Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata, West Bengal Admission
I-Admission Regulations
4.(a) A student who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent Examination is eligible to seek admission to the 1st year of the B.A./B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary) Course of Studies provided the student has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100 and fulfills the conditions as laid down in clause 5, 10, 11 and 12.
Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Vocational examination conducted by the West Bengal State Council of Vocational Education and Training shall be eligible to seek admission to
the B.A. (Multidisciplinary) 1st year Course of Studies taking the subjects under Humanities Discipline only.
However, no student shall be allowed admission after a lapse of more than 3 years from the year of passing the previous qualifying examination.
(Explanation: The year of admission shall not be taken into account while calculating three years from the year of passing the previous qualifying Examination).
(b) Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination or its equivalent from the All India Boards/Councils (i.e. CBSE, ISC and National Institute of Open Schooling) need not require to submit the Migration Certificate for getting Registration under this University.
5. For the purpose of determining eligibility for admission to the B.A./B.Sc. (Multidisciplinary) Courses, aggregate marks shall be calculated by adding the marks in top-four subjects in order of marks secured by a student. However, marks in compulsory Environmental Education/Studies shall not be taken into account for calculation of aggregate marks. However, if the subject “Environmental Science” is studied as an elective subject of 100 marks, it may be taken into account for the purpose of determining the aggregate marks. Seat reservation for admission in the first year class of three-year (six semesters) degree courses of studies shall be guided by the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission), Act, 2013 and the West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in
Admission) Rules, 2014 and Memorandum No. 339-Edn (CS)/OM-74L/2023, dt. 26.05.2023.
6. Attendance
6.1 A student attending at least 75% of the total number of classes* held shall be allowed to sit for the concerned Semester Examinations subject to fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the regulations.
6.2 A student attending at least 60% but less than 75% of the total number of classes* held shall be allowed to sit for the concerned Semester Examinations subject to the payment of prescribed condonation fees and fulfillment of other conditions laid down in the regulations. Page 4 of 10 6.3 A student attending less than 60% of the total number of classes* held shall not be allowed to sit for the concerned Semester Examinations and he /she has to take admission to the same Semester in the very next year for attending the classes and appearing at the said Semester Examination. *Such attendance will be calculated from the date of commencement of classes or date of admission, whichever is later. Explanation: A student not eligible to appear at any Semester-end Examination in terms of Clause 6.3 may take admission to the next higher Semester and appear at such higher Semester-end Examinations. However, such a student has to be admitted to the concerned Semester, for which the student has been ineligible under clause 6.3, in the very next available chance without pursuing any other Semester Course simultaneously.
Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata, West Bengal Admission Dates
The following table outlines Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata, West Bengal 2025 admission dates for applicants seeking admission to diverse courses:
BA Admissions 2025
5 Programs 3 Years
Important Dates | Events |
4th April, 2025 | 12th Board Exam End Date |
Student's Rating for Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata, West Bengal
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Dinabandhu Andrews College government?
Dinabandhu Andrews College, established in 1956, is a private co-educational institute located in West Bengal and affiliated with the University of Calcutta.
What are the fees of BBA in Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata?
Course Fees Eligibility BBA 2.1 Lakhs (Total Fees) 10+2
Is Dinabandhu Andrews College coed?
This Co-educational college has nearly 5000 students and offers Courses in 15 subjects in Science, Arts and Commerce stream along with General courses.
15 Images
College Campus

Computer lab
Class room
Contact Details
54, Raja S.C Mallick Road , Baishnabghata, 24 Parganas(South)