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SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra Description

Chikitsak Samuha’s Patkar Varde College is a premier educational institution situated in the western suburbs of Mumbai, established in 1964. Since then, with its glorious past and promising future we are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee Year 2023-24. In keeping with the spirit of learning and growing through introspection, we have set up high standards, working continuously towards advanced goals leading to the implementation of NEP 2020. Quality enhancement through curriculum and infrastructure upgradation is diligently practiced.


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SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra Popular Courses

1 Programs 3 Years

Average Fees

Highest Package

Admission 2025

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BBA / BBM / BBS Application Open Apply Now
1 Programs 3 Years

Average Fees

Highest Package

Admission 2025

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BA Application Open Apply Now
2 Programs 3 Years

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Highest Package

Admission 2025

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BCom Application Open Apply Now
4 Programs 3 Years

Average Fees

Highest Package

Admission 2025

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BSc Application Open Apply Now
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SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra Admission

General Instruction for Online Filling of Admission Form 2024-2025  

1. Use Google Chrome Browser.  

2. keep the following ready before filling the Admission Form:  

i. Colour photograph less than 50kb in size, (.jpeg format)  

ii. Signature less than 50kb in size, (.jpeg format) 

iii. Caste Certificate less than 1mb in size (if applicable), (.jpeg format)  iv. HSC Marksheet (.jpeg format)  

v. Leaving Certificate (.jpeg format)  

vi. University Pre-admission Form (.jpeg format)  

vii. Declaration Form (fill and upload declaration form available on college website) 

3. Pay your fees first. Only after successful payment, the link for Admission Form will be  activated.  

4. Fees can be paid through DEBIT CARD / CREDIT CARD / UPI / NET BANKING.  

5. UPI payment mode is free but other payments may be chargeable as per  government/bank’s guidelines.  

6. Note down your payment details (Screenshot) for future reference.  

7. If payment is deducted from your account but receipt is not generated, we request you to  wait for 24 hours or contact College Office in person (not on phone).  

8. Those Reserved Category Students who availed the fees concession at the time of  admission and failed to apply online for scholarship and freeship are liable to pay full  fees which please note.

9. Students are required to take a printout of the form and submit it with the required  documents, in the College, after a notice in this regard is put up in the College and  on the College website. The declaration given at the end of the form needs to be signed  by the Student and the parent/guardian before submitting the form in the college.  

10. Filling the Anti-ragging Form is mandatory for every student. Students should submit  their details either on or 

11. Any other instructions of the apex bodies will be applicable whenever necessary. 


1. Check the Admission Schedule displayed on the notice board and website. 

2. Visit the website of the University of Mumbai – 

3. Register yourself with the necessary document as per the list attached herewith. 

4. Keep your photo and Signature ready to upload as per university requirements.  

5. Search and select your program. 

6. You will get the lists of colleges offering your desired program. 

7. Type our college name in the search option to gain admission to Patkar-Varde College. 

8. Follow the further procedure to complete the Pre-admission online registration process of the university.  

9. Fill online application form. 

10. Take the printout of the Pre-admission online application form. 

11. Visit the website of Patkar-Varde College – * Click on “Post Graduation Admission (Self Finance Section) 2024-25” 

* Click on the given Data form link 

Register yourself for the further admission Process. 

* Username and Password will be sent to your registered Whatsapp mobile number. * You will receive a Message from Bitblue Technology Pvt Ltd 

*Fill online application form for the desired programs. 

*Enter all the details carefully and correctly. 

*Upload the following documents. 

1. Semester I, II, III, IV, V & VI Mark sheet.  

2. Caste Certificate (Reserve Category students) 

3. Relevant documents claiming respective Admission Category 

4. Passing Certificate and Migration Certificate (Compulsory for those Students who have  appeared in the examination other than University of Mumbai) 

12. Pay Rs. 100/- towards the form fee, online as per the details given below: 

13. Pay the form fee by selecting any one of the below-mentioned payment modes. 

     a. Payment through Credit cards :- 0.80% of the transaction amount 

     b. Payment through Rupay Debit Cards:- No transaction Charges

     c. Payment through Net banking :- No transaction charges for all banks 

     d. Payment through UPI :- No transaction Charges 

14. Submit your duly filled online application form. 

15. Check the merit list as given in the admission schedule. 

16. If your name is displayed in merit list, submit the admission form and pay the fees as directed. 


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SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra Cut Off

A candidate for being eligible for admission to the M. Sc. (Hospitality and Tourism Administration) Post graduate program shall have  M. Sc. (Hospitality background / Mathematics) with a minimum of 70% in Semester 5.If the Semester 5 marks are < 70% then students need to give an aptitude test–QAT and Clear a Personal Interview Round. Candidate will have to appear for an Entrance Test. 
If relevant knowledge of Mathematics and Statis- tics is not demonstrated then student should satisfactorily complete a bridge course offered by the college during the academic year of first year in which the student is admitted 

 A learner being eligible for admission to the M.Sc. degree course in Bio-Informatics must have passed B.Sc. of Mumbai University or any recognized University in any of the following disciplines Science (Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Life Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Statistics, Zoology) Agriculture Medicines Pharmacy Veterinary Science Computer Science 


A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Post Graduate Programme i.e. Master of Commerce, shall have passed the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (three years/Six Semester integrated course) or the degree B.Com. (Old Course) or the other Semester based Programmes i.e. Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) or Bachelor of Commerce (Accoun- ting & Finance) or Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets) or Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.) of the University of Mumbai , or an examination of any other University recognized as equivalent thereto. 


