Home Articles Types of Hybridization: Definitions, Examples, Key Features, Steps to Determine, Shapes, and Rules

Types of Hybridization: Definitions, Examples, Key Features, Steps to Determine, Shapes, and Rules


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

Types of Hybridization Overview

When the valence bond theory falls short of adequately explaining chemical bonding, the idea of hybridization is applied. Chemistry defines hybridization as the idea of combining two atomic orbitals to create a new class of hybridized orbitals. Typically, this mixing creates hybrid orbitals with completely distinct energies, morphologies, etc. On the other hand, we may claim that the idea of hybridization is an expansion of the valence bond theory and that it aids in our understanding of how bonds form and how they differ in length and energy.

What is the Hybridization?

When two atomic orbitals join to generate a hybrid orbital in a molecule, the energy of the individual atoms' orbitals is redistributed to give orbitals of equivalent energy. We refer to this process as hybridization. The atomic orbitals with equivalent energies are mixed together during the hybridization process, which mostly includes the fusion of two s orbitals, two p orbitals, or the mixing of an s orbital with a p orbital or a d orbital. Hybrid orbitals are novel orbitals that are created as a result. More importantly, hybrid orbitals are very helpful in describing the characteristics of atomic bonds and molecular geometry.

What is the Hybridization

Examples of Hybridization

For example,an atom of carbon creates four single bonds in which three valence-shell p orbitals and one valence-shell s orbital combine. The result of this combination is the creation of four comparable sp³ mixes. Around the carbon, which is bound to four distinct atoms, they will be arranged in a tetrahedral configuration.

What is the Hybridization

Key Features of the Types of Hybridization

The following are some of the key features of the different types of hybridization-

  1. All half-filled orbitals do not have to participate in hybridization. Even full orbitals with slightly varying energies can participate.
  2. Hybridization takes place during bond formation, not in a single gaseous atom.
  3. If the hybridization of the molecule is understood, you might predict its form.
  4. The bigger lobe of the hybrid orbital has always been hopeful, but the smaller lobe at the other end has always appeared pessimistic.
  5. The number of hybrid orbitals produced is equal to the number of atomic orbitals that combine.
  6. When the energies of atomic orbitals are equal, hybridization occurs.

Also Read: ILATE Rule

Steps to Determine the Type of Hybridization

The following guidelines must be followed in order to comprehend the kind of hybridization in an atom or an ion-

  1. First, find out how many valence electrons are present in an atom or ion overall.
  2. Then, determine how many lone pairs are affixed to that atom or ion.
  3. Now, it is possible to compute the necessary number of orbitals by adding the number of duplex or octet electrons and the number of electron lone pairs.
  4. It should be emphasized that when there isn't a lone pair of electrons, the shape of the orbitals in atoms or ions is different.

What is the Hybridization

Read more about the F Orbital Shape and Orbital Velocity Formula.

Types of Hybridization

The sorts of orbitals involved in the mixing may be used to categorize the hybridization as sp³, sp², sp, sp³d, sp³d², and sp³d³. The following are some of the forms of hybridization with examples of each-

Type of Hybridization









One kind of hybridization called sp hybridization only affects the 1s and 1p orbitals of the same element

All beryllium compounds, such as BeF₂, BeH₂, and BeCl₂,

and any compounds with a triple bond, including carbon, such as C₂H₂.

  1. Diagonal hybridization is another name for sp hybridization.
  2. Half of each sp hybridized orbital's characteristics are s, while the other half are p.
  3. To create a new hybrid orbital known as an sp hybridized orbital, one's orbital and one 'p' orbital of equal energy are mixed together in this sort of hybridization.







Sp² hybridization produces three new sp² hybrid orbitals with equal energies, maximum symmetry, and a predetermined orientation in space by combining and recasting the same atom's virtually identical 1s and 2p orbitals.


All of the boron compounds, including BF₃and BH₃,

Ethylene (C₂H₄) is the only carbon molecule that has a carbon-carbon double bond.

  1. Trigonal symmetry was used to generate a combination of s and p orbitals, which are kept at 1200.
  2. The three hybrid orbitals continue to be in the same plane and form a 120° angle with one another
  3. Each hybrid orbital produced has an 's' character of 33.33% and a 'p' character of 66.66%.
  4. The triangular planar molecules feature a center atom that is bonded to three other atoms and is sp² hybridized.





It involves combining and recasting the 1s and 3p orbitals of the same element to create a new hybrid orbital with the same energy,symmetry, or fixed orientation in space.


The gases ethane (C₂H₆) and methane are examples of sp3 hybridization.

  1. These form an angle of 109°28' with one another and are pointed towards the four corners of a conventional tetrahedron.
  2. The sp³ hybrid orbitals are at an angle of 109.280 degrees.
  3. 25% s characterand 75% p character make up each sp³ hybrid orbital.




When 1s and 3p orbitals of the same elements combine and are recast to create hybrid orbitals with the same energies or the same orientation in space, this hybridization is known as sp³d. One kind of molecule is PCl5. Five sp³d hybrid orbitals are created when the central phosphorus atom in PCl5 undergoes sp3d hybridization.



