Home Articles Sp3 Hybridization: Definitions, Examples, Properties, Electronic Configuration, Sigma Bonds, and Differences

Sp3 Hybridization: Definitions, Examples, Properties, Electronic Configuration, Sigma Bonds, and Differences


Nikita Parmar
Nikita Parmar

Sp3 Hybridization Overview

The phrase "sp3 hybridization" refers to the process of combining the features of one 2s orbital and three 2p orbitals to produce four hybrid orbitals with comparable properties. An atom must have an s orbital and three p orbitals in order to be sp3 hybridized.

What is Sp3?

The process of combining atomic orbitals to generate a new hybridized orbital is known as hybridization. In layman's terms, hybridization is the process of preparing an atom to form bonds. Similarly, sp3 hybridization is the process of combining one s and three p atomic orbitals to form a set of four new sp3 hybrid orbitals. Each hybrid orbital has one big and one tiny lobe.

Sp3 Hybridization

What is Hybridization in Chemistry?

The property of elements "responsible for creating new structures, bonds, orbitals" is hybridization. When two or more orbitals of the same atom have equal energies, they merge. They can, however, unite even if their orbitals are not entirely filled and only have equal energies. As a result, completely new orbitals with equivalent energy are created. There are also various sorts of hybridization. Each sort of hybridization is the result of a unique set of circumstances. 

Sp3 Hybridization

What is Sp3 Hybridization?

Tetrahedral hybridization, often known as sp3, is the process by which one's orbital and three ‘p’ orbitals from the same atomic shell mix to form four new equivalent orbitals. Sp3 hybrid orbitals are the newly created orbitals. The 2s orbital is combined with all three 2p orbitals in sp3 hybridization to produce a set of four sp3 hybrid orbitals. (The number of hybrid orbitals utilized for mixing must equal the number of original atomic orbitals employed). The hybrid orbitals will all have the same energy but differ in energy from the original atomic orbitals. The difference in energy will represent the mixing of the respective atomic orbitals. Each hybrid orbital has more energy than the original s orbital but less energy than the original p orbitals.

Sp3 Hybridization

Example of Sp3 Hybridization

Atoms utilize these hybrid orbitals to generate sigma bonds in molecules. Here are a couple of such examples-

  • Ammonia (NH3): The nitrogen atom in ammonia is sp3 hybridized. It has one lone pair of electrons and forms three sigma bonds with three hydrogen atoms. Nitrogen hybridization allows for a pyramidal molecular geometry.

Sp3 Hybridization

  • Ethane (C2H6): It is a compound made up of two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms. Each carbon atom has undergone sp3 hybridization and forms sigma bonds with three hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom. Carbon hybridization in ethane results in a tetrahedral arrangement of atoms surrounding each carbon.

Sp3 Hybridization

  • Methane (CH4): Methane is a prominent example of sp3 hybridization. In methane, each carbon atom creates four sigma bonds with four hydrogen atoms. The one 2s orbital and three 2p orbitals of the carbon atom combine to generate four sp3 hybrid orbitals, which are subsequently utilized to connect with the four hydrogen atoms.

Sp3 Hybridization

  • Protein Amino Acids: The core carbon atom, known as the alpha carbon, is frequently sp3 hybridized in the amino acids that make up proteins. This hybridization permits multiple functional groups to be attached while retaining a tetrahedral shape around the alpha carbon.

Sp3 Hybridization

  • Tetrahedral Carbon in Organic Compounds: Carbon atoms coupled to four other atoms in many organic compounds undergo sp3 hybridization. This enables atoms to be arranged in a tetrahedral pattern around the carbon atom. Such sp3 hybridized carbon atoms may be found in a variety of alkanes, including propane, butane, and pentane.

Sp3 Hybridization

  • Water (H2O): Another example of sp3 hybridization is water. The oxygen atom in water is sp3 hybridized, resulting in two sigma bonds with two hydrogen atoms and two lone pairs of electrons. Oxygen hybridization adds to water's bent molecular geometry.

Sp3 Hybridization

Read more about the F Orbital Shape and Orbital Velocity Formula.

Properties of Sp3 Hybridization

Although all p orbitals are overlapping here, all orbitals are hybridized. Because an atom has only one s orbital out of four, and sp3 hybridized atoms have only 25% s properties, the orbitals are arranged tetrahedrally, with each orbital at 109.5 degrees

Sp3 Hybridization

Read more about the Types of Hybridization.

Electronic Configuration of Sp3 Hybridization

Carbon valence electrons may now be placed into sp3 hybridized orbitals. The initial 2s and 2p orbitals had four electrons. The s orbital was completely filled, while two of the p orbitals were just partially filled. After hybridization, there are four hybridized sp3 orbitals with equal energy. Hund's rule states that they are all half-filled with electrons, implying that there are four unpaired electrons. There are currently four potential bonds.

