Home Articles Resolving Power of Telescope: Definition, Formula, Unit, Importance, Resolving Power of Microscope and Application

Resolving Power of Telescope: Definition, Formula, Unit, Importance, Resolving Power of Microscope and Application


Kasturi Talukdar
Kasturi Talukdar

Resolving Power of Telescope Overview

Telescopes have revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos, enabling us to observe distant celestial objects with remarkable clarity. The resolving power of a telescope is a crucial factor that determines its ability to distinguish fine details and resolve closely spaced objects in the night sky. In this article, we will delve into the concept of resolving power, explore its significance, and discuss the factors influencing it.

What is the Resolving Power of Telescope?

Resolving power, also known as angular resolution, is a measure of a telescope's ability to reveal fine details and separate two closely spaced objects in the sky. It is a fundamental property that impacts the quality of astronomical observations. A telescope with higher resolving power can distinguish two adjacent stars or features on a celestial body as distinct points, while a telescope with lower resolving power will see them blurred together as a single object.

Resolving Power = D/d = a/1.22λ

a = width of the rectangular slit
D = distance of objects of the telescope.
Hence, if the diameter d is greater, the resolution of the telescope will be better. The astronomical and optical telescopes usually consist of a mirror of large diameters larger than 10m to get the desired resolution. Large wavelengths help reduce the resolving power of the telescope, and hence the radio and microwave telescopes require larger mirrors.

The Rayleigh Criterion

The Rayleigh criterion is a well-known formula used to quantify the resolving power of optical instruments, including telescopes. Named after the British scientist Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt), this criterion defines the minimum angular separation (θ) between two point sources required for them to be perceived as separate entities by the telescope:

θ = 1.22 * (λ / D)


  • θ is the angular resolution (in radians),
  • λ is the wavelength of light being observed (in meters),
  • D is the diameter of the telescope's objective lens or primary mirror (in meters).
  • The Rayleigh criterion implies that as the wavelength decreases or the telescope's aperture (D) increases, the resolving power improves, allowing finer details to be discerned.

What is the Resolving Power of Microscope?

The microscope is a specialized instrument used to observe tiny specimens that are too small to be detected by the naked human eye. According to Granja et al. (2018), a typical microscope comprises two lenses - the ocular or eyepiece lens and the objective lens. The resolving power of a microscope is determined by the angle formed by the diameter of the objective lens at the microscope's focus and the refractive index of the medium present between the microscopic specimen.

The formula for the resolving power of the microscope is as follows:

Resolving power = 1/Δ d = 2a/λ 

In this equation:

  • "A" represents the numerical aperture.
  • "λ" represents the wavelength.

Significance of Resolving Power of Telescope

The resolving power of a telescope is of paramount importance in astronomy for the following reasons:

  1. Detail in Observation: Telescopes with high resolving power enable astronomers to observe intricate features on celestial bodies, such as fine structures in planetary atmospheres, surface details on planets and moons, and individual stars in densely packed star clusters.
  2. Stellar Separation: In dense regions of the sky, such as globular clusters or binary star systems, the ability to resolve closely spaced stars allows astronomers to study the motion, luminosity, and physical characteristics of individual stars.
  3. Planetary Studies: The resolving power of a telescope is crucial in planetary studies, as it determines the level of detail that can be observed on a planet's surface, including geological formations, weather patterns, and atmospheric conditions.

Factors Affecting Resolving Power of Telescope

Several factors influence the resolving power of a telescope, and it is essential to consider them in the design and selection of astronomical instruments. The main factors are:

Aperture Size (D)

The aperture size of a telescope's primary optical element (objective lens or mirror) is a critical factor affecting resolving power. A larger aperture allows more light to enter the telescope, resulting in better angular resolution. As per the Rayleigh criterion, the resolving power is directly proportional to the diameter of the telescope's aperture.

Wavelength (λ)

The wavelength of light being observed also plays a role in determining the resolving power. Shorter wavelengths, such as those in the ultraviolet region, provide better resolution than longer wavelengths (e.g., infrared). However, Earth's atmosphere can limit observations in certain wavelength ranges.

Atmospheric Conditions

The Earth's atmosphere introduces turbulence, causing the phenomenon known as "atmospheric seeing." This turbulence can distort the light passing through it, reducing the telescope's resolving power. Astronomers often use adaptive optics and other techniques to compensate for these atmospheric effects and improve resolution.

Optical Aberrations

Imperfections in the telescope's optics, such as chromatic aberration or spherical aberration, can degrade the resolving power. Sophisticated optical designs and high-quality materials help minimize these aberrations.

