Home Articles Overview of UPPSC Civil Judge Exam: Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Overview of UPPSC Civil Judge Exam: Syllabus and Exam Pattern



Overview of UPPSC Civil Judge Exam: Syllabus and Exam Pattern


This article provides information about the UPPSC Judicial Syllabus. Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and Interview for UPSC Judicial Exam.

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) publishes the UPPCS Judicial Syllabus on its official website. Candidates can easily access the latest UP PCS J syllabus online or submit notifications at uppsc.up.nic.in


provides important information to the candidates by providing access to UPPCS Judicial Course Syllabus and Marks Distribution. In addition, detailed information about the UPPCS selection interview is also included in the announcement. See below for the complete UPPSC Judicial Syllabus.


UP PCS Judiciary Syllabus

The Uttar Pradesh (UP) Judicial Syllabus is an important part of the selection process of civil servants. It provides an overview of the laws and issues required for candidates to qualify for this job. UPPCS Judicial syllabus plays an important role in assessing the legal knowledge, analytical skills and qualifications of candidates to become state judges.


This article summarizes the main points of the UPPCS Judicial  syllabus, explains its importance and the topics it covers, while highlighting its important role in shaping the future of the criminal court in Uttar Pradesh.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must have completed LLB from a recognized institution in India.
  • The candidate must be a solicitor registered under the provisions of the Solicitors Act 1961, a solicitor in England or Northern Ireland, A member of the College of Solicitors of Scotland who is entitled to practice in the courts.
  • Candidates must have knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindi.
  • Candidates must be Indian citizens.
  • Directly recruited candidates must be at least 22 years old and not older than 35 years old.
  • Age relaxation is available for the following categories:
  • Age may be relaxed by up to 5 years if the candidate belongs to Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste, OBC, UP Journeyman.
  • The age of candidates who have served in the Army for at least 5 years is also softened by 5 years. The above age reduction is applicable for ex-servicemen/emergency officers/short-term officers/UP officers.
  • For physically disabled candidates, the age limit can be reduced to 15 years of age.
  • There will be no age limit for relatives of freedom fighters.
  • public employees can also apply, but they are not allowed to take leave.

UP PCS Judiciary exam is divided into three main stages:




UP PCS Judiciary Syllabus Overview

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) recruits judges in the state. To get the job, the candidate must pass a preliminary exam, a major exam and an interview. Bar Exams that candidates can apply to get more detailed information are listed in the table.



Name of Commission

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)

Known As



Civil Judge (Junior Division)

Online Application Date

To be declared

Last Date to Apply

To be declared

Way of Apply

Online Mode

Official Website




UP Judiciary Exam Pattern

UP PCS Judicial exam pattern consists of three parts: Preliminary Exams, Main Exam and Interview. The preliminary exam is divided into two parts: general knowledge and law. The PCS Judiciary Main exam has six sections and candidates can answer them in English or Hindi.


UP PCS Judiciary preliminary exam consists of questions related to general knowledge and principles. The main question paper of the UP PCS Judiciary exam pattern has been updated. The main test will be on paper. The first article is about general knowledge and the second and third articles are in English and Hindi. The fourth, fifth and sixth documents are related to the law. This article provides an overview of the structure of the PCS bar exam.


UP Judicial Preparation Exam Model 

UPCS Bar Exam, it all starts with the Preliminary Exam, which is the first phase of the UPCS Bar Exam. It has two forms: Form I and Form II. The first essay tests general knowledge and is worth 150 points. The second paper, Paper II, focuses on law and is worth 300 marks.


Both forms must be completed within 2 hours. The exam contains only multiple choice questions (MCQs). To understand more, you can refer to the UP PCS Judiciary syllabus.





Paper I

General Knowledge


2 Hours

Paper II



2 Hours




4 Hours

UP Judiciary Mains Exam Pattern:

If a candidate clears the UP PCS preliminary exam, he can appear for the main exam. Pre-screening helps determine who is eligible. The UPPSC Judicial main exam consists of 6 papers carrying 1000 marks. There are 5 articles in total, one. Both Arts and Law courses are offered in Hindi and English so that candidates can choose their preferred language.







General Knowledge


3 Hours


English Language


3 Hours


Hindi Language


3 Hours


Law -I (Substantive Law)


3 Hours


Law- II (Procedure and Evidence)


3 Hours


Law-III (Penal, Revenue, and Local Laws)


3 Hours



UP Judicial Interview Model

Each UPCS judicial interview is worth 100 marks and only candidates who perform well in the main exam will get a chance to appear for the interview. The main purpose of the Uttar Pradesh Judicial Interview is to evaluate the suitability of the candidate to become an Uttar Pradesh Judge. Characteristics such as character, personality and physical fitness are taken into account when evaluating suitable candidates.

UPPCS Judicial Curriculum Preliminary, Main and Interview

UPPCS Criminal Justice is a great place to start a career in public justice. Covering common law and constitutional law, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to pass the UPSC Bar Exam.


The UPPCS Criminal Justice course covers everything from the basics of civil and criminal law to the intricacies of business. Also included is an overview of the fundamentals of Indian law, from common law to criminal law.

UPPCS Judicial Curriculum Preparation Course

UP Judicial Preliminary Examination syllabus will not change compared to last year. Each test takes 2 hours and consists of multi-purpose questions.


The UP PCS Judicial Preliminary exam consists of two papers:


  • General Knowledge
  • Law.

