Home Articles WBJEE Paper Analysis 2024 (Out): Paper-Wise Difficulty Level, Question Type & Topics

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2024 (Out): Paper-Wise Difficulty Level, Question Type & Topics

WBJEE Exam >


Ridhima Jindal
Ridhima Jindal

The candidates can now check the WBJEE 2024 paper analysis and get an idea about their estimated score for the exam. As per the sources, the WBJEE Exam level this year was between moderate and difficult levels for the Mathematics section (Paper 1), and between easy and moderate for Paper 2 - Physics and Chemistry. Read the complete article to check the complete WBJEE 2024 paper analysis.

The WBJEE Exam has been concluded on 28th April 2024 and the unofficial answer key has been released. Candidates have been preparing for the exam in full force and are focused on getting good results.  The overall difficulty level for the WBJEE Exam is considered to be between easy and difficult. As per the past trends Physics and Chemistry sections (paper 2) are usually between easy and moderate while the Mathematics section (Paper 1) is set at a difficult level.

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WBJEE Answer Key Release DateWBJEE Answer Key

Students can refer to and check the article to understand the past WBJEE Exam Trends and analyze the difficulty level of the exam accordingly. The article aims to provide a descriptive analysis of the WBJEE Exam and help the students gather some insights into the examination. Students can use this analysis for their reference and develop a strong preparation strategy accordingly. The Analysis has been provided for the years 2018 - 2024.

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WBJEE Paper Analysis 2024

The difficulty level of the WBJEE 2024 Exam was set between moderate and difficult. The Physics and Chemistry exams were of moderate difficulty, while the Mathematics section was relatively difficult. Check the below table for some highlights and analysis of the WBJEE 2024 Paper.

Check the WBJEE Exam Pattern

WBJEE 2024 Paper 1 Analysis - Mathematics

Paper 1 in WBJEE consists of questions from Mathematics and the exam had 75 questions. These questions were divided into 3 different categories. Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 1 - Mathematics

Overall DifficultyModerate to Difficult
Number of difficult questions10 - 15
Number of average questions30 - 32
Number of easy questions20 - 25
Topics with maximum weightageCalculus, Equations, 3D Geometry
Expected number of good attempts50 - 55
LengthinessFew questions were considered lengthy and time-consuming

WBJEE 2024 Paper 2 Analysis - Physics & Chemistry

Paper 2 in WBJEE consists of questions from Physics & Chemistry and the exam had 40 questions, combining both Physics & Chemistry. These questions were divided into 3 different categories as well.  20 questions were asked in each subject. Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 2 - Physics & Chemistry

Overall DifficultyModerate
Number of difficult questions25
Number of average questions20 - 25
Number of easy questions15 - 20
Topics with maximum weightage - Physics
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Current Electricity
  • Magnetic Effects of Current
  • Oscillation & Waves
Topics with maximum weightage - Chemistry
  • Carbon Compounds
  • Polymer
  • Redox reactions
  • Radioactivity & Nuclear Chemistry
  • Coordination Compounds
  • Ionic Equilibrium
Expected number of good attempts60 - 65
LengthinessFew questions were considered lengthy and time-consuming

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2023

The difficulty level of the WBJEE 2023 Exam was set between easy and difficult. The Physics and Chemistry exams were of moderate difficulty, while the Mathematics section was relatively difficult. Check the below table for some highlights and analysis of the WBJEE 2023 Paper.

WBJEE 2023 Paper 1 Analysis - Mathematics

Paper 1 in WBJEE consists of questions from Mathematics and the exam had 75 questions. These questions were divided into 3 different categories. Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 1 - Mathematics

Overall DifficultyEasy to Moderate
Number of difficult questions12 - 15
Number of average questions30
Number of easy questions25
Topics with maximum weightageCalculus, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry
Expected number of good attempts60+
LengthinessFew questions were considered lengthy and time-consuming

WBJEE 2023 Paper 2 Analysis - Physics & Chemistry

Paper 2 in WBJEE consists of questions from Physics & Chemistry and the exam had 80 questions, combining both Physics & Chemistry. These questions were divided into 3 different categories as well.  40 questions were asked in each subject which were divided into 3 categories. 30 questions were asked in category 1, and 5 questions in categories 2 and 3. Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 2 - Physics & Chemistry

Overall DifficultyEasy to Moderate
Number of difficult questions25
Number of average questions30
Number of easy questions25
Topics with maximum weightage - Physics
  • Mechanical properties of fluids
  • Magnetic fields
  • Electric charge and fields
  • Conductors
  • Interference patterns
  • Wavelengths
Topics with maximum weightage - Chemistry
  • p-block elements
  • Ionic equations
  • Redox reactions
  • Chemical equilibrium
Expected number of good attempts65+
LengthinessFew questions were considered lengthy and time-consuming