Resolving Power of Telescope: Comparison

To better understand how different telescopes compare in terms of resolving power, let's examine a hypothetical example using different aperture sizes and wavelengths:


Aperture (D)

Wavelength (λ)

Resolving Power (θ)

Telescope A

100 mm

500 nm (visible light)

0.0000087 radians

Telescope B

200 mm

500 nm (visible light)

0.0000043 radians

Telescope C

200 mm

250 nm (ultraviolet)

0.0000021 radians

In this example, we can see that Telescope B with a larger aperture provides better resolving power than Telescope A. Additionally, by using ultraviolet light, Telescope C achieves the highest resolving power among the three.

Resolving Power of Telescope: Importance

The resolving power of a telescope holds significant importance in the field of astronomy. It directly impacts the quality and level of detail of astronomical observations. Here are the key reasons why resolving power is crucial in telescopes:

  1. Revealing Fine Details: Telescopes with high resolving power can reveal finer details of celestial objects. This is particularly important when observing planets, moons, and other bodies in the solar system, as well as surface features on distant planets and moons. For example, a telescope with excellent resolving power can capture intricate patterns in Jupiter's cloud bands or distinguish individual craters on the Moon's surface.
  2. Studying Stellar Systems: In regions of the sky with dense concentrations of stars, such as globular clusters or binary star systems, resolving power is essential. The ability to distinguish closely spaced stars enables astronomers to study individual stars within these systems, measure their brightness, analyze their spectra, and understand their motion and interactions.
  3. Investigating Galaxies: Resolving power is vital when studying distant galaxies and their structures. A telescope with high resolving power can reveal fine details within galaxies, such as spiral arms, star clusters, and even supermassive black holes at their centers. This information is crucial for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies.
  4. Planetary Studies: For studying planets in our solar system and exoplanets in distant star systems, resolving power is essential. Observing planetary atmospheres, weather patterns, and surface features can provide valuable insights into the geology, climate, and habitability of these celestial bodies.
  5. Astronomical Research: Resolving power plays a critical role in various astronomical research areas. From studying the dynamics of stars and their interactions in binary systems to investigating the structure of distant quasars and active galactic nuclei, resolving power allows astronomers to gather detailed information and test theoretical models.
  6. Confirmation of Discoveries: In some cases, astronomical discoveries may be initially detected as point sources or unresolved objects. To confirm and study these discoveries in more detail, telescopes with high resolving power are essential. This ensures that the object is not an artifact or a blend of multiple sources.
  7. Observing Transient Events: Resolving power is crucial when observing transient astronomical events, such as supernovae or gamma-ray bursts. These events are often short-lived and occur in crowded regions of the sky. High resolving power helps distinguish the event from surrounding stars or galaxies.
  8. Advancement of Science: Improvements in telescope resolving power lead to new discoveries and breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe. It drives scientific progress by allowing astronomers to explore phenomena with greater precision and accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the resolving power of a telescope?

Resolving power, also known as angular resolution, is the ability of a telescope to distinguish fine details and separate closely spaced objects in the night sky.

How is resolving power measured in telescopes?

Resolving power is typically quantified using the Rayleigh criterion, which involves calculating the minimum angular separation between two point sources for them to be perceived as separate entities.

What factors influence the resolving power of a telescope?

The resolving power of a telescope is primarily determined by its aperture (size of the primary lens or mirror) and the wavelength of light being observed. A larger aperture and shorter wavelengths lead to improved resolving power.

Why is resolving power important in telescopes?

Resolving power is crucial in astronomy as it allows astronomers to observe finer details of celestial objects, study planetary surfaces, identify individual stars in dense clusters, and investigate intricate features in galaxies.

How does the diameter of a telescope's aperture affect resolving power?

The resolving power of a telescope is directly proportional to the diameter of its aperture. A larger aperture allows more light to enter the telescope, resulting in better resolution and clearer images.

What are some modern techniques used to enhance the resolving power of telescopes?

Astronomers use various techniques to improve resolving power, such as adaptive optics, which compensates for atmospheric distortions, and interferometry, where multiple telescopes work together to create a virtual larger aperture.

Can resolving power be improved in space telescopes compared to ground-based telescopes?

Yes, space telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope have an advantage over ground-based telescopes because they are not affected by atmospheric turbulence, leading to higher resolving power and sharper images.

How is resolving power related to magnification in telescopes?

Resolving power and magnification are related but distinct concepts. While higher magnification can make objects appear larger, it does not necessarily improve the resolving power beyond the limit set by the telescope's aperture and wavelength of light.

Are there limitations to the resolving power of telescopes?

Yes, telescopes have a physical limit to their resolving power set by the Rayleigh criterion. Atmospheric conditions and optical imperfections can also affect resolving power, especially in ground-based telescopes.

How has resolving power in telescopes evolved over time?

Advancements in telescope technology and engineering have significantly improved resolving power over the years. From Galileo's first telescopes to modern space observatories, each generation of telescopes has brought substantial improvements in our abili

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