Sp3 Hybridization

Read more about the Electronic Configuration of the First 30 Elements.

Geometry of Sp3 Hybridization

Each sp3 orbital resembles a distorted dumbbell, with one lobe much bigger than the other. The hybridized orbitals are spaced as widely apart as feasible such that the principal lobes point to the corners of a tetrahedron. The tetrahedral carbon in saturated hydrocarbon compounds is explained by sp3 hybridization.

Read more about the Enthalpy of Atomization.

Sigma bonds of Sp3 Hybridization

Sigma (𝜎) bonds are strong bonds generated by two sp3 hybridized carbons or an sp3 hybridized carbon and a hydrogen atom. The overlap of half-filled sp3 hybridized orbitals from each carbon atom results in an A𝜎 bond created between two sp3 hybridized carbon atoms. A𝜎 bond formed between an sp3 hybridized carbon and a hydrogen atom consists of a carbon half-filled sp3 orbital and a hydrogen half-filled 1s orbital.

Sp3 Hybridization

Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Chlorine of Sp3 Hybridization

Organic compounds may also sp3 hybridize nitrogen, oxygen, and chlorine atoms. This indicates that nitrogen has three half-filled sp3 orbitals and can create three pyramidal-shaped bonds. Oxygen possesses two half-filled sp3 orbitals and may make two angled bonds with regard to one another.

Sp3 Hybridization

How and Why does Sp3 Hybridization take place?

Consider first the bonding in methane, CH4. To hydrogen atoms, the carbon atom makes four solitary covalent connections. However, when we look at Carbon's electrical arrangement (electrons-in-box notation), there are only two unpaired valence electrons and so only two accessible electrons for bonding. Hybridization is the process of making four electrons accessible for bonding. The promotion of one electron from the full 2s orbital to the vacant 2pz orbital is the first stage in hybridization. All of the 2s and 2p orbitals are now occupied singly. The second stage involves rearranging these orbitals into four degenerate sp3 hybrid orbitals. The explanation for hybridization may be identified by comparing the energy released when two bonds are created to the energy released when four bonds are formed. When carbon is hybridized, it may release twice as much energy as when it is not. As a result, when carbon is hybridized, it becomes more stable and has a lower energy level. 

Difference Between Sp, Sp2, and Sp3 Hybridization

The following are some of the differences between sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridization-




It is made up of one s orbital and one p orbital.

It combines a 1 s orbital with a 2 p orbital.

It combines a 1 s orbital with a 3 p orbital.

Both s and p contribute 50%.


S provides 33.33% and p contributes 66.66% in this sort of hybridization.

S contributes just around 25%, whereas p contributes about 75%.

The bond angle is equal to 180 degrees.

The angle of the connection is 120 degrees.

109.5 degrees is the bond angle.

It takes on a linear structure after hybridization.

It has a trigonometric orbital structure.


This results in a tetrahedral orbital structure after mixing.

Sp3 Hybridization


All of this has shown us that hybridization is a process in which one or more s and p orbitals from the same shell mix to produce new orbitals. An atom's hybridization can be classified into three types: sp, sp2, and sp3. The orbital properties of all hybridizations differ. Sp hybridized atoms exhibit 50% s and 50% p properties. Furthermore, sp2 hybridized atoms exhibit 33% s and 66% p properties. Finally, the three hybridized atoms have 25% s and 75% p properties. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Explain how sp3 hybridization occurs in methane.

Ans. Carbon's 2s and all three (3p) orbitals combine to generate four sp3 orbitals. These hybrid orbitals form a link with four hydrogen atoms via sp3-s orbital overlap, resulting in CH4 (methane). The geometry of the orbital arrangement is tetrahedral be

What is Hund's rule?

Ans. Hund's rule states that they are all half-filled with electrons, implying that there are four unpaired electrons. There are currently four potential bonds.

What exactly is the distinction between sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridization?

Ans. The sp hybridization happens when one s and one p atomic orbital combine, the sp2 hybridization occurs when one s and two p atomic orbitals mix, and the sp3 hybridization occurs when one s and three p atomic orbitals mix.

How many s and p characters are there in sp, sp2, and sp3 hybrid orbitals?

Ans. In sp, sp2, and sp3 hybrid orbitals, the proportion of s and p characteristics is- Sp: s and p characteristics are both 50%, Sp2: 33.33% s characteristic and 66.66% p characteristic, and Sp3 has a 25% s characteristic and a 75% p characteristic.

What causes sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridization?

Ans. The sp and sp2 hybridizations produce two and one unhybridized p orbitals, respectively, but the sp3 hybridization produces none.

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