Home Articles MAT Score Vs Percentile 2024 Analysis: Expected Score & Calculation

MAT Score Vs Percentile 2024 Analysis: Expected Score & Calculation

MAT Exam >


Ridhima Jindal
Ridhima Jindal

MAT Score Vs Percentile: A common question that arises in the score and percentile analysis is “What is the difference between Score and Percentile?”. In layman's terms, the MAT Score is the raw score that the candidate has obtained in the exam (the actual score), whereas the term MAT Percentile refers to the candidate's relative performance compared to the other test takers. Any test taker needs to understand the difference between the two terms so that they can plan their future accordingly. 

To understand this better, let us take a hypothetical example. Let us assume that a student has scored 135 marks out of 150, and his percentile is 85%. This means that the student answered 135 questions correctly and his raw score is 135 (1 mark awarded for each correct answer), and the percentile states that the student has performed better than 85% of the MAT Exam takers.

The article below provides a detailed understanding of the MAT Marks vs. percentile analysis, MAT composite scores, scaled score, MAT total marks, and other important information like how to calculate the percentile scores, formula to calculate, previous year analysis, cutoff score for top MAT accepting colleges, and much more.

MAT Score vs Percentile - An Analysis

While understanding this analysis candidates must keep in mind that the final MAT Score vs Percentile analysis is available after the sessions have concluded. The analysis below is drawn from MAT 2023 to help the students get a fair idea of the process and scores. While calculating the MAT Score vs Percentile the raw score is converted to a scaled score and after the normalization process is completed it gives an overall composite score of 800.

MAT Composite Score (out of 800)

MAT Percentile











Below 521

Below 50

Understanding the MAT Composite Score

The MAT Composite score is nothing but the marks calculated based on the four sections of the exam - Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Mathematical Skills, and Language Comprehension. The Economics & Business Environment (previously Indian & Global Environment) scores are not included in this calculation. The composite score is calculated on a scale of 199 - 801.

Also Check: MAT Cutoff

There is no particular formula to calculate the composite score. However, the below pointers give a fair understanding of the composite score calculation.

  • The composite score is calculated on a scale of 199 - 801
  • Composite scores of less than 200 and more than 800 are rare
  • All scores below 200 are categorized as 199, and all scores above 800 are categorized as 801. This means any score below 199 is also stated as 199 and similarly for scores above 800

Check the below table for marks allotted to each section along with the composite score analysis.

MAT Sections

Marks Allotted

Composite Score Scale

Language Comprehension


0- 100

Mathematical Skills


0- 100

Data Analysis and Sufficiency


0- 100

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning


0- 100

Indian and Global Environment*


0- 100*




What is the MAT Percentile?

MAT percentile refers to the percentage of total exam takers that have scored below a particular candidate. The MAT percentile is influenced by the total number of candidates who appeared and the marks obtained by all the exam takers. So if 5,000 candidates took the test, the percentile of each candidate will be calculated based on the performance of 4,999 students. The formula to calculate the percentile is given below.

MAT Percentile = (Composite scores obtained by a candidate/ Total number of candidates) * 100 

MAT Percentile - Important Notes

Candidates must keep in mind the following when referring to the MAT Percentile.

  • Most colleges accept MBA admissions based on the MAT Score, while some may also prefer the composite score
  • Besides the composite scores, some B-Schools prefer taking their own written tests, group discussions (GD), and personal interview (PI) rounds as part of the selection process

MAT Score Vs Percentile - A comparison

The major difference between the MAT Score and Percentile is that the MAT Score is an absolute measure and is given out of 200, while the MAT percentile is a relative measure calculated using a score of 160 (excluding the Economics section). Check the key differences between the two tabulated below.

MAT Score

MAT Percentile

The raw score obtained by a candidate

Number of candidates who scored lower than the candidate

Indicates knowledge and understanding

Indicates comparative position in the exam

It is the candidates’ absolute performance

It is the candidates’ relative performance

It is scaled on a range of 0-200

The percentile score ranges between 0-100

MAT Score Percentile Accepting Institutes

Almost 800 colleges accept the MAT Score for MBA Admissions. While some colleges accept the percentile and raw scores, some colleges also prefer admissions based on the composite scores. Some B-Schools also prefer their selection procedure including WAT. GD, and PI rounds. Check the list of MAT Accepting colleges along with the MAT Score and Percentile Analysis below.


MAT Score

MAT Percentile







VIT Vellore



SIESCOMS Navi Mumbai



Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore



Amity Business School



XIME, Bangalore



ITM Navi Mumbai






IPE Hyderabad



MAT Result

The MAT Result for all the 3 modes - PBT, CBT, and IBT is released a few weeks after the exam. The MAT Score is valid for 1 year to get admission to the MAT accepting colleges. The scorecard includes details like the candidate's name, roll number, scores obtained, percentile, etc.

Check the top MBA Colleges accepting MAT Score

Details Mentioned on the MAT Scorecard

The MAT Scorecard for all three modes is released together and includes the following details:

  • Scores obtained in Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning and Indian & Global Environment
  • Composite Score of the first four sections of MAT 2024
  • Sectional Percentiles of all five sections of MAT
  • Overall MAT percentile as well as overall Composite Score
  • Candidate name and Roll Number

MBA Colleges Accepting MAT 80 - 90 Percentile

Check the top MBA Colleges for MAT 80 - 90 Percentile below.

MBA Colleges

(Rs.in Lakhs)

(Rs.in Lakhs)

BIMTECH PGDM-Insurance Business Management



Amrita School of Business Coimbatore



IPE Hyderabad



Chandragupt Institute of Management - CIMP Patna



SIES Mumbai



Delhi School of Business (DSB) Delhi



MBA Colleges Accepting MAT 60 - 80 Percentile

Check the top MBA Colleges for MAT 60 - 80 Percentile below.

MBA Colleges

(Rs.in Lakhs)

(Rs.in Lakhs)

BIMTECH PGDM Retail Management



Sri Balaji University Pune (SBUP)



Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur



SOIL Institute of Management



AIMS School of Business (AIMS Institutes)



Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS Rohini) Delhi



Frequently Asked Questions

How is MAT score different from MAT percentile?

The MAT score is the number of points awarded to candidates out of 200 (including all five sections) based on correct and incorrect answers. MAT percentile, on the other hand, is calculated from that raw score out of 160. The scores from the Indian and Gl

Can I appear for the MAT exam in the same year, if I am not satisfied with the MAT score?

Yes, MAT is given four times per year. Candidates may appear multiple times in the same year.

What is the validity of the MAT score?

The MAT score is only valid for a year. Candidates must retake the MAT after their scorecard expires.

What is the MAT composite score?

The composite score is set at 800. The scaled score of 0 to 199 is converted to an 800 composite score.

What is a good MAT percentile?

A percentile score of 90 or higher can get you calls from top B-Schools that accept the MAT for MBA admission. A MAT score of 80 percentile can also result in some decent offers for MBA admission from Tier 2 B-Schools.

How to calculate MAT score?

There are 40 questions in each MAT section. Candidates receive one point for each correct attempt and 0.25 point for each incorrect attempt. Candidates can calculate their raw score by counting the number of correct and incorrect exam attempts. It will te

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