A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three year integrated program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (Pharma Drug Science) must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate examination (Std. XII) conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Educa- tion or any other board as equivalent to the H.S.C Exam conducted by the Board of Maharashtra Secondary & Higher Secondary Education in Science stream 

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iGATE patni iGATE patni
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SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra Fees

Fees Structure for UG Part II Admission 2024-25 


General  Category  

(in Rs.)  

Reserved  SC

Category  (in Rs.)  

 Reserved  OBC/SBC/NT/ST  Category 


(in Rs.)  















Fees Structure for PG Part II Admission 2024-25 



Open Category 

Reserve Category

M.A. (Public Relation) 


M.A. (Mass Communication and Journalism) 


M.A. (Psychology) 


M. Com.(Advanced Accountancy) 



(SC / ST Only)

M. Com. (Banking and Finance) 



(SC / ST Only)

M. Com. (Business Management) 



(SC / ST Only)

Master of Sports Management 


Masters of Tourism and Travel Management 

Rs. 78,446/-

M. Sc. (Information Technology) 



(SC / ST Only)

M. Sc. (Computer Science) 



(SC / ST Only)

M. Sc. (Microbiology) 



(SC / ST Only)



M. Sc. (Biotechnology) 



(SC / ST Only)



M. Sc. (Bioinformatics) 



(SC / ST Only)



M.Sc. (Quantitative Quality Chemistry) 


M.Sc. Hospitality and Tourism Administration 


M.Sc. (Data Science and Big Data Analytics) 


M.Sc. (Actuarial Science) 


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Student's Rating for SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Student Reviews & Ratings
4.1/5 Based on 13 Verified Reviews
Component Ratings
Faculty Rating 4.2
Infrastructure Rating 3.8
Hostel Rating 3.2
Club Rating 3.6

Student's Reviews for SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra

4 Overall 25-07-2021

Anonymous User
MBA Student

BETTER COLLEGE for Bca student ....if aap regular college attend kartey ho to yaha regular lecture provide kiya jata hai ...but practical utna better nahi karya jata hai

Admission: Actually mai yaha second year SE join kiya hu...and admission normal jaisa sab course ka hai bus iska bhi hai . But yaha admission online hota hai.

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3 Overall 25-07-2021

Anonymous User
MBA Student

3 Infrastructure 3 Faculty 3 Mess
I have passed out the University entrance examination at the time of admissions and then in 2012 my course was started and ended in the year 2015 and in this college, the education was all best and the canteen facility is also best.

Faculty: Yes, they are all good in teaching the students about the course.

Admission: College’s Internal Written Exam

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5 Overall 25-07-2021

Anonymous User
MBA Student

5 Infrastructure 5 Faculty 4 Hostel 4.5 Club 5 Mess
The college has got everything a student ever needs. The college excels in every aspect a college should be.

Placement: We are into the academic studies department so we aren’t much involved with the placements but the overall record suggests that the college has got a nice placement department.

Faculty: The teachers around the college are best of their class. The HODs are well-qualified and the visiting faculty is of the same sort of level as the residing faculty is.

Admission: College’s Internal Written Exam

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5 Overall 25-07-2021

Anonymous User
MBA Student

4.5 Infrastructure 4.5 Faculty 4 Club 4.5 Mess
My college name is patkar college and I have studied accounts and finance from this college and when i was a student there was no entrance exam in the college just on the merit basis you can get admissions and this college is affiliated to mumbai universi

Placement: There is no placements for the UG courses there are only for the PG courses.

Faculty: the faculties of the college are knowledgeable and intellectuals

Admission: Based on School / 12th Class Result

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5 Overall 25-07-2021

Anonymous User
MBA Student

5 Infrastructure 5 Faculty 4 Hostel 4.5 Club 5 Mess
The college has got everything a student ever needs. The college excels in every aspect a college should be.

Placement: We are into the academic studies department so we aren’t much involved with the placements but the overall record suggests that the college has got a nice placement department.

Faculty: The teachers around the college are best of their class. The HODs are well-qualified and the visiting faculty is of the same sort of level as the residing faculty is.

Admission: College’s Internal Written Exam

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4 Overall 25-07-2021

Anonymous User
MBA Student

3.5 Infrastructure 4 Faculty 3.5 Hostel 3.5 Mess
I have also done my UG from here and like my PG the UG subject of the science was computer science and the minimum percentage which is required to take admission here is 65%. the fee of the college was that follows 1st Year Rs 10,000 2nd Year Rs 12,00

Placement: There was no placement and neither I Wanted

Faculty: I have spend 5 years with my faculty of the college so one can understand that how much good this faculty is

Admission: Based on School / 12th Class Result

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SS and LS Patkar College of Arts and Science and VP Varde College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra 4.1/5 (13 reviews)



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