Home Articles NMMS Full Form: Scholarship 2024, Eligibility, Exam Dates, Result, Amount and Awards

NMMS Full Form: Scholarship 2024, Eligibility, Exam Dates, Result, Amount and Awards


Kasturi Talukdar
Kasturi Talukdar

NMMS Full Form

NMMS Full Form: Comprehensive Overview

The NMMS full form stands for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship, a prestigious scholarship scheme initiated by the Department of School Education & Literacy under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The primary objective of the program is to provide financial assistance to the meritorious and economically weaker students, encouraging them to continue their secondary education. Every year, around 100,000 NMMS scholarships are disbursed among bright students, providing an annual scholarship amount of INR 12,000 per student.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve deeper into the various aspects of NMMS, including the NMMS full form, scholarship 2024, eligibility criteria, important dates, exam details, and crucial steps to check the NMMS result.

NMMS is a national means-cum-merit scholarship offered by the government of India to provide financial assistance to deserving students from Class IX to XII. This merit scholarship scheme aims to promote literacy and reduce the dropout rate at the secondary stage across India, especially among SC/ST and other economically disadvantaged groups. To qualify for NMMS, students need to clear a written examination consisting of MAT and SAT tests on topics such as Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and General Knowledge. Eligibility criteria are based on parental income levels and residency in local body schools or residential schools. The NMMS selection test is conducted annually by the Department of School Education at state-levels with selected candidates receiving INR 12,000 per annum for four years. Students can check their results online through public financial management systems such as NSP or contact their local State Bank of India branch for more information about scholarship amounts and extra time that may be available during exams.

NMMS Full Form: Highlights

The major NMMS full form highlights are tabulated below: 


NMMS Full Form Highlights

Full Form

National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship


To reduce the dropout rate of students in Class 8 and encourage them to continue their education at the secondary level


INR 12,000 per annum


Regular students of class 9 with a score of 55% marks in class 8 final exam

Application period

August-November (Tentative)

Application process

Through the official government portal NSP (National Scholarship Portal)

NMMS Full Form: Objectives of NMMS Scholarship 2024

The NMMS scholarship scheme was launched by the Government of India. The following points are the objectives of NMMS Scholarship: 

  1. The aim of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to economically backward students.
  2. One of the objectives of the NMMS scholarship is to encourage meritorious students to continue their education beyond the secondary stage.
  3. The initiative focuses on reducing the dropout rate among ST and SC students from economically weaker sections of society.
  4. The NMMS scholarship promotes equal opportunities for education for all students, regardless of their economic background.
  5. The selection test for the scholarship includes a Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and a Mental Ability Test (MAT).
  6. These tests evaluate students' knowledge in subjects like mathematics, science, social studies, and reasoning.
  7. The objective of the tests is to improve literacy rates among ST/SC students and provide them with opportunities for higher education.
  8. The NMMS scholarship is offered by the Department of School Education under the Ministry of Human Resource Development.

The National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) was introduced in 2008 with a mission to reduce the dropout rate among students after class 8. By offering financial support, the scholarship aims to motivate students to complete their secondary and higher secondary education. Every year, NMMS conducts a state-level examination for students across the country, evaluating their mental ability and scholastic aptitude to determine the scholarship recipients.

The NMMS scholarship for 2024 is expected to be announced in August, with application deadlines usually falling in October. However, these dates are tentative and subject to change according to the scholarship provider's discretion.

Also Read About: Oasis Scholarship 2024

NMMS Full Form: Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the NMMS scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Students must be regular class 9 students, having secured a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grades in their class 8 final exam.
  2. Students should be pursuing education from government, local body, or government-aided schools.
  3. The candidate's annual family income should not exceed INR 1.5 Lakh.
  4. Students enrolled in NVS, KVS, Sainik schools, and private schools are not eligible for the NMMS scholarship.
  5. To continue receiving the scholarship in class 11, students must secure at least 60% marks in their class 10 board exam.
  6. To continue receiving the scholarship in class 12, students must pass class 11 in their first attempt with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grades.

For SC/ST category students, a relaxation of 5% is given in marks.

NMMS Full Form: Who are not Eligible?

For the NMMS scholarship 2024, students from NVS, KVS, Sainik Schools, and private schools are not eligible.

Students who are enrolled in residential or boarding schools run by state government institutions are not qualified.

NMMS Full Form: Qualifications for Scholarship Renewal

  • In addition to being chosen, the student needs to receive a minimum of 55% (with 5% less for students in reserved categories) in the class 8 exam in order to be eligible for a scholarship in class 9.
  • To be eligible for a scholarship in Class 10, students must pass Class 9.
  • To be eligible for a scholarship in Class 11, he or she must receive 60% in Class 10 (with 5% granted for restricted categories).
  • To receive a scholarship in Class 12, one must pass Class 11.