Every graduate can understand the questions in the UP Judicial Examination General Knowledge paper without any preparation. UPPCS Judicial Paper should follow the pattern of last year's exam and focus on topics related to Indian politics, history, culture and country anywhere in India. The UP Judicial Examination General Knowledge paper is worth 150 marks and contains questions on the following topics:


  • History of India and Indian Culture
  • Geography of India
  • Indian Polity
  • Current National Issues and

Topics of Social relevance including sensitivity to persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and offenses on women and children with special references to the salient features of the:


  • Disability Rights Act, 2016, Part
  • Parent and Elder Services and Services, 2007 Section
  • Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, Article
  • Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Section
  • Violence Against Women in the Workplace (Prevention, Prevention and Treatment) Act, 2013 Section
  • Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, Section
  • , Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. Section
  • Indecent Expression of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, Article
  • Protection of Children from Crime, 2012
  • India and the world, Indian economy, international trade and organizations, developments in science, technology, communication and space.

UP Judicial Law Essay syllabus deals with current affairs in India and the world with reference to law. The UP Judicial Examination Law paper is worth 300 points and includes:


  • Jurisprudence
  • International Organizations
  • Current International Affairs
  • Indian Constitution
  • Transfer of Property Act
  • Indian Evidence Act
  • Indian Penal Code
  • Civil Procedure Code
  • Criminal Procedure Code
  • Law of Contract

UP PCS Judiciary Syllabus  Mains

If you have passed the UP bar exam before, you should prepare for the main exam. Below you will find the UPPSC Judicial Syllabus and the most important courses. The UPPCS Judicial exam consists of five parts: three related to law, one related to general knowledge and one related to language. All questions in each test are explanatory and worth 200 points. Three hours are allocated for each paper..

Mains Exam

The mains syllabus is based on the Language papers, General Knowledge, and Law papers.

Mains Examination Syllabus 

Paper I 

General Knowledge 

(200 Marks) 

  • History of India and Indian Culture
  •  Geography of India
  •  Indian Polity
  •  Current National Issues and topics of social relevance including sensitivity to persons with disabilities
  •  Senior citizens and offenses on women and children with special references to the salient features of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
  •  Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
  •  Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
  •  Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
  • Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  •  Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994  Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971  Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986
  •  Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
  •  India and the World
  •  Indian Economy
  •  International Affairs and Institutions and development in the field of Science and Technology
  •  Communications and Space.

Paper II 

English Language 


50 Marks

English Precis’ Writing 

30 Marks 

Translation of passage from Hindi to English 

20 Marks

Paper III 

Hindi Language 


50 Marks

English Precis’ Writing 

30 Marks 

Translation of passage from Hindi to English

20 Marks

Paper IV 

Law – I (Substantive Law) 

200 Marks 

  • Law of Contracts
  •  Law of Partnership
  •  Law concerning Easements and Torts
  •  Transfer of Property
  •  The Law relating to the Principles of Equity
  •  Law of Trust and Specific Relief
  •  Hindu Law
  •  Mohammedan Law  Constitutional Law

Paper V 

Law-II (Procedure and Evidence Law) 

200 Marks

  • Law of evidence, 1872
  • The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 including the principles of pleading.
  • Note: The question set will relate mainly to practical matters such as the framing of charges and issues, the methods of dealing with the evidence of witnesses, the writing of judgment and the conduct of cases generally but will not be restricted to them.

Paper VI 

Law-III (Penal, Revenue and Local Laws) 

200 Marks 


  • Indian Penal Code, 1860
  •  Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code, 2006 • Uttar Pradesh Urban Building (Regulation of Letting, Rent and Eviction) Act, 1972, • the Uttar Pradesh Regulation of Urban Premises Tenancy Act, 2021,
  • Uttar Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1916
  • U.P. Panchayat Raj Act, 1947
  •  U.P. Consolidation of Holdings Act,1953
  • Uttar Pradesh Urban (Planning and Development) Act 1973, together with rules framed under the aforesaid Acts.
  • Note: Answer to the questions of Local Laws will be compulsory. Questions pertaining to Penal Laws will be of 50 marks, whereas that of Revenue and Local Laws will be of 150 marks


  • The interview will be of 100 marks.
  • Eligibility of candidates to practice in the courts of Uttar Pradesh; They will be tested based on their physical strength, including ability, personality, character and attributes.
  • Interview score will be added to the test score and the candidate's rank will be determined as the sum of the two.
  • The Board has the right to refuse to interview candidates who are not included in the constitution in order to justify the rejection.


Frequently Asked Questions

How many attempts for the judiciary

There is no limit on the number of attempts as long as the contestant meets the age limit in their category.

Which state has the toughest judiciary exam

The most complex national judicial system in India is the Delhi Judicial Service. The examination is conducted by the Delhi High Court for the post of Judicial Magistrate and includes preliminary examination, critical examination and personal interview.

Is there negative marking in UP judiciary

UP Judicial Examination has a provision to give negative marks only for Preliminary Examination. For each incorrect answer in the pre-test, 0.33 points will be deducted as a penalty

How much time is sufficient for judiciary preparation

you will need at least 120 days to complete the Judicial Examination from start to finish according to the comprehensive guidelines.

Which state has the easiest judiciary

Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service Exam is one of the easiest judicial service exams in India.

Is the judiciary exam very tough

The Judiciary Exam is one of the toughest exams in India and if you want to crack the exam you need to know what to do while preparing for the Judiciary Exam.

Is LLM compulsory for the judiciary

No, is not mandatory to have a LLM degree to apply for the judge exam

What is the cut off for the judiciary

UP PCS J Junior Examination is 450 marks out of 150 marks for Paper 1 (Technical Knowledge) and 300 marks out of 300 marks for Paper 2 (Politics). The cut off rate is 40% for general candidates and 35% for SC/ST candidates.

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