- Practical

Higher Chordata - Practical

Applied Zoology - Practical

Ecology and Environmental Biology - Practical

Elementary Entomology and Applied ichthyology - Practical


BSc Zoology Syllabus: 3rd Year

Semester – 5

Semester – 6


Biological Chemistry and Basic Mammalian Endocrinology

Animal Behavior

Animal Physiology-Endocrinology

Toxicology and Histology

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Endocrinology

Microbiology- Practical

Biological Chemistry and Basic Mammalian Endocrinology - Practical

Animal Behavior - Practical

Animal Physiology-Endocrinology - Practical

Toxicology and Histology - Practical

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Endocrinology- Practical

BSc Zoology: Recommended Books 

Given below are the names of some recognized books along with their authors in the field of Zoology that a candidate must read to gain further knowledge in the course: 

Name of the Book

Author’s Name


Stephen A. Miller, John P. Harley

Textbook of Animal Physiology

V. K. Rastogi

Cell and Molecular Biology

Gerald Karp

Ecology: Concepts and Applications

Manuel C. Molles Jr.

Vertebrate Zoology

Jordan and Verma

Practical Zoology

P.S. Verma

Invertebrate Zoology

R.L. Kotpal

Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach

John Alcock

Environmental Science

G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman

Genetics: Analysis and Principles

Robert J. Brooker

BSc Zoology Top Colleges

Given below is a list of some of the top Colleges/Universities offering BSc Zoology along with their fees and location:

Name of the College/University


Average Fees

Hindu College

New Delhi

INR 20,460

Sri Venkateswara College

New Delhi

INR 6,546

Miranda House

New Delhi

INR 19,800

CT Group of Institutions


INR 1,23,000

Fergusson College


INR 11,315

PSG College of Arts and Science


INR 7,000

Daulat Ram College 

New Delhi

INR 58,440

PSGR Krishnammal College for Women


INR 1,761

Hansraj College

New Delhi

INR 24,515

Ramjas College

New Delhi

INR 44,050

D.G. Ruparel College of Arts, Science, and Commerce


INR 7,005

MKM Group of Colleges for Girls


INR 2,40,000

St. Joseph’s College 


INR 53,000

Gargi College 

New Delhi

INR 30,375

Kirori Mal College

New Delhi

INR 14,895

Mount Carmel College


INR 40,000

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Alternate Course

B. Chem. Eng.

B. Chem. Eng. , 3 Years

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