ISC Board Exams Preparation 2025
Getting scores above 90% marks in ISC Board Exams is not an easy task. It takes dedicated hard work, constant revision, an impactful study routine and time efficient methods. There are few preparation tips to be followed for preparing smoothly for the ISC 12th Exams 2025. These tips helps students to score highly and prepare efficiently without any stress or anxiety.
Make a Study Schedule
While preparing for the exam it is necessary to allot equal and enough time to all subjects with a final date for completion of the syllabus and leave ample time for revision. To achieve this students should make a study routine and follow it with dedication to prepare well. Note down the subject names and distribute time to all. Keep a track of whatever you have studied and progress achieved while completing the syllabus on the deadline. According to the preparation status, students should decide the studying hours for themselves.
Focus on Topics with More Weightage
Students should focus precisely on topics which are more scoring and carry high-weightage. These topics/chapters should be highlighted, devoted more time and revised often. Being through with these topics/chapters will help students to score highly in the ISC Board Exams 2025. Students should list such important chapters/topics and ask their teachers/mentors if come across any doubts while studying these.
Refer to Books prescribed by the Council
Scoring highly in the ISC 12th Board Exams, appearing students must refer to the prescribed books by the CISCE. These books offer clear and in-depth understanding and knowledge of the respective chapters/topics. Once you are thorough and have a strong hold of all the basic concepts solving questions during the exam becomes easier even if it is a difficult question. Students should pay special attention to the exercise questions, diagrams, and flowcharts to study and understand a chapter better.
Prepare Brief Hand-Written Notes
Another important ISC 12th preparation tip is to prepare short brief notes while studying or attending lectures too helps in revision. Students can refer to these while revision before the exam, or even a last minute revision on the exam date. Students can prepare notes on formulae, definitions, important terminologies, diagrams, equations, dates, and flowcharts to help in revision. Students can carry these notes wherever except the exam hall to revise or go over what they have studied.
Time Management and Solving Question/Sample Papers
Once students have understood the basics/concepts and acquired a thorough knowledge of all the topics/chapters they can move on to solving the sample papers and previous years' question papers to test their preparation. This will help them in improving their speed and accuracy while answering question in the exam hall and completing the exam in the provided time which is limited. It also makes students aware of the areas where they lack and need to focus more. When they are solving these question/sample papers tehy can time themselves to practice for the exam.
Focus on Weaker or Difficult Areas
While preparing for the ISC 12th Exams 2025 students should be aware of their weak areas and where they face difficulty. They should know what mistakes they usually make while solving questions and work on all of these issues. Students can know about the areas where they lack by solving sample papers/question papers and taking mock tests. They should note down the problems they are facing ask their teachers to help them in gaining a better understanding of the concerned topics/chapters.
Do Smart Study
Students should do smart study while preparing for the ISC 12th Exams 2025. Students should stick to their own comfort studying methods and take whichever studying approach helps them to grasp knowledge faster and learn concepts easier as well as better. Instead of putting in extra efforts students should find which learning style works best for them and follow it accordingly. Whatever helps in the memorizing or learning process follow that.
Practice Writing Answers
If students aim to score 90% and above in ISC 12 Board Exams 2025 then every mark counts. Therefore, students should make sure that they answer the all the mandatory questions after properly reading the question papers and understanding the questions. Students should provide concise and on-point answers. The answer sheet should be clean and arranged. Students can refer to the previous year's toppers' answer sheets to know more and understand better. They should also write answers while revising to know how to write and present proper concise answers.
Night Before the Exam Date
The night previous to the exam date, students may feel nervous. In order to appear calmly for the exam, they must have proper rest and a good night's sleep. They can go through their brief notes to revise and brush up what they have studied. They should get into learning anything new because it will only confuse them more and affect their preparation. On the morning of the exam, they should have a healthy wholesome breakfast as it will help in concentrating well while taking the exam.