NMMS Full Form: Important Dates 2024

The NMMS scholarship is generally announced every year during the month of August, with the application deadline falling in October. However, these dates may vary from year to year and are subject to change at the discretion of the scholarship provider. 


Last Date

NMMS Assam




NMMS Odisha Form


NMMS Bihar


NMMS Gujarat Form




NMMS Punjab


NMMS Karnataka


NMMS Maharashtra


NMMS West Bengal


NMMS Telangana


NMMS Himachal Pradesh


NMMS Jharkhand Form


NMMS Haryana Form


NMMS Goa Form


NMMS Chhattisgarh Form


NMMS Uttarakhand Form


NMMS Uttar Pradesh


NMMS Puducherry


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NMMS Full Form: Exam Details

The NMMS examination is conducted at the state level and consists of two sections: Mental Ability Test (MAT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Both tests are composed of 90 multiple-choice questions, and each test must be completed within a 90-minute time frame. The MAT assesses the reasoning abilities and critical thinking of students, while the SAT evaluates their knowledge in science, social studies, and mathematics based on the syllabus of classes 7 and 8.

NMMS Exam Syllabus and Pattern

Mental Ability Test (MAT)

The MAT consists of 90 multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate a student's reasoning abilities and critical thinking. Questions are primarily based on topics such as analogy, classification, numerical series, pattern perception, and hidden figures.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

The SAT consists of 90 multiple-choice questions covering the subjects of science, social studies, and mathematics as per the syllabus of classes 7 and 8.

NMMS Full Form: Books and Publications 2024

A selection of the top books for the NMMS exam in 2024 may be seen below. Look these over; students can learn a lot from them.

Give the Class 8 Math, Science, and Social Science NCERT books first priority.

To prepare for the NMMS scholarship exam in 2024, read the NCERT books for Class 7 as well.

After finishing these books, practice using example papers and papers from prior years.

NMMS Full Form: Question Paper 2024

It is crucial to complete the NMMS sample papers and question papers from the previous year. This will give you a leg up as you're getting ready. Students will gain knowledge of time management techniques and test question kinds in this course. You might be able to gauge the exam's complexity by practicing frequently.

NMMS Full Form: Application Form 2024

The National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) is a scheme that offers financial assistance to economically backward meritorious students in pursuing their education. It is a part of the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The scholarship amount is Rs. 12,000 per annum, and it supports students from classes IX to XII who study in local body schools or residential schools. The program aims to increase literacy among students by providing them with opportunities to continue their studies.

To be eligible for the NMMS scholarship scheme, applicants must clear the selection test, which includes both the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Apart from this, applicants have to secure at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in the Class VIII examination. Students belonging to the SC/ST categories and those with disabilities can also apply if they meet these criteria.

The National Scholarship Portal (NSP) facilitates online applications for the NMMS scholarship scheme. Students can contact their respective state departments of school education or local bodies for further information about eligibility criteria, the application process, and selection tests. The final list of students selected for the scholarship is announced after the completion of the selection process, and students can check their names on the official website or through email.

Application Process

To apply for the NMMS scholarship, students must ensure they meet all the eligibility criteria. They can then proceed to apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP). Here is a step-by-step guide to help students complete the NMMS scholarship application easily:

  1. Register on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) as a new user, providing accurate information.
  2. Keep scanned copies of all relevant documents ready before starting the application process.
  3. Fill in details such as educational qualifications, Aadhaar card number, school enrollment number, bank details, and state domicile.
  4. Upon registration on NSP, an application ID is generated, which serves as the login ID for NSP and future references.
  5. Students studying in classes 9 and 10 should apply under the Pre-Matric scholarship category, while those in classes 11 and 12 should apply under the Post Matric scholarship category.
  6. Pay attention while filling in personal details like name, date of birth, email ID, identification details, and mobile number.
  7. Upload all necessary documents and save the details as a draft.
  8. Once all information is correctly filled in, submit the completed application form.

NMMS Full Form: Exam Fees

For NMMS, each student must pay a registration fee of INR 100 (if applicable). However, each institute must pay an affiliation fee of INR 200 every year.

For general students, the NMMS application fee for Daman & Diu is INR 75; for SC/ST students, it is INR 55.

NMMS Full Form: Documents Required 

It may be necessary for students to provide copies of their identity and academic records as verification when they apply to take the NMMS exam.

The following are crucial files that must be sent with your NMMS application:

  • Two passport-sized photos
  • Must turn in a copy of the report card from the seventh-grade exam.
  • Xerox copy of the certification for SC/ST
  • Disability certification from the appropriate body
  • Must present a certificate of income issued by the appropriate authorities.

NMMS Full Form: Selection Criteria

The NMMS selection test is conducted by each state/UT for their respective students, following guidelines set by the NCERT. To be selected for the NMMS scholarship, students must score at least 40% in both the MAT and SAT. However, a relaxation of marks is provided for reserved categories, with a cutoff mark of 32% to avail of the scholarship benefit.

