UP 10th Board Exam Pattern 2025: Grade System 2025, Subject-wise Examination Pattern 2025

Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh


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UP 10th Board Examination Pattern

Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh 10th board examination contains syllabus of Hindi, Elementary Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Home Science, Computers and other subjects. Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh has also released the UP 10th Board Examination Pattern 2025 on its official website. Candidates should check the exam pattern in order to prepare better for the upcoming P 10th Board Examination. Candidates will be able to access the exam pattern PDF on the official website of Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh.

The UP 10th board examination contains a total of 70 marks belonging to different sections. The UP 10th board question paper contains 70 marks and other 30 marks are based on internal test and practical. To prepare in a better manner, aspirants must check the Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh 10th board examination syllabus and analyze the exam pattern altogether to strategize the study plan better. 

Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh conducts UP 10th board examinations every year in Feb-Mar month. Candidates who appear in the UP 10th board examinations, will be provided with an official admit card before the exams. More official details are released by the Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh such as exam pattern, model papers, previous year question papers, preparation tips and many more. Refer to the below table to find out the exact UP 10th board examination pattern.

10th UP Board Examination Pattern 2025

Examination SubjectsDivided Marks
Question Types
ScienceTheoretical: 70 Max Marks 
Practical: 30 Max Marks
Very short, Short & Long Answer Type Questions
Social SciencesTheoretical: 80 Max Marks 
Internal Assessment: 20 Max marks
Very short, Short and Long Answer Type Questions
EnglishTheoretical: 80 Max Marks 
Internal Assessment: 20 Max marks
Section-A Reading (20 Marks), Section-B (30 Marks) Writing Skills with grammar, Section - C (30 marks) Literature Textbook and Supplementary Reading Text
MathematicsTheoretical: 80 Max Marks 
Internal Assessment: 20Max  marks
Very short, Short & Long Answer Type Questions
HindiTheoretical: 80 Max Marks 
Internal Assessment: 20 Max marks
Part-I (15 Marks), Part-II (15 Marks), Part III (25 Marks), Part IV (25 marks)

Note: In order to prepare better, students must check the exam pattern and model question papers to have a detailed idea of what to be ready for in the upcoming UP 10th board examination. The Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh conducts 10th board examination once a year and every year the exam pattern does not vary from the previous year however the syllabus may differ based on current academic year.

UP 10th Board Examination Grade System 2025

Check out the following table to learn more about the grading system as per Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh.

Marks in Percentage

Allotted Grade









Less than 33


UP 10th Board Examination Grade Pattern 2025

Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh’s grading pattern allows students to obtain 70 marks in total in theory and 30 marks in internal assessment/practical. Candidates are required to score at or above 33% at least to qualify the UP-10th Board Examination. If a candidate is not able to clear the UP-10th board examination in one attempt, he/she will have the opportunity to appear in the compartment examination or to get their answer sheet re-evaluated. Check out the following points to learn more about exam pattern, exam maximum marks and more aspects of UP 10th Board Examination 2025.


Exam Duration – 3 hours

UP 10th board math examination consists of multiple different sections such as Number System and Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Geometry, Trigonometry, Taxation, Statistics, Mensuration, Commercial Math etc.


Exam Duration – 3 hours

UP 10th board English examination consists of two major sections including grammar and literature. Both sections contain 35 marks each. A total of 15 questions are present in the UP-10th board English examination.


Exam Duration – 3 hours

UP 10th board science examination consists of three sections in total. Sections present in UP 10th board science examination are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. 


Exam Duration – 3 hours

There are sections available in the UP-10th board computer examination. Refer to the following list to know all the sections of UP 10th board computer examination.

Computer and communication (15 marks)

Linux operating system (10 marks)

Binary Semantic and Logic Gates (10 marks)

Advanced programming in C (10 marks)

Arrays and String (15 marks)

File Operations (10 marks)

Home Science

Exam Duration – 3 hours

UP 10th board home science examination consists of many sections like house management, health care, textile and cotton science, food and nutrition science, first aid and more.

Social Science

Exam Duration - 3 hours

UP 10th board social science examination contains four sections including history, civics, environmental science and economics. In UP 10th board social science examination, history and environmental studies carry 20 marks each whereas civics and economics carry 15 marks each.


Exam Duration - 3 hours

UP 10th board Hindi examination contains majorly two sections which are literary knowledge and language skills. Both sections of UP board 10th Hindi examination contain 35 marks each.