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2022

The detailed analysis of the WBJEE Exam 2022 has been explained here in detail. The paper was divided into 2 parts - Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics & Chemistry), divided into 3 categories similar to 2023

WBJEE 2022 Paper 1 Analysis - Mathematics

Paper 1 in WBJEE consists of questions from Mathematics and the exam had 75 questions. These questions were divided into 3 different categories, where category 1 had 50 questions (15 marks), category 2 had 15 questions (30 marks), and category 3 had 10 questions (20 marks).  Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 1 - Mathematics. The paper was conducted on April 30 from 11 to 1 p.m. in an offline mode.

Overall DifficultyModerate
Number of difficult questions27
Number of average questions30
Number of easy questions18
Topics with maximum weightageCalculus, Conics, Coordinate Geometry
Expected number of good attempts60+
LengthinessThe paper was considered lengthy and time-consuming

WBJEE 2022 Paper 2 Analysis - Physics & Chemistry

Paper 1 in WBJEE consists of questions from Mathematics and the exam had 80 questions, 40 from each subject. These questions were divided into 3 different categories. Category 1 had 30 questions for 30 marks, category 2 had 5 questions for 10 marks, and Category 3 had 5 questions for 10 marks.  Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 2 - Physics & Chemistry. The exam was conducted in the second shift on April 30 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Overall Difficulty - PhysicsModerate to Difficult
Overall Difficulty - ChemistryEasy
Number of difficult questions20
Number of average questions30
Number of easy questions30
Expected number of good attempts85+
LengthinessNot lengthy & time-consuming

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2021

The detailed analysis of the WBJEE Exam 2021 has been explained here in detail. The paper was divided into 2 parts - Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics & Chemistry), divided into 3 categories again.

WBJEE 2021 Paper 1 Analysis - Mathematics

The questions were divided into 3 different sections, where Section A was for 50 marks, Section B was for 30 marks, and Section C was for 20 marks.  Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 1 - Mathematics. The paper was conducted from 11 to 1 p.m. in an offline mode.

Overall DifficultyModerate to Difficult
Section AModerate + Lengthy
Section BTough
Section CEasy

WBJEE 2021 Paper 2 Analysis - Physics & Chemistry

Paper 1 in WBJEE consists of questions from Mathematics and the exam had 80 questions, 40 from each subject. These questions were divided into 3 different categories. The questions were divided into 3 different sections, where Section A was for 30 marks, Section B was for 10 marks, and Section C was for 10 marks.   Check the below table for a detailed analysis of the WBJEE Paper 2 - Physics & Chemistry. The exam was conducted in the second shift on April 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. Questions were divided equally in Chemistry - Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry.

Overall Difficulty - PhysicsEasy to Moderate 
Overall Difficulty - ChemistryModerate
Expected number of good attempts70+
LengthinessNot lengthy & time-consuming

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2020

The detailed analysis of the WBJEE Exam 2020 has been explained here in detail. The paper was divided into 2 parts - Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics & Chemistry), divided into 3 categories again. The overall difficulty level of the WBJEE 2020 exam was considered between moderate and difficult, with Mathematics being the most challenging. The topics were taken from the board of the West Bengal state and each topic and chapter was given equal importance and weightage.

SubjectsDifficulty Level
MathematicsDifficult & Lengthy

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2019

The detailed analysis of the WBJEE Exam 2019 has been explained here in detail. The paper was divided into 2 parts - Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics & Chemistry), divided into 3 categories again. The overall difficulty level of the WBJEE 2020 exam was considered between easy and moderate. The total duration of the exam was 120 minutes (2 hrs.) and was conducted offline.

SubjectsDifficulty Level
MathematicsEasy to Moderate
ChemistryEasy to Moderate

WBJEE Paper Analysis 2018

The detailed analysis of the WBJEE Exam 2018 has been explained here in detail. The paper was divided into 2 parts - Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics & Chemistry), divided into 3 categories again. The overall difficulty level of the WBJEE 2020 exam was considered between easy and moderate. However, the mathematics section was considered to be lengthy and difficult in terms of time management.

SubjectsDifficulty LevelNumber of Easy QuestionsTime Frame to attempt
MathematicsModerate55 - 65 questions120 minutes
PhysicsModerate31 - 32 questions60 minutes
ChemistryModerate30 - 32 questions60 minutes

Must Check: WBJEE Marks Vs. Rank Analysis

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