NMMS Full Form: Steps to Check NMMS Scholarship Result 2024

  • Visit the respective state portal.
  • Click on the NMMS Result link.
  • Enter the candidate's name or roll number.
  • Click on Submit to view the NMMS Result.
  • The NMMS SAT and MAT scorecards are also available on the same page.

NMMS Full Form: Cut Off Marks


Expected NMMS Cut Off Marks


110-115 Marks


100-105 Marks


105-110 Marks

SC (Scheduled Caste)

90-95 Marks

ST (Scheduled Tribes)

90-95 Marks

NMMS Full Form: Award Details

  1. NMMS awards a total of 100,000 scholarships annually, with each selected student receiving INR 12,000 per year (INR 1,000 per month).
  2. The scholarship amount under the National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship is disbursed by the State Bank of India (SBI) in a single payment.
  3. The amount is directly transferred to the students' accounts through the Public Financial Management System (PFMS).
  4. The allocation of scholarships to each State and Union Territory is based on the enrollment of students in classes 7 and 8 and their population in the respective regions.
  5. For class 9 students, the scholarship amount of INR 12,000 per year is provided in a lump sum for the academic year.
  6. The scholarship is renewable annually until the student completes their Higher Secondary level of education (Class 12), subject to the student's clear promotion to a higher class each year.

NMMS Full Form: State Wise Official Websites for NMMS

The states are tabulated below along with their official websites:


Official Websites

NMMS Odisha


NMMS Bihar 


NMMS West Bengal 


NMMS Haryana 


NMMS Chhattisgarh 


NMMS Tripura 


NMMS Jammu and Kashmir 


NMMS Daman & Diu


NMMS Andhra Pradesh


NMMS Telangana


NMMS Uttarakhand


NMMS Madhya Pradesh


NMMS Uttar Pradesh


NMMS Chandigarh


NMMS Delhi


NMMS Himachal Pradesh




NMMS Kerala


NMMS Sikkim


NMMS Maharashtra


NMMS Punjab


NMMS Gujarat


NMMS Assam


FAQs on NMMS Full Form
Q. What is NMMS full form?
A. The National Means cum Merit Scholarship scheme, well known as NMMS Exam was started in May 2008. NMMS Exam is fully financed by the Central Government. Local authority takes the examination.
Q. What is NMMS exam eligibility?
A. Class 9 students with a score of 55% marks in Class 8 final exam are eligible for the exam. 
Q. What are the benefits of NMMS exam?
A. The amount of scholarship will be Rs. 12000/- per annum @ Rs. 1000 per month per student to the selected students every year to study in classes from IX to XII in State Government, Government aided and local body schools.
Q. Is the NMMS exam easy?
A. Candidates preparing for the examination should, therefore, have extensive knowledge of the NMMS Syllabus. However, there are no pre-defined topics under the syllabus of NMMS examination. The difficulty level of the NMMS examination however remains similar to that of a class VII and VIII student.
Q. Is NMMS only for government students?
A. Government, Government Aided, Local body students of 8th Standard are eligible to sit for the examination. Parental income should not exceed Rs.3,50,000/- per annum.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a student get the NMMS scholarship?

To avail benefits under the NMMS scheme, students should be regular students of Class 9, having obtained at least 55% marks or equivalent grades in their Class 8 examination. Furthermore, to continue receiving the scholarship in Class 11, the students mus

: How can a student apply for the NMMS scheme?

Eligible students can apply for the NMMS scheme online through the National Scholarship Portal. They are required to register on the portal and continue with the application process after logging in to the user dashboard.

How can a student check the result of the NMMS exam?

The NMMS results for the selection test are declared by each state separately. The list of selected students is released after assessing the scores obtained by them. Students who have scored at least 40% in both the MAT and SAT will be selected for the sc

What is the pattern of the NMMS examination?

The NMMS examination consists of two sections: Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The MAT comprises 90 multiple-choice questions to evaluate a student’s reasoning abilities and critical thinking, while the SAT assesses the

What is NMMS and what does it stand for?

NMMS is the abbreviation for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme, a scholarship program sponsored by the government of India. The scheme provides financial assistance to economically weaker students from class 9th to 12th to encourage them to cont

Who is eligible to apply for the NMMS scholarship?

Students who have completed 7th grade and attained a minimum of 55% marks can apply for the NMMS scholarship. The government sets an annual income limit for the student’s family, and they must be studying in a recognized school.

How are students selected for the NMMS scholarship?

The NMMS scholarship is awarded to students who clear a national-level examination with two tests, MAT and SAT. Eligibility requires achieving minimum qualifying marks in both tests. Final selection depends on merit and the availability of scholarships in

When are the important dates for the NMMS scholarship application and exam?

The NMMS scholarship application process usually begins in August or September, with the submission deadline falling in October or November. The exam is held in December or January, and results are declared in the following months. Scholarship distributio

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