IF5, XeF4, PBr5, AsCl5etc.

  1. S, P, and D orbitals together provide a trigonal bipyramidal symmetry.
  2. The three hybrid orbitals that make up the equatorial orbitals are located in a horizontal plane that is 120° inclined.
  3. The latter two orbitals, referred to as axial orbitals, are located in the vertical plane, 90 degrees from the equatorial plane.




When 1s, 3p, and 2d orbitals of the same element merge and are recast, hybrid orbitals with the same energy and identical spatial orientation are created. This process is known as sp³d² hybridization. 




  1. The 1s, 3p, and 2d orbitals in sp³d₂hybridization combines to generate six identical sp³d² hybrid orbitals.
  2. These six orbitals are pointed in the direction of an octahedron's four corners.
  3. They are 90 degrees apart from one another and on an incline.




It has 3d, 3p, and 1s orbitals that come together to create 7 identical sp³d³ hybrid orbitals. The corners of a bipyramidal pentagon are shown by these seven orbitals. 




What is the Hybridization

Shapes of Hybridization

The following are some of the shapes and types of hybridization-

  1. Linear: The interaction of two-electron groups leads to sp hybridization; the orbital angle is 180°.
  2. Trigonal Planar: The orbitals are 120° apart and three electron groups are involved, resulting in sp² hybridization.
  3. Tetrahedral: The orbital angle is 109.5°, and there are four electron groups involved, leading to sp³ hybridization.
  4. Triangular Bipyramidal: Five electron groups are involved, leading to sp³d hybridization in a triangular bipyramidal structure; the orbital angles are 90° and 120°.
  5. Octahedral: The orbitals are 90° apart, and there are six electron groups involved, resulting in sp³d² hybridization.

What is the Hybridization

Rules for Identifying the Types of Hybridization

The methods listed below are used to determine an ion's or a chemical's kind of hybridization-

  1. A lone pair's quantity of electrons.
  2. Calculate the total number of valence electrons in the system.
  3. Determine the duplex and octet counts.
  4. Multiplying the number of duplexes and octets by the electron density in lone pairs yields the number of occupied orbitals.
  5. The orbitals or molecules appear to have the same shape if there are no lone pairs of electrons.

Read more about the Electronic Configuration of the First 30 Elements.

Types of Hybridization and Their Nature

The idea of hybridization aids in comprehending molecular structure and form. The following table summarises the molecular shapes-

Types of Hybridization

Hybridization Participating Orbitals in Number




2 (1s + 1p) 


Planar Trigonal

3 (1s + 2p)



4 (1s + 3p) 

By combining atomic orbitals to create new hybrid orbitals that are suitable for electron pairing to make chemical bonds in valence bond theory, we may infer from the material that has come before that hybridization is a mathematical concept. When an entirely new orbital is different from its component orbitals, a hybrid orbital is created.

What is the Hybridization


Creating a variety of hybrid orbitals with the same shape, electricity, or orientation and the least amount of repelling force between them requires hybridization, which is the mixing of atomic orbitals of different shapes and then virtually similar electricity. At its core, this combination is a result of quantum mechanics. The optimum atomic orbitals to engage in hybridization are those with the same power level. If supplied with the same amount of power, both fully and partially occupied orbitals might take part in this activity. During the hybridization process, atomic orbitals with similar electrical properties are combined, including two's' or 'p' orbitals, an's' orbital and a 'p' orbital, and an's' orbital and merely a 'd' orbital.

Frequently Asked Questions

Describe the differences between hybrid and molecular orbitals.

Ans. Molecular orbitals are created when the atomic orbitals of two separate atoms interact, whereas hybrid orbitals are created when the atomic orbitals of the same atom interact.

What other forms of hybridization are there?

Ans. Five main types of hybridization appear to be linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, and octahedral. The geometry of the orbital arrangement is as follows: Linear: Two-electron groups are involved in sp hybridization, and the ang

Which of the hybrid orbitals, sp, sp², and sp³, is most electronegative?

Ans. In sp, sp², and sp³ hybridized carbon, the proportion of the s character is 50%, 33.33%, and 25%, respectively. The s orbital is uniformly drawn to the nucleus from every angle because of its spherical shape. A hybrid orbital with a higher s-charac

What causes the hybridization of Sp, Sp², and Sp³?

Ans. Two and one unhybridized p orbitals, respectively, are produced by the sp and sp² hybridizations, whereas none are produced by the sp3 hybridization.

What distinguishes sp, sp², and sp³ hybridizations?

Ans. One s and one p atomic orbital combine to form the sp hybridization, one s and two p atomic orbitals combine to form the sp² hybridization; and one s and three p atomic orbitals combine to form the sp³ hybridization.

The amide molecule resembles an sp³ hybridized molecule but is actually sp². Why?

Ans. If the atom is either surrounded by two or more p orbitals or contains a lone pair that may jump into a p orbital, the overall process of hybridization will vary. As a result, in the instance of an amide molecule, the lone pair enters a p